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Guide Zelda Social: But also the FE Heroes Internet Cafe


She who makes bad posts
Jan 25, 2014
Maple Valley, WA
*drops from ceiling*

Social thread locked! Better screw with this thread instead!


Smash Hero
Mar 26, 2015
"That's Classified" - Mikuru
Sheik is not braindead in the ever slightest. She's quite technical and requires lots of talent to actually use her to her fullest potential. I don't think she's that boring to watch either. Sure, Fair strings are incredibly old now, but what you can do with Bouncing Fish and aerial Needles are honestly quite exciting IMO.

If you want characters that are more "no-skill" than Sheik: :4luigi::4ness:
If you want characters that are more boring to watch than Sheik: :4sonic::rosalina::pichumelee:

This ain't Brawl, gorls. :metaknight:
Eh. I still don't find her that enjoyable to watch. I just find her boring, and even though she does require skill. I still find her not really that skillful to use.

But again, everyone has their own opinions. Maybe its because that I'm just sick and tired of seeing her in Melee and now in Smash 4 more often.

I'll just need to learn how to beat her with my "bad matchups". Last time I beat a Sheik was on 3DS though which was ages ago, caught them with Zelda's BAir and won.


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2009
The caffeine-free state
Use Sheik

Okay. I'm actually really bad at teaching people ho2Shulk (refer to @berserker00 who had to learn by watching me do ****) but I'll try to sum it up briefly

When you activate jump, shield, or speed in mid-air, the mobility effects do not kick in until you commit to an animation. This includes air dodging. This is a must know when it comes to recovering with the Monado boy

Jump art is a hit-and-run art. Once you land a hit, you can basically combo the **** out of your opponent and possibly kill him at 50% more or less. You can follow up or set up for more hits from n-air, u-tilt, d-tilt, d-throw, or u-throw. It's also your art-to-use at a disadvantaged state because of the increased recovery. This REALLY helps with alleviating Shulk's issues with being gimped easily. Take advantage of your top tier air speed to recover horizontally. Also, tomahwaks and empty hops. Learn to mix it up with jump art. FF into dash grab, SHFF n-air, etc. etc. That crap

Speed art is basically your "Go-in and wreck 'em hard" art.... except you don't exactly go in. You just get into mid-range position. You basically use your mobility to go after or go away from your opponent. Your tools at mid-range are basically your mobility, d-tilt, boost pivot f-tilt/f-smash/grab, retreating f-air, cross up n-air, and dash grab. Shulk's dash grab in speed is great so use that to punish. I'd LOVE to talk about down throw buffering (or MADTD) buuuut it's too complex but if you want to know more about it, feel free to ask again. Basically, speed art is the safest and also Shulk's most solid neutral art

Shield art is basically the "Panic button" Like, if you feel like you're getting bodied or you're gonna get bodied, retreat to shield. Your opponent either continues to press on or retreats and camps. If he or she retreats and camps, then just switch out. Shield art has done its job of giving you breathing room. If they press on, punish them for actually throwing you or hitting you then laugh. Hard. This is also the survival art at high percentages. Don't go off-stage with shield because your recovering options are crap. So yeah. Defensive art. Lives up to its name--- oh right, shield health is increased by a lot so your shield is harder to poke

Buster is basically your mid-range art. Your attacks are much safer.... as in, like with the increased safety and the shield pushback and shield damage, it makes using shield a second thought (actually, it doesn't but whatever). So, this is my personal favorite and it's finally being proven to be Shulk's best art because.... let's be real. IT'S NOT RISKY... unless you're against a heavy hitter like Dorf or Bowser but anyway.... you basically space with buster, whack shields with it but make sure your spacing is on-point. You got them throw combos at early percents with buster art (d-throw > f-smash/f-tilt) and with the reduced knockback, you can keep up the damage and pressure on the opponent once you hit 'em. I've been known for racking up 70% off from buster combos. I've seen it happen in other matches and videos. It's all up to you. Knockback is reduced. Get creative with the combos

Smash art....... use it when you have the positional advantage. Just score a tilt or a smash attack or a b-air or back slash or OoS air slash, oooor a kill throw (d-throw or b-throw). This art is useless at neutral cuz the damage reduction is ridiculous af. This art is really risky in general which is why you should restrict yourself to using this if you have the opponent at a disadvantageous state

