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Guide Zelda Social: But also the FE Heroes Internet Cafe


Smash Master
Sep 29, 2014
Las Vegas it's hot yall help
I'd honestly be stunned if that AlmostLegendary guy wasn't a troll.
Are not Little Mac's aerials, including Nair, the worst in the game?
Little Mac can spike with nair and then footstool to seal the deal AND recover :secretkpop:

I think zelda has good air game.

Nair is fast and good for combos

Fair/Bair come out pretty fast and are strong. Just don't whiff.

Uair has lots of range and its really strong.

Dair is fast strong and super reliable.

I'd say zelda has a great air game
I totally agree. Also, people need to use dair more. 16 or 17% (can't recall atm) sweetspotted AND it autocancels out of a SH AND bounces the opponent up at mid-high%s to continue combos or land a LK/uair. Even at low percents when it doesn't bounce them up, the hitstun usually lets you get a grab.
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Jun 8, 2009
Russel Westbrook doe

Eeeeh. I'm not really feeling it with customs-tena. It's not that she's not good. She's just not my thing :|
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Jul 7, 2014
Custom Palutena is extremely overrated. Like, I know she gets better but the hype isn't needed.
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The Smooth Devil Mod
Aug 25, 2014
Holy **** what am I reading?
Speaking of Shulk and him, I'm starting to wonder what if Rosalina had a horrible frame data and if he still mained her, would he still **** on Shulk. Probably. If frame data was the only thing that mattered, then Mario and Falco would sky rocket and Captain Falcon would drop a tier - Captain Falcon's frame data is a bit slower than Falco's funny enough. Here's the issue: they're not. Mario doesn't have Diddy's shenanigans to back up his frame data and Falco's mobility and limited approaches turns the two into: Mario into more of a jack of all trades character and Falco into one of the fastest punishers in terms of attacking and not moving. Oh well.
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Jun 8, 2009
I'm beginning to understand the reasons behind Shulk's bad frame data and bad air inertia. I'm really foolish for not noticing this.

His range is so good, it's 2 tiers above the cast or 1.5 tiers above

If he had at least below average or decent air inertia, he'd be really REALLY good. If his attacks were as fast as Ike's, that would be also REALLY good or possibly legit dumb.


Gordeau Main Paint Drinker
Sep 29, 2013
Canada, where it's really cold
Holy **** what am I reading?
Doc's Nair is actually the best Nair in the game.

Sorry couldn't resist LOL. (Doc's Nair is pretty bad but I like it because it is the most unique Nair in the series period so cool stuff)

Also yeah Shulk's frame data is "bad" but his range more than makes up for it, kind of like Dhalsim (although if Capcom gave Dhalsim Monados I'd throw my damn everything). I like him he's cool, the MU vs. him is never annoying (the Monados make it really engaging)
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Jun 8, 2009
Doc's Nair is actually the best Nair in the game.

Sorry couldn't resist LOL. (Doc's Nair is pretty bad but I like it because it is the most unique Nair in the series period so cool stuff)
I respect your opinion man

But this almostlegendary guy... I can't respect his opinion about Shulk's n-air and Diddy's u-air. That's like respecting the opinion of someone that thinks 1+1 is 3 and that Shulk is Australian


Jul 7, 2014
Still haven't played a good Shalk for Pika MU.

Also should I just make a MU portal thread and post threads about character MUs just like @ Ffamran Ffamran does in the Falco boards, but in the Pika boards?


Gatekeeper of the Shadows
Jun 17, 2014
Gods some Palutena people are so dense too.

I posted a huge rant over there lololol. :^)


The Smooth Devil Mod
Aug 25, 2014
I'm beginning to understand the reasons behind Shulk's bad frame data and bad air inertia. I'm really foolish for not noticing this.

His range is so good, it's 2 tiers above the cast or 1.5 tiers above

If he had at least below average or decent air inertia, he'd be really REALLY good. If his attacks were as fast as Ike's, that would be also REALLY good or possibly legit dumb.
Meanwhile, Diddy. :p

Captain Falcon's slightly slower than Mario and Falco's frame data make sense. Could you imagine what a beast he would be if his Jab was frame 1? That alone would make him even more monstrous coupled with his natural speed, insane dash grab, and power. Or give Ganondorf a frame 5 Jab.

