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Guide Zelda Social: But also the FE Heroes Internet Cafe


Sep 4, 2015
Brooklyn, NY
I dont remember ever tweeting him.

That greninja video on smash reddit is child's play.

Hydro pump gimping Ike and with Down Taunt? Seen it. Done it. Whatever.

Speaking of sweet greninja combos, my boy Tempra, a new japanes vine greninja, was in tournament a while back. Pretty sick ninja.



The Smooth Devil Mod
Aug 25, 2014
Welp, there goes my Shoryuken lurking. Apparently, there was a change where if you want to view anything on their forums, you have to be logged in. You can't just be a freeloader guest and look around. Destructoid did something similarly with their comments section, but kind of not. They were on and off about it. At least the articles are public -- if they weren't then that would be stupid --, but sometimes... sometimes you just want to look at the comments and see what kind of stuff is being said. Mostly the weird stuff. Yep.

Anyway, for Shoryuken's forums, it makes their wiki links pointless. So, take any character like Cammy, Ryu, or Vega. All of them have a wiki page detailing their frame data, some videos, and links under a "discussion". Those links include stuff that a lot of beginners would want to know such as a beginner's thread, a Q&A thread, and a matchup thread. Here's the thing, with the change, you can't just drop in and check out those thread. You have to be a member which they tell you when you click those links... Cool, sign-up, blah blah blah, and you can look at the thread. One thing I don't know since I don't regularly check Shoryuken is if they made an announcement about this change. I thought there was a glitch or something when I went to the site, when to their forums, and there was the site, but all the usual forum stuff was missing.

I'm complaining like I always do, but I don't know, just basic stuff people want to look at to help themselves with their gameplay... Shouldn't that just be a public thing? If you want to ask a question or something, then yeah, you need an account to do so, but just looking around. At least the wiki is public. If it wasn't, then what the hell? I'm sure there's other places to find frame data on Ken or learn how to play as Zangief like the ever prevalent YouTube, but still. Extreme stretch, but I'm getting a feeling that the change gives off a feeling of exclusive away from inclusive.

*looks at what he's written* Well, of course I can write a short essay on a minor problem. Of course...

Related to Street Fighter, so if you've read this far which you probably didn't and you don't care for SF, then skip this post. I am ignorant. (Gee, what else is new, Ffamran?) Being unaware of other fighting games (and stuff in general)... Hmm... How do I explain this? I guess I just don't know. Specifically in regards to regions being different and how they carry over in pretty much any game. Regarding Street Fighter V, apparently, just like in Smash 4, people in the US are "obsessed" with the top and high tiers. It's all about Chun-Li, Nash, Ryu, and whoever else is really good. In Japan, pretty much like in Smash 4, people play whoever which doesn't look like much since SFV has much less characters than Smash 4. Both are generalizations while being "patterns" or "trends". There are, of course, dedicated players who stick with a character unless there's an uncontrollable reason such as the character not being in the game. Smash's DKWill and SF's PR Balrog being examples. Maybe it's culture, different environments, whatever. I can't say for SF, but I do remember someone saying that for Smash, tournaments in Japan don't have payouts. People just compete for fun while being very, very good with their characters. In contrast, EU and US have payouts and there are people who just want to win money whatever it takes. Remember the Bayonetta, Cloud, Diddy, DK, Luigi, and Sheik invasions of Smash 4? Even Bowser joined in a bit. Lower-leveled players were definitely weeded out. At the same time, that's not to say Japan's this paradise for warriors seeking honorable fights or that EU, the US, and wherever are cesspools of greed and full of for-profit fight clubs. It's just that there's probably an effect to it all for any game. I don't know. Just rambling on not trying to sound smart despite looking like it... I do know that I'm ignorant, though, and I'd rather not be. Anyway, all of this came from a clip of Alex Valle talking about Rashid and the state of SFV at the time. Can't link it since he swears a bit, but he is pretty professional about his thoughts.

