Lol I see that you can't describe it but I know EXACTLY what you are talking about. The story just does not go anywhere. They have been lacking just subtance and everything is just oh "La-di-da~ let's do this random genre." Which sometimes is good but is hurting it in the long run. They need to do something like deep and meaningful because when some of those girls hit the ballads on those deep moving songs. Gah so lovely. They need some more strive than all these little things like Puck/Lauren, Santana/Brittanny, Finn/Rachel/Quinn/Sam, Will/Sue/Emma/Holly/John Stamos, Artie/Brittanny/Mike/Tina, Mercedes/Rachel, Blaine/Kurt. The need more like ALL EFFECTING things that is just not sprinkled here and there.
If they want to continue past a third onto a fourth season after this season, they need some serious revamping.
Well this is just imo ^^"