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  • We don't have to.
    Do you want special CPs or just neutrals? I'm fine with either.
    I chose her because...actually I don't know. I just used her one day and everything just seemed so... right. Like a connection or something. I mained Lucario before her (hmm)
    A lot of the wrong moves were coming out by mistake tho. Like some bairs...weren't supposed to be bairs :s

    Still not good enough though. Meh, I'll get there. I don't use Ike enough (ono)
    Well, know that everytime that we fight, your very existence is on the line :evil:.

    But I have to ask, is Marth your least favorite character? Just curious.

    Yeah, I guess so. I can beat most average Falco's with Pit, but I can't beat any pro Falco's >__>. Not even Marth does well against pro Falco's... But Kirby gives you trouble? I should've used him. He's my secondary, after all. Although, I would be a bit afraid to aproach you with Kirby. One Fsmash and Kirby goes bye-bye. I used to have problems with ROB, but I haven't been beaten by one in a while.
    Alright. Thanks for the offer.

    That does it. I will not stand by and have my holy White Marth's soul be eaten. Prepare to be erased.

    I'm just joking around, by the way :laugh:

    You know what's funny, though. I felt I had an easier time with your Ike while I was playing Pit. It's wierd, because it feels easier to play against characters with Marth than with Pit.

    I hope I get the kind of experience you have with the Pit Vs. Falco, Fox, and Wolf MU's. I would love to just beat them up and show that Pit is better than those three >__>. Just like how you're experienced with the Marth Vs. Ike MU. Then I shall erase them too. I hate them with a passion.
    Really? Thanks for the compliment ^__^. I don't really know what to do against an experienced Ike, though. I've been able to defeat him before; but no one has used his godly jabs like you do. And I've been able to outrange Ike's attacks with Marth, but you solved that problem in an instant. You're very good, though. I hope I can Brawl you again ^__^.
    Yup they were! Lag was getting on my nerves too. Messed up my Marth's timing and spacing >__>. You main Ike though, right? You're super good with him. You make him look fast!

    Thanks for my Pit! I did my best to defeat you, but the only character I defeated you in was Diddy. You're a really awesome player, though. Hopefully I can become better and actually be able to give you a challenge XD. Hope to Brawl you again soon!
    I doubt it, lol. You simply can't ask 14-19 year old strangers to do stuff cause most of them are lazy *******s. You're better off to go make your own (which is what I'm helping Marthage with)

    ZSS is in my bottom 5 characters actually x__x

    ...You weren't watching the stream last night? I thought you were...
    Why not? It's better than risking losing. I mean with 10 seconds left...

    You were at over 200%. Clearly it was anyone's game (dhat)

    Next time we play, I'm using :ike: right off the bat before it starts lagging.

    And seeing Chu yesterday really made me want to step up my :kirby: game...
    Dear me that lag. Every time I try to show you my Ike's moves it starts lagging hard. And of course the ditto I had a good lead in would D/C >_____>

    GGs though. Fun as always. I knew I'd time your Samus out from the beginning :evil:
    I never really knew any1 that uses a great sword I know some lancers and hammers but not a GS
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