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Guide Zelda Social: But also the FE Heroes Internet Cafe


코이바 ❤
Apr 16, 2015
Ontario, Canada
Hello Gorls, sorry for my absence much of late. I had a birthday and then was busy supporting my close friend that's fallen victim to cancer :sadsheep:, so I've been taking a break from everything for a while, but I'm slowly getting back into things.

I hope everything goes better for your friend :(

And Eddie The Pacifist Eddie The Pacifist I have to go somewhere so we can't play. :c Tomorrow?

Eddie The Pacifist

Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2016
Zelda Social
Is anything real?! Have we all been dragged into madness, used by someone we don't know, perhaps someone here, and left to suffer?!. Is this our fate? Or is it the beginning of our conquest? Time will tell.
As for now, we need to strengthen ourselves with dank memes to reclaim what we truly are.


Smash Lord
Jan 10, 2015
Is anything real?! Have we all been dragged into madness, used by someone we don't know, perhaps someone here, and left to suffer?!. Is this our fate? Or is it the beginning of our conquest? Time will tell.
As for now, we need to strengthen ourselves with dank memes to reclaim what we truly are.


Smash Ace
Nov 29, 2014

Totally not wearing a peach shirt.

I've wasted more time on miitomo than pokemon go. Am I a bad person?


Smash Journeyman
Jul 31, 2015
Yet I have no idea who you are (probably because I've hardly been on anymore). Nice to meet you, assumed fellow Zelda main.
I don't post here that frequently either, but I got recognized on FG because of YouTube. I never thought I'd have that happen since my following is so small.


Smash Lord
Apr 9, 2014

Why we play our main:

“She is a **** character and I can relate” -Anonymous

Similar to Link, many Zelda mains play her because of their love for the LOZ series and her interesting character. Gameplay wise, Zelda is an elegant yet powerful fighter with an incredibly strong (and stylish) punish game, nothing is more badass than the infamous forward air lightning heels. Her simple kit promotes good fundamentals, making the few Zelda mains out there very terrifying to fight.

Most common color: Pretty good mix but the most common seemed to be black

Age Range: 17 - 27

Rumors about the players cleared up:

“We're all princesses in real life. Yep.” -Anonymous

Zelda mains would like the world to know that yes. They do indeed exist. Yes they are masochistic thank you for asking. And if you make any sort of joke that she’s useless without Link or some helpless princess… they will kick your ass.
Them quotes tho lol.

And the most common color seems to be the BJN Classic

Really surprised that there wasn't an "Are the players actually all gay?" question in there for us. Smh
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i'm just joking with you
Nov 2, 2014
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
is it worth learning to play genji bc dat *** or no
I mean, I think Genji's 3 star difficulty ranking is probably one of the more appropriate ones lol

And the way the meta is going it's looking like Genji is going to become a pretty good character to have in a team now that Ana is around and Zenyatta is actually used.

But if you don't care about that and just want the booty, go for it

The funniest thing is that Blizzard actually had to go out of their way to say "No. Mercy is not evil." to people.

Lil Puddin

just a lil extra
Dec 24, 2013
idk half the time tbh
Switch FC
is it worth learning to play genji bc dat *** or no
In all srsness, he is an easy character to learn but hard to master. This mostly applies to PC Overwatch only because of more precise moving which is totally needed since he is a projectile thrower who needs lotsa erratic movement to stay alive. So to do his job, you can probably learn in a few days. It's more like just knowing whether to right or left click and the star -> punch -> swift strike combo. I imagine he could be used on console too since everyone has reduced reaction time and precision by default.

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Let 'em talk
Oct 20, 2014
Switch FC
Mei's 3 star ranking is probably the most hilarious thing about the game

At least Ana and Genji's make sense, but come on, Mei?

Lil Puddin

just a lil extra
Dec 24, 2013
idk half the time tbh
Switch FC
Mei's 3 star ranking is probably the most hilarious thing about the game

At least Ana and Genji's make sense, but come on, Mei?
What most people seem to forget is HOW Mei works compared to other heroes.

1) It takes 2 continuous seconds of spraying to freeze someone, so about 70 dmg. Missing 1 of your ammo thingies sets you back by 2+ ammo thingies, and then it takes longer to freeze. The max primary fire range is only 10m ahead of her. McCree can flashbang and fan kill you faster than Mei can even freeze you.

