I just want to say, on behalf of players everywhere, thank you for your tireless efforts to ban Zelda. I think it's a truly important cause that more people should be aware of, and the hard work and commitment you've shown to that end is nothing short of inspiring.
Time was, I was afraid to enter a tournament for fear of encountering Zelda. I had no idea how to deal with her: the wonky f-air, the Din's Fire suicides, the Farore's Elevator, the d-dtilt edgeguards - it was a nightmare. I would always walk away with the thought at the forefront of my mind, "Why is this character allowed in competitive events? Who on earth thinks it's okay to let Zelda roam free and unchecked?" It got to the stage where I questioned my motivation to play competitive Smash - the fear of playing against Zelda kept me from truly enjoying the game I love. It was a real problem. I didn't know what to do with myself.
Then I discovered that I wasn't alone - that there are other people who feel the same way about it as I do! This was a true revelation for me. I felt overjoyed and elated to know that something was being done about the Zelda issue that had plagued me and so many other players for months. Thanks to the dedicated efforts of the Zelda Social Thread, I can now safely enter Smash tournaments without fear or prejudice, confident in the knowledge that I will no longer have to suffer the ignominy of a defeat at the hands of Zelda.
Thank you sincerely for everything you've done. I hope others heed the importance of this cause and carry on in their efforts to ban Zelda.