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Guide Zelda Social: But also the FE Heroes Internet Cafe

Princess Toady

Smash Ace
Jan 3, 2014
Well, I mean... At least with these examples you can't say that Din's Fire doesn't fulfill its purpose. It does kill.



Smash Master
Oct 8, 2014
I'm amused that with all these main stories that a lot of you supposedly use Game & Watch on the side.

Honestly though, :4gaw: is super fun to play and he has a lot of really interesting moves in his kit. He's a really interesting character imo, would probably be better if his moves linked better but oh well.

Also, when can you play our matches?


Smash Ace
Dec 20, 2014
Omg o-o I've found Diddy Kong's official theme song. Well, I've always known about this song cuz I'm a long time Marina and the Diamonds fan but I just realized how this song, the music video and Diddy all go together just watch it omg

Trieste SP

Smash Champion
Nov 6, 2014
Omg o-o I've found Diddy Kong's official theme song. Well, I've always known about this song cuz I'm a long time Marina and the Diamonds fan but I just realized how this song, the music video and Diddy all go together just watch it omg
That music video was disturbing. Great song...


코이바 ❤
Apr 16, 2015
Ontario, Canada
Am I too late for the smash stories? :c anyway here's mine

64: I mained :pikachu64: at first all the way because pokemon. Then I grew fond of :kirby64::yoshi64::ness64::jigglypuff64: and everyone on the bottom row besides:fox64: because I HATED him. :jigglypuff64: grew to be my fave poke. :yoshi64::kirby64: played them because they were cute. (I was like grade 2 at the time) and :ness64: because pk fire was hilarious. I sometimes play this game when friends come over.

Melee: I don't play this game that much because I never had a GameCube or wii and I play on the emulator but I immediately used :jigglypuffmelee: (lol rest) I also liked playing :pichumelee::icsmelee::pikachumelee::mewtwomelee: in this game even though 2 of them sucked ***.

Brawl: This was my second smash game and I immediately knew I was going to main :pt:. I did classic mode with him and I got :ivysaur:. I loved this poke to death and hated the overrated :charizard:. But I never got amazing with :ivysaur: but I could do well with:squirtle: and these were my go-to pokes. Brawl was also the game where I mained a lot of chars. :bowser2::dedede::diddy::falco::popo::jigglypuff::kirby2::lucas::marth::metaknight::gw::ness2::olimar::pikachu2::peach::rob::zelda::zerosuitsamus::pt::yoshi2::sonic:. Was thinking of :lucario: but dropped him. But :pt::pikachu2::kirby2: were the 3 I could do well with.

PM: I loved :ivysaur: to death and is tied for my main with :mewtwopm:. I also played all the other mains from Brawl.

Sm4sh: I dropped:4charizard::4dedede::4diddy::4falco::4marth::4metaknight::4olimar::4sonic::4zelda::4zss: because I either forgot about them or @Macchiato taught me that too many mains are bad. I also dropped:4bowser: :4yoshi::4peach::4gaw: later. When I got the 3ds ver. I immediately used :rosalina: and used her 24/7 until the wii u ver. came out. After that I thought i was overusing :rosalina: so i decided to try something new. I wanted to main :4bowserjr::4darkpit::4duckhunt::4villagerf: so I went online and trained with the new 4 but I realize i'm using :4villagerf::4darkpit: a lot more often then :4bowserjr::4duckhunt: so I dropped them. I also wanted to use :4jigglypuff: more because she's my fave poke and trained with her. Then I realize i've been using :4darkpit: lot online recently because he's fun and salty victory quotes. :4darkpit: also the reason I replayed KI:U. I was hyped for :4mewtwo: but when I played him something cidn't click so he became a thirdie. So my mains are:rosalina: secondaries are :4darkpit::4jigglypuff::4pikachu: and for fun are :4kirby::4palutena::4villagerf::4ness: :4mewtwo:. (But are on the verge of getting dropped :()I was considering :4robinf::4marth::4wiifit: at one point but never did it. Then I got a little into the competitive scene, learning AT and PP.
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Smash Lord
Apr 9, 2014
Time for me to finally talk about personality and my (nonexistent) love life! (Which are both totally irrelevant now ._.)

