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YOUR dedication to melee?


Smash Champion
Jul 24, 2007
vegas baby
i know a **** ton of people here are as addicted to the game (if not more so) as i am, so i wanted to post this just to see how everyone's lifestyle kinda was involving melee compared to mine.

how many matches (averaging 3 min) do you watch a day roughly?
i probably watch like 10-15 matches a day..depending on my smash mood. i don't usually miss atleast a couple matches a day though.

how many hours a day are you on smashboards?

considering i work 9-5 in an office with my own computer, i'd say i'm on smashboards like 90% of my shift just browsing while doing other work ****. so atleast 20 hours a week? that's not including my personal home time lol.

how many smash friends do you play with on a weekly basis?

i have like..4, maybe 5 total close smash friends. this isn't including the people i see at tournaments, which is still small, like 10 more people.

how many hours a day do you actually play melee(including techskill practice)?

i think alot of people agree with me when i say that what limits me to playing more often is not enough of a community in your area. i try and polish techskill for atleast an hour a day, it's not like a hassle or anything, i enjoy making my style more fluid/practicing new stuff. If i'm playing with friends then probably 4-5 hours that day, playing around 3-4 times a week.

Who's your main and why? Do you have an alt you use in tournament? If so why?

I started falco back in late 07' just by seeing a video labeled "hardcore smash match" or something. Every game involving fighting, i always go for the speedy, hard-pressure based characters, so seeing falco with lasers and non-ending combo's really caught my eye. Same with fox, I just personally have a littttttle more interest in falco for some reason. I use fox to counter certain styles & matchups I feel uncomfortable with falco. he's also a super saiyan version of falco so i can't not have fun with fox.

Lastly, what is your style of play considered by others?
I learn almost everything I know from south spacies, most people consider my style agressive/technical..i can't really see it any other way.

i know you guys don't really care about my stuff but it's basically for examples, i'm more so interested in your guys' answers :D

if this ends up sucking i'll just get it locked or something D:

thanks guys!


Smash Master
Jan 2, 2005
LA, CA near Santa Monica
Good thread!

how many matches (averaging 3 min) do you watch a day roughly?
Probably 15-20. Some days I go on a frenzy though lol.

how many hours a day are you on smashboards?
Probably an hour a day.

how many smash friends do you play with on a weekly basis?
On a weekly basis? It depends where I am. During college, like 6-8. When I am in NoVa, since there is a thing going on like every weekend, probably 20+.

how many hours a day do you actually play melee(including techskill practice)?
I play about 3 or 4 times a week against people, and those sessions are usually around 6 hours in length. I'm pretty lazy about practicing tech skill alone, so probably only 2 hours a week.

Who's your main and why? Do you have an alt you use in tournament? If so why?
Marth. Because of Azen. Hes so amazing.

Lastly, what is your style of play considered by others?
Bad. lol
Oct 5, 2008
I quit competing in Melee. I don't foresee myself entering another tournament again. I play Zelda and she gets mercilessly ***** by the top 4 (Sheik, Marth, Fox, Falco. NOT JIGGLYPUFF!). Playing against those 4 is so disheartening. I can't take it anymore. I'm the most talentless Smasher I know. The only thing I'm even half decent at in this game is just spacing and survival DI. I can't even see strategy in this game. Comboes are a nightmare and I can't even combo back. Zelda's just my best character because she has that perfect spacing game for me and she lives long. It's not the character holding me back, it's me. I could play Peach, but even she is too technical and I have pathetic tech skill. Ok, yeah, Zelda being limited to low tier is holding me back. I can't chose who I'm best with.

I'm starting to play wii-fi Brawl a lot now and Lucario's that perfect character for me. The best part about it is Lucario isn't terrible. I'm not quitting Melee because of skill gap. It's because of character performance gap. Ok, maybe it is a combination of both.

