The holiday season was sorta decent for pogo!
I caught my third
. I usually get near-to/can encounter one every 2-3 weeks in my area.
The onix was actually an amusing story where I'm sitting at home, and see one has appeared near a pokestop (thanks to the new nearby feature) on a trail near my home. I run downstairs like after putting on some 'don't die of freeze' clothes and am just like "a super rare Pokemon appeared at x pokestop someone drive me close pls!!1!"
The best part was that someone actually DID drive me up to the trail start so I could get there sooner. It only gets more intense when I'm a couple walking minutes away and my phone drops from 50% to like, 10% in 2 seconds. My battery barely lasted in time for me to catch the onix oml.
The lapras I got on my way out of a department store right before Christmas :D that same day I caught a scyther at Walmart.