So I generally register as an INTP with the 16 personalities test. The first time I took it, my results were - Introverted: 72%, Intuitive: 28%, Thinking: 12%, Prospecting: 48%, Turbulent: 7%. However, the most recent time I took it, I got INFP, which makes sense because I'm a pretty sensitive person and I try to help or please people that I know. However, the T also fits as well since I oftentimes have trouble understanding people's emotions, find it difficult to get emotional myself unless I am personally being attacked and I often retreat to thought and won't take action a lot of times without take the time to think deeply about doing so first (hence why this post is so late haha). I forget to email myself the specific results from my most recent test though, unfortunately. I think I'm somewhere between INTP and INFP.

There is another really good personality test out there called the Enneagram, which I think identified me very well. http://www.eclecticenergies.com/enneagram/test.php
The test eventually labels you as one of 9 types and can give you a wing to narrow things down. I fall in personality type 9 and likely have an 8 wing. 9s are "The Peacemakers", which fits for me since I like to avoid conflict at nearly all costs and am generally pretty tolerant and easy going. I have been told that in the rare moments when I do get angry, it seems that I explode and come out of nowhere. I also tend to be pretty optimistic, though I'm feeling pretty sour and anxious right now, so that's not always the case. Check the test out, it's good.

Onto love life and sexuality. I'm straight and the only relationship I've been in was when I was four year old. We mostly just played together and she switched schools the year after. Never kissed. Not even sure if she knew that she was my girlfriend or not.

Currently, I go to an all boys school and don't have the chance to talk to girls much since I never go to dances or anything. Since 9th grade, I've planned to leave any romance for college, where I thought I might have a better chance to be able to find a girlfriend with similar interests and be able to hold onto her longer and have a steady relationship until marriage. Going from girl to girl just wouldn't be the right thing to do for me. Now that I'm going to college in the fall, I'll probably start my search soon :). I'll probably end up being foolish and awkward in front of my first crush, but it can't be helped :urg:.

So that's my love story. I found it interesting to read everyone else's in this thread, especially from those who are gay. I never understood why so many people have problems with homosexuality and being different in general. It made me really happy to see so many of you guys and gals open up. Thanks for the interesting reads.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 10, 2015
Switch FC
6493 3764 6404
@ Berserker. Berserker. was getting rekt in PM more than the walls in Miley Cyrus' Wrecking Ball MV because he kept going after me and suddenly got hammered by my 11 year old cousin ahehehehe

Me and puny brother were trying to fight each other in the last 20 matches while forgetting about our 11 year old cousin who would randomly come in and hammer us HAHA

Plus, I was using :jigglypuff: against his :fox: so olololol up-throw to rest = instawin for me against puny brother olol

I used :marth: about twice and did 2 4x u-tilt to Ken combos, and one 4x u-tilt to reverse Ken combo in 2 matches all against puny brother

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코이바 ❤
Apr 16, 2015
Ontario, Canada
Time for me to finally talk about personality and my (nonexistent) love life! (Which are both totally irrelevant now ._.)

So I generally register as an INTP with the 16 personalities test. The first time I took it, my results were - Introverted: 72%, Intuitive: 28%, Thinking: 12%, Prospecting: 48%, Turbulent: 7%. However, the most recent time I took it, I got INFP, which makes sense because I'm a pretty sensitive person and I try to help or please people that I know. However, the T also fits as well since I oftentimes have trouble understanding people's emotions, find it difficult to get emotional myself unless I am personally being attacked and I often retreat to thought and won't take action a lot of times without take the time to think deeply about doing so first (hence why this post is so late haha). I forget to email myself the specific results from my most recent test though, unfortunately. I think I'm somewhere between INTP and INFP.

There is another really good personality test out there called the Enneagram, which I think identified me very well. http://www.eclecticenergies.com/enneagram/test.php
The test eventually labels you as one of 9 types and can give you a wing to narrow things down. I fall in personality type 9 and likely have an 8 wing. 9s are "The Peacemakers", which fits for me since I like to avoid conflict at nearly all costs and am generally pretty tolerant and easy going. I have been told that in the rare moments when I do get angry, it seems that I explode and come out of nowhere. I also tend to be pretty optimistic, though I'm feeling pretty sour and anxious right now, so that's not always the case. Check the test out, it's good.

Onto love life and sexuality. I'm straight and the only relationship I've been in was when I was four year old. We mostly just played together and she switched schools the year after. Never kissed. Not even sure if she knew that she was my girlfriend or not.