But for those of you who know me on youtube, I'm not quitting Melee. You'll still get what you're subscribed for. :)

how many matches (averaging 3 min) do you watch a day roughly?
I think I might be ADD or ADHD, but I absolutely CAN NOT watch a video for more than 5 minutes without having this need to do something. But for some reason when I watch something hype inperson at a tournament, I never feel that need.

how many hours a day are you on smashboards?
Too many. I need to stop soon. Maybe later...

how many smash friends do you play with on a weekly basis?
None now. Sova is so dead (I'm trapped at college for 8 months, aside from college breaks). I play barlw on wii-fi now.

how many hours a day do you actually play melee(including techskill practice)?
Zero. I hate practicing alone.

Who's your main and why? Do you have an alt you use in tournament? If so why?
Zelda. Secondary Peach. Zelda has absolutely no hope of fighting the top 4 (Falco. Fox, Marth, Sheik. They have so much anti-low tier capability) so I resort to playing Peach just to avoid getting ***** extra hard.

Lastly, what is your style of play considered by others?
No comboes. I just space toes.


Research Assistant
Mar 25, 2007
Convex Cone, Positive Orthant
how many matches (averaging 3 min) do you watch a day roughly?

I watch like 1-2 a week.... maybe. I rarely watch videos unless they're a specific player I'd like to watch or a certain strategy I'd like to learn from.

how many hours a day are you on smashboards?

I'm on from around usually for like... a lot. Because most of my friends talk here so .... yea.... its a game I love plus a place where a lot of my friends gather.

how many smash friends do you play with on a weekly basis?

I rarely play due to school... but I have around 4-5 friends that like to play probably when I do play.

how many hours a day do you actually play melee(including techskill practice)?

I roughly play 0 hours a day lol... this is sounding more depressing by the moment. I think I have the very basics of melee down, and I tend to work more on strategy than on tech skill.

Who's your main and why? Do you have an alt you use in tournament? If so why?

Main = Sheik/Fox I honestly don't know who I'd consider my main though recently I've played a LOT more sheik so I guess sheik *shrugs* I play a lot of both and Tristate usually just says I'm a sheik/fox main *shrugs*

I play Marth or Peach sometimes. I usually play both only for fun but I play them enough to a point where I'm able to use them in tourney so depending on who I played more recently I use them sometimes.

Lastly, what is your style of play considered by others?

I think people consider me as a consistently technical player that uses reads/predictions to get the job done. Which is what I strive for anyway. I'm not very technical but I"m fairly consistent in the tech skill I have.


Smash Bash
Nov 22, 2009
El Paso, Texas
how many matches (averaging 3 min) do you watch a day roughly?

10-15 on average. alot more if a big tourney just happened

how many hours a day are you on smashboards?

ummm i check it periodically during the day... before class, during lunch, and when i get home... so like 3ish a week i guess

how many smash friends do you play with on a weekly basis?

not many people play smash in my area. i have one friend who's at my level. the rest are beginners... so id say around 5ish

how many hours a day do you actually play melee(including techskill practice)?

it depends... if theres a smashfest i play around 4 per day... if its just me practicing its more like 2

Who's your main and why? Do you have an alt you use in tournament? If so why?

My original main was Link for about 3 years. I switched to Marth around 07 for many reasons. The biggest reasons were 1) I got tired of getting ***** by spacies and 2) I began watching videos of Ken from the MLG days. He played so well with him that he made him look like a perfect character. I stopped playing melee for about 6 months when brawl came out, but was quickly pulled back in by old friends. I was re-inspired by Mew2King. He had such a different style from Ken, but it was still better. I loved the idea of playing a character that could gimp so easily. My alt for tournies is Sheik (also because of M2k)...

Lastly, what is your style of play considered by others?