The issue is that the intentions of the frame data makes sense for everyone - except Diddy -, but sometimes the design just doesn't work out as well. Fox and Falco have similar frame data, but Fox's speed and mobility makes him work better than Falco who is fairly fast on the ground, but incredibly slow in the air without the use of Falco Phantasm. Then there's the issue of Falco's Blaster. Without the ability to zone well or approach well, Falco has to play a punisher/heavyweight game that doesn't exactly sync well with him being a lightweight and a fast faller who will get juggled. Looking at Wolf, you had a character who attacked fast, moved with his attacks, but aside from Bair, Down Smash, and a tipped Utilt - it's the tip, right? -, Wolf wasn't powerful. It was his ability to combo after combo and move fluidly through the air that gave him his place on the tier.

Marth and Lucina? Frame data makes sense and so does the end lag to prevent them from abusing aerials, but the damage and knockback don't really matter. Marth has to be so precise with his tippers and it doesn't become as rewarding as say, Ganondorf getting an Up Smash or Ftilt or Zelda fully connecting a Smash. As for Lucina, her damage difference and knockback are so negligible that calling her a "beginner's character" is a lie because Marth can kill with a tipper Side Smash at around 90% while Lucina has to wait until 110% or something.

Should I talk about Zelda? Three sweet-spot aerials, horrible sour-spots unless it's Dair off stage, and the fact that people can fall out of Up Smash and Side Smash for no freaking reason. Meanwhile, Rosalina's range and lingering hitboxes are insane. Dair or Uair, if I remember right, has like 3 hitboxes.
Jun 8, 2009
Whelp. Feel free to raid the Shulk boards again if you want. We're all for them B99 GIF's, competitive insults, etc. You name it
A post from that guy who thinks Shulk, Greninja and Robin are bottom tier because frame data is everything.
Yeah sure. Frame data is important but like what my personal favorite user of the year said, you have look beyond the frame data. It doesn't end there
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Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
Theory crafting for how good a character is simply doesn't work :/
Knuckles is the best Sonic Boom character.
I really like Knuckles but they made him stupid in Boom. Sonic Adventure 2 Knuckles (and every character)>Sonic Boom characters.
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Jul 7, 2014
I really like Knuckles but they made him stupid in Boom. Sonic Adventure 2 Knuckles (and every character)>Sonic Boom characters.
Bruh, SA2 was the greatest. Knuckles actually had a theme song. SA1 Knuckles theme is classy tho.
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The Smooth Devil Mod
Aug 25, 2014
Still haven't played a good Shalk for Pika MU.

Also should I just make a MU portal thread and post threads about character MUs just like @ Ffamran Ffamran does in the Falco boards, but in the Pika boards?
I didn't make the thread, I just had it continue as intended. You're looking for Legend Vermillion who hasn't been here since Xmas. Such a shame since he's a cool guy. Leg and BltzZ did show up recently, but it's mostly Leg being more active on the Falco boards.

Speaking of match ups... @ FullMoon FullMoon , the Greninjas will have their turn one day... MUHAHAHAHAHA!!!

After I believe it's Palutena, ROB, and Sheik since those were requests. Ganondorf might be #13 or Dark Pit since I kind of want to play on the whole 13 is unlucky which would make Pit #14 to mirror Edge Pit. :p
Jun 8, 2009
Theory crafting for how good a character is simply doesn't work :/
I also don't like theory crafting either but there are times where I'll bite on it. This really applied for Snake's meta. I remember SuSa *sigh*
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i'm just joking with you
Nov 2, 2014
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

This is one of many really. I tried to argue with him about Greninja but I don't think he listened. Even after aMSa showed the things the frog can do that doesn't seem to have changed his opinion much.

Yeah sure. Frame data is important but like what my personal favorite user of the year said, you have look beyond the frame data. It doesn't end there
Yeah, I understand that frame data is important otherwise Diddy wouldn't be where he is right now. But judging solely from frame data is being really narrow-minded.