Currently, I go to an all boys school and don't have the chance to talk to girls much since I never go to dances or anything. Since 9th grade, I've planned to leave any romance for college, where I thought I might have a better chance to be able to find a girlfriend with similar interests and be able to hold onto her longer and have a steady relationship until marriage. Going from girl to girl just wouldn't be the right thing to do for me. Now that I'm going to college in the fall, I'll probably start my search soon :). I'll probably end up being foolish and awkward in front of my first crush, but it can't be helped :urg:.

So that's my love story. I found it interesting to read everyone else's in this thread, especially from those who are gay. I never understood why so many people have problems with homosexuality and being different in general. It made me really happy to see so many of you guys and gals open up. Thanks for the interesting reads.
I don't think every gurl here told their love life yet.:smirk: @Nammy12 , @ Soul. Soul. , @redfeatherraven , @ Antonykun Antonykun ,@GingerGaymer, @beserker.., @Cenizas , just to name a few. And is there any other female in this social besides me and @Twili? :happysheep:
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Jun 8, 2009
its not bad to talk about life and romantic stuff yknow

reserved/levnei/edge proved that today by being drunk and dum but whatever. tpical kirby main


Smash Master
Oct 8, 2014
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Gatekeeper of the Shadows
Jun 17, 2014
My love life tbh

It was about middle school when I first heard about this brunette girl from friends. People were talking about her for quite some time, so I decided I would go and see her for myself. The moment I first layed on her, it was love at first sight. She was beautiful, but mature. Not like any of those typical middle school girls. Her visage was too perfect to be true, her eyes a crystalline blue that shines in the sunlight. It was a sight I would never forget. As I reached out my hand for her to greet this beautiful lady...

... My hand hit a hard cold surface.

I stood there motionless, staring at the pixels of a brunette princess, forever trapped behind the computer screen. There was no way for me to save her; she'll forever be cursed as a fictional character that will never exist in the real world.

lmp if u cri everytiem
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You can do it!
Jul 22, 2013
Wuhu Island
Eh, on my end haven't dated anyone. Mostly because I don't have the means to. I don't have a driver's licensee or a job which I would find important in a relationship.

I might go out with this one girl I kinda like. Planning on seeing how she feels about giving me her number and having me call her when I get my driver's licensee to take her out since I'm getting it this summer. Or I could chicken out on that.
Jun 8, 2009
reserved change your avatar it sucks

actually it makes sense cuz it sucks like kirby

i guess thats why you use derppit

tpical kirby mains again
Jun 8, 2009
romantic love is weird. like, it just happens. it's hard to explain but you need to feel it. i'm not really the best when it comes to this sooooo bleeeeh

ask reserved though he might have an idea


It's ya boy
Jul 15, 2012
You still did good, better than I could do with Zelda <.>
I always try to go off stage to try and Dair players trying to recover I noticed you usually edge guarded with Phantom. . Is there a reason you don't go off stage as much? O:
I have narm Brawl flashbacks >_________>


Hero of Many Faces
Oct 10, 2014
romantic love is weird. like, it just happens. it's hard to explain but you need to feel it. i'm not really the best when it comes to this sooooo bleeeeh

ask reserved though he might have an idea
that's because you were taught to beleive in romantic love


Prinsass of Hyrule
Apr 23, 2015
New Brunswick, Canada
Switch FC
Am I too late for the smash stories? :c anyway here's mine

64: I mained :pikachu64: at first all the way because pokemon. Then I grew fond of :kirby64::yoshi64::ness64::jigglypuff64: and everyone on the bottom row besides:fox64: because I HATED him. :jigglypuff64: grew to be my fave poke. :yoshi64::kirby64: played them because they were cute. (I was like grade 2 at the time) and :ness64: because pk fire was hilarious. I sometimes play this game when friends come over.

Melee: I don't play this game that much because I never had a GameCube or wii and I play on the emulator but I immediately used :jigglypuffmelee: (lol rest) I also liked playing :pichumelee::icsmelee::pikachumelee::mewtwomelee: in this game even though 2 of them sucked ***.

