Something else about FE Heroes is apparently, red units (31) and sword units (24; 6 mages and 2 Manaketes) are the most abundant in the game followed by blue (23; 18 lance, 3 mages, 1 Manaketes, and 1 Corrin), colorless (20; 8 healers, 6 archers, 6 thieves), and then green (20 or 19 if you don't count Narcian because he was only available for a short time, so 15 or 14 axe; 4 mages, 1 Manakete).
Personally, I find it very ironic that of all the units I summoned, it's the one with the lowest amount that makes up a majority of my freaking army. Pretty much how my luck works. Get rare stuff that I do not need while never getting (rare) stuff that I do need. I have 9 green units with freebie Anna and none of which were gained from special maps so far -- Gunter might come up, but that's a duplicate unit. That's almost half of the freaking green population. Meanwhile, second most populated and I only have 4/23 with freebie Sharena. Thanks, game. At least I can justify why I've summoned 8 red units and 2 freebies, Alfonse and "benched forever" Raigh. And then there's the 5 colorless with Matthew being a freebie and Virion being a duplicate and freebie.
Personal issues aside, I do find it odd that the red units have so many and that some units who were lance units in their home games or implied to be like Caeda and Palla were made into red sword units. Knowing this, it's justifiable how units like Frederick, Gunter, and Raven being made into green units despite being or implied to be lance or sword units in the home games. So, new units will be made available and it takes time to create them -- animate, draw, voicing etc. --, but that said, there were units who were lance units and were iconic as lance units like Caeda. Maybe you could get away with someone like Frederick and Gunter who are multi-weapon specialists, but Caeda, a Pegasus Knight? And we know that future units are likely going to be sword units. Gee, I wonder what Eirika, Ike, Leif, Seliph, Sigurd, and whenever Navarre and Xander will be made playable are going to use? That alone would be 7 sword units and 2 were recently made playable and 2 are in the game, but not playable. Future updates will address this like while not popular as far as I know, Heath would be a great addition as a lance-wielding Wyvern Rider alongside units like Nephenee and Seth -- official art with a lance, but equal ranking with lance and sword --, but still, it's curious why despite considering character balance, importance, and popularity, lance and I guess, axe units were essentially screwed over. Given the popularity of Awakening and Fates, it's still weird knowing there's units like Basilio, Charlotte, Rinkah, Silas, Sumia -- Really? Chrom's heavily implied wife not in the game? --, and Vaike are MIA.