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Guide Zelda Social: But also the FE Heroes Internet Cafe


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2009
The caffeine-free state
Kofu, like tofu, but with a K.
It's actually Smash related, believe it or not. Back when Melee was new, my brother and I came up with a tag that we thought was clever: KO4U, or "knockout for you." We pronounced it "kofu." And so I made it my Smashboards username, even though I prefer to use a different username most other places.


Smash Champion
Aug 23, 2006
Inside a cheesecake
It's actually Smash related, believe it or not. Back when Melee was new, my brother and I came up with a tag that we thought was clever: KO4U, or "knockout for you." We pronounced it "kofu." And so I made it my Smashboards username, even though I prefer to use a different username most other places.
It reminds me of the NO R 4 U and 2L84ME idioms in Melee, haha.


The Zelda We Need, But Not the One We Deserve
Dec 28, 2014
Gaylordsville Baptist Church, NY
idk why people say brawl clones can't come back because of customs, it's not like the smash 4 clones don't have the same custom moves as their original (and Dr. Mario's tornado). I mean, even Fox and Falco (sort of) got each other's blasters. If the clones come back, they'll get their specials back, most likely their original's default set, and hopefully an entirely new set of their own.


The Smooth Devil Mod
Aug 25, 2014
B-but I want a simple username :(
also I'm cool with Wolf being in. inb4 nerfed
Wolf didn't have much to exploit with like Falco and his godplayer Blaster and Dair or Meta Knight in general. If anything, he could end up like Brawl Fox to SSB4 Fox and get tweaked. Wolf's only issue from what I remember was his ledgegrab with Fire Wolf and Wolf Flash. They would not sweetspot well and because Wolf Flash moved at an angle, it was easy to SD on the stage and easy to screw up recovering e.g. landing on the stage instead of grabbing the ledge or going under the stage and falling. There was also chaingrabbing, but that's not an issue anymore while grab resets are a thing, but less evil as chaingrabs. After reading into the wiki, his other issue would be his meteor cancel which was 60 frames while everyone else had 25 or basically half of Wolf's. In other words, meteoring Wolf was basically instant death without any way to stop it while everyone else could attempt to cancel the effect.
Characters with unusual meteor cancel windows in Brawl
In Brawl, some characters can meteor cancel sooner than others. Most characters can meteor cancel after 25 frames, while others have different values:

  • Charizard: 30 frames
  • Ivysaur: 15 frames
  • Meta Knight: 32 frames
  • Olimar: 15 frames
  • Pit: 30 frames
  • Wolf: 60 frames
  • Yoshi: 20 frames
  • Zero Suit Samus: 15 frames
It is curious how characters that use wings for multiple jumps have a longer-than-usual window whereas those who inflate for multiple jumps do not, while characters who rely on tether recoveries have a shorter window to accommodate for their recovery weakness. Wolf's 60-frame delay in meteor cancelling remains inexplicable, though.
His Side Smash might have to change because of how spammable it was and Down Smash would probably get nerfed. The other thing would be animation changes, especially the first frames of his idle stance which apparently is Fox's idle. It's the part where he's standing before dipping to his low, feral stance.

Wolf was pretty much an honest character in Brawl minus the whole Bair thing which isn't that bad compared to Falco flying around while lasers are everywhere, the Ice Climbers' chaingrabs, or Meta Knight's everything. Hell, Wolf's Bair is not even on Diddy's Uair level because it's horizontal and it doesn't kill until the 100%'s unlike Diddy who could juggle you and kill you. Not to mention hitbox shenanigans. If anything, Bair could get a hitbox tweak or made weaker or slower considering that Wolf's moves are fairly fast and his air speed is already awesome.

Wolf's Blaster and Reflector aren't that much of an issue unless Sakurai wanted to make Wolf even more different. Give Wolf a shotgun instead and change his Reflector to something like mines since there are tons of weapons and gadgets in Star Fox: Assault.

We need Lucas too......
That PK Love..... And those smashes.... The kicker is, Lucas and Wolf would be so easy to add too since they were in Brawl....
Lucas I think suffers from series low priority. It's probably the same reason why Captain Falcon is the only F-Zero rep since 64, the Ice Climbers got axed because of that and hardware issues, Roy, Pichu basically being irrelevant, etc. The does beg the question: Lucas is basically Ness's model tweaked and what about Mewtwo who didn't make it to Brawl?

All Ness would need is a wig and there you go, Lucas. Make the animations fit Lucas and done, Lucas. Hell, in theory, Luigi could be a made with Mario's model, stretched and altered to fit Luigi's proportions, different coloration, an L instead of an M for his hat's logo, and there you go, Luigi.

