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Guide Zelda Social: But also the FE Heroes Internet Cafe

Aunt Jemima

It's ya girl
Jul 2, 2014
I've already fixed everything up

I'm the Zelda mod and BJN is the Ridley mod, Fuujin will be the Kirby mod



Smash Lord
Apr 9, 2014
Debating between posting about mains and love life/sexuality, but I'll do the former for now since it seems to be more relevant atm (It's not like anybody will care about either anyway)

I only got to playing this a little before Smash 4's release and am only decent at it, so my story's pretty simple. I main :yoshi64: of course because he's my favorite video game character (alongside Greninja now) and his eggs are insane in the game. Otherwise, I dabble with :mario64:, :fox64:, :falcon64: and :pikachu64:, but I don't play the game too seriously yet.

Like always, I started with :yoshimelee: because I <3 Yoshi, but I also used other characters like :bowsermelee::falconmelee::dkmelee::mariomelee: while trying to unlock characters and stages. When I tried :drmario: after unlocking him, I found him unexpectedly fun to play as someone who never touched a Dr. Mario game in his life (still haven't). My goal after that was to unlock :mewtwomelee:, who I ended up being really bad with, but determined to well with him. :sheikmelee: and :zeldamelee:attracted me after playing Brawl and Super Smash Flash 2 more, but Zelda wasn't fun in Melee for me. I played with Sheik for a bit, but then realized playing her was pointless for me since I would never be as good as the top players using her, so I dropped her. In the end, I main :drmario: and secondary :yoshimelee: and :mewtwomelee:, though I'm still mediocre at Melee tbh.

This was my first official Super Smash Bros. game. I was definitely a casual when I started playing this in 2010 and didn't start taking the game seriously until about 2012. I started playing :yoshi2: obviously, but dropped him due to his awkward playstyle. I moved on to :metaknight:on the premise of him looking cool (had no idea he was broken), but found trouble killing with him (I had no idea that tilts, aerials and smash attacks were supposed to be useful lol) and moved on to :pikachu2:. Eventually, I learned that the A button existed and my goal became to unlock :lucario: and :sonic: via Subspace Emissary and main them. So I did that and liked them a lot. After a long hiatus and lots of Super Smash Flash 2, I returned and got the desire to pick up my favorite character again. After watching a Yoshi guide video, I went back to Yoshi in Brawl and greatly improved. After playing Zelda and Sheik for a while in SSF2 (particularly after v.0.9b), I decided to use :sheilda:and eventually grew to main them with :yoshi2:. Currently, I have :sonic::pt::lucario: as secondaries and use :bowser2::ness2::pikachu2::gw: on occasion, though not seriously.

This is the first game I got to experience the pre-release for and the first one I wanted to be good at competitively from the get-go. After the April Nintendo Direct, I knew right away that I wanted to dual main :4greninja: and :4yoshi:, my favorite Pokemon and favorite other video game character. I was also greatly looked forward to playing :4bowser::4lucario::4sonic::4charizard::4littlemac:. During the summer of 2014, I had gained more interest in :4zelda: and :4sheik: and added them to the list. Upon seeing the roster leak, I knew that :4drmario: would be my secondary below :4greninja: and :4yoshi:.

I didn't get the game until January myself, but after the game came out, I played :4greninja::4yoshi::4drmario: as much as I could on my friend's 3DS. I also got the demo and found myself enjoying :4pikachu: and :4mario: a lot. I discovered the Zelda social shortly after and regained my interest in her character (thanks gorls <3).

When I did get the game, I stuck with :4greninja::4yoshi::4drmario::4zelda:, determined to do well with the latter two underrated characters. Shortly after, I explored the rest of the cast and recruited :4pikachu::4sonic::4charizard: to my list of characters. :4lucario::4miibrawl::4bowser::4ganondorf::4littlemac: gained my interest later on, though I ended up temporarily dropping :4lucario::4miibrawl::4littlemac: (I have picked up Luc again now and still have high interest in Brawler and Mac). Overtime, I've picked up :4sheik::4gaw::4falco::4miisword: while exploring other characters. Obviously, I picked up :4mewtwo: after his release. Since Mewtwo's release, I tried to focus on just :4mewtwo::4greninja::4yoshi:, but ended up going back to some of my other characters, starting with :4zelda: and :4drmario:. Now, I still have a core focus with a group of characters, but play with my other characters often nonetheless (though a few are temporarily dropped). I no longer have multiple characters sharing the main slot anymore, as :4greninja: has taken that for his own now. Feeling like **** in this game recently though. Can wait until August for the tournament I plan on going to so that I can finally prove that I'm terrible and stop playing this seriously.

