If I knew this discussion was happening before I would have been in alot more.
I'm a christian, first off.
Sex is the ultimate ACT of ερος (Eros) which is one of the 5 Greek words for love.
This one protrains to erotic love.
Love between man and woman.
Looking at big levels of a relationship:
first time you hold hands.
Putting your arm around the girl.
Kissing the girl.
Having sex.
Sex is the closest one. You see eachother in your natural state, and perform acts God designed our bodies to have. It's the most personal, and the closest.
This is why we should save it for mariage.
I believe you can't be in-love until your ready to say "if you had a nervous breakdown and fell and became paralized right now, and for the rest of your life I had to take care of you, and it's now impossible to have sex, I'll still marry and care for you."
I will not tell a girl I love her till I can truely say that.
As far as "all Christians ar agnostic" goes, I wouldn't say that.
There's things we CANT know sure.
We can only know about God what He has allowed us to know.
I only know God is loving, powerful, sovriegn, all-knowing, and omnipresent because He allows me to know such.
He has a master plan which my puny human mind can NOT, and never will be able to understand.
But because of personal expierence with Him, and what I believe about Him, I don't have to know.
I believe His plan is better and I just have to accept that.
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