I'm really not sure, and I don't think I should have any direct control in whether it should be legal or not lol.
Although I do know that I hate playing on the stage, and the stage doesn't seem to add much good to our metagame. I've seen it suggested that we should keep track of the, what is it, 4 or 7 second klap trap timer? Anyways, I've seen it suggested that we should have to keep track of that at all times.
If that were what's necessary to make the stage acceptable (keeping track of a short timer throughout the entire match, constantly doing math), I'd lean towards it probably not being a good stage for competition, because that's about as gimmicky as you get.
Gimmicky isn't inherently bad, but it's bad when it detracts from your in-game focus, causing you to be physically unable to play as well as you could on other stages.
Given what I know about the player aspect of that stage, in a practical setting, the klap trap essentially either is random, or is so specific that it causes players to be unable to play at their best, due to having their focus (which is a resource, probably one of the most important resources in the game) lowered from trying not to get killed at all times.
Although for all I know, there might be people who have practiced on it, and followed that timer soooo much that it doesn't detract from their focus, because they're now doing it innately.
But then if that's the case, it could become such a good stage psychologically for some people, I'm not sure if that would be particularly good for competition, having a stage that is considerably better for people who spend all of their time practicing on it, learning skills that ONLY apply to that stage, and the Wario matchup. Like in a practical environment, I'm not sure how fair that'd be to reward such a random skill sooo much when it doesn't apply to any other situation in the game.
So it's hard to say, and I don't think that I should have any say in whether or not it should be legal, as I don't think that I possess the knowledge to be sure.
I definitely dislike the stage, because of the random nature of it (in practical play anyways, unless you're wasting your time learning how to count the seconds, instead of learning the game (HugS had a good blog on this)), and because it rewards camping hugely, and for some characters is basically good JUST because it makes it hard to approach.
It's almost similar to the issues I have with the Mario Bros stage, which I actually think is an alright stage, if it weren't SOOOOO gimmicky and different from the actual game we have set up lol. Just to a lesser extent.
All-in-all, I'm not sure, but I definitely dislike the stage for a variety of reasons. I'm not sure if those reasons are valid enough to ban it or not, and I am probably biased when it comes to this, and don't know enough, so I shouldn't be important in whether it's legalized or not. I do know, though, that when I play there (just like when I play on RC, or Brinstar, but not really anywhere else) that whether I win or lose (and I probably win more often than not, since it's a good MK stage), it doesn't feel nearly as mindgames based as any other stage. I follow a set way to play, and if my spacing is better than theirs, I'll probably win, simply because my character as all the traits necessary to be able to do that. No outsmarting necessary. (I beat ranked 8 in SoCal the other day simply because I ran rainbow cruise on him, and attacked when I'm below him stage-wise, and camped hard any other time. I wasn't playing smart, or using any of the tactics used on stages that aren't Brinstar, RC, Japes, or Green Greens (or Norfair, too).
I'm not sure what it is that causes that feeling, but I know that there's merit to it, to some extent. How much, I'm not sure, and I can't judge accurately. Not yet anyways. I'm rambling pretty bad, but I think you probably get what I mean.
And thank you for actually reading my posts, instead of scanning, or reading tiny parts of them