Once again, more SFV. Someone posted voice clips and me just wanting to hear stuff more clearly, got more than that. Alex and Nash have some voice clips that weren't used. Alex's Spiral DDT was planned, but dropped for some reason. He has one clip where he says, "DDT." Just on Alex, I kind of wished his EX Head Crush was Stun Gun Headbutt kind of like how Ken's EX Shoryuken is Shoryureppa instead of just a stronger Shoryuken. Right now, EX Head Crush is just that. It could have been a neat throwback even if Alex didn't do a ton of headbutts, but 3 instead of just 1. For Nash, some of his clips sound like there was an early plan of just straight up porting him from Alpha where he's cheerier and has Somersault Shell and Somersault instead of Sonic Scythe. He has clips saying, "Somersault", "Somersault Shell", "Shell", and "Somersault Justice". Probably the way it was recorded by the uploader, but Sonic Scythe's lines don't appear until the end of the video... Moonsault Slash appears right after Somersault Shell and since he had it in Marvel vs. Capcom, it probably was just a move they wanted him to have. Well, somewhere along the line, Somersault Shell was dropped. The other thing is that there are some lines that are "robotic" like The Terminator i.e. Nash is being controlled. Considering the gem on his head and early concept art of Nash as a cyborg, the idea of Urien was controlling him might have been considered. Well, Capcom finalized their design for Nash and now we have an independent zombie who don't need no man to control him.

Last things: learned that Miyuki Sawashiro is Cammy's Japanese voice actress, Vega is voiced by Squall Leonhart, and Ibuki's Japanese voice actress makes this cute and funny sound when she pulls out more kunai. It's like a teasing "neh-nyeh". Also, Laura's Japanese line for her V-Reversal is weird. The first part seems like it gets overwhelmed by all the other sounds happening during a fight since I never heard it until now while the second part, she raises her pitch, so it's this cute sound that... doesn't make sense at all during a fight. I have no idea what she's saying, but it sounds like "****sukoi"... I guess I'll have to spell it like this: "shetsukoi". Phonetically, something like: "sheet-su-koi". For the record, I didn't even know that was a word in Japanese. I just typed it up from hearing it and remember certain sounds in Japanese are spelled in a way. It apparently has these meanings: "persistent; obstinate; importunate; troublesome; heavy; gaudy"; from here: http://japanese.about.com/od/wordoftheday/p/word227.htm. Troublesome is probably what's implied which... Okay, why is she saying it like that... whatever. Oh, and I still have no idea what her English voice actress is saying during her Volty Line. Closest is "heave-ho". Before, I heard it as "leave home".

Anyway, now I'm just going to shut up... *looks at everything that was typed up* ._.
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Eddie The Pacifist

Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2016
Zelda Social
Today I learned that Ryuga blocked me on twitter.


Odd. I'll have to assume you didn't do anything wrong, because you're not that type of person. Perhaps you said something that indirectly annoyed him? I'm not sure. It's not a big deal after all when you think about it. Just one persons social media account.


Smash Hero
Mar 26, 2015
"That's Classified" - Mikuru
Morning girls. How's everyone doing? :4zelda:

Feeling tired today, since I did some extra rounds which I thought I had to do, due to the fact they were on the same cart as my usual lot. Found out we didn't have to do those, but we'll sort it out.

Also, @Koiba and Eddie The Pacifist Eddie The Pacifist . I sadly never watched the Kirby or F-Zero anime, I did hear that the F-Zero anime only had about 15 episodes dubbed, out of 51. And Kirby I never even watched, the only Nintendo anime I saw was obviously Pokemon. (I stopped at Pokemon Advanced, I did not like Pokemon Advanced; it felt like that was the lowest point of the anime out of it all.) Hoping some of the newer Nintendo anime that'll come out in the future will be good.

But at least we got some pretty good shows nowadays, like Sakamoto, Handa-kun, Mob Psycho 100, etc.


Lil Puddin

just a lil extra
Dec 24, 2013
idk half the time tbh
Switch FC
mean tacos.jpg

I just saw this on a friend's facebook feed and immediately thought of this place instead of the actual movie. Help me.
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Eddie The Pacifist

Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2016
Zelda Social
Wii Fit Trainer is good. That sentence is something I never thought I'd say.
But it's dangerous to roll against her due to moves like F-Smash, D-Smash, and F-Tilt.
She can heal herself, and is the only one in the game to do so (Well, if you interrupt Pac-Man's side B he can eat the pellet, and if Wario gets the opportunity he can eat the bike, but both of those are much harder to pull off unpunished compared to Sun Salutation and Deep Breathing). She forces even a character with a reflector to approach, because she'll continually.just regain health. She has the second most spikes out of any character, losing to DK by one, with Header, leg part of Fair, and Dair. Her Nair is great, coming out at a decent frame 9 and doing 14%. To further this, she possesses above average mobility and an above average recovery to boot.
Deep Breathing boosts her killing power to almost Cloud level and is easy to pull of due to playing keepaway with Header and Sun Salutation.
Such a fine character. I'm seriously considering picking her up in exchange for Toon Link, as when fighting Koiiba, I was never able to take a game with the character.


i'm just joking with you
Nov 2, 2014
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
I dont remember ever tweeting him.

