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Guide Zelda Social: But also the FE Heroes Internet Cafe


Indigo Destiny
Oct 24, 2014
I'm still missing ~18 customs I think. I keep forgetting to update my checklist so I keep needing to recount asdf

I finally got Doc's upB 3 on Classic run #22 with him though!
Okay, recounted:

downB 2
downB 3

sideB 2

neutralB 2

upB 2

upB 3

sideB 3

downB 3

sideB 3
downB 2
downB 3

downB 2

neutralB 3

13 left to go!

I mean what the hell was I supposed to do if I even so much as walk forward and this guy's all up in my grill and I end up with 100% under 10 seconds?
Did you save the replays? These are the sorts of matches that are good to review and learn from.

Personally, I want every character except Mario and Luigi to be cut. It would finally be a Super Smash Bros. game! Peach has no reason to be there 'cause she's a sister and Bowser's a bully. :p
I am not sure how I would feel about this.

When I played the (S)NES Mario games, I would play 2-player modes by myself and kill off Mario so I could play as Luigi.

On the other hand, liking 50% of the cast is a pretty good amount when you think about it!
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Jul 7, 2014
Oh yeah, Smash 3DS has that replay sharing thing.
I would share replays but I'd need to play someone first.


The Zelda We Need, But Not the One We Deserve
Dec 28, 2014
Gaylordsville Baptist Church, NY
I hope they put Ice Climbers back in. I understand the hardware limits, but the 3ds supposedly has the similar specs to the gamecube, so if they were in melee, why not here? It's seems more likely that Nintendo ran out of time and money to optimize the Ice Climbers so they'd work on the 3ds, rather than the limitations themselves. At least that's how I figured it to be.


Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2014
I honestly don't care about character cuts. If a character was cut, they were cut.
Back when Smash 4 was announced I wanted to main Yoshi, but then I realized Pikachu was better for me.

username is taken
Mmmm alright! Then let's cut Pikachu and Yoshi, so all of those hundreds of hours spent in the previous game were wasted as they aren't in the new one, furthermore, they can't reach their true potential with new engine and will forever be mediocre! No one will play Brawl, so there is literally nothing you can do with those characters that are cut! Not only that, but since they were the mascots of that game(especially if it was little known), the games you love would fall into even more obscurity!


Jul 7, 2014
30 FPS Nana, 60 FPS Popo on 3DS. Win win. Everyone wins. 60 FPS for both on Wii U.
No gameplay alterations.
Mmmm alright! Then let's cut Pikachu and Yoshi, so all of those hundreds of hours spent in the previous game were wasted as they aren't in the new one, furthermore, they can't reach their true potential with new engine and will forever be mediocre! No one will play Brawl, so there is literally nothing you can do with those characters that are cut! Not only that, but since they were the mascots of that game(especially if it was little known), the games you love would fall into even more obscurity!
I'm honestly not sure where did "Pikachu is cut" come from. Everyone plays different in Smash 4.
Pikachu doesn't have CGs. Yoshi doesn't have Dragonic Reverse. Though if the former had CGs I wouldn't need a secondary and it would most likely be the best character.

Also people still play Brawl. Just the people who hate Smash 4 that is.
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The Smooth Devil Mod
Aug 25, 2014
Did you save the replays? These are the sorts of matches that are good to review and learn from.
Rage is one hell of an anesthetic. It makes your decisions go bad - I knew while fighting this guy for over 20-40 matches that I falling back on old habits and being incredibly reckless. I saved one and it was about Fox Illusion. I know Falco can be hit during Phantasm, especially at the end part where it has no hitbox, but I managed to kill his Fox in the middle of Fox Illusion.


Oct 21, 2011

Here's two of the matches I had with @ Macchiato Macchiato today.

And I forgot to change the resolution when making this so there's a lot of empty space in the video.

