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Youtube Memes Mafia Game Over! Town... WINS :D lolwut end scum win streak B****EZ!!!


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
Because I have a town read on every except you and Sworddancer, but he has a gun and can pretty much confirm himself as town

not being funny but do we have to drag out this twilight, I feel this day went on much longer than necessary anyway

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
So now Gova's saying he's fine with ending twilight now. GGs making me look stupid mang :).


As the Day went on, the Youtube Memes were hectic, trying to find out who was doing all of the homicides.

"Why the Youtube Memes?! They were so popular, and so funny!"

As the day went on, and people were trying to find clues about who did what, one person slipped up. And everybody caught it.

"Yo guys, I'm innocent! I'm not doing any of this! I couldn't hurt a fly man!"

"The evidence points right to you. There's no way it CAN'T be you."

"But it's not! I promise!"

"Let's get em mangs."

And with that...

Denny Blaze A.K.A The Average Homeboy (Gova), Vanilla Townie, was lynched D3!

Night actions are due 6:15 PM Est. on Jan 4th

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
The morning comes, and the scared, famished Youtube Memes decide to eat the bits of food that are left on the counter. Surprisingly, everybody seemed to be alive, no new dead bodies were on the floor. But still, some thought there was near no hope, and some thought it was the end. But they were gonna fight it all out until they can determine who was causing all of the homicides and mass murders of all these Youtube Memes.

Suddenly, there was a scream in the bathroom. Everybody rushed over there.

"Oh my gosh, guys! Why would somebody do this?!"

What is this, you're asking yourselves?

David After Dentist (KevinM), Vanilla Townie, has been killed during the Night!

Is there any hope left for the survival of the Youtube Memes?

Day Four begins! With four alive, it takes three to lynch. Deadline is January 14th at 4:00 PM.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
@Gheb: Why did you breadcrumb your character if you are a VT?

I've no result toDay btw. I assume that's why Kev was killed?

When I was in bed at Night (lol) A realisation happened. There's no Indy. I'm pretty damn sure. That's why Swiss was all liek "I fink dat Gova is indy bra"

I will be re-reading but I'm busy this kinda time because of exams so it will take a while

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Worst, kill, ever.

Seriously, mafia is going have to explain to me thier Night kill choices because they make no sense, unless they were just killing the guy that X1 was investigating.

Btw I did not shoot last Night as you guys can tell from there being only one kill, so I'm now confirmed town now.

The last mafia member is confirmed to be either Nabe or Gheb. We're seriously going to have to look at both at this point. We have a long Day ahead of us.

@X1: You didn't happen to pull a surprise and investigate someone different, did you?


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
I almost pulled a surprise investigate but thought that the mafia likely had a Witch/interceptor/mafiaPGO or something so I did not try it.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
I love it when I see Swiss lurking the thread.

That's why Swiss was all liek "I fink dat Gova is indy bra"
I don't see how this confirms an indy isn't in this game. How could mafia know their was no indy?

Not saying I don't agree with you, I also think that no indy is in this game at this point. However, I just don't follow your logic.

Also think that, at this point, we are dealing with a PGO of either town or mafia alignment (which would be gay either way) or mafia who somehow got to kill twice (still kinda gay). Not to speculate on the set up too much, but I'm just kinda throwing this out there.

Also, DO NOT VOTE PEOPLE! I know I probably don't have to say this at this point but you can never be too careful.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
If he knew that scum were responsible for 2 kills on N2, he could reason that there was probably no indy, the 10v3 set-ups being balanced by sometimes scum getting 2 NKs on certain circumstances, hence my witch/interceptor point. I think he was calling gova indy to mislead us and draw us away from his last scummate.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
A bookie or a PGO, that is the question.

If there's a bookie, then Swiss bussing Kuz seems odd. Self-preservation? You'd think that Kuz would ideally have been the mafia's bookie pick in D2, not Swiss.

Are there other mafia doublekill roles? None that I can think of.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
There's an epicmafia role called a Witch where a player is cursed, and if that player is targeted by a town action that Night they die. There are also some other similar things like interceptor.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
@Nabe: Since you're only good as town when its endgame (you told me this during AIMmaf session) why have I not seen very much from you?


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
explain the innocent I have on him.

Also do you have the links to anyforum games you have played as scum? or just the name if they are SWF games

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
I consider myself good as both factions in endgame, lol.

I haven't put my full attention into this game like I should've from the beginning. I was really eager to win FF6 and ignored this game a bit.

