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Guide Zelda Social: But also the FE Heroes Internet Cafe


Deleted member

So I'm on FG, and my sister comes in to watch me play. Our convo we just had:
Sis: "What are those things Peach pulls?"
Me: "Guess"
Sis: "Tulips?"
Me: "......Tulips are flowers..."
Sis: "....."
I love my sister.


The Smooth Devil Mod
Aug 25, 2014
So does anyone have music recomendations? Note: I like T-Sizzle, lady Gaga, and Ed sheeran. I'm a basic teenager so yeah.
Listen to Troy Baker, Gideon Emery, Metal Gear Rising Revengeance's OST, Nier's OST, Anarchy Reign's OST, Nujabes, DJ Okawari, Modest Mouse - it's depressing, but deep -, Jetta, Paramore, Joy Formidable, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Gorillaz, Fiona Apple - also depressing, but deep -, Five for Fighting, The Lumineers, Mumford & Sons, Ellie Goulding, Arcade Fire, The Heavy, Cage the Elephant, Billy Joel, Johnny Cash, The Overtones, Elton John, Jack Johnson, Christina Perri - shut up, I went through a heartbreak phase -, Regina Spektor, Louie Armstrong, Sam & Dave, The Black Keys, Frank Sinatra, Kate Nash, Michael Jackson, Pomplamoose, The Fray, The National, Cartel, the Gypsy Kings, the Glitch Mob, Depeche Mode, Phoenix, Pharrell Williams, Aloe Blacc, Uh Huh Her, Muddy Waters, The Bird and the Bee, The Submarines, and Combichrist - might not be your thing since it's aggrotech.

Basically, listen to everything and build your musical tastes on what you like rather than what others like. Oh, and have a swing and electro swing collection for anyone interested: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5nD-8euqNN4.

Edit: I forgot Two Door Cinema.
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Indigo Destiny
Oct 24, 2014
Alcohol is poison.
It is. I grew up in a family full of authority figures who would get trashed on cheap beer nightly. All of my uncles are in strained marriages; my mother divorced my father over his alcoholism. I was more or less convinced that there was nothing good about alcohol and that I would die without ever touching a drop. Then in recent months a friend older and wiser than myself told me I was missing out on some amazing drinks if I discounted it off that mentality, like he himself did for a similar amount of time. Moral of the story, drinking for the effects is horrible, but if you have self-control there is some delicious stuff out there.

Though it's definitely a lot cheaper to just not bother with it at all.

When people say bae I'm just like
Oh good, I'm not the only one. ❤

I think if I were to make my list of my ten favorite characters in this game both because of gameplay and liking the character itself it would likely be


Honorable mention to Palutena because to this day I have yet to completed Uprising and so I haven't been able to experience all of her silly conversations with Pit yet.

And of course I can only properly with Greninja. I've tried all those 9 others and none of them worked =V
Oh boy, more lists to make! Adding in gameplay unfortunately muddles things up, but I think if I average those things out it'd look like...


Honorable mentions:
Olimar and Ike (probably #11 and #12)
Jigglypuff, Yoshi, Mac, Zelda, Robin, Falco (love the character, bleh about how they play)
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Locke 06

Sayonara, bye bye~
Oct 2, 2014
Grad School
Jun 8, 2009
I just started watching the first video and the struggle of activating the correct art made me laugh much more than it should have. At the same time... holy **** that Shulk switches arts so fast.
He also kept using MALLC a LOT

Locke 06

Sayonara, bye bye~
Oct 2, 2014
Grad School

I'm so excited for Shulk. I would be so happy if he becomes a fixture at tournaments so that I can watch them play.
Jun 8, 2009
I need to learn how to cycle through 10 monado arts in 1 second

Wait no **** that. I have a 3DS ;_;
Jun 8, 2009
English Fox take the top tier cake for WORST voice ever

How do Fox mains put up with his voice? lol

Locke 06

Sayonara, bye bye~
Oct 2, 2014
Grad School
Oh my god. This is actually beautiful to watch. These art switches are on point.