As for Mewtwo. Mewtwo was the Pokémon that people remembered from Red and Blue, Mewtwo was the Pokémon that everyone knew alongside Pikachu. Why wasn't Mewtwo prioritized? Yes, Lucario was marketed and became popular, but hell, Mewtwo over Pokémon Trainer would have been fine even though Pokémon Trainer symbolized the series' start. Oh well, at least Mewtwo's back... for now.

Actually...... If Sakurai didn't waste his time with the 3DS version... He would have had time to put Lucas, Mewtwo, Chorus Kids, Ice Climbers, and Wolf right off the bat. Not only that, he could have probably made even more newcomers........
Smash 4 would have also made the Wii U super successful, it would have been a better game with more content, characters, and stages. We missed all of that.... For an inferior, bare-bones version of Smash that is bad for competitive, and even casual play
If the New 3DS was released like 2 years or a year and half ago, it wouldn't be a problem since the 3DS's CPU was holding the Ice Climbers back. By like 2 years, there would be a ton of people with New 3DS's. Still, the fact they managed to put a fighting game like this is still incredible. I only remember Street Fighter 3DS and Dissidia as the other handheld fighting games. Speaking of Dissidia, it's getting an arcade version meaning glorious Cloud in HD. Isn't that what you wanted Final Fantasy VII fans? :p


i'm just joking with you
Nov 2, 2014
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

For real, I can't even do half of the things with Greninja on wifi like you FullMoon. How, how. Good stuff though, both of you. Mind if I add this to the Greninja Video Thread too?

I also lol'd at Phantom beating Shadow Sneak a few times. Them dark and ghost types
I just kinda do it. I play online a lot so I guess I just got used to the input lag to some extent. Spacing F-Airs properly is still a huge pain though. Feel free to post in the Greninja Video thread too, I'll warn you once I do re-upload it with a better resolution.

Though actually most of the time Macchiato tried to use the Phantom onstage I used Shadow Sneak to interrupt it, it worked in most matches except those two, I guess =V


Coffee Addict
Jun 12, 2009
In the land of princesses, frogs, and dragons
I just kinda do it. I play online a lot so I guess I just got used to the input lag to some extent. Spacing F-Airs properly is still a huge pain though. Feel free to post in the Greninja Video thread too, I'll warn you once I do re-upload it with a better resolution.

Though actually most of the time Macchiato tried to use the Phantom onstage I used Shadow Sneak to interrupt it, it worked in most matches except those two, I guess =V
F-airs is like almost impossible for me to space. But no, let me tell you a story about how much Nair loves me on wifi, and how many times I buffered them offstage. I have @Milky. as witness, and he can confirm this. He can probably make a combo video of 'Mocha SDs' on wifi, and I can promise you Greninja's neutral air on wifi is secretly a praying pose because he's praying to live.

And alright, will add it to the thread. The resolution didn't seem that bad to me, though I can see why we're both spoiled by the El Gato lol


Smash Lord
Apr 9, 2014
Lol I don't know what username I should use once the 30 day limit is over.
xSoul again
Soul Train
The Original xSoul TM
I'm having way too much fun here :seuss:

EDIT: :O I've claimed a page on the Zelda Social for the 1st time!
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Jul 7, 2014
Soul Train
The Original xSoul TM
I'm having way too much fun here :seuss:
Maybe.. uhh...
SoulSilv----nvm I want a simpler name.
Might as well go xSoul or Soul. with the dot.


Indigo Destiny
Oct 24, 2014
Soul Survivor
xSoul 2: Electric Boogaloo
Soulja Boy
:4greninja:'d on SoulSilver
Soulid Snake
Purify Weird Soul
Soul Dew
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Smash Master
Feb 23, 2014
Switch FC
Yeah his KO power is weird cause either he'll kill you early with a sweet spot upsmash, or he'll be working past 150% to get a kill lol. And I like how he feels more too compared to Sheik and Fox.

I suck at dittos, and even more so on wifi, but I may be down sometime. This is my Greninja. But I'm bad, so tips would be appreciated, and doesn't necessarily have to be by Greninja players. And Rickster, maybe that will give you some ideas for starters.

Your Greninja looks really solid to me! I learned Jab>Usmash from you already.

Oh, and they don't HAVE to be dittos, it was just a suggestion. I actually prefer non-ditto matches myself.
Thanks for the videos!
It's kind of rough, but look at what I made! So proud of myself right now.
I really wish there was an option to favorite posts...WE NEED IT SO BAD.
Well, I just woke up so let's check out what has been going on in Smashboards and-

Well, I think this is the highest number of alerts I've had at once so far.
Try 70+, my friend. It's horrifying and satisfying at the same time.
Greninja's my most played character, but I only have a 3DS. Is that okay?

