Thoughts on IDW Sonic
-Tangle feels like a mainstay cast member, it feels weird that she was only created in like, 2018
-I love Lanolin, this comic needs another mean character. Sonic and all his friends are nice, except sometimes Shadow, and Eggman's had like two or three truces with Sonic in this run alone. Lanolin at least is a hardass, and she's kinda real for that cause Sonic's friends can be a little ridiculous sometimes.
-This comic is incredibly funny
-This comic has a decent mix of old stuff and new stuff. I wish there was more new stuff though, it is a little callback heavy sometimes when it comes to Eggman tech.
-HOLY SHOOT EGGMAN IS STRONG. He's insane! I guess it's just because he's a 6'1 dude in a world full of three foot animals, of course he's gonna be able to pick up Starline and slam him around, or toss Surge against the wall. He also has a "pistol" (shoots lasers) a good number of times, which I thought was a really funny way to make him more intimidating. Ian Flynn and Evan Stanley have such a great grasp on this guy's delicate balance of goofiness and seriousness.
-There's been so many little hints at different ships. And it's such like, oh my God Ian Flynn wants to write a good relationship again so bad, I feel awful for what they took from him
-oh yeah, Clutch the Opossum has a gun too. Except this one is actually just a gun. Shoots bullets. Pretty wacky stuff. I need Shadow, Whisper and Clutch to all have a standoff.
-This book reminds me how cool the Wisps are! They're living ammunition for Whisper, whom they all love and adore, and seeing them stolen by Surge was heartbreaking as that's a huge part of Whisper's trusted circle, gone. The Cyan form for Sonic is also just ****ing cool looking.
-That's another thing! This comic handles super transformations really well with one exception*, and I'll get to it. Overdrive Surge is freaking sick. The Phantom Rider isn't exactly a super transformation but it's a great alt for Sonic. And I'm a huge fan of Starline's tri-core abilities. All the Metal Virus designs are sick too.
-Zavok is BAAACK! I wouldn't say the other Deadly Six are really that cool, except Zeena cause she does the Sonic Adventure pose (twice, I think!) Zik is cool too because he's surprisingly sadistic for how evil he is. Zavok is the standout though because he's such an interesting leader, both for the Bad Guys and for the Deadly Six. He's super strong too, we didn't get to see much of his brute strength in SLW. IDW Zavok is just awesome, and it also made me appreciate his design.
-Funniest running joke in the book is Rough and Tumble's rhymes (and how they prepare them in advance before fights)
-Obviously Shadow isn't handled super well in his first two appearances, but he redeems himself at Eggperial City (and hopefully also in his one-shot this May)
-*so, there is one transformation in this book that doesn't make sense. That is Super Silver. Don't get me wrong, I love it. Obviously. But it's weird that he acts like it's nothing new for him! This is the first time he has transformed! He should be like "Woah, this is new" or maybe like "Strange. It almost feels familiar." But he just doesn't acknowledge it.
I don't have much to criticize, I'm just really enjoying this book. The only thing I don't like is a few characters' "arcs" feel like circles - like with Jewel and Blaze - but it honestly doesn't bother that much as I'm not super interested in those characters. Although Blaze being like an older sister to Silver is so good, I love their dynamic here.
Actually wait. The one thing I unequivocally do not like about the comics, and this goes for Archie too, is that I don't like the cloudy aesthetic that Silver's psychokinesis powers has. I think it looked futuristic and sleek in '06, here it just looks so magical and whimsical and I'm not really a fan. Though I get its part of the limitations associated with still images.