2) It takes a total of 3 seconds to freeze and kill a target assuming she didn't miss a single ammo-discharge... It feels weird calling it a "shot" so... Ye. She can also only kill one person. If it's a 2v1 she dies or can't really escape without the use of a wall. So it's very possible a teammate will stumble in during those 3 seconds, deny you the kill, and probably 2v1 kill you anyway.

3) Her ult is area denial. However it takes 1 second after hitting the ground to actually start. It's a 9m diameter and characters move 3m per second. Soooooooo just about anyone can outrun it if they hear her shout and immediately run to the right or left of where she's facing. That's why Blizzard left her charge time the same despite giving her ult charge with self-healing now. Since Blizzard knew her... Er... Blizzard ult sucks as is but can't really be changed.

4) Improperly placed walls result in her dying, blocking your team from important things, teammates dying, or saving an enemy team member. Wall placement is actually extremely hard if you're using it for it's other intended purpose. Such as stopping an enemy Rein from tackling/Hog from hooking someone. OR giving your Rein a wall to bash up against instead of flying off the stage - bonus points if he pinned someone. OOOOOOR blocking ults, the hardest being Pharah since putting it in her face = death and that's what you wanna aim for. Even throwing up protective covering is hard to do (cover you and your team in front of you) unless someone is firing from ahead of you. Even then you could accidentally kill a teammate by sticking them on the other side of the wall. LAAAASTLY! Her wall going up is not instance. Projectiles can still get through and hitscan can too. Same applies to her Cryofreeze.

5) Cryofreeze or Cryobull**** is actually the worst self-healing move. It keeps her out of the fight for 4 seconds and heals 150HP. So for those 4 seconds your team is one person down. Also, it leaves her totally stuck in a spot for 4 seconds so the enemy team can swarm her. It can't even really be used for surprises except for MAYBE 1v1 situations, since she can't act immediately after breaking the ice block herself.

6) Icicle shooter has 75 dmg, but is awkward to aim+fall off dmg. Other projectile shooters fire the moment you hit the button, or let go in the case of charged shots. Mei however starts the moment you hit it, waits about .5 seconds, then shoots. So wherever you're aiming in .5 seconds is where you will shoot instead AND THEEEEEEN travel time happens.

She's decent, but kind of a garbage tier character because everything she does has no unique purpose and is clunky. That's why competitive high level play doesn't even know Mei exists. Mei's job is area denial and flanker-restricting. Junkrat's area denial is actually deadly and can kill multiple people ez (tho people would rather just use offense heroes anyway). McCree does flanker-countering WAY better. Reinhardt has better walls/shields. D.Va's Matrix is also an option.

Despite being garbage, she still pisses people off. The reason being is because EVERYONE in QP/not-super-srs comp wants to be a solo-flanker and Mei pretty much wins most 1v1s. If people played like competitive folks (buddy system) then she'd be rendered totally useless. Her counter is literally just having a 2nd enemy run into the room within the next 2 seconds. Then she can't do anything. She can't even net a quick kill unless the person can die to a melee attack. (Most other heroes can net a kill since they usually kill someone under 3 seconds anyway)

TL;DR to actually be a GOOD and not JUST ANNOYING Mei, you need to be really fast with your reaction time and really good at preemptive aiming. That effort is always better spent playing another character if it's for winning reasons/not quickplay... Mei and Symmetra are the Zeldas of Overwatch! No wonder why I like them so much.

Really. Don't be surprised if something of hers gets buffed and maybe a minor nerf. A nerf to what, IDK tho... lol
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Keep your chin up!
Apr 7, 2015
Switch FC
Mei's 3 star ranking is probably the most hilarious thing about the game

At least Ana and Genji's make sense, but come on, Mei?
Using walls correctly takes some practice and good teamwork, but the rest of her is pretty simple.

Lucio's 2 stars is the funniest imo since he's probably the easiest character in the game to use. It's pretty much just a flowchart of
yay ur helping
stop being ded and help ur teem​

Of course knowing when to use your ult, when to switch between speed and healing, how to use wall riding, etc. is worthy of 2 stars, but you can still help your team a lot with little to no knowledge about the character.


