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Dr Peepee
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  • It sucks you can't go to C3... That would be awesome if we had 4 Marth mains there that aren't n00bs. Nice job, once you get the vids up post them in my profile please!
    Congrats on pwning that tourney! I saw you got 1st in 3 things! Got any vids of finals and such? And are you going to C3 with M2K and NEO and Plank and all those guys? CK and Kadaj are going right?
    which thread? lol

    and thats good as long as you keep gettin better so will the rest of us :D
    ...I can't believe i forgot to ask you x_x

    Are we getting a ride home from you too? Or are we on our own there?
    Yea but I guess that wedding is still on for him so we can't put that theory to the test...just yet lol.But yea man best of luck to you. Fortunatly there going to throw a fest this weekend so I can get some MASSIVE training in for next weekend at C3. I'm looking to score at least top 12 but going for 1st is what I have in mind
    Melee... Saturday, check out what I said in NC Smash and stuff & help me convince Shady to pick me up for Billfest. ??? please!?!
    Sometimes he does. I'm getting him to come over tomorrow and Friday though, for practice.
    Gears of War 2 came today...

    I didn't tell Jim...

    I played that all day online without Jim


    I don't plan on telling him it's here until after Saturday

    Nah it's cool whenever you get there is fine. Like I said we were planning on waiting 2 hours anyway.

    And I will lol, we'll try our best.
    Gotcha. I guess we overshot lol, good thing we're showing up early <_<

    Jim said gas station so it's gonna be a gas station. I guess I'll text you when we get there. Cuz I have no way of knowin before that :/
    Its cool if you get there late, we're fine. We were expecting you to come at 10 lol

    And yeah we'll be at a gas station I guess. not sure yet. Exit 125 off I-40, right?
    I do everything you've mentioned, 'cept what do you mean by uair refreshes all your moves? I thought you had to use 10 moves before the little Diminishing Return counter was cleared out.

    I'll try lol. I want to know too x_x
    Smash with Jim was fun. I'm practicing GaW like you said. He 2 stocked me in a GaW ditto so I have a lot to learn XD

    Jim is procrastinating on asking his mom. Idk. I'll pester him about it. I know my mom can't drop us off anywhere though. If Jim's mom says no I honestly have no clue what we're gonna do. X_x
    haha, we're so devious. Rigging tiny sets to better DH. Also, if I beat Twitch, we're definitly going to need some teams practice as well as singles. hmm...

    thanks, I like it too =P
    oh lol cool I got an Idea then, If I win the first 2, it's Bo3, if I don't, it's Bo5, but don't tell Twitch =P
    True, But I wanna make sure I get more than one match against Twitch. =P

    But seriously, they're not throwing Melee away. Why do you think they have Hanenbow as a legal stage in Teams? They're just trying new things and seeing what they think works the best and is most efficient. Everyone knows Brawl takes forever as it is. lol
    Me too, bro, and I think we should play a bit when I first get there, I need to get ***** lol

    I try to get as many matches in with Twitch as possible before Melee starts. Also, they're just trying out new things and seeing what works for their tourney, not trying to to get Melee out of the way.
    What about Dark Hart? You play his Diddy any?

    Yeah, Bill & Karn are pretty solid. I don't have trouble playing R.O.B.'s but for some reason Bill's Olimar is a pain to me. We are gonna try to gimp Karn and leave Bill out to dry.

    Yeah, I'm gonna pick it back up. I dont know who I'll be playing though. Either ice Climbers, Shiek, or Fox.

    Yeah I can't wait for this next one. It'll be packed, hopefully NC will rep this one and smash VA and SC.
    Well, I'm planing on doing Melee only since I have plans, but I might stay for Brawl Teams if it starts early enough. As for Melee, I'm a little worried since it's my first tourney since Jubilee and I haven't been allowed to play at all, even though I have (sshhh), so yea. I need a little more practice, and some warm-up time of course, but I think I'm gonna to fine in the end.

    Is us teaming still in the air, or is it definite, or what? I'm a little confused by the situation.
    Thats all part of the strategy. Just as planned bro.

    Fairly technical...sure...<______________________________________________<

    Jim plays GaW though!

    And tell me now or...uh...I'll kill you. o_o
    yeah, i'll always main Diddy.

    Yeah. We havent tried the Snake/DK in a tourney situation but thats fine. I'm thinking get some good exp with it form Bill's then it take it to PLUR's and see how it goes down?

    You ready for Melee next saturday?
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