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Dr Peepee
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  • We should have some more matches some time. I should be free most of the weekend, so leave a message on my page if you want to plan something.

    @KSK: His Marth may be sexy, but Marth will never be as manly as Snake.

    @DH: A lot of column A and a little of column B.
    I'm actually 15, I pressed the wrong button when filling out the age requirements T_T.
    But yeah, I doubt my parents would even let me go to some local tournaments. My sister even attends UNC Chapel Hill....
    I didn't "pick him up" in the sense that I'll actually USE him. I'll only use him once I become amazing with him. And if I can beat a pro using MK, then something will clearly be very wrong. hahahaha

    but I'm trying to be the dominant ROB on the east coast =D
    yeah >_>

    awww DH...I hope it was clear that I didn't say I wanted him banned [at least I hope I didn't! gah!]...I'm actually learning him and trying to live up to Dojo and Forte ^_^

    one day.

    But for real, ever since I started a little bit of work on him, I instantly became amazing AGAINST him. But I haven't played (frequently) against too many different styles of MK...but I don't lose to BlackG with ROB anymore haha [one night, I won the first 12 matches straight and then out of 25 matches total I only lost 5]
    Why would you say that about me, Michael, just cause I don't like Brawl and want MK in it? :(
    Oh my goodness, those were really fun. Ah well I did my best, you're really good PP and thanks for those sick matches! Your Marth is definitely sexy and good shiz. Oh and about the You=Dark Hart=Fail, I don't mean you fail, I just mean Dark Hart =P
    Oh shoot...I lost track of time, I just got my car back and I had to go get it. And I was hanging out with some people for a bit and I forgot our match today. I'm really sorry PP, if you can still do it let me know, if not then I understand since it is my fault.
    lol. i'm just on to do my nightly stalk of smashboards before bed. done now though. hopefully my mom won't catch me!

    nighty night <3

    I think it's because I'm just a lot closer to Chapel Hill then you are. So driving to my place and then Chapel Hill isn't really that far out of the way. So that would mean I'm not much of a detour? I'll see what I can do about meeting you somewhere. If I absolutely can't though, could you come here? Believe me though, I'll see what I can do about meeting you at...McDonalds or something. It's tradition lol
    Lol, yeah... I'm screwed in doubles though, i was going to play with Omni and then he decided to play with this guy Vayseth instead, it sucks cuz now I have to play with my bad and scrubby friend.
    Yeah, there are a few good people, I'm really glad Anther and Omni could come in from Michigan, it will be a great experience to play people of their skill level and if I get 5th (which I doubt I will) that would be crazy. That's like Marth's lucky # like all Marth mains place 5th.
    Haha, I'll give 'em heck all right! And thanks, this is quite helpful. I've scheduled to play friendlies with like 5 people already, lol, including Anther and Omniswell and hopefully Kirk (have you heard of him?) and some other people and I'm really excited, i probably wil get nervous, I get nervous in a lot of situations, I don't know why, lol. But yeah, thanks.
    Great matches, man. You're better than me, but I think I looked sharp for the most part.

    I would play more, but I was getting called to eat.

    It's going to be even better when we play in person.
    I hope that works lol he really doesn't like brawl <_<

    I hate shiek though :( I'd rather just get technical and play mario and ICs because they're fun :laugh:

    I don't feel like reading PR disputes summarize it for me <_<

    i don't even have money to go to this billfest yet bro idk how I'll pay for gas :laugh:

    I'm gonna work on it though no worries >_>
    yeah yeah I know but man going to a billfest would be awesome

    I got melee again woo we've been playing it alot :laugh: i think mario is my best you better watch out PP o_o (not that I don't suck complete ***...i can barely bair waveland...my fingers are so slooooooooooooow)

    those PRs are awesome bro! 'grats on first :D I think if I can start going to tourneys I can get myself on there...we'll see
    *insert mountains of hearts here* ;)

    You don't invite them. You pm them to ask for an invite! Simple as that! ;)

    l LOVE YOU

    Dr Peepee! we need to go to NC again sometime, lol. nice post in the topic; I was going to post, but i realized that i'm on my #3000. plus, this is a bit more personal anyway.
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