Speaking of match ups... @ FullMoon FullMoon , the Greninjas will have their turn one day... MUHAHAHAHAHA!!!
I know little to nothing about the Falco MU since I don't ever see him online, so don't expect me to be able to say much about that MU, unless you're up for some matches so we can have a better look at the MU from both sides.


Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
Oh goddesses, that thread :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:. I learned to avoid threads like that and the tier list discussions.
I also don't like theory crafting either but there are times where I'll bite on it. This really applied for Snake's meta. I remember SuSa *sigh*
Theorycrafting was terrible for Link in Brawl. People either thought 'Link is really good' or 'Link looses to all high tiers -3 or -4'. :facepalm:
Coming up with ideas is good but they need to be field tested :smirk:
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Sunny skies
Oct 6, 2009
Vancouver, BC
I respect your opinion man

But this almostlegendary guy... I can't respect his opinion about Shulk's n-air and Diddy's u-air. That's like respecting the opinion of someone that thinks 1+1 is 3 and that Shulk is Australian
AL is the Brawl Zelda version of A2. Wouldn't waste my time on him.
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The Smooth Devil Mod
Aug 25, 2014
I know little to nothing about the Falco MU since I don't ever see him online, so don't expect me to be able to say much about that MU, unless you're up for some matches so we can have a better look at the MU from both sides.
And you still forgot about missing the Falco boards when you were going around asking for Fox, Falco, and I believe another character's board. :sadeyes:

I'll just ignore AlmostLegendary. I think that will calm me down
I'll just ignore AlmostLegendary. I think that will calm me down
I'll just ignore AlmostLegendary. I think that will calm me down
Hahahahaha!!! A triple post. @Warchamp7, why is Smashboards burning down again? :p


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2009
The caffeine-free state
I'm beginning to understand the reasons behind Shulk's bad frame data and bad air inertia. I'm really foolish for not noticing this.

His range is so good, it's 2 tiers above the cast or 1.5 tiers above

If he had at least below average or decent air inertia, he'd be really REALLY good. If his attacks were as fast as Ike's, that would be also REALLY good or possibly legit dumb.
You're a Shulk main, the game has been out since September, and you're only now noticing this?
:sonic:: You're too slow!
Though the terrible air deceleration is something that our uninspired friend pointed out to me (same with Greninja). The way Shulk's FSmash catches landings is disgusting (I think Falcon has similar range on his though, why Sakurai). As for Greninja, I guess there had to be one area where he wasn't super mobile, IDK.

I've been working to get over 2000 feet with all characters in HRC. So far ZSS has been the hardest for some reason. Shulk has my high score thanks to Buster/Smash, he's just shy of 4000 feet.


Jul 7, 2014
I didn't make the thread, I just had it continue as intended. You're looking for Legend Vermillion who hasn't been here since Xmas. Such a shame since he's a cool guy. Leg and BltzZ did show up recently, but it's mostly Leg being more active on the Falco boards.

Speaking of match ups... @ FullMoon FullMoon , the Greninjas will have their turn one day... MUHAHAHAHAHA!!!

After I believe it's Palutena, ROB, and Sheik since those were requests. Ganondorf might be #13 or Dark Pit since I kind of want to play on the whole 13 is unlucky which would make Pit #14 to mirror Edge Pit. :p
Oh, oh, I see. Pikachu's MU thread is random. Like, there's no... um, what was it.. general consensus? I wouldn't make the portal thread right now though. I'd have to make character threads every now and then lol
lmao that Daffy Duck


Let 'em talk
Oct 20, 2014
Switch FC
So my Wii Fit Trainer amiibo arrived from Germany yesterday. It wasn't even supposed to come until March 10th, so idk why it's here so early.

Now it's time to open it and destroy any value it holds!

edit: I've only ignored one person and it was because their grammar was awful and their posts were just rambling about how Samus is really good because one guy did well with her.
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i'm just joking with you
Nov 2, 2014
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Dat triple post.

And you still forgot about missing the Falco boards when you were going around asking for Fox, Falco, and I believe another character's board. :sadeyes:
It was Sheik and ZSS as well I believe (I say that because I just checked it).

