The Super Mario Franchise is one big giant spinoff (Mario Kart, Mario Party, Mario Golf, Super Mario bros, ect….)
Zelda is much more different.
Right now we have 4 costumes confirmed:
- Default Zelda
- Purple/ Blonde Zelda
- Red Zelda
- Blue Zelda
Now there are two costumes missing the pink and the green.
Suspiciously we have the OoT alt removed, so most likely SS Alt will replace the standard "pink" costume, and green has been around forever and will likely be re-added.
Our new pallet swap/ alt costume will probably be SS.
Hyrule Warriors Zelda while cool, probably won't happen. Unless they are raising the amount of costumes for each character which I don't see as very likely for Zelda.
Yes, but why would SSB4 design Team be in contact with HW design team?