I can't explain the inno on Swords. I really thought Kev would be our last scum. Gheb could be scum, but there's very little chance of that. Swords is my scumpick.

I could link you to some games on AiB. I've never been scum here.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
The question was more: Why have you not won the game for town yet?

please do. Also if your username is different say what it is

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
So you're just flat out ignoring that I'm cleared from being the mafia and the fact that I confirmed myself not to be a SK, as well as the fact that there probably isn't an indie in this game?

That's swell.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
I asked the mod if 2 of the same action would occur at the same time (priority wise) and he said no comment. He did say however that he had taken solds advice on night action priority.

I was talking to my good friend Sold2 earlier about mafia, and endgame resolutions/Night action priorities. I asked him what would happen in a hypothetical situation where the Night started with 1vt 1vig and 1 goon. He said if the Vig shot the goon, town would win. (assuming Town have the normal shebang wincon (I do, we're cool) I also asked him what he would generally recommend to do when 2 of the same ability is used, he said they should occur at the same time.

Just so if we mislynch sword can shoot whoever is alive and not me. If sword is SK (=[) Don't shoot me anyway because my anger will take on a form of its own crawl through my computer across the internet to come and kill you (you, not your character in this game).

argh I really don't want to do this re-read but I gotta :/

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Oh jeez X1 I'm not dumb. :rolleyes:

I hope you're right about that. In anycase, we should still definitly try to lynch the last mafia cause you never know.

Gonna just call it right now and say that I was right along about Nabe beng scum.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
@Gheb: Why did you breadcrumb your character if you are a VT?
u know i have teh postin' restriction, rite? i have 2 post liek dat so a crumb o' 2 are kinda 2 b expected. liek, it happened moar on "accident" but when teh time came round 2 claim i thought i just i refer 2 some older post 2 substantiate mah claim.

n teh "we got yoh fingahprintz" was moar liek a joke anyway but it turned out t b a nice crumb in retrospect.

There's no Indy. I'm pretty damn sure. That's why Swiss was all liek "I fink dat Gova is indy bra"
If he knew that scum were responsible for 2 kills on N2, he could reason that there was probably no indy, the 10v3 set-ups being balanced by sometimes scum getting 2 NKs on certain circumstances, hence my witch/interceptor point. I think he was calling gova indy to mislead us and draw us away from his last scummate.
1.) idk y u of all teh ppl in teh game argue we should change our plan kinda liek accordin' 2 swiss thoughts. liek, rn't u teh 1 who claims dat u should never listen 2 wut swiss said 1ce he flipped scum? i kinda feel liek teh whole gova fiasco confirms dat line of thought so i actually think we should ignore swiss nao maor than evah. everythin' he left 4 us led us on teh wrong track n id rathah not repeat dat mistake.

2.) is dat teh only reason u think there's no indy in teh game?

Btw I did not shoot last Night as you guys can tell from there being only one kill, so I'm now confirmed town now.

The last mafia member is confirmed to be either Nabe or Gheb. We're seriously going to have to look at both at this point. We have a long Day ahead of us.
dewd, u kno there's a difference btween no indy n no sk, rite? not sayin' dat u r indy but we shouldn't throw teh idea away liek dat. even tho maf is obv. teh main threat [since we only had 1 kill] fo' teh moment n we should def. focus on them.

A bookie or a PGO, that is the question.
nah dawg, uninformed pgo is complete bull n no mod would agree to dat kinda BS. aint no pgo in teh game, son. and iono, atm im moar thinkin' bout an indy liek 1shot sk or sth liek dat.

Teh main problem we got nao is whethah its mylo or not. gettin' a 3/4 majority is already hard enuff 2 get any lynchin' done but dat's nothin' compared 2 findin' out if lynchin' 2day is a good idea @ all.

maor constructive thoughts latah but ppl should considah a deadline extension request in case we r runnin' outa time latah 2day


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
man ive been try'na make sense outa teh flipz we got n teh most logical consequences. n it sux lol
liek, do u think 3 mafiosi [with 1 goon] is strong enuff 2 deal with a cop, a rb, a medium, a doc and mayb even a vig? teh last scumbag must have a mad powah 2 deal with dat. tbh, i dun think teh town has a powerful opposition @ all unless we got an indy in teh game. which would mean we r @ 2 v 1 v1 [which fking sux] - teh only othah option is dat we got an indy but no 3rd mafioso but dat loox even moar unlikely.