Gay and cheap


Smash Hero
Apr 16, 2009
^ Lol thanks shadowphoenx.

how many matches (averaging 3 min) do you watch a day roughly?
15-20, more if I upload them cause I study my matches, more if a tourney i went to is being uploaded or a major tourney is being uploaded.

how many hours a day are you on smashboards?
3-5, more if I have nothing to do. (LOLOL 3-5 ON NORMAL DAY)

how many hours a day do you actually play melee(including techskill practice)?
On Average like 1 (1 Session a week with like 6-8 hours) More if I practice tech skill (not very often)

Who's your main and why? Do you have an alt you use in tournament? If so why?
Falcon. Cause PEEF told me to. I play fox in teams sometimes.

Lastly, what is your style of play considered by others?


Banned via Warnings
May 14, 2008
how many matches (averaging 3 min) do you watch a day roughly?

from 10-20 to 0 depends on others moods.

how many hours a day are you on smashboards?

2 hours 3 hours if you count brozeing other stuff with the site still up.

how many smash friends do you play with on a weekly basis?

1 my brother and then anyobne esle I can play

how many hours a day do you actually play melee(including techskill practice)?


Who's your main and why? Do you have an alt you use in tournament? If so why?

Pichu/random In tournmnets I play pure pichu I love mind ****** people and playing the same person long enough as pichu gets somewhat boring for both of us. My pichu is the best charcter I play as I really couldn't do that amazing with anyone esle because I can't mindrape as hard.

Lastly, what is your style of play considered by others?

I try to time out but I pressure if I get the chance, and i am mostly defncive but i'lll approach when I should. I just play smart mostly mindgames because how esle will you land anything? I geuss I have an aggvive defence. If you leave me alone you F***ed up andd i'll steal all your space and star approaching that's somewhat hard to stop. I adapt I geuss.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 14, 2010
Los Angeles, CA
how many matches (averaging 3 min) do you watch a day roughly?
Usually 5-10 matches.

how many hours a day are you on smashboards?
A lot. I almost always multitask Smashboards with anything else I'm doing on the computer. About 6 hours.

how many smash friends do you play with on a weekly basis?
0 :(

how many hours a day do you actually play melee(including techskill practice)?
2 hours on average, 3 if I don't screw up techskill that day.

Who's your main and why? Do you have an alt you use in tournament? If so why?
It's alternated so much that I don't even know anymore. Used to be Marth, then I thought I was most consistent with Falco, but now it seems like Fox might be the better choice.

Lastly, what is your style of play considered by others?
Predictable. Can't deal w/ shield pressure. I try to play pretty exciting but I usually just get gimped.


Smash Master
Aug 10, 2005
how many matches (averaging 3 min) do you watch a day roughly?
Depends on how much time I have, sometimes its 5 or 6, sometimes its around 30

how many hours a day are you on smashboards?
45 minutes or so

how many smash friends do you play with on a weekly basis?
The scene is tiny here, really really small, one day a week

how many hours a day do you actually play melee(including techskill practice)?
I practice it about every other day.

Who's your main and why? Do you have an alt you use in tournament? If so why?
Link and sheik, zelda ftw

Lastly, what is your style of play considered by others?
Gay, thats what they call sheik.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 29, 2009
How many matches (averaging three minutes) do you watch, roughly, in one day?
I try to get in anywhere from three to five, but sometimes I mainly rewatch the same tired old matches, or combo videos, mostly clips, though. And techskill videos.

How many hours a day are you on Smashboards.com?
Less than an hour daily, I can never read much of people talking on the internet, but if you want to get really into it, I lurk for about 3-4 hours on occasion.

How many Smash friends do you play with on a weekly basis?
I have one friend that's close to my level, and a few people that actually go to all the tournaments that I can't do to I can smash with, but normally, it's one person, my best friend, and anyone else I can get to stop playing that crappy Barlw+/-.

How many hours a day to you actually play Melee (including techskill practice)?
I spend most of my time practicing techskill, considering I have no actual outlet to get any other type of meaningful practice in.