Now.... for other moves
- Jab is your fastest attack. Frame 5. Sucks. Lol but it's your only option so use it when they got close
- D-tilt is god. Throw it out on shields and stuff. Especially in buster
- F-tilt is good imo. Comes out slow but it has great range and damage. Can kill in smash and hits like a truck in buster. Also a good mix-up option in speed art. So yeah. Pivoting with it if ever you're feeling pressured
- U-tilt is an amazing anti air but considering its animation, you probably get that by now
- Dash attack is trash
- F-smash is actually really good. Lol. Catch opponents in mid-air with it, combo into it while you're in buster art for 35% damage (!), but don't throw it out a lot. It has a lot of ending lag. Pivoting with it is a good way of catching opponents off guard
- U-smash is a great reading tool and it's a surprisingly good anti air only because the 1st hitbox on the blade lasts really long so if you manage to read your opponent's air movement and you feel like they'll go into a certain point of the stage, feel free to use u-smash and risk it. It's a good idea to use this tactic against characters with **** air acceleration
- D-smash destroys rolls. And kills. So yeah
- Don't rush down with n-air. Please. Just space with it. Good against grounded approaches
- F-air is good for contesting aerial approaches. Safety on shield is iffy unless you retreat with it
- B-air is GOD. It's good for everything for as long as you time it right. If your opponent commits to anything, just use b-air. Its range is gdlk
- U-air/D-air MEH

So yeah
Thanks, I don't use Shulk and he's one of my biggest "wat do" characters. I knew bits and pieces of this stuff but couldn't put it into a cohesive gameplan. This should help if he wants to get more serious as a player (he also likes Charizard and Doc).

Teach me your Game and Watch ways. I don't understand this character at all, but I love playing him.
Like, how do I approach and all that good stuff?
And I feel like I'm using his aerials too much. None of them SHAC, so they feel risky to throw out. Should I be staying on the ground?
Sorry I didn't respond to this earlier, I forgot about it. Yeah, you want to stay grounded more. Dash attack and his grab game are great. USmash is also a lot safer than it appears due to its invincibility frames and low cooldown. Aerials aren't as great for approaching, but short hop NAir is okay and full hop FAirs and BAirs are pretty good, too. His approach is pretty bad but make good use of his foxtrot to mix things up.


Let 'em talk
Oct 20, 2014
Switch FC
Sorry I didn't respond to this earlier, I forgot about it. Yeah, you want to stay grounded more. Dash attack and his grab game are great. USmash is also a lot safer than it appears due to its invincibility frames and low cooldown. Aerials aren't as great for approaching, but short hop NAir is okay and full hop FAirs and BAirs are pretty good, too. His approach is pretty bad but make good use of his foxtrot to mix things up.
So nothing true combos out of his dthrow until mid percents? That's what it was looking like in training mode.
Also, his specials seem to be situational at best.

I also kinda have trouble killing. Outside of his smashes, his moves appear to lack kill power (unless I'm somehow missing something).


Smash Hero
Mar 26, 2015
"That's Classified" - Mikuru
Would anyone like to have a few matches? I got a room up.

GGs @ FullMoon. Glad to see I was your punching bag again. Throwing Smashes out like an idiot and I didn't even tech the Stage Spikes. :yeahboi:
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Milo AKA Papa

Activating Combat Mode
Oct 26, 2014
United States, VA
Switch FC
I felt the need to show off this witty joke I made about Life is Strange, since there are some fans here
episode 4 spoilers inbound
[7:37:36 PM] ______ : Where da Chloe love
[7:38:12 PM] Captain Milo.: I guess it died off :^)
I'm not sorry :^)


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2009
The caffeine-free state
So nothing true combos out of his dthrow until mid percents? That's what it was looking like in training mode.
Also, his specials seem to be situational at best.

I also kinda have trouble killing. Outside of his smashes, his moves appear to lack kill power (unless I'm somehow missing something).
DThrow doesn't combo at low percents and it doesn't work for even longer on fast fallers. But UThrow to Fire works during the ineffective DThrow percents if you can read the DI (and you can possibly get a FAir out of it too for 25%). His specials are mostly situational but I feel that Chef is slightly underutilized in general (it can create ledge traps and it's good to B-Reverse it). Judge is a gamble but honestly only 1-3 are bad (and 2 can trip and 3 does massive shield damage). Fire is good overall. Unfortunately the invincibility wears off before he reaches the apex of his jump but it's still great at sniping people from the air. You can perform aerials out of it too and jump after that so that's cool. You can also use it to edgeguard thanks to the parachute. Oil Panic would be better if collecting levels one and two didn't give you over a second of endlag, but it's the most functional it's ever been with the ability to fill up more than one level at a time and being able to absorb explosions.

His killing ability is bad. I believe they balanced it around Judge 9 and Oil Panic, with his smashes being average in power with average to slow speed and nothing else killing reliably. It wouldn't be as big of a deal if he were heavier.


Smash Lord
Jan 10, 2015
Just left for smashcon. This is gonna be fun, my friends gotta play zero tomorrow in pools.

If I get on stream I'll link ya guys


Smash Lord
Jan 10, 2015
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