I'm probably going to OCD about that and re-upload it in the future with the right resolution, knowing myself.
Something I noticed from a Greninja main standpoint: Why are you fullhopping a lot of those nairs/fairs? SHFF nair or just SH nair is a better option majority of the time considering it's quick and still has the AC window. Fullhops should be easy shieldgrab fodder considering Greninja doesn't seem to have good deceleration while in the air.
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Smash Master
Oct 8, 2014
I hope they put Ice Climbers back in. I understand the hardware limits, but the 3ds supposedly has the similar specs to the gamecube, so if they were in melee, why not here? It's seems more likely that Nintendo ran out of time and money to optimize the Ice Climbers so they'd work on the 3ds, rather than the limitations themselves. At least that's how I figured it to be.
I tried going online and seeing if this is true but the only thing I got is that the 3DS has 3 times as much RAM as the Gamecube :/

Then again there's a lot more stuff that happens in the 3DS version. Melee didn't have Final Smashes or stage bosses (although they should just remove stage bosses altogether imo)

(except for Metal Face he's cool and Gaur Plains is too big with only 4 people anyway)


Smash Master
Sep 29, 2014
Las Vegas it's hot yall help


Jul 7, 2014
yep, it surprised me too

Palutena gets spiked too low to recover at like 25%, it's crazy strong
I wouldn't be surprised if it meteor smashed Jigglypuff at 10%.
Still though that's pretty nice. Samus in Smash 4 was made to be with customs.
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Smash Lord
Dec 18, 2011
How? It's just a chubby blob with stubby arms, feet, and a face. @Reserved.

Ahem. That's So Shulk.

I know, but my issue is that if you really want to finish a game, then delay it. I don't give a damn how the fans feel at that moment because they will be much, much happier if stuff gets finished. Cut content always exist, but some things feel like they shouldn't be cut unless it's for time reasons and even then, they could just prolong a game's life by adding cut content as side projects and DLC for us. So, Mewtwo's is being worked on after the game's release, but at a more leisurely way instead of rushing to finish a game. Nintendo rarely releases broken games, but looking at recent games like Assassin's Creed Unity, I would rather wait a year than have it come out messed up.

Or hell, outright say why the character isn't in the game. If I was really angry and as a human would do, I would probably say, "FLOCK OFF! I HATE RIDLEY, THAT'S WHY HE'S NOT IN THE GAME! Oh, and if you want me dead, here's an image of a revolver with one bullet in it and the address to where I live. Come and get me. I know you'll rot in jail, you pathetic excuse of a human."

It's a game, I have no idea why some people are so butthurt about things. Yes, it's disappointing that certain characters are not in a game, but a riot? Really? Oh, and Sakurai can't have his own opinions or go against his words? Talk about hypocrites if you think you're so mighty and pure. Move on, this ain't a cure to cancer being offered only to a select group of people for free while the rest have to sell their organs and limbs for it.
I'm not sure how it escalated from 3D models to riots and the cure for cancer, and I honestly am not even sure what side you're supporting or if you're just dissing on the people that take the roster picks too seriously...

But yeah I guess (?).

Personally I miss Lucas, but I understand why he's not in the game, since the franchise is more than dead.

I dunno about Wolf, but I'm not sad about him not making it :p


Smash Master
Feb 23, 2014
Switch FC
I thought the Ice Climbers issue was more of a processing power issue, rather than a graphical one. Nana is basically another CPU. So I'm sure the 3DS could handle one or two Ice Climber pairs. But more than that...probably not.
Now the New 3DS could probably do it. But if Nintendo made the Icies exclusive to that system, there would be a lot of backlash.


i'm just joking with you
Nov 2, 2014
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Something I noticed from a Greninja main standpoint: Why are you fullhopping a lot of those nairs/fairs? SHFF nair or just SH nair is a better option majority of the time considering it's quick and still has the AC window. Fullhops should be easy shieldgrab fodder considering Greninja doesn't seem to have good deceleration while in the air.
I kinda have an issue with getting short hops done either because the input lag register what I did as a full hop and I often press the jump button a bit too hard in the heat of match and end up full hopping. It's something I also have to practice more in order to optimize my playstyle.

Deleted member

Well, now that I've got a Wii U, and I haven't played anyone yet, does anyone wanna play some matches? ^o^


Oct 21, 2011
I kinda have an issue with getting short hops done either because the input lag register what I did as a full hop and I often press the jump button a bit too hard in the heat of match and end up full hopping. It's something I also have to practice more in order to optimize my playstyle.
Oh, that makes sense. Input lag is extremely frustrating. When I'm Pacman, I can't even get off my hydrant in time because of the delay and if I'm using the on-fire hydrant custom, I get blasted with my own flames and look like a ******.


