I think the ways in which we absorb culture and reproduce cultural attitudes are too complex to just single out a specific "cause" and address it by itself.
I think that while activists and feminists try to change culture in the real world, we also need to pay specific attention to certain sub-cultures that may not change as fast as the culture at large. I definitely think the gaming community is more misogynistic than the overall culture, for example, and I think "GamerGate" and the reaction to Anita Sarkeesian have shown that. Gamers are resisting some of the changes the rest of society is experiencing and if we just leave them alone while we focus on the rest of society, these beliefs will stay entrenched. In my paper on misogyny and homophobia in video games, I talked about how a lot of gamers use video games to escape from the mainstream culture and GamerGate is a response to pressures force gaming culture to "catch up" to changing attitudes in the mainstream. I think the same can be said of sports culture, which is also more misogynistic and homophobic than the national culture.
Ha. That conspiracy theory about gamergate is always funny.
Almost as funny as Anita being taken seriously.
First off, Gamergate was a reaction to the "gamers are dead" articles that was a reaction to a bunch of people questioning wheather Zoey Quinn was having sexual relations with games journalists. (Anita didn't enter the picture until I think a month or so.)
Second, no, I don't like anita because she
1. Is a con artist. She asked for money promising a lot, like finishing feminist frequency in like 2 months or so, and it has taken like 2 years. And if you don't believe that is enough, she asked for money for ANOTHER series despite not finishing feminist frequency.
2. Doesn't have any proof that games cause any misogynistic behavior in people, she just expects you to believe that.
3. This is in spite of the fact that there a million articles to say otherwise. Also, the fact that the number of incidents of things like **** have been going down since video games were introduce. (No to say correlation, but it should be going up if what Anita says is true).
4. Heck, she doesn't even play the games she critique. She's even been on record saying she isn't a gamer. Why should I listen to someone who isn't a gamer?
5. She is always trying to push her political agenda. One time, there was a school shooting, and she said on twitter, "why is it always men doing the shootings" and how it was because of "toxic masculinity" and how you should read this one book on it. No respect at all to the ones who died. (The "funny" part was that the shooting happened over a girl. Take that as you will).
Games aren't misogynistic, and neither are gamers. I'm an Egalitarian. I believe woman, man, everyone should be treated equally, and have equal opportunities. And thats it, games don't take away from that. Especially not all the nitpicky stuff Games journalist like to spew.
If you want me to listen, give me proof. There will be no, "listening and believing" with me.