@ Furret Furret
Most realistic dust clouds you'll ever see.
View attachment 40011
Oh yeah, of course that's fine. The only difference really is the c-stick.
The roomie of a friend's friend was murdered by her ex-boyfriend last night.

I don't even know if I'm rage-stunned or just shocked right now.
Wow....that's absolutely horrible...I'm so sorry. :(
I said this before, but I still stand by "A Brother Named Soul" like A Pimp Called Slickback or A Tribe Called Quest - you say the whole thing. Or Soul Man.

Anyway... watching more videos of Wolf makes me really, really want him for DLC. Why was he not included? That air speed and those claw moves. :sadeyes:
Right? He was the most unique Star Fox character, and they axed him. Just keep hoping for DLC!

*end of massive post*


Godfather of the Crimean Mafia
May 29, 2008
Alexandria, VA
Guys I don't want to program right now.

I've never turned a programming assignment in late and it's not due until tomorrow night, but I know I am lazy.

Since I am clearly posting on the Zelda forums and am not programming, should I do my work or not?


The Smooth Devil Mod
Aug 25, 2014

Here's two of the matches I had with @ Macchiato Macchiato today.

And I forgot to change the resolution when making this so there's a lot of empty space in the video.

I'm probably going to OCD about that and re-upload it in the future with the right resolution, knowing myself.
Oh look, matches I would like while playing For Glory. I had a series of rage matches yesterday - I don't even know why I played so long with the guy - that basically had this dude roll back and forth to the point where it felt like he could read everything I was doing. It was so damned annoying since I couldn't attack and if he didn't roll, he would shield it immediately like he was freaking Raven or Shulk. I mean what the hell was I supposed to do if I even so much as walk forward and this guy's all up in my grill and I end up with 100% under 10 seconds? It was so damned annoying especially against his ZSS and Kirby. You think Kirby was slow, play against a Kirby online and you'll think Sonic is slower than a rusty bike.

I just hate matches like that where I'm whiffing 50% of my attacks even at pointblank and I know for damned fact that the character I'm using attacks fast. A frame 2 Jab should not be whiffing at pointblank. Speaking of which, Kirby is the other character who makes Falco's Jab useless. Why even the first two Jabs don't connect properly despite being faster than Samus's is beyond me.

Oh, and I wished I had a Wii U.
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Smash Data Ranger
Aug 14, 2012
The Zelda Boards
I fully support an image repository. That way I can have somewhere to put all my fave GIFs and know where to look. :p


Smash Master
Oct 8, 2014
he would shield it immediately like he was freaking Raven or Shulk
I've been staring at this expression and I still don't know what it means enlighten me please

Like are us Shulks supposed to have frame-perfect shielding or something idgi help pls


Smash Lord
Dec 18, 2011
All Ness would need is a wig and there you go, Lucas. Make the animations fit Lucas and done, Lucas. Hell, in theory, Luigi could be a made with Mario's model, stretched and altered to fit Luigi's proportions, different coloration, an L instead of an M for his hat's logo, and there you go, Luigi.
I know you're probably purposefully oversimplifying things, but 3D models are actually much more complicated than that. Compressing models is actually easier than stretching them. Actually, stretching models is impossible without completely messing up the geometry of the models, so going Mario -> Luigi is not viable at all, because there would be a massive amount of unnecessary pixels and polygons, and then the skelleton for the animation would be completely ruined.

Going Ness -> Lucas is a little bit more viable but I'm pretty sure they'd still have to make a different model because of the subtle differences in the shapes of the top of their heads. They also have to make a different rig and a skelleton because of the backpack. So it's not really as easy.

Not to side with Sakurai, but when he says making a new character is a lot of very hard work, he's not lying. The animations are not something they can just do in one day. Actually, animating the models takes much longer than making them, specially because of how NOTICEABLE the animations have to be given the scale at which the characters show up on the screen.

I'm not actually trying to make an argument or anything, but I think the 3D team working at SSB4 needs a break with all the suppositions about how simple it would be to do their job :'D


Gatekeeper of the Shadows
Jun 17, 2014
>Using Zero Skill Spamus on Classic to try and get customs
>Gets Peach customs instead
>No ZSS customs

Wow, @berserker01 now I know how you feel.


i'm just joking with you
Nov 2, 2014
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
F-airs is like almost impossible for me to space. But no, let me tell you a story about how much Nair loves me on wifi, and how many times I buffered them offstage. I have @Milky. as witness, and he can confirm this. He can probably make a combo video of 'Mocha SDs' on wifi, and I can promise you Greninja's neutral air on wifi is secretly a praying pose because he's praying to live.