I have such high hopes for this game's future. This is month 4 Shulk. What is year 2 Shulk going to look like? @_@

EDIT: WHAT. Pit did a Uair semi-spike chain grab.
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The Smooth Devil Mod
Aug 25, 2014
Wait a minute. So 9B is seriously sticking with Shulk? Okay then


I'm warming up to Kirby bit by bit

Here's my fun meter
*other characters except Diddy Kong and Swordfighter*
Cool, Shulk. I hate Pit's Japanese voice... Why does he sound like a 10 year-old?!

English Fox take the top tier cake for WORST voice ever

How do Fox mains put up with his voice? lol
They don't; have you ever noticed that some players wear earbuds or headphones while playing? :p

Fox at least doesn't sound like someone shoved a trumpet down his throat.
Ain't you talkin' 'bout Roy there, boy? :p
Jun 8, 2009
Oh my god. This is actually beautiful to watch. These art switches are on point.

I have such high hopes for this game's future. This is month 4 Shulk. What is year 2 Shulk going to look like? @_@

EDIT: WHAT. Pit did a Uair semi-spike chain grab.

Okay, I'll try not to freak out that much
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Gatekeeper of the Shadows
Jun 17, 2014
The long awaited 1000th post time yeyeye~. Time to do a commemorative speech. *ahem*

It's been about 8 months since I joined here. I already feel old, haha. Just like most of us here, it was when we were pretty hyped up for Sm4sh to come up. Did my first post in the Brawl Zelda boards where I met Aleate, BJ, FUUJIN, and a few others (Aero maybe? Damn, it's been too long). I honestly thought that joining here would just be talking about the love for the game and the character. You know, talk about the hype that Sm4sh will bring, why Zelda sucks etc... Well boy, was I so wrong.

Of course, I didn't post in this social thread immediately because there were some... questionable people around here. Kinda like those people that posted in Aero's Zelda video lololol. I was lucky to finally take the first step here when all those guys started dispersing away, and we had a relatively small and sociable group here. Months and months passed, and it grew to be so much more. It was a place I'd log in often to check up on you guys, and get some great laughs and humour, and just have a great time. What felt different from other online experiences is that this place didn't feel like one's talking to a computer screen. We are more than that. We share everything from the brightest and funniest moments to the stressful, painful and heartbreaking experiences in life. We don't just talk about the game, and just the game, we talk about anything that comes up in our minds, and share our passions and interests. We are extremely open, considerate and compassionate of each other. And of course, foiling from all the hardships we've faced, you cannot forget about our sassy and amazing visits over in the other threads. It actually felt like a community.

I pretty much only go to this thread on SB because of all the activity we see, and reunite with the people I know well and love. Other places don't have this kind of magic; this thread is brought together by the love of the game, but adds so much more to make the experience even better. And this couldn't have happened without the work of everyone of you here. We are all so different in personalities and such, but we just all blend together so well. It creates an atmosphere that is refreshing to be in, and it all fits perfectly like a puzzle. It's because of this amazing team that we get even more newcomers joining us and we all have such a great time.

You guys are the best, really. I'd probably not go on this site as often, or even at all, if it wasn't for you guys that always seem to brighten the day. I'd thank you all individually, but honestly, there's so many of you here, I don't know where to start, haha. So if you're a commoner around here, and you're taking the time to read this for some reason, thank you. I'd huggle all of you because that's how great you guys. And some of you seem extremely huggable too. :^)

It's been an honour to be a part of this community, and be kinda deemed the troll and derpy waifufag of this place, so let's keep making it strong for all of us. Gorls, we shall one day conquer the world with our sass and poise, and have everyone hail to our queen Zelda. She is partially why we are all here together... right? GROUP HUG <33333



Smash Master
Feb 23, 2014
Switch FC
@ Rickster Rickster and I have the best connection in the world. Seriously, if I had that connection with everyone, I would love wifi.

We've just gotta play some time. I've never been graced with a green connection until now.

And btw that training is really coming into effect! I managed to pull some uair shenanigans on a few people today. Now I just gotta remember to dtilt instead of utilt when they bounce so I can go into an usmash or something.

EDIT: Well, my post landed in an awkward place...

But thanks SB sis! I feel like this too. I know I've said this 1000000000 times, but this place really reminds me of my old social. It's part of the reason I love it here so much! Honestly I don't know where else I would hang out on SB if it wasn't for this thread.
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Long Body Pokémon
Dec 5, 2014
But you already did that.