Mains: :4greninja:
Secondaries: :4mewtwo::4yoshi::4zelda::4drmario:(:4pikachu:)
Pockets/Submains: :4lucario::4charizard::4sonic::4sheik::4bowser::4ganondorf::4miisword:
Temporary Drops: :4miibrawl::4falco::4gaw::4littlemac:
Current Interests: :4dk::4luigi::4fox::4metaknight:
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Smash Master
Oct 8, 2014
How can he mod, if he's banned. Unless there's something you know that we don't. :secretkpop:
reserved is drunk as always

MAINS things

64: :pikachu64: because I liked Pokemon. simple enough
Melee: I ended up sticking with :falcomelee: because he was fun to play. Keep in mind I was like 7-8. Recently I tried out :marthmelee: and he's also fun but probably will continue playing Falco as time goes on
Brawl: started with :sonic:. I played a lot of characters though including :falco::popo::jigglypuff::lucario::gw::olimar::pikachu2::pt::zerosuitsamus:. I started using a lot of Jiggly toward the end of Brawl's lifespan which is why I have as my Brawl main
P:M: I picked up :ivysaur: because he was always my favorite of the :pt:. Also I heard he was decent, and Solarbeam is the best move ever
Sm4sh: :4shulk: because Xenoblade. Characters I have considered seriously as secondaries are :4charizard::4duckhunt::4falco::4gaw::4greninja::4miibrawl:. Characters I like playing but would not be secondaries are :4mewtwo::4miisword::4robinm::4villager:
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The fairest of them all
Aug 24, 2014
We still talking about characters?
I started playing :marthmelee: because at the time, he was the only character I could beat Melee's single player games with. That was before I knew what a Ken or a tier list was, I just thought "hit them forward in the air, then hit them down, and they'll die". Stuck with him ever since - he's literally the only character I can play in Brawl or PM.
I have a bit more variety in Smash 4. Started playing :4zss: because I played a friend of mine who mains her and thought "that looks fun". :4robinm: because he's an FE character who isn't a blue-haired swordsman.

I started playing :4zelda: because of this thread. YOU PEOPLE ARE RUINING ME
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Smash Journeyman
Sep 6, 2014
Ban yourself

So today on FG I found this wario player and I kept beating him and he said this like.
"U Zelda Is" "Perfect"
"R U PRO?"
"Friend me" like 7 times.
Through the tag thing.
The best I got once was "Pls no" followed by "2good" and then they left.
And then there is everyone else who're salty dogs and just say **** like "STOP" (like, wtf is that supposed to mean? Stop what?)

Locke 06

Sayonara, bye bye~
Oct 2, 2014
Grad School
We interrupt this social to bring you breaking news:
"Berserker bros beaten by their 10 year old cousin's Kirby in PM! Berserker00 used Jigglypuff and Berserker. used FOX"
This story is still developing and I'm still receiving details.

oh god
It seems Berserker. is too stunned to give me an interview at this time. More on this story at 8.


Hero of Many Faces
Oct 10, 2014
yep BJN is definitely the only mod that cares about order in here.
Jun 8, 2009
Cousin survives at 30% or 50% rest and is using Kirby.

Close match between her and Berserker00. I got bopped by rest


kick kick
Oct 2, 2014

64: I haven't really developed a main for this game yet since I didn't grow up with my own copy. I do remember playing it a lot on my babysitters N64, and I would always play :kirby64: while singing along to "I believe I can fly". Also might have played :link64:,:pikachu64:, and :jigglypuff64: because I loved those games as a kid.

Melee: Aaaah this game was so fun when I was a kid. I never grew to playing it competitively (still haven't, how to wavedash lol), but I loved playing :kirbymelee::linkmelee::mewtwomelee::pichumelee::icsmelee: and especially :younglinkmelee:. Surprisingly, :marthmelee: and :roymelee: didn't get me into FE, I didn't end up starting the series until Awakening.

Brawl: Brawl was fun, I enjoyed playing SSE mostly. I started off playing :toonlink:, and I also enjoyed playing :pt: for :squirtle: and :ivysaur:. Once I unlocked :sonic: I started playing him, but I didn't really like his low kill potential in that game.Eventually I realized that :popo: were the most adorable things ever and I started maining them, with a little :toonlink::kirby2: on the side.

