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Dr Peepee
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  • There's never a disadvantageous time to use cape. wtfux you talkin bout <_<

    Thanks bro. And after that...you can skip the ICs vids if you want (Jim plays Falco in them though if youre interested in that), I need you to watch my Falco vids. I really want to get good with him because he's like the most fun character in Melee and I was too focused on Peach to try him out pre-Brawl :/

    MK isn't boring you're right, but...I feel so gay with him. And Jim totally refuses to play me if I use MK. That presents a problem lol

    DJCing? Holy **** thats crazy...do you mean like insta-float then just aerial then drop it? cuz thats not too big...or is it like a super cool AT?

    I AM the Ken of ROB. Respect. :laugh:
    Yeah, we go Snake and DK in teams now though. Got some nice setups and team combos, it's pretty flashy stuff.
    Woah nice critique O_O Whats wrong with the cape though? Thats like the pimpest move...ever.

    Don't bother critiquing Match #2 btw it's nothing but suicides and gimps. You might laugh at it though...Match #3 I'd love for you to critique though because I started off great but then I just started sucking x_x

    And Snake is so boring :( I can't force myself to play a boring character lol I just suck.

    Don't you still have the link in your history or somethin? Check for me plz <3

    The ROB boards totally lied...I know everything. o_o
    Snake is boring

    I still want that peach video

    And uh

    ROB boards are too cool to lie. We have toasty. It's the mario boards who are wrong.
    Ha. The Diddy is still nice. Been really putting some time in on the doubles though. Me and Rag are thinking about taking it next time.
    First vid is up. Check it out. Don't laugh :/

    Mario is way worse then Falco...lol..yay johns :)

    I get shield grabbed but not that much...yay things to work on!

    Send me the vid bro. I need to see it lol

    Lucas is sooooooo fun...I'll make him good. Just like I did ROB.

    No, he wasn't any good before I started playing him.

    I revolutionized the ROB game, didn't you hear?

    (MK is gay not touching that

    And Mario is like 50-50 with ROB afaik)
    Thanks bro. Appreciate it :) The first video (Mario vs. Fox) is processing now. It took like an hour. x_x

    My Mario completely sucks btw, so don't judge too early...I mean honestly my Falco isn't great either but it's better then my Mario <_<;

    What's wrong with Mid-Match? :( I mean I just like mess around when they die like most people. Thats all the tech skill practice I really get though, so...I guess I could start going into training mode and ****

    What's the new Peach tech? If I have to play Holymarth he's knocking me out I have no Peach counter...my ROB gets ***** by peach :( Dark.pch beat me. Friggin Dark.pch.

    ICs have amazing grabs lmao soooo fun to screw around with

    Lucas is fun as hell dude o_o and I actually got beat by some crappy lucas player online named Irsic. And he recorded the match and posted it online. Woo <_< I hate watching myself play because I can see like all 500 mistakes that I made and so can everyone else x_X

    DDD is gay and MK is gayer. Diddy isn't gay though so I can play him :)

    And ROB's bad matchups are MK, GaW, Marth, and Peach. At least, that's all I know of. And if you know anyone who counters MK, GaW, Marth, and Peach, tell me :laugh:
    Will do ASAP. We're still not sure who can drive us there so I can't tell you now lol

    Umm...about doing good. That might be a problem. <_< I try to go fast, but...it doesn't always work that way. Falco is prob. my fastest character but I think my Pre-Brawl peach was faster :laugh:

    What do you mean by practicing tech? I don't really go into training mode and wavedash and stuff, but when I play with Jim I practice it...does that count?

    And I am, but all the characters I want to play besides ROB...suck. Peach, ICs, Lucas...and kind of Diddy but idk he gets old sometimes. ROB is the only person I really like to play lol
    Okay so...somewhere near Exit 125, right? Just makin sure I have this down pat so we're not at two totally opposite places <_<

    About tech skill...we recorded MELEE today omg. Just watch some of the vids (My Falco vs. His Ganon, My ICs vs. his Falco, and my Mario vs. His Fox) and tell us what we're doin wrong lol. I can waveshine with falco, thats tech skill right? <_<

    Brawls aight, but I'm still only any good with ROB. Which is a problem :(
    Yeah, 45 or 125A or something like that

    Either way, I know one of those places is pretty close to us, and Jim's gonna ask his mom if she can drop us off somewhere near there. I'm gonna ask mine too but I'm not expecting much lol
    Lol so Peachy said i have to stop talking about it, thenI didn't, then he kicked me out, then I asked to be back in if I don't mention it, and then he said OK and now I'm back but not allowed to talk about herpes.
    Hey Dr. PeePee! I finally made a thread on the pika topics. We're still working out all the possibilities. THanks for your support.

