Kind of. I was on holiday for a week...and lately I just can't be arsed to go on SWF xD
Wi Fi just depresses and infuriates me. If i win, I can never tell if it's because I did win or if the Wi Fi just let me win. Likewise if I lose, I can't tell if it's because I was doing something wrong or if lag was messing me over
I end up johning because of it and sometimes it's really just not fun and makes me look/feel bad. It depresses me whenever I play offline because I play so much better offline with so much more control over Peach
The Peach Boards manage fine without me anyway so I don't really need to go there much anymore either, which is like the only board I visit nowadays
I'll try and be on more often so I can have some games with you guys though cause I do enjoy Brawl and competitive Brawl
Anyway, how have you been? I am absolutely ****ing myself for results day xD