I just read that blog, and that's pretty damn on-point.

I can relate to the mental fog that seems to descend over everything, as well as the thought of death. I myself would, and I set this in stone as firmly as possible, never take my own life, or try to, but that doesn't mean I don't think about it. Simply as an objective thought, nothing more.

"I could probably die today."
"What if this happened?"
"There's always that option."

But every time that train of thought would cross my mind, I'd slap myself and remind myself that there are still people who would care if I was gone, and I couldn't do that. One friend in particular told me once, several years ago, that she could never forgive me if I took my own life. She would not forgive me for such a terrible thing, and would not attend my funeral. Those words must have cut deeper than most things in my life, as they've stuck with me to this day. This was probably six years ago.

Perhaps it's harsh given different circumstances and such, but I consider suicide selfish. I'm probably sounding like the "optimistic hopeful" people that Allie described in her blog. To me, suicide not only hurts you by ending your life, but it also hurts those around you. It takes you out of the picture before you have the chance to make it better. But after reading that blog, I think I should re-think my outlook on that far-end aspect of depression.

But I'm rambling again, and I do apologize.

I'm surprised that my advice had such an effect, yet I'm also glad that it did. It's scary when things start to spiral out of your control, isn't it? That's when it's so critical to stop and reflect, and maybe even not reflect, but just stop. Reset. Just like you did. I'm glad that you were able to see what was happening, and stop before something happened that you would have regretted. "Keep breathing" is the advice one of my friends has been giving me these past few months; not just about work, but about everything happening in my life in general. I'm more than glad to pass that on to you, since it's saved both of us at the end of the day.

This is the end of my tl;dr, gold stars for anyone who actually stayed and read all of this.
You don't have to be strong, you just have to be.

We're here to talk if you need it. <3
For philosopher Albert Camus(the s is silent, French are weird) there was only one problem worth solving. Why should we as human beings not commit suicide. For Camus life was meaningless, the struggles of humanity show that our ideals do not meet reality, that our expectations of life are too high. However, he believed that this absurdity wasn't seen all the time or realized though progression over time, but in a single moment a person can realize how mundane their life truly is. In order to prove his point he retells the Myth of Sisyphus. Sisyphus push a rock up a mountain in belief he was more cunning then the gods. Every time the rock neared the summit it fell down the mountain and this process was repeated endlessly. Similar to the rock never reaching the top we in life have no true end goal, a fate that we are all condemned too, a fate at some point we may realize all too clearly.
For Camus in order to combat the absurdity/meaningless of life we should chain ourselves to it and make choices to reveal in it. Instead of hoping for another world to solve our absurd life (Catholic belief) we ought to revolt against this sentence and create meaning though art and other methods. For Camus Sisyphus despite pushing a rock up a mountain for all eternity could be seen as happy because as the rock once more rolls down the hill, he has created meaning in his life by revolting.

well if you read it, what do you think? I honestly don't think riot is the answer to everything and I feel like I have a very poor grasp of Camus' thoughts. How do a chain myself to a mundane situation? aren't I already chained? But perhaps he meant our shackles are something we should seek as inspiration to create. Maybe if I read his essays in more detail I'll know, if only I had the time
You guys are the best, really.
furret shiny.png


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2009
The caffeine-free state
Once my Wi-Fi connection settles, I'll have to play you guys sometime. It's usually fine but lately it has kind of sucked.

Also, any of you who have watched Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, help me pester Indigo Jeans to watch it.


Long Body Pokémon
Dec 5, 2014
Oh my god. This is actually beautiful to watch. These art switches are on point.

I have such high hopes for this game's future. This is month 4 Shulk. What is year 2 Shulk going to look like? @_@

EDIT: WHAT. Pit did a Uair semi-spike chain grab.
Yea Pit can do those, he has to cancel the last hit by touching the ground, it's not as consistent as other characters either, cause there are 4 hitboxes in Uair and only one sends people at a straight downward angle. My personal favorite is down throw, Dair, Uair, grab

Locke 06

Sayonara, bye bye~
Oct 2, 2014
Grad School
Okay, I'll try not to freak out that much
But actually, I'm a fan. Now imagine that with Hyper Arts. (I know you've fallen out of love for it, but I still find it amazing... even though I haven't played Shulk in a while)

@ Furret Furret - the more you know. That's awesome stuff.
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The Queen
Oct 15, 2013
Myrtle Beach
Switch FC
3149 6967 1296
Honestly I'd rather you work on Zelda than that evil Quick Attack wielding mouse. :awesome:

But we haven't played in a while. We should have a Pokemon battle now that I'm semi-competent with Lucario, and Greninja to an extent.