Smash Lord
Dec 18, 2011
I thought the Ice Climbers issue was more of a processing power issue, rather than a graphical one. Nana is basically another CPU. So I'm sure the 3DS could handle one or two Ice Climber pairs. But more than that...probably not.
Now the New 3DS could probably do it. But if Nintendo made the Icies exclusive to that system, there would be a lot of backlash.
The ICs was a hardware limitation. I remember back in Brawl my friends and I had a match in which everyone picked them and the Wii was having a REALLY hard time processing them. The 3DS is a little bit less powerful than the Wii (the Xenoblade port needed the New 3DS) so it's probably impossible for it to run them.

Also! I forgot to answer to that, but that's cool that you wanna go into a 3D major. Are you planning on studying digital visual arts or animation or something like that? I'm not really a 3D artist, but my boyfriend is one so I know a thing or two about the process. If you ever want any info on that I could get you in touch with him and a bunch of other 3D artists too! (A lot of them are really into SBB as well :) )


Indigo Destiny
Oct 24, 2014
What's the "best" custom Samus set, anyway?

Regular and Dense Charge Shots are both good and up to player preference

I think Relentless Missiles are a shoe-in

Apex Screw Attack has kill power, but it's a ton slower than the default which also has INSANE shield damage (seriously, Screw Attacking someone shielding on a platform above you is a shield break...though I think they can shielddrop during it, but that still forces them to get hit and keeps you safe). Screw Rush I don't know much about.

To my knowledge Slip Bomb is the best bomb, but I'm not well-versed on the nuances of bombs in general.

1232, 1212, 2232, 2212?
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Smash Master
Apr 2, 2009
The caffeine-free state
I think what a lot of people are doing is just getting customs in 3DS and uploading them. This is assuming you're talking WiiU classic, which is bogus for getting the right stuff. I STILL only have one Zelda custom. >_>
Wii U Classic gives customs based more on the stages you play on than the characters you use. Unfortunately this precludes getting a lot of customs for at least :4gaw::4kirby::4dedede::4metaknight::4shulk:, since their stages are never chosen in Classic. There might be others I'm not remembering, too.

All-Star and Trophy Rush are better for getting vharacter-specific customs, but Trophy Rush is a massive money sink.


The Zelda We Need, But Not the One We Deserve
Dec 28, 2014
Gaylordsville Baptist Church, NY
So my dad found some bug in gmail, and they apparently reward those who find these kinds of things with a substantial amount of cash up to twenty grand. He proposed that if we get 5000+, a wii u may be in my not too distant future. Once he finds a new job.


i'm just joking with you
Nov 2, 2014
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Oh, that makes sense. Input lag is extremely frustrating. When I'm Pacman, I can't even get off my hydrant in time because of the delay and if I'm using the on-fire hydrant custom, I get blasted with my own flames and look like a ******.
In general I just need to remember to use short hops more, or most of the time. I was struggling with a ZSS today until I realized I could short hop over her neutral b, once I started doing that things became so much easier.


Smash Master
Sep 29, 2014
Las Vegas it's hot yall help
What's the "best" custom Samus set, anyway?

Regular and Dense Charge Shots are both good and up to player preference

I think Relentless Missiles are a shoe-in

Apex Screw Attack has kill power, but it's a ton slower than the default which also has INSANE shield damage (seriously, Screw Attacking someone shielding on a platform above you is a shield break...though I think they can shielddrop during it, but that still forces them to get hit and keeps you safe). Screw Rush I don't know much about.

To my knowledge Slip Bomb is the best bomb, but I'm not well-versed on the nuances of bombs in general.

1232, 1212, 2232, 2212?
1212 or 1232 imo. Relentless Missles provide the insane zoning so Dense Charge Shot isn't necessary imo, though I can see some amazing kill combos coming from it so I do agree that it'd be up to player preference. Slip Bombs of course. The Mega Bomb (why not Power Bomb???) is fairly useless, and the only thing Slip Bombs miss out on compared to the default is Bomb Jumping. However, she has her zair that reaches extremely far and can't be edgehogged in this game. Screw Rush sends you at a really weird angle and it can made you SD easily on stages with uneven lips/walls, so I wouldn't recomend it. Apex Screw Attack wow that's a mouthful to type, should've just called it Shinespark since that's what it looks like is going to be useful OOS against characers with large amounts of end lag on moves that will let you punish them. Default probably for faster characters.
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Indigo Destiny
Oct 24, 2014
Unfortunately this precludes getting a lot of customs for :4metaknight:, since their stages are never chosen in Classic.
And nothing of value was lost.

