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  • Oh snap, Wolf isn't allowed...
    But Ness is...
    I don't know which one to use.

    If we are going to be the Wakkas, then we need to both have Wakka avatars for the tourney. :laugh:Want me to get you one? I'll make it the same as mine, only it will be gray, like the gray you post in.
    I was kind of hoping you'd like the raccoon one. :laugh:
    If you like the jab one, and Wolf is allowed, here's another alternative.

    Can't Let You Jab That
    I've got a few ideas... lol.

    Peekay Jab (If wolf isn't allowed)
    HOR's Dual Strike
    The Ultra Epic Raccoons of the Underworld
    I Fight For My Bair
    The Greil Starfighters
    The Wakkas

    ...I don't know. Just a few I've thought of.
    Well thanks dude. :)
    Actually, that was failed attempt at Lucas' only kill combo. I used to be able to do it all the time, usually getting most of my kills that way. That combo is known as the dtilt lock. It is only escapable after the 4th hit of dair. The 4th hit causes a knockdown, so you fastfall and dtilt while they're on the ground, and it becomes inescable. After the dtilts, you can fsmash, dsmash, or even usmash, since the lock forces the get up animation.
    I think that's a bit too much credit though. You have the best Ike I've ever played, and my Lucas isn't close to being on on par with that. I appreciate the compliment, but I know where to draw the line.

    Soooo... What shall our team name be? >:D
    No, I feel honored you'd come to me over other and better low-tier mains in HOR.
    I'd love to participate. I just need to get better if I'm going to be of any help to you.
    You're... You're asking me?
    I main Wolf, but sure, sounds fun. (is Wolf allowed?)
    I'm taking a break from Brawl for a few days though. I need to shake some bad habits.
    Maybe that's why I'm losing all the time...
    Most of the time I was doing nair, I wasn't wanting to. :(
    But thanks, I'll keep that in mind.
    The best thing you can do is just show true class about it.
    Take it with a smile and keep your head held high. You shouldn't give up because other people don't like the way you play. If you're okay with how you play, then just keep at it.
    Let them hate, they're not you.
    In summation, don't let other people coerce you into changing your playstyle.
    What, seriously?
    Dude, you're cool. :)
    To heck with whoever hates your way of playing. You play how you play, and if others are against it, just don't concern yourself with them.
    You're one of HOR's finest. Don't let others bring you down.
    Now let's play. Wolfie hungers for more practice. :wolf:
    Yea like at the end Envy transformed into her. Then told gluttony to eat them but instead got swallowed along with Ed.

    The Japanese guy was about to own Envy till he decided to transform into that girl lol cheap.

    Available for the rest of the day today or until I pass out again, whichever comes first.

    I'll be on the xat.
    Lawl, I'll be ok.

    & I'm stronger then you..remember? I can handle my own fight!
    Plus I got Roxy, lol.

    Nighty nite DTK <3
    Oh, my bad.
    It was a bow and calling me an elder HOR.
    But coincidentally, I like little raccoon better, so it works out just fine.
    Heh, it's funny. Just a few weeks ago you called me master.
    Now I'm just little raccoon. Can't say I blame you though.
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