EDIT: I just realized that I said I'd rather you work on Zelda, and then I asked for a Pokemon battle. :facepalm:
Zelda is so much fun... We all know she's bad. We all rag on her. But damn she's so fun.
Especially when it comes to wrecking scrubs in For Fun and they're like.. Zelda?! Forget Roll Glory, For Fun is great.

But yeah, we need to have more matches sometime. When was the last time we had a proper Pokémon battle?

Hey @ Twili Twili !
Gurl... What's up?!
I'm uber late responding :'D
Currently sitting in my kitchen talking to my mom as well as my best friend on skype cam.
..Listening to Lady Gaga.

What the hell happened here.

I know right? I spent an hour editing my last 125x150 avatar and now it gets disgustingly upscaled...back to this one I guess.
I picked at this one for a good hour as well before I was (not really) satisfied with it. Ah well, I'll have to stop being lazy and make a digital painting of this sometime soon. I want to challenge myself, and I want to customize my own black Zelda avatar.
So back to the age discussion... Why am I so old? Not Grandpa Fernosaur old, but still old.
Still younger than me. :awesome:

Any young'ins here, I agree with @ BJN39 BJN39 ; cherish your youth, because it gets harder.

.. I'm going to go ahead and post this now so that it's not as big of a monstrosity as it's going to be once I respond to more posts.


Smash Ace
Oct 7, 2012
New Jersey
Oh man, I can't imagine what you must think of my politics lol

It's cool, you're like most college students/young people in general.

It's more how these professors are adamantly shoving their ideologies down people's throats, bashing people who disagree with them (including students), and whatnot. Oh, and I meant what I said: "Democrat-worshiping." The type who believe Obama and the establishment Democrats (Reid, Pelosi) are the greatest things since sliced bread and that all Republicans are the personifications of Satan.

I wasn't talking about genuine liberals, many of whom are open and honest about their concerns with the policies of the current administration.

Oh, and last time I took that test, I think I scored right about here.

@Nairo my dude calling Zelda the worst character in the game, I c u m8 :chuckle:

Yeah yeah you were joking.


Indigo Destiny
Oct 24, 2014
Yea Pit can do those, he has to cancel the last hit by touching the ground, it's not as consistent as other characters either, cause there are 4 hitboxes in Uair and only one sends people at a straight downward angle. My personal favorite is down throw, Dair, Uair, grab
Oh, huh. Didn't realize Pit's uair didn't use autolink angles. The more you know.

Is it actually an inescapable chaingrab for Pit, though? The landing lag on uair is pretty bad, I get the feeling it's like Dedede's where the opponent could react to it if they know about it.


Smash Master
Feb 23, 2014
Switch FC
Zelda is so much fun... We all know she's bad. We all rag on her. But damn she's so fun.
Especially when it comes to wrecking scrubs in For Fun and they're like.. Zelda?! Forget Roll Glory, For Fun is great.

But yeah, we need to have more matches sometime. When was the last time we had a proper Pokémon battle?
Umm....I don't think we've ever had one.:bluejump:
And Farore's sniping is so much fun. Or are we calling that Ferrari's Wind?


Getting back into the dunk game
Dec 18, 2014
It is. I grew up in a family full of authority figures who would get trashed on cheap beer nightly. All of my uncles are in strained marriages; my mother divorced my father over his alcoholism. I was more or less convinced that there was nothing good about alcohol and that I would die without ever touching a drop. Then in recent months a friend older and wiser than myself told me I was missing out on some amazing drinks if I discounted it off that mentality, like he himself did for a similar amount of time. Moral of the story, drinking for the effects is horrible, but if you have self-control there is some delicious stuff out there.

Though it's definitely a lot cheaper to just not bother with it at all.