1233 or 1231 imo. Relentless Missles provide the insane zoning so Dense Charge Shot isn't necessary imo, though I can see some amazing kill combos coming from it so I do agree that it'd be up to player preference. Slip Bombs of course. The Mega Bomb (why not Power Bomb???) is fairly useless, and the only thing Slip Bombs miss out on compared to the default is Bomb Jumping. However, she has her zair that reaches extremely far and can't be edgehogged in this game. Screw Rush sends you at a really weird angle and it can made you SD easily on stages with uneven lips/walls, so I wouldn't recomend it. Apex Screw Attack wow that's a mouthful to type, should've just called it Shinespark since that's what it looks like is going to be useful OOS against characers with large amounts of end lag on moves that will let you punish them. Default probably for faster characters.
The number order is neutral-side-up-down; neither of those sets have Slip Bomb, so I feel this needs clarification V:

I can get behind this reasoning.
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Smash Master
Feb 23, 2014
Switch FC
The ICs was a hardware limitation. I remember back in Brawl my friends and I had a match in which everyone picked them and the Wii was having a REALLY hard time processing them. The 3DS is a little bit less powerful than the Wii (the Xenoblade port needed the New 3DS) so it's probably impossible for it to run them.

Also! I forgot to answer to that, but that's cool that you wanna go into a 3D major. Are you planning on studying digital visual arts or animation or something like that? I'm not really a 3D artist, but my boyfriend is one so I know a thing or two about the process. If you ever want any info on that I could get you in touch with him and a bunch of other 3D artists too! (A lot of them are really into SBB as well :) )
Well...I'm not 100% sure on what kind of modeling I want to do. Right now "computer graphics" is the term I've been using. Something along the lines of actually making models for games/movies and animating them.

And thank you for the offer! Although I might be a bit too inexperienced for them to tolerate me, lol. I honestly don't really know much at all about 3D modeling, and my school doesn't offer any classes that really touch on it. :c Next year I might take some classes at my local college to get started though!

EDIT: I'm so trying the Ice Climber thing now.
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Smash Master
Apr 2, 2009
The caffeine-free state
And nothing of value was lost.
I actually forgot about Halberd, that's a Kirby stage (I thought there was one that wasn't the Great Cave Offensive but couldn't remember at first). The point about Flat Zone X and Gaur Plains still stands though. I'm not bothered by Flat Zone X not being picked since the hazards are ridiculous but Gaur Plains being excluded baffles me. There are a lot of 5+ player matches in Classic and since there are a limited number of stages that fit that criteria, you'd think it would pick it, especially since Metal Face doesn't show up with that many players. You can play on Pyrosphere without Ridley, why not Gaur Plains?


Smash Master
Sep 29, 2014
Las Vegas it's hot yall help
And nothing of value was lost.

The number order is neutral-side-up-down; neither of those sets have Slip Bomb, so I feel this needs clarification V:

I can get behind this reasoning.
Oh sorry, the only time I've ever done customs was in the Robin forums and they did neutral-side-down-up so I just went off of that. I was also going off of Smash wiki for which custom is which so that's why Slip Bomb wasn't there. Fixed it in my original post.
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Jul 7, 2014
Once again, if Nana was 30fps and Popo 60fps, they wouldn't be such a problem.
But then if they were exclusive to the New 3DS, people would complain.
"I want them on my original 3DS!!!"
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Coffee Addict
Jun 12, 2009
In the land of princesses, frogs, and dragons
First link: Beast WFT. Your down taunt is the best. You gimped him with the hoola hoop, sis....
Game was intense as hell, nice work! Honestly idk how people use WFT, feels so awkward o:

Second link: Good effort. Those were some cute nair combos. On the Zelda match, those gordos were wifi'ing you so much, I was mad lol. Beautiful kick at the end.

Third link: I love how these commentators are commenting on that Luigi's "amazing upsmash reads" when he's literally doing the same thing every time. The main thing that stood out to me that he read well were your rolls, in which he ran just a little further ahead for the grab. Also, that ending... I can see what you mean by braindead. That was rough, sis, but you did what you could, considering everything. If it were me, I would have gotten clean 3 stocked.
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