Brawl: This was my second smash game and I immediately knew I was going to main :pt:. I did classic mode with him and I got :ivysaur:. I loved this poke to death and hated the overrated :charizard:. But I never got amazing with :ivysaur: but I could do well with:squirtle: and these were my go-to pokes. Brawl was also the game where I mained a lot of chars. :bowser2::dedede::diddy::falco::popo::jigglypuff::kirby2::lucas::marth::metaknight::gw::ness2::olimar::pikachu2::peach::rob::zelda::zerosuitsamus::pt::yoshi2::sonic:. Was thinking of :lucario: but dropped him. But :pt::pikachu2::kirby2: were the 3 I could do well with.

PM: I loved :ivysaur: to death and is tied for my main with :mewtwopm:. I also played all the other mains from Brawl.

Sm4sh: I dropped:4charizard::4dedede::4diddy::4falco::4marth::4metaknight::4olimar::4sonic::4zelda::4zss: because I either forgot about them or @Macchiato taught me that too many mains are bad. I also dropped:4bowser: :4yoshi::4peach::4gaw: later. When I got the 3ds ver. I immediately used :rosalina: and used her 24/7 until the wii u ver. came out. After that I thought i was overusing :rosalina: so i decided to try something new. I wanted to main :4bowserjr::4darkpit::4duckhunt::4villagerf: so I went online and trained with the new 4 but I realize i'm using :4villagerf::4darkpit: a lot more often then :4bowserjr::4duckhunt: so I dropped them. I also wanted to use :4jigglypuff: more because she's my fave poke and trained with her. Then I realize i've been using :4darkpit: lot online recently because he's fun and salty victory quotes. :4darkpit: also the reason I replayed KI:U. I was hyped for :4mewtwo: but when I played him something cidn't click so he became a thirdie. So my mains are:rosalina: secondaries are :4darkpit::4jigglypuff::4pikachu: and for fun are :4kirby::4palutena::4villagerf::4ness: :4mewtwo:. (But are on the verge of getting dropped :()I was considering :4robinf::4marth::4wiifit: at one point but never did it. Then I got a little into the competitive scene, learning AT and PP.

I wish I liked using that many characters.

With the exception of Melee, I only ever liked using one character in the smash games.

Of course that's not exactly a bad thing though, it's nice being able to focus on just one character instead of juggling 4+
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Locke 06

Sayonara, bye bye~
Oct 2, 2014
Grad School
I love lamp.

Also, sniper doesn't go nearly as far as I thought it would go. I'm glad it's not OP.


Smash Master
Sep 29, 2014
Las Vegas it's hot yall help

64: :samus64:. Samus has always been one of my favorite video game characters and Metroid is cool so yeah. Her being bad also prepared me for Zelda :^)

Melee: :zeldamelee:. I was going to play Samus again until I saw...Zelda. I wasn't really into the competitive scene for my first year playing Melee but I watched it. I always say everyone playing Sheik and I knew Zelda wasn't very good but I was like "whatever, I'll try her." I ended up l o v i n g her so much. Then I played the Zelda games and I ended up loving her personality and values and it only made me feel even more attached to her. She's easily one of, if not my favorite, video game characters

Brawl: :zelda:: I had to stick with Zelda in this game because I'd grown so attached to her and I decided she'd be my main for the rest of the Smash series. I also liked how she played in this game even more than Melee. Not much else to say here.

Smash 4: :4zelda::4shulk:: Ok so during the prerelease hype, I'd totally given up on Zelda and didn't want to deal with her anymore, especially once I heard she was NERFED from Brawl. I decided that I was going to main :4robinm:(yes male Robin, ik I'm a disgrace :secretkpop:) and :4lucina:. Their trailer hyped me up so much and introduced me to the Fire Emblem series. I was so excited that I went to Gamestop *the next day* and bought FE:A. Then :4shulk: was revealed a month or two later and I practically diED I was so excited. Played :4shulk::4robinm::4lucina: for the majority of the 3DS days, but towards the end I started missing Zelda. Decided to retry her and I picked her back up again, but wasn't serious about it. I finally became serious about maining Zelda, and dropped Robin and Lucina a few weeks after that. Now I main :4zelda: because of the same reasons from Melee/Brawl and :4shulk: because Xenoblade and he's really fun and technical. I'm going to stick with Shulk and Zelda for the rest of Smash 4 unless Fiora or Melia are added as DLC, then I'll add them to my lineup
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