That greninja video on smash reddit is child's play.

Hydro pump gimping Ike and with Down Taunt? Seen it. Done it. Whatever.

Speaking of sweet greninja combos, my boy Tempra, a new japanes vine greninja, was in tournament a while back. Pretty sick ninja.

I love how people get so wild every single time Greninja does his thing.

A shame I can't really do any of the footstool stuff myself =V


Indigo Destiny
Oct 24, 2014
I love how people get so wild every single time Greninja does his thing.

A shame I can't really do any of the footstool stuff myself =V
Not with that attitude.

In seriousness, actually getting the footstool's the hard part, the rest is just muscle memory and honestly it's easier to input than garden variety combos in a game like Blazblue. If I can do it, I'm sure you can.


i'm just joking with you
Nov 2, 2014
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Not with that attitude.

In seriousness, actually getting the footstool's the hard part, the rest is just muscle memory and honestly it's easier to input than garden variety combos in a game like Blazblue. If I can do it, I'm sure you can.
I can somewhat do the footstools myself but I'm finding it hard to implement in real matches because at the heat of the moment I kinda forget about them and by the time I notice I could've gone for a footstool it's already too late lol


Sep 4, 2015
Brooklyn, NY
I can somewhat do the footstools myself but I'm finding it hard to implement in real matches because at the heat of the moment I kinda forget about them and by the time I notice I could've gone for a footstool it's already too late lol
Have you tried up tilt to foot stool? It's a little bit easier for me. You have to follow their DI though.

There was a problem fetching the tweet



Smash Lord
Oct 9, 2015
Persona kids, Persona squids.
Welcome to the Zelda social, where we talk Zelda tech!
Well if it existed that is, so we talk greninja tech instead :secretkpop:
And Pokemon, and Overwatch, and Mean Girls, and when we get too bored we have a tendency of creating and convincing people to join random cults.

Also, if you wrote a script to check each post, I'm reasonably sure you'd find that like 90% of all :secretkpop: come from here.
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Eddie The Pacifist

Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2016
Zelda Social
Does anyone else suddenly feel mildly fabulous today?
Now that you mention it....
And Pokemon, and Overwatch, and Mean Girls, and when we get too bored we have a tendency of creating and convincing people to join random cults.

Also, if you wrote a script to check each post, I'm reasonably sure you'd find that like 90% of all :secretkpop: come from here.
And let us not forget our daily dose of yuri from yours truly. :secretkpop:
And I write scripts about how I improve in Smash and the things I notice.
Come to think of it, everybody here has their own gimmick


Smash Journeyman
Jul 31, 2015
So I'm pretty torn at the moment

Either I use this as the background music for my montage
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Smash Hero
Mar 26, 2015
"That's Classified" - Mikuru
So I'm pretty torn at the moment

Either I use this as the background music for my montage
That's a hard choice to make.

Since the first one is pretty much the origin of where Zelda comes from...

But on the other hand, Zelda is a Stand User so...

We should consult Zelda herself! :secretkpop:


Keep your chin up!
Apr 7, 2015
Switch FC
Does anyone else suddenly feel mildly fabulous today?
You were noticed by senpai and pranked as a way of saying "stop following me I'm not your senpai."

Nothing fabulous about that tbh


Keep your chin up!
Apr 7, 2015
Switch FC
tfw you can't tell if people liked your post because they found the secret or you posted the Zelda hair flip gif

ANYWAYS I think this is the song I want to use in my PPG2 segment.
Specifically 0:34 and onward. I've been playing too much RH. ;_;


Smash Hero
Mar 26, 2015
"That's Classified" - Mikuru
tfw you can't tell if people liked your post because they found the secret or you posted the Zelda hair flip gif

ANYWAYS I think this is the song I want to use in my PPG2 segment.
Specifically 0:34 and onward. I've been playing too much RH. ;_;
I usually have those phases too. Where a song just sounds really addictive and enjoyable to listen to that you just play it over and over again. (I also seriously wanna try and get a copy of Rhythm Heaven Megamix for the 3DS. :c)
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