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
wtf y was there even a town rb in teh game? liek, hed only affect teh town with teh knowledge we got n only negatively... this dont make sense @ all



Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
I am going to assume we are not in a 2v1v1 scenario because there's a limit to how mean I think this mod can get.

In which case it is safe to assume that there is 1 remaining mafia member left, and no indies.

I am clear.

Sworddancer is a killing role (vig) He is clear because we are looking for a mafia. He could not be mafia claiming vig because that would have to mean that in some way Mafia, by themselves, carried out 3 kills on N2. (its possible Maf PGO or the like could lead to 3 kills, but not when 2 of them were vanilla townies.)

Nabe and Gheb are left

We can shoot someone toNight and still win.

Lynch Nabe

Shoot Gheb.

Someone point out a flaw in this chain of thought.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
1 flaw is dat u aint clear. if u rlly think v got only 1 scumbag left we got only 2 possible guilties in teh game. if sword is legit vig we may not even have a cop in teh game @ all. perfectly possible fo' eithah of u 2 b lyin'. i mean, i dun liek teh logic but u r still alive n i kinda start 2 wondah y. not cc'd n clear r 2 very different things n i kinda think its time 2 consider all options.

n sword aint clear yet eithah. dun go round actin' liek its btween me n nabe. do u try 2 nudge swords train o' thought 2 get his support?



Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
Godfather heavily implies an investigative role, none have been claimed except mine

I had a *******ish post restriction D1 and D2 Which was mod-confirmed by the strikes. Implies PR

I'm alive because Swiss has an ego problem where he refuses to NK me, he thinks is a waste because I'm so easy to lynch.

I'm obvtown through my play throughout the whole game. This is a ******* thing to say but its true.

No, but really what role could allow mafia to get 3 kills on 1 Night, noting that 2 of them were vanillas. I ain't trying to nudge anyones chain of thought. I'm suggesting a Nabe lynch which would need you on it as well. I aint trying to make it a case of Nabe or Gheb, I'm trying to make it a case of Nabe, with gheb to be shot just incase.

@Gheb: Make 1 post in your normal voice please.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
Also Swiss knew I was the cop because he knows I would only actually claim N0 cop when I got the idea from somewhere (i.e saw cop in my role PM)

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Nabe, why is it that you're good at endgame, like you propose? This might seem like an irrelevent question, but trust me, it isn't.

Also still rereading (sorry!)

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
On pain of what? Modkill? check with Mod. I suspect at most you will get a strike which I want to see happen
if it wuz only dat i woulda been a lil less strict with mah restriction, u kno? i kno whats gunna happen if imma break it tho so no need 2 check with gordo. cant tell ya wasup tho, sry.

If you had to pick it now is all I mean, Gheb.
still a dum question imo but w/e. id b down with x1's plan 2 lynch u n let teh vig do teh rest. but idk id still liek 2 question x1 n sword a bit moar n im kinda surprised im actually teh first playah 2 question x1 aftah teh swiss flip / claim. liek, hes likely town n all but im kinda unsure y ppl take him bein' clear 4 granted. u nevah kno...



Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
Dats funny because

You're a claimed VT with a post restriction which is unusual.

My PM states I only get punishment if I break my restriction 3 times, why would it be different for yours?

My Restriction ended on D3

I wasn't allowed to say that I have a posting restriction unless someone specifically asked me if I have one, or until after it had finished.

You have been considered town by the majority of players all game, you have a post restriction which implies you have a PR, but you're still alive. Much as I hate that kinda logic its pretty weird.

still a dum question imo but w/e. id b down with x1's plan 2 lynch u n let teh vig do teh rest.
Why did you say this?

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
y is vanilla with restriction unusual? u kno its 100% flavor based, rite? im dodson n im supposed 2 talk liek him [even tho i only got a vague idea on how 2 do it] n dats it. ain' no implication on any pr @ all.
liek, teh nature of our restrictions r completely different. mine is flavah based...urs dont make no sense from a flavah point of view. mine is lastin' ... urs only lasted fo' a couple o' days. u get strikes if u break it ... i don't. teh nature is different ... so different effects arent 2 surprising, ya dig?

n i did say it cuz atm - @ least b4 i make clearer points on u n sword - im objectively teh 2nd suspect which would mean lynch nabe n vig meh 4 teh win. dats ur current plan, rite?


#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
Nabe, why is it that you're good at endgame, like you propose? This might seem like an irrelevent question, but trust me, it isn't.
What an odd thing to say. A question's a question.

Lategame, not endgame specifically. Regardless, it's just an observation on my part. It could be that there are less people, or more known information. Really couldn't say.
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