But yeah, memory lapses whooo. I think what we said on Falco was basically "he's not as fast as bad as Fox so we go even/beat him".

We really need to re-do that MU at some point.


The Smooth Devil Mod
Aug 25, 2014
Oh, oh, I see. Pikachu's MU thread is random. Like, there's no... um, what was it.. general consensus? I wouldn't make the portal thread right now though. I'd have to make character threads every now and then lol
lmao that Daffy Duck
The main post of the match up thread was intended to be a directory and a general MU discussion thread. So questions, requests, etc. Here's the problem, Legend Vermillion had cool graphics attached to the OP as a directory. I don't want to take over the main post like that and I don't know if he's doing the graphics or if it's someone he's asking. Well, the Falcos wanted to talk about match ups after it was kind of disoragnized and discussed someone where else and I wanted a bit more activity and there you go, the match up threads were started.

My mouse button is messing up. My bad
I'm getting stupid lag for some reason.

Dat triple post.

It was Sheik and ZSS as well I believe (I say that because I just checked it).

But yeah, memory lapses whooo. I think what we said on Falco was basically "he's not as fast as bad as Fox so we go even/beat him".

We really need to re-do that MU at some point.
The cool thing about separate match up threads is that you can continue them whenever. The problem? Imagine 50+ of those threads. Yeah...


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2009
The caffeine-free state
So my Wii Fit Trainer amiibo arrived from Germany yesterday. It wasn't even supposed to come until March 10th, so idk why it's here so early.

Now it's time to open it and destroy any value it holds!

edit: I've only ignored one person and it was because their grammar was awful and their posts were just rambling about how Samus is really good because one guy did well with her.
Sounds like Road Death Wheel (or is it Rode? Don't remember).

I should make a post about the frequent posters in the competitive impressions thread.


Jul 7, 2014
The main post of the match up thread was intended to be a directory and a general MU discussion thread. So questions, requests, etc. Here's the problem, Legend Vermillion had cool graphics attached to the OP as a directory. I don't want to take over the main post like that and I don't know if he's doing the graphics or if it's someone he's asking. Well, the Falcos wanted to talk about match ups after it was kind of disoragnized and discussed someone where else and I wanted a bit more activity and there you go, the match up threads were started.
I should honestly do the same thing. Pika MU thread is disorganized as all Primal Groudon and Kyogre sets, courtesy of Smogon's Ban Happy Fiesta™. But again, the MU thread we have is stickied and uhh, yeah. xD


Let 'em talk
Oct 20, 2014
Switch FC
Sounds like Road Death Wheel (or is it Rode? Don't remember).

I should make a post about the frequent posters in the competitive impressions thread.
Yeah, that's him.
He always annoyed me and would ramble about nothing. He never said anything of substance.

I refuse to ignore people like almostlegendary because their posts are great. I bet he thinks Rosalina is top 3 lol.
tbh all i want in life is a tier list from almostlegendary.
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Oct 21, 2011
Sounds like Road Death Wheel (or is it Rode? Don't remember).

I should make a post about the frequent posters in the competitive impressions thread.
That's going to be quite the lengthy post. There's a reason Locke and I call it the "Misimpressions" thread. Makes for some quick humor at least.


i'm just joking with you
Nov 2, 2014
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Oh, @ Rizen Rizen I would be up for some matches as soon as I come back from lunch.

Sounds like Road Death Wheel (or is it Rode? Don't remember).

I should make a post about the frequent posters in the competitive impressions thread.
Does that count me? Because I suppose I'm a frequent poster there to some extent.


The Smooth Devil Mod
Aug 25, 2014
I should honestly do the same thing. Pika MU thread is disorganized as all Primal Groudon and Kyogre sets, courtesy of Smogon's Ban Happy Fiesta™. But again, the MU thread we have is stickied and uhh, yeah. xD
I believe @Katakiri persuaded the Meta Knight boards to shift from one MU thread to dedicated ones. The main thread is still active, but I don't know if it's there as a general MU thread or an index. The Link boards also have separate threads made by the community, while I make the threads for the Falcos probably because I know how to read the frame data or because they're lazy. :p
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