Let 'em talk
Oct 20, 2014
Switch FC
Mei is so simple to play that you could have a lobotomy and still play her well

I like the character and she's in my top 5 most played, but the 3 star difficulty is just lol imo

iirc Junkrat has 2 star difficulty and all you have to do with him is spam M1

The difficulty meters are arbitrary, but Mei's just strikes me as funny
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The Smooth Devil Mod
Aug 25, 2014
Holy ****, I hate RPGs that have "player decided, players screwed stat leveling". I don't mean like in Diablo, Path of Exile, Sacred, Torchlight, or even DotA and LoL where you allocate stats because unless you're playing a hybrid class, so like a magic knight, you probably have a good idea what points to put into. Nayru knows why you decided to dump all your stats into magic (attack) when you're a strength-only warrior... Anyway, in those games, there are set classes and usually you can't switch. In Dragon's Dogma and Final Fantasy XIII-2? Nope.

Dragon's Dogma has 9 different classes and it's just fun to switch around. Problem is that because each class has different stat growths, it brings the min/max, perfectionist side of me and that's just not fun. The other part is that I really like being able to choose whatever class even though I don't like magic classes much. So, part of me doesn't want to gimp my magic. Granted, unless, as people have said, you're trying to farm the online Ur-Dragon -- think Yiazmat from Final Fantasy XII, but "everyone" online damages it despite Dragon's Dogma being a singleplayer game -- or play the Bitterblack Isle DLC without feeling like everything is going to murder you, then having unoptimized stats is fine.

For FF XIII-2, **** your stat leveling system, game. The hell was wrong with XIII's set roles? Noel's implied to be the melee character and Serah the magic character, so why not make their stats go up like that? Nooooo, you had to make it so you can easily screw up. My first playthrough, I managed to have low HP and low attack just by casually -- moving along the crystal thing --- leveling thinking it'd be the same damn thing like in XIII and kind of like X. It was okay, but I did notice that I was kind of weak around 2/3's of the game and definitely endgame. I don't think I even beat the final boss or barely did. Started over when I looked up the leveling system since it was just terrible. I min-maxed the hell out of them with a guide and here's the funny thing: the stats ended up like what it would be like in XIII; decent health and decent strength and magic with Noel leaning towards strength and Serah magic. Since you can actually revisit places, of course enemies are easy, but later areas? Much easier than the first playthrough, but not curbstomp easy. It was like playing XIII if the characters didn't feel a bit too weak.

XIII-2 had basically 2 freaking Red Mages as the main protagonists and whatever monster or summon to fill in as a White Mage, Black Mage, Knight, whatever. Why wasn't the stat growth like this in the first place? There was no reason for being able to choose your stats. It made things worse like you could have a ton of useless HP -- HP doesn't even go that high --, but pitiful strength and magic, so you just become a punching bag that lasts longer. The way you choose stats was stupid too. It wasn't "dump X points into Y stat", but move a ray of light to crystals that basically sealed your fate and that each class had different placements for stats... Freaking Saboteur (debuff) and Synergist (buff) had a flip-flop system of strength and magic growth. It was every odd level for Saboteur and every even for Synergist if I remember correctly... Really!?

The international version of FF X did the stat allocation thing much, much better while the original was just like XIII and XIII-2's move along a path. That being said, you couldn't "switch" classes on the fly like in XIII. Once you're on a path, then you're stuck as that unless you get an item allowing you to jump to a different node and move on that path. If you maxed out everything, you still couldn't switch classes, but that doesn't matter when you're basically an "All-Class" since you have all the abilities and maxed out stats. For XIII, even though characters were geared towards a set of classes because of different stats and abilities, all of them could decently be put in any role. I think one of the selling points was being able to switch classes on the fly... XIII-2's working that system, so why have a stat allocation system when there's only 3 stats: HP, strength, and magic, and... I can't really explain it, but there's only Noel and Serah and none of the classes in XIII and XIII-2 were that deep. If they were, then sure, making Serah a glass cannon mage would be fine except one, there isn't really a mage in XIII-2 and two, you can't do that because of the leveling system...

