@Kuz I had voted Swiss because I thought x1 wasn't serious with his claim, and thus, I wasn't serious about my vote. Just wanted to clear that up.
TO get kuz to buzz off
buzz off? Kuz hadnt posted in about 50 posts...
I said already, I don't want to be directed toNight. Nor do I want to be NK'ed
why not just claim even night cop right there, and say "i know who im investigating toMorrow night, doc protect me twice."?
BSL: trying to mod-meta based on the fact some role PMs were slightly different - kinda odd. He says Swiss can't be meta'd, but not sure he would believe this considering how he doesn't know Swiss very well really.
the mod meta thing has been explained.
the swiss meta thing. youre right, i dont believe it. but whether or not i believe it isnt the point. kuz claimed that swiss is playing his normal townie game.
1) how does kuz know swiss' normal townie game?
1A) kuz has read up on some of swiss' games.
----------since kuz has read up on some of swiss' games, he shouldve noticed somewhere that swiss claims to be unmeta-able. and then there is the whole thing about how in the games kuz read, swiss was scum...