And alright, will add it to the thread. The resolution didn't seem that bad to me, though I can see why we're both spoiled by the El Gato lol
I've killed myself with N-Air offstage while playing with Macchiato as well to the point where he even pity SD'd just to be nice. I feel you sis.

And I'm a perfecticionist, the first little thing that I see wrong with my videos is already an excuse for me to re-do it. I see all the black space in the youtube player and it bugs me to no end. I'm too OCD about this stuff =V


Godfather of the Crimean Mafia
May 29, 2008
Alexandria, VA
I think what a lot of people are doing is just getting customs in 3DS and uploading them. This is assuming you're talking WiiU classic, which is bogus for getting the right stuff. I STILL only have one Zelda custom. >_>

Oh but I got all of Rob's and Duck Hunt's and Yoshi's!!!!!!

EDIT: @ Macchiato Macchiato you didn't happen to save that replay where you FW'd into my Robin at 30% and flat out killed me, did you? I didn't save it and I regret it.
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Smash Master
Feb 23, 2014
Switch FC
500th post! Can I get hoo-hah?

Oh and @ Rickster Rickster I just made an image depository for the Zelda boards, I'll go put it in there for you bby.
Oh thanks sis! Now we'll always be able to enjoy those amazing gifs! Normally I save them but my computer doesn't display gif files correctly. :c
I know you're probably purposefully oversimplifying things, but 3D models are actually much more complicated than that. Compressing models is actually easier than stretching them. Actually, stretching models is impossible without completely messing up the geometry of the models, so going Mario -> Luigi is not viable at all, because there would be a massive amount of unnecessary pixels and polygons, and then the skelleton for the animation would be completely ruined.

Going Ness -> Lucas is a little bit more viable but I'm pretty sure they'd still have to make a different model because of the subtle differences in the shapes of the top of their heads. They also have to make a different rig and a skelleton because of the backpack. So it's not really as easy.

Not to side with Sakurai, but when he says making a new character is a lot of very hard work, he's not lying. The animations are not something they can just do in one day. Actually, animating the models takes much longer than making them, specially because of how NOTICEABLE the animations have to be given the scale at which the characters show up on the screen.

I'm not actually trying to make an argument or anything, but I think the 3D team working at SSB4 needs a break with all the suppositions about how simple it would be to do their job :'D
I actually find this really interesting! I want to research 3D modeling and stuff like that in college someday. Thanks for that bit of info.

EDIT: Forgot to mention my Greninja SDs. I've fast called so many aerials to my death...not even nair. It's usually fair or bair for me.
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Smash Master
Oct 8, 2014
I think what a lot of people are doing is just getting customs in 3DS and uploading them. This is assuming you're talking WiiU classic, which is bogus for getting the right stuff. I STILL only have one Zelda custom. >_>

Oh but I got all of Rob's and Duck Hunt's and Yoshi's!!!!!!
3DS customs aren't hard to get. I got all of them in like 3 weeks

Although to be fair this was after I did the majority of the other 3DS challenges (Classic with all, All-Star with all, all Smash Run powers etc.)


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2015
Springfield, Virginia
I think what a lot of people are doing is just getting customs in 3DS and uploading them. This is assuming you're talking WiiU classic, which is bogus for getting the right stuff. I STILL only have one Zelda custom. >_>

Oh but I got all of Rob's and Duck Hunt's and Yoshi's!!!!!!

EDIT: @ Macchiato Macchiato you didn't happen to save that replay where you FW'd into my Robin at 30% and flat out killed me, did you? I didn't save it and I regret it.
No I don't think so, maybe we can recreate it some time?


Indigo Destiny
Oct 24, 2014
I'm still missing ~18 customs I think. I keep forgetting to update my checklist so I keep needing to recount asdf

I finally got Doc's upB 3 on Classic run #22 with him though!
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The Smooth Devil Mod
Aug 25, 2014
Look real talk, gonna say this just once...


Kirby ugly as hell.
How? It's just a chubby blob with stubby arms, feet, and a face. @Reserved.

I've been staring at this expression and I still don't know what it means enlighten me please

Like are us Shulks supposed to have frame-perfect shielding or something idgi help pls
Ahem. That's So Shulk.

I know you're probably purposefully oversimplifying things, but 3D models are actually much more complicated than that. Compressing models is actually easier than stretching them. Actually, stretching models is impossible without completely messing up the geometry of the models, so going Mario -> Luigi is not viable at all, because there would be a massive amount of unnecessary pixels and polygons, and then the skelleton for the animation would be completely ruined.