I just realized that Dragon's Dogma's class and stat growth system made me realize how much I hated FF XIII-2's leveling system.
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Mar 4, 2015
in your dreams..
So I finally finished my placement matches in OW and got rank 60. Needless to say I stopped playing it immediately, so I could brag to everybody that I'm like top 19% (It's something like that right? You know, bell curve?). Since my ego has boosted to an all-time high in OW, I'm coming for that "Top 500" next season :^))

884or i'll crash and burn like my OW career :sadkpop:

well, I just looked myself up on masteroverwatch and I'm ranked at #12,884
Rip me

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Jun 8, 2009
Genji is worth learning because his ultimate is ridiculously good and he doesn't have that much relevant counters other than Winston. It's why some teams run Winston even if Winston isn't really that great of a tank (that and Winston+Zarya is godlike in KotH)


Smash Lord
Jan 10, 2015
Holy ****, I hate RPGs that have "player decided, players screwed stat leveling". I don't mean like in Diablo, Path of Exile, Sacred, Torchlight, or even DotA and LoL where you allocate stats because unless you're playing a hybrid class, so like a magic knight, you probably have a good idea what points to put into. Nayru knows why you decided to dump all your stats into magic (attack) when you're a strength-only warrior... Anyway, in those games, there are set classes and usually you can't switch. In Dragon's Dogma and Final Fantasy XIII-2? Nope.

Dragon's Dogma has 9 different classes and it's just fun to switch around. Problem is that because each class has different stat growths, it brings the min/max, perfectionist side of me and that's just not fun. The other part is that I really like being able to choose whatever class even though I don't like magic classes much. So, part of me doesn't want to gimp my magic. Granted, unless, as people have said, you're trying to farm the online Ur-Dragon -- think Yiazmat from Final Fantasy XII, but "everyone" online damages it despite Dragon's Dogma being a singleplayer game -- or play the Bitterblack Isle DLC without feeling like everything is going to murder you, then having unoptimized stats is fine.

For FF XIII-2, **** your stat leveling system, game. The hell was wrong with XIII's set roles? Noel's implied to be the melee character and Serah the magic character, so why not make their stats go up like that? Nooooo, you had to make it so you can easily screw up. My first playthrough, I managed to have low HP and low attack just by casually -- moving along the crystal thing --- leveling thinking it'd be the same damn thing like in XIII and kind of like X. It was okay, but I did notice that I was kind of weak around 2/3's of the game and definitely endgame. I don't think I even beat the final boss or barely did. Started over when I looked up the leveling system since it was just terrible. I min-maxed the hell out of them with a guide and here's the funny thing: the stats ended up like what it would be like in XIII; decent health and decent strength and magic with Noel leaning towards strength and Serah magic. Since you can actually revisit places, of course enemies are easy, but later areas? Much easier than the first playthrough, but not curbstomp easy. It was like playing XIII if the characters didn't feel a bit too weak.

XIII-2 had basically 2 freaking Red Mages as the main protagonists and whatever monster or summon to fill in as a White Mage, Black Mage, Knight, whatever. Why wasn't the stat growth like this in the first place? There was no reason for being able to choose your stats. It made things worse like you could have a ton of useless HP -- HP doesn't even go that high --, but pitiful strength and magic, so you just become a punching bag that lasts longer. The way you choose stats was stupid too. It wasn't "dump X points into Y stat", but move a ray of light to crystals that basically sealed your fate and that each class had different placements for stats... Freaking Saboteur (debuff) and Synergist (buff) had a flip-flop system of strength and magic growth. It was every odd level for Saboteur and every even for Synergist if I remember correctly... Really!?

The international version of FF X did the stat allocation thing much, much better while the original was just like XIII and XIII-2's move along a path. That being said, you couldn't "switch" classes on the fly like in XIII. Once you're on a path, then you're stuck as that unless you get an item allowing you to jump to a different node and move on that path. If you maxed out everything, you still couldn't switch classes, but that doesn't matter when you're basically an "All-Class" since you have all the abilities and maxed out stats. For XIII, even though characters were geared towards a set of classes because of different stats and abilities, all of them could decently be put in any role. I think one of the selling points was being able to switch classes on the fly... XIII-2's working that system, so why have a stat allocation system when there's only 3 stats: HP, strength, and magic, and... I can't really explain it, but there's only Noel and Serah and none of the classes in XIII and XIII-2 were that deep. If they were, then sure, making Serah a glass cannon mage would be fine except one, there isn't really a mage in XIII-2 and two, you can't do that because of the leveling system...

I just realized that Dragon's Dogma's class and stat growth system made me realize how much I hated FF XIII-2's leveling system.
You ever play oblivion? Oblivion's levelling is pretty messed up, but at the same time kind of interesting to me
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