Okay, you battled me on Wi-Fi...
I'm going to be serious here...is that how you fight normally?
Because if so...I'm going to have to say you were subpar.
You spam Fsmash even though you blantantly know it's going to be blocked and punished.
Your Shield Breaker recovery needs to stop. It's so obvious and you use it when you don't need to (close to the ledge anyway with full aerial momentum, not slowed down by a projectile or anything).
You barely ever airdodge. You did it once. Why? You can shield, so it's not a controller issue.
Also, you spam Dolphin Slash TOO much. It should be just used defensively.
And what's with the suicides? Once it's 1 vs 1, it's serious, no random online BS (well, 50-50)?
Step it up man. I refuse to believe you're that bad. Then when I watch videos of you, you don't look so hot either.
This isn't a hard game to learn man, just use common sense on what to do.