Going Ness -> Lucas is a little bit more viable but I'm pretty sure they'd still have to make a different model because of the subtle differences in the shapes of the top of their heads. They also have to make a different rig and a skelleton because of the backpack. So it's not really as easy.

Not to side with Sakurai, but when he says making a new character is a lot of very hard work, he's not lying. The animations are not something they can just do in one day. Actually, animating the models takes much longer than making them, specially because of how NOTICEABLE the animations have to be given the scale at which the characters show up on the screen.

I'm not actually trying to make an argument or anything, but I think the 3D team working at SSB4 needs a break with all the suppositions about how simple it would be to do their job :'D
I know, but my issue is that if you really want to finish a game, then delay it. I don't give a damn how the fans feel at that moment because they will be much, much happier if stuff gets finished. Cut content always exist, but some things feel like they shouldn't be cut unless it's for time reasons and even then, they could just prolong a game's life by adding cut content as side projects and DLC for us. So, Mewtwo's is being worked on after the game's release, but at a more leisurely way instead of rushing to finish a game. Nintendo rarely releases broken games, but looking at recent games like Assassin's Creed Unity, I would rather wait a year than have it come out messed up.

Or hell, outright say why the character isn't in the game. If I was really angry and as a human would do, I would probably say, "FLOCK OFF! I HATE RIDLEY, THAT'S WHY HE'S NOT IN THE GAME! Oh, and if you want me dead, here's an image of a revolver with one bullet in it and the address to where I live. Come and get me. I know you'll rot in jail, you pathetic excuse of a human."

It's a game, I have no idea why some people are so butthurt about things. Yes, it's disappointing that certain characters are not in a game, but a riot? Really? Oh, and Sakurai can't have his own opinions or go against his words? Talk about hypocrites if you think you're so mighty and pure. Move on, this ain't a cure to cancer being offered only to a select group of people for free while the rest have to sell their organs and limbs for it.


Jul 7, 2014
How? It's just a chubby blob with stubby arms, feet, and a face. @Reserved.

Ahem. That's So Shulk.

I know, but my issue is that if you really want to finish a game, then delay it. I don't give a damn how the fans feel at that moment because they will be much, much happier if stuff gets finished. Cut content always exist, but some things feel like they shouldn't be cut unless it's for time reasons and even then, they could just prolong a game's life by adding cut content as side projects and DLC for us. So, Mewtwo's is being worked on after the game's release, but at a more leisurely way instead of rushing to finish a game. Nintendo rarely releases broken games, but looking at recent games like Assassin's Creed Unity, I would rather wait a year than have it come out messed up.

Or hell, outright say why the character isn't in the game. If I was really angry and as a human would do, I would probably say, "FLOCK OFF! I HATE RIDLEY, THAT'S WHY HE'S NOT IN THE GAME! Oh, and if you want me dead, here's an image of a revolver with one bullet in it and the address to where I live. Come and get me. I know you'll rot in jail, you pathetic excuse of a human."

It's a game, I have no idea why some people are so butthurt about things. Yes, it's disappointing that certain characters are not in a game, but a riot? Really? Oh, and Sakurai can't have his own opinions or go against his words? Talk about hypocrites if you think you're so mighty and pure. Move on, this ain't a cure to cancer being offered only to a select group of people for free while the rest have to sell their organs and limbs for it.
In the words of @Reserved:
"Kirby is bad"
Reserved: cri
-insert sad Kirby image-

Also, about characters, that's pretty much speculation in a nutshell. Everyone riots over character cuts once the roster is leaked.


The Smooth Devil Mod
Aug 25, 2014
In the words of @Reserved:
"Kirby is bad"
Reserved: cri
-insert sad Kirby image-

Also, about characters, that's pretty much speculation in a nutshell. Everyone riots over character cuts once the roster is leaked.
People riot over everything. I wouldn't be surprised if people rioted if standard paper sizes were changed.


Jul 7, 2014
I honestly don't care about character cuts. If a character was cut, they were cut.
Back when Smash 4 was announced I wanted to main Yoshi, but then I realized Pikachu was better for me.
username is taken
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The Smooth Devil Mod
Aug 25, 2014
I honestly don't care about character cuts. If a character was cut, they were cut.
Back when Smash 4 was announced I wanted to main Yoshi, but then I realized Pikachu was better for me.
Personally, I want every character except Mario and Luigi to be cut. It would finally be a Super Smash Bros. game! Peach has no reason to be there 'cause she's a sister and Bowser's a bully. :p
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