    Edit: Oh and do you know Ali's Tag name on smashboards?

    LDPK, a fledgeling smashboards'er
    Lol sure but I think we would have to pm candy because his brother doesn't really get on :laugh:
    Fox definitely is worth it from what I've seen, all the hard work and dedication people put into Fox for the most part is worth all of that time.

    Yeah man, Marth and Sheik's fairs are really good, so SHFFL is great to use for it. As for SH and DJ, I will, I also gotta practice my wavedashing. I can wavedash, but I have trouble doing it in the heat of battle.

    Lucas does combo well, he can do some pretty sick stuff. The only thing that makes Lucas beatable in my eyes are his mindgames, he's pretty predictable IMO. But that may be because I've played him so much that I know the way he plays. He is flashy lol

    Yeah, 2D. I don't think 3D is in the competitive scene in Puzzle League and it's boring IMO. 2D FTW =D

    He does care about stuff, well...some stuff. Sometimes Shady won't really give a rat's butt about some things. He can be apathetic at times, but not all the time. For the most part Shady's just a really calm guy. Funny? Oh he11 yes lol, I think he's one of the funniest people ever. But he's one of those people you have to get to know first.
    I mainly use Sheik and Marth, I really want to pick up Fox but my technical skills aren't good enough yet since he's really technically demanding. lol yea Lucas shield grab *****, Lucas doesn't shield grab much, he tries to do all these awesome techs instead =P

    yeah man def practice puzzle league, it's too good.

    As for Shady, he's an extremely calm person. I don't think I've ever seen him yell, very relaxed.
    i dont even know man, i havent thought about it at all. Yet i will prolly team with you son, you still the best
    I'm still practicing up on L-Cancels, I'm starting to get the hang of it. I shield grab A LOT, you can ask Lucas. I don't get shield grabbed fairly often at all.

    Yeah GCN controller, we all use the d-pad for it rather than the control stick. Kinda like the N64 controller's d-pad rather than the control stick.

    Oh ok that's fine, have fun at the club. Make sure to tell them that you play Marth, then they'll know whose in charge.
    yea man, atleast I try to be technical, lol

    ah puzzle league, we should definitely play when we see each other. I have it on the virtual console though so you'll have to use a GCN controller =P

    and yeah I'm talking about Brawl (if we played Melee it would be really bad, but I wouldn't mind playing it anyway). Yeah, Brawl at the tournament and if you want, do you want to play Wi-Fi today with the 4 of us?
    I don't practice Melee too often to be honest, actually, I don't practice either too often. I mainly play other people for practice, watching videos, and researching stuff. I can't play on weekdays usually so that cuts me from practicing if I wanted to. Yeah PLUR's really good at it, he just keeps on racking those 7-chain combos lol

    Oh and I wanted to ask you, if Twitch can and if you want to, do you and him want to do a 2 vs. 2 against Shady and myself?
    I have my own copy of Melee, so whenever I need to practice I know what to do =O

    As for Puzzle League, PLUR is better than me at it and I'm better than Lucas at it.
    when i get the money. cant do so before the new year though, unless i stumble on alot of money. christmas/family/girlfriend stuff.
    lol yea they're really fun to Smash with.

    and yeah we mainly played Melee, probably 4 hours was Melee, 30 minutes Puzzle League, and 15 minutes Brawl before I had to take them home lol
    Really? I thought you were older than me...

    I don't think it'll make that big of a difference tho. I beat people who are older than me all the time :laugh:
    Id rather get a wii, especially since the sequel to Odin's Sphere is coming out AND Sin & Punishment 2. <3
    Ah I understand, yeah those are my favorite critiques lol. And yeah man I'll definitely keep up Melee, I played with PLUR and Lucas today and it was way too fun, so I should keep going with it.
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