Oh good, I'm not the only one. ❤

Oh boy, more lists to make! Adding in gameplay unfortunately muddles things up, but I think if I average those things out it'd look like...


Honorable mentions:
Olimar and Ike (probably #11 and #12)
Jigglypuff, Yoshi, Mac, Zelda, Robin, Falco (love the character, bleh about how they play)
I've seen alcohol destroy my brother's life. I wouldn't recommend it because it's easy to go too far. But you can't fall off a ladder you never got on.


The Smooth Devil Mod
Aug 25, 2014
I've seen alcohol destroy my brother's life. I wouldn't recommend it because it's easy to go too far. But you can't fall off a ladder you never got on.
But a ladder can fall on you. Welcome to life with a pessimist. :p


Smash Data Ranger
Aug 14, 2012
The Zelda Boards
@ SBphiloz4 SBphiloz4 beautiful speech, and whoop whoop Smash Lord nao.

And already has nearly quadruple the likes :^)

I'm flattered to be someone you rememberT meeting on the Zelda boards as well, lol
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Long Body Pokémon
Dec 5, 2014
Oh, huh. Didn't realize Pit's uair didn't use autolink angles. The more you know.

Is it actually an inescapable chaingrab for Pit, though? The landing lag on uair is pretty bad, I get the feeling it's like Dedede's where the opponent could react to it if they know about it.
shhhh, don't tell people it's garbage, the less they know the better.
  • jumping at the right time will get you out, and any option that will beat Pit's landing lag + time it takes for him to grab. So like jabs work well too. (you really have no idea how much more approaching options pit would have with less end lag)
  • Dair -> Uair is a chain not a combo so things apply to that too (also Dair -> Nair people will just fall out of it, and not random like Zelda, it is a 100% chance of 1~2 hits then they fall out)
Pit's Dthrow>Dair>Dair>Fair is God.

Whenever I manage to freaking land it, of course.
I feel like that combo is the easiest thing on the earth to DI out of, getting one Dair is enough work


Gatekeeper of the Shadows
Jun 17, 2014
Oh yeah, these are a thing, so might as well most one too. Top 10 favourite characters to use in this game. :^)

Oops, my hand slipped.
:4palutena:(ALSO FEEL ASHAMED)
- GG I don't really play more characters other than these 9. Throw in maybe a :4falcon: or:4yoshi:.


Smash Master
Feb 23, 2014
Switch FC
English Fox take the top tier cake for WORST voice ever

How do Fox mains put up with his voice? lol
It took time. Lots of time. A whole lot of time. But I can tolerate it now. Just not.. LAAAAAANDMASTAAHH!

Also playing Star Fox 64 3D helps with the tolerance.

EDIT: Char lists? I play these:
Last 2 are probably the ones I'm worst with, out of that list.
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The Queen
Oct 15, 2013
Myrtle Beach
Switch FC
3149 6967 1296
The long awaited 1000th post time yeyeye~. Time to do a commemorative speech. *ahem*

It's been about 8 months since I joined here. I already feel old, haha. Just like most of us here, it was when we were pretty hyped up for Sm4sh to come up. Did my first post in the Brawl Zelda boards where I met Aleate, BJ, FUUJIN, and a few others (Aero maybe? Damn, it's been too long). I honestly thought that joining here would just be talking about the love for the game and the character. You know, talk about the hype that Sm4sh will bring, why Zelda sucks etc... Well boy, was I so wrong.

Of course, I didn't post in this social thread immediately because there were some... questionable people around here. Kinda like those people that posted in Aero's Zelda video lololol. I was lucky to finally take the first step here when all those guys started dispersing away, and we had a relatively small and sociable group here. Months and months passed, and it grew to be so much more. It was a place I'd log in often to check up on you guys, and get some great laughs and humour, and just have a great time. What felt different from other online experiences is that this place didn't feel like one's talking to a computer screen. We are more than that. We share everything from the brightest and funniest moments to the stressful, painful and heartbreaking experiences in life. We don't just talk about the game, and just the game, we talk about anything that comes up in our minds, and share our passions and interests. We are extremely open, considerate and compassionate of each other. And of course, foiling from all the hardships we've faced, you cannot forget about our sassy and amazing visits over in the other threads. It actually felt like a community.

