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  • Are you up for some matches? I won't sugarcoat my request lest you should unwillingly accept. ^_^

    Edit: Found one, but I'll be back for you later! :p
    Yup, but I really hate playing as the motherboys though, kind of boring for me. Everyone else is pretty fun. I can't chain grab lucas for beans, though.
    thanks I have been wanting to try this for a while but didnt know anyone who had the game lol. Layed off work have to much time lol
    My metaknight is godly, but I hate playing as him, hes so boring and I hate using a character that doesn't have much disadvantages. Honestly I like challenging characters with complicated techniques. As you can tell from Ice climbers, Olimar and Squirtle.
    GG's, sorry about that match end, I only did it once though, because Ice climbers suck in FFA's and you guys kept messing up my chain grabs >:[.
    You're getting too good >:O
    town name Kazoo (apples)
    ingame name clarence
    friend code 3051-1422-1659
    lol Thanks! Half the people I know are smash directors, but thats because I hang out in the Online Tournament Listings haha

    Are you thinking about joining his tournament? I think you should =D
    Hi Samusbrawler how is Shadowfire's tournament? also congrats on being a smashdirector I became one today to me you shadowfire and reo were all smashdirectors kinda cool right?
    Sowwy for not finishing your tourney ;_; I was feeling awful D:
    My stomach and head hurted like ....... D=
    Sorry :( Your tourney was really fun ^_^
    Oh... sweet sweet sorrow you will be having.

    A Peach never looses...

    Especially since I've been active for once lol.
    oh sweet then that should be perfect! hopefully the lag isn't too bad...i dont think so though because i've played people in IL and the lag wasn't noticable at all. alright ill add ya when i can and hopefully give you a heads up if i can play ^^
    I'm 2 hrs behind you so it wouldn't be a problem =D

    FC: 3995-8553-8766
    well whats your fc anyays so i can add ya and then we can play if we ever see each other online. And as to tonight, i'm talking late like 10:30+ est... but maybe 10:00
    well sadly i cant really play until way later tonight... and if i see you around on the weekend we can play it up (not until later in the night though) yeah i know i know its a messed up schedule =P
    anyways fc-5026-4392-5973
    yeah and from there its hard to stop :lick: hey can we play sometime or are ya gonna leave this scrub alone? ;)
    yeah same here =P i joined and then didn't come back for a while and then tried to join a tournament but it was required that you have 50+ posts in order to join... so i started doing that and now its kinda fun

    i think that almost happens to everyone :D its a phenomenon!
    sweeeet. last time I saw your name, you had like 990-something posts. now its 1,135 geez whatchu been up to?
    Lol that's cool. I thought you were pissed off at me lol... or are you? XD
    I see, so do you wanna play later on because something crazy happened yesterday, and I got my *** kicked by Viper JLT4GOV! Man I hate Kirby, :( and i've been 3 stocked by him to many times. :(
    Oh, why thank you. I just switched the colors on the original hyperness.gif, I'm planning on doing all of Ness' color schemes :)
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