@Gheb: Why did you breadcrumb your character if you are a VT?
u know i have teh postin' restriction, rite? i
have 2 post liek dat so a crumb o' 2 are kinda 2 b expected. liek, it happened moar on "accident" but when teh time came round 2 claim i thought i just i refer 2 some older post 2 substantiate mah claim.
n teh "we got yoh fingahprintz" was moar liek a joke anyway but it turned out t b a nice crumb in retrospect.
There's no Indy. I'm pretty damn sure. That's why Swiss was all liek "I fink dat Gova is indy bra"
If he knew that scum were responsible for 2 kills on N2, he could reason that there was probably no indy, the 10v3 set-ups being balanced by sometimes scum getting 2 NKs on certain circumstances, hence my witch/interceptor point. I think he was calling gova indy to mislead us and draw us away from his last scummate.
1.) idk y u of all teh ppl in teh game argue we should change our plan kinda liek accordin' 2 swiss thoughts. liek, rn't u teh 1 who claims dat u should never listen 2 wut swiss said 1ce he flipped scum? i kinda feel liek teh whole gova fiasco confirms dat line of thought so i actually think we should ignore swiss nao maor than evah. everythin' he left 4 us led us on teh wrong track n id rathah not repeat dat mistake.
2.) is dat teh only reason u think there's no indy in teh game?
Btw I did not shoot last Night as you guys can tell from there being only one kill, so I'm now confirmed town now.
The last mafia member is confirmed to be either Nabe or Gheb. We're seriously going to have to look at both at this point. We have a long Day ahead of us.
dewd, u kno there's a difference btween no indy n no sk, rite? not sayin' dat u r indy but we shouldn't throw teh idea away liek dat. even tho maf is obv. teh main threat [since we only had 1 kill] fo' teh moment n we should def. focus on them.
A bookie or a PGO, that is the question.
nah dawg, uninformed pgo is complete bull n no mod would agree to dat kinda BS. aint no pgo in teh game, son. and iono, atm im moar thinkin' bout an indy liek 1shot sk or sth liek dat.
Teh main problem we got nao is whethah its mylo or not. gettin' a 3/4 majority is already hard enuff 2 get any lynchin' done but dat's nothin' compared 2 findin' out if lynchin' 2day is a good idea @ all.
maor constructive thoughts latah but ppl should considah a deadline extension request in case we r runnin' outa time latah 2day