I pretty much only go to this thread on SB because of all the activity we see, and reunite with the people I know well and love. Other places don't have this kind of magic; this thread is brought together by the love of the game, but adds so much more to make the experience even better. And this couldn't have happened without the work of everyone of you here. We are all so different in personalities and such, but we just all blend together so well. It creates an atmosphere that is refreshing to be in, and it all fits perfectly like a puzzle. It's because of this amazing team that we get even more newcomers joining us and we all have such a great time.

You guys are the best, really. I'd probably not go on this site as often, or even at all, if it wasn't for you guys that always seem to brighten the day. I'd thank you all individually, but honestly, there's so many of you here, I don't know where to start, haha. So if you're a commoner around here, and you're taking the time to read this for some reason, thank you. I'd huggle all of you because that's how great you guys. And some of you seem extremely huggable too. :^)

It's been an honour to be a part of this community, and be kinda deemed the troll and derpy waifufag of this place, so let's keep making it strong for all of us. Gorls, we shall one day conquer the world with our sass and poise, and have everyone hail to our queen Zelda. She is partially why we are all here together... right? GROUP HUG <33333

It's already been almost a year and a half since I joined this site, and honestly it's communities like this one and the old Brawl Online social that keep (and kept) me coming back to Smashboards everyday, several times a day, just to see what's going on.

After the old social died when our group was stricken with the poison that is skype, I stopped using Smashboards. It was only after hearing about this place a couple times from Rick, and being tagged in that first post about the page claiming thing (lol), that brought me to first post here. Of course, having dropped Zelda from Brawl to Smash4 at first and maining Rosalina made me think I wasn't really going to be accepted here, but of course I was wrong. Time and time again, through shared hardships and secrets, kind words and condolences, and a collective conspiratorial sass the likes of which the world has never seen before, it was proven that this is a community worth sticking around in.

It was actually y'all gorls that inspired me to pick Zelda up again, and she's more fun than ever. <3

I'm proud to be here with you all, and I'll always be here for anyone who needs it. Sass queens need to stick together. ~
Also, I love hugs. I would always accept hugs.

For philosopher Albert Camus(the s is silent, French are weird) there was only one problem worth solving. Why should we as human beings not commit suicide. For Camus life was meaningless, the struggles of humanity show that our ideals do not meet reality, that our expectations of life are too high. However, he believed that this absurdity wasn't seen all the time or realized though progression over time, but in a single moment a person can realize how mundane their life truly is. In order to prove his point he retells the Myth of Sisyphus. Sisyphus push a rock up a mountain in belief he was more cunning then the gods. Every time the rock neared the summit it fell down the mountain and this process was repeated endlessly. Similar to the rock never reaching the top we in life have no true end goal, a fate that we are all condemned too, a fate at some point we may realize all too clearly.
For Camus in order to combat the absurdity/meaningless of life we should chain ourselves to it and make choices to reveal in it. Instead of hoping for another world to solve our absurd life (Catholic belief) we ought to revolt against this sentence and create meaning though art and other methods. For Camus Sisyphus despite pushing a rock up a mountain for all eternity could be seen as happy because as the rock once more rolls down the hill, he has created meaning in his life by revolting.

well if you read it, what do you think? I honestly don't think riot is the answer to everything and I feel like I have a very poor grasp of Camus' thoughts. How do a chain myself to a mundane situation? aren't I already chained? But perhaps he meant our shackles are something we should seek as inspiration to create. Maybe if I read his essays in more detail I'll know, if only I had the time

View attachment 40323
Well, I'm not sure what to think either. Life may or may not have meaning; it's all up to the interpretation of the individual.

I would write more but I'm terribly distracted and can't think at the moment. For half of this post I had a cat in my arms and was forced to type one-handed with my left hand, due to right arm being occupied by said cat.

By the way, that's my favorite picture of Furret you've posted by far.

Umm....I don't think we've ever had one.:bluejump:
And Farore's sniping is so much fun. Or are we calling that Ferrari's Wind?
We should then! Sometime soon. Idk about tonight, I'm just kinda.. unwinding from work and all. Dead-brained, really. It's great just being here, though. :p
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