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Dr Peepee
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  • We dont know if we are still goin. ):

    Im really interested tho he said we might be able to go.
    Yeah you're right, wow I kinda sounded like a child just then. I won't drop Melee, if I did that Lucas would kill me =P but that's not the primary reason, I shouldn't drop it since I like Melee too and I want to be good at it.

    As for Brawl, yeah I'll just try to improve upon the things you mentioned . And it was Wi-Fi, which hinders both of us so we can't truly tell what's going on. I did take your advice on the spotdodges though and when I faced Shady last night I did find I did a bit better. But it's going to take awhile to have it become second nature when I don't spam them lol

    Wow long message, but yeah thanks again for everything. You're critical and you're nice about it lol, that's the way I like it. As for Brawl, I'd like to face you again if it's alright.
    It's cool that you get to play Kadaj, the only other Marth I've played from SWF that is good was Crazn137 yesterday, and we only played half of a singles match in friendlies, but then people had to play a tournament match there, so we had to get off. I sucks, I was going to play him and Amari and both of our matches got stopped because of tourney matches, I was really pissed that I didn't get to play Amari, I wanted to see how my Marth fared against TL (I've never played a good TL irl) but before we even started we got kicked off. We needed more TV's, that would've made that tourney 5 times better.
    Yeah I understand, I appreciate the criticism, I guess Shady actually is a lot better than me... Ah well, I'll just try to get better. I'm thinking about dropping Melee, I'm not getting anywhere and it's bad for me to practice that and take away Brawl. I also hate the lack of experience I have, besides Shady, Uncle, and another crew member named Crazy Cracker no one is helping me get better. Shady just has natural skill and mindgames, I'm better than Shady at Melee but just because of tech, not because of mindgames. Same as Dark Hartk
    Your Marth is even good on wi-fi, but I see where you're coming from.

    Remember: Captain Falcon > All (even in Brawl)
    Ya so Tink mains Wario, Quik is really good he almost beat Omniswell, Amari is great, it wasn't really a crowd, it was a bunch of people waiting in line to play that ended up watching, but a few more people came over, and people were talking about me later (I'm too good, lol) and I just checked, Anther won, NoJ got second, and lain got 3rd, the Grand Finals match is supposedly up but I can't find it. BO X7's Mario is out of this world, he's really good. Kirk is god, but he didn't do that well. BO X7 got like 5th.
    Hey dude, you said you wanted to here about my tourney right? OK:

    I did pretty badly. My team got ***** in our first match, we only took off one stock, and in the second match, we took off 2 when I switched to Falco. It was double elim, so in our second set, we BARELY lost, if my partner was a bit better, we would've won, but I didn't even really want to play doubles, so it's W/E.

    After that I played a bunch of friendlies, mostly doubles because there weren't enough TV's to play a lot of singles. They were fun and exciting though, and I did well. My best match was a friendly against Mend0za's CF (lol) and I lost, but I had like 15 people watching, AND my controller was messed up. It was really even, and it was on Yoshi's Island Brawl. He teched a spike of mine and thats why I lost. I also got really lucky because I was about to die, and then the platform saved me.

    On to singles: I did quite badly, and I'm mad at myself. I shouldn't have lost the first match in my first set, I lost to a Marth that was way worse than me, but I was really nervous and anxious. My controller screwed up in the second match and it cost me the game. In the losers bracket, I got ***** by Quik's Wario, first time I ever played a good one, and I wanted to leave anyway because I was really tired and it was going super slow, so I wasn't playing my best.

    Overall, it was really fun, and I met some really amazing people. I met this guy named Amari, his TL is one of the best I've ever seen, almost as good as Santi. I also met a Mario named BO X7 that should've beaten Kirk (he 2 stocked him the first time and then Kirk got lucky spikes to win the last 2) and beat Tink. I didn't stay to the end and I don't know who won, I think Anther probably.
    yea bro definitely good stuff, and feel free to make suggestions anytime. Yeah, that's a bad habit that I have when it comes to playing Smash. I'm trying to break it but I can't seem to since it's part of my core playstyle.

    Also in those matches I think I SD'd more than I did having the game since launch lol. Ah well =(

    I had my heart broken that second match...spirits obliterated ;___;
    I can't even make it to PLUR's ;____; If he has another one some time, I may be able to go =D!!! I'm down for Raleigh. Unless I get a lot of time off [very very rare] then I won't be able to come down to c.hill [oooh see what I did there?]
    "Even if Karn still played ROB, your job would seem pretty easy..."

    that's what I read, anyway ;)

    Don't worry about me. I'm hardly fazed, but thanks for the support.

    If you're up for some more matches tomorrow, feel free to drop me another message.
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