PM: I loved playing PM to tide me over until Sm4sh's release, and I really enjoyed playing :sonic: now with his better kill moves (Sonic Battle Usmash and fair :love:). Also played :squirtle::lucas:too. Unfortunatly I don't have my regular Wii anymore, and I haven't tried to get it running on Wii U yet.

Sm4sh: This is the game where I've started to really get competitive. With Melee and Brawl I felt like it was too late in the game to start getting competitive, so Sm4sh felt like a fresh start for me. Started off with :4shulk: because I had recently beaten Xenoblade and I fell in love with him, and :4darkpit: because edgy. Then I went waaaaaaaay all over the place with mains, at some point playing:4wendy::4lucario::4lucina::4marth::rosalina::4robinf::4zelda::4peach::4pacman::4palutena::4sonic::4olimar::4wiifit::4littlemac::4metaknight: and probably more that i can't remember. I finally calmed down, and I recently finalized my mains to :4shulk::4kirby::4lucas:, secondaries as :4miibrawl::4miigun::4miisword:. I'm also thinking about :4zelda::4tlink:.


Smash Champion
Jul 12, 2014
Kikkipop 12
I always lost when I come here. You guys raided crayola? Huh?

Princess Toady

Smash Ace
Jan 3, 2014
Wow, Main History, right?

Well, mine won't be very interesting.

SSB64 : :jigglypuff64: because she's sexy and pink, and also :kirby64: because he is sexy and pink. I suppose :ness64: would be my third one, mainly because I didn't know him but found him cool. But really, it was almost always Jigglypuff.

SSBM : :peachmelee: the goddess graced the character select screen, I immediately flocked to her. There was also the queen, :zeldamelee:, who was so pretty and awesome but not as much as Peach. Then I naturally kept :jigglypuffmelee: as a third, and :kirbymelee:as a fourth. But to be honest, it's just a top 3. I'm better with the first three than with the rest. Then in order : :marthmelee: :samusmelee: :bowsermelee: :nessmelee: :icsmelee: :gawmelee: :mewtwomelee: :pichumelee:. But yeah, it's more the characters I liked to play.

SSBB / Project M : :peach:, :zelda:, :jigglypuff: and this time Kirby wasn't as lame as in Melee, so I kind of dropped him compared to the rest. :samus2: was replaced by :zerosuitsamus: and I liked :ivysaur: a lot too, but I wasn't a fan of the new characters. Funnily enough, I also played the same characters un Project M, especially Ivysaur since she was actually on her own.

SSB4 : :4peach:, :4zelda:, :4jigglypuff:, :4zss:. And looking at the newcharacters that I like playing, there's :4wiifit: (I was so sad when I realized she sucked the first time I played her, she was the only new character that was worth investing time in IMO), :4palutena:(but I hate the ***** in her games), :rosalina:(I hate her also), :4wendy: (lol) and :4robinm: (White Mage FTW). I tried to pick up :4mewtwo: again, but he's disgustingly bad and very boring to play as.


Summary : You could have looked under my avatar instead of reading this message.


Prinsass of Hyrule
Apr 23, 2015
New Brunswick, Canada
Switch FC
Time to post my main story:

64: :mario64: is the only character I like using in this game and Mario is my favorite male character in video games.

Melee: Mained :mariomelee:for a long time, but then I tried :zeldamelee:and :mariomelee: became my permanent secondary.
The other characters I use are: :bowsermelee::foxmelee::linkmelee::marthmelee::peachmelee::samusmelee:&:sheikmelee:
Brawl::wolf:is THE ONLY character I like using in this game. I can't emphasize that statement enough.

I can't use anyone else in Brawl without getting tortured by boredom.
Smash 4: Just like Brawl, no one is fun to play as but :4zelda:'s purple costume combined with the Brawl 2.0 game engine does make using :4zelda:borderline tolerable and thus makes her the only character that is "fun" to play.

If/once :wolf:returns, I'm dropping :4zelda:in a heartbeat and never using her or anyone else again.


Prinsass of Hyrule
Apr 23, 2015
New Brunswick, Canada
Switch FC
I.... I don't even know what to say about this.
Sakurai must be laughing his a** off knowing dumb crap like this is even possible all because he thought it was a good idea to make side b put you in a helpless state for absolutely no reason at all.
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