Who is you main, and why? Do you have an alternate that you use in tournaments? If so, why?

I started falco back in late 07' just by seeing a video labeled "hardcore smash match" or something. Every game involving fighting, i always go for the speedy, hard-pressure based characters, so seeing falco with lasers and non-ending combo's really caught my eye.
That was Bombsoldier's Falco in the Jack Garden Tourney. I don't know what year it was, but the video is "ssbm hardcore match"(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_m3gitYccuY), and I've seen it at least 20 times, and every time I see it, it re-inspires me to keep Falco as my main. I watched "Soldier of Fortune" a few times, as well, and it just shows me how much fun Falco can be, and my alternate is Falcon, because he's just such a fun character, and I'm not entirely bad with him, and why not play a character that's fun and you're good with?

Lastly, what is your style of play considered by others?
I am a very offensive player. I can never wrap my mind around the concept of being defensive in Melee. I rush at the opponent, always using as many attack as possible in the shortest time span, trying to get one to connect so I can get these combos going, considering both Falco and Falcon have simplistic combos, but they're very effective. I like to try to get a comboing hit in whenever I can, and apply as much pressure as possible, so I can get them to do what I want, and applying as much techskill as possible.


Smash Hero
Apr 27, 2007
How dedicated to Melee am I you ask?

how many matches (averaging 3 min) do you watch a day roughly?
I don't watch smash videos every day, but when I do watch them I watch about 20 matches that day.

how many hours a day are you on smashboards?
I go on smashboards for about 2 hours everyday just browsing various stuff.

how many smash friends do you play with on a weekly basis?
StriCNYN3 and Eggm are the only smashers that live in my town and we play rarely. Maybe once for a few hours every two weeks.

how many hours a day do you actually play melee(including techskill practice)?
I practice Melee for about 3-4 hours maybe 2 days out of the week

Who's your main and why? Do you have an alt you use in tournament? If so why?
I main falco because I used Falco when I was 10. That was when I first got Melee and I chose him because he's the coolest character in the game. 8 years later, I still use Falco. Why change? I don't follow tier lists nor do I even know where anyone is on the tier list. I use a character because I like them, not because they win or have an advantage.

Lastly, what is your style of play considered by others?
People consider my falco to be aggressive. They tell me this when I four stock them. People who are betetr than me however, say my falco is campy. This is probably because I tend to be aggressive against people who I beat and campy against people that I am having a hard time against.

t3h Icy

Smash Master
Jun 12, 2009
how many matches (averaging 3 min) do you watch a day roughly?

If after a tournament, tons. Otherwise, only a few if any.

how many hours a day are you on smashboards?

Varies with my schedule, but I check things at least once a day.

how many smash friends do you play with on a weekly basis?

Brawl, quite a few, Melee basically none. T_T (Although one moved to my city recently).

how many hours a day do you actually play melee(including techskill practice)?

If I feel like comboing the **** out of CPUs, a few, but usually I don't play. I do constantly keep my smarts up though through reading and playing turn-based games competitively.

Who's your main and why? Do you have an alt you use in tournament? If so why?

Jigglypuff, because her style works with my strengths and weaknesses (mindgames and experience respectively). I used to use Falco and Sheik at points, but I'm mainly all Puff. I use Roy for fun and would like to be a Roy main, should I ever get a chance to play with a large Smash scene on a frequent basis. Roy just feels completely natural to me.

Lastly, what is your style of play considered by others?

Super gay and smart, but I do dumb things due to lack of experience (smart being through mindgames and stuff). I plank and time people out in friendlies.


Smash Master
Oct 6, 2008
Puerto Rico
how many matches (averaging 3 min) do you watch a day roughly?

Like 5. If there any new ones. Some days I can watch like 20-25.

how many hours a day are you on smashboards?

Some days only 1 hour. Others like 3 or 4. D:

how many smash friends do you play with on a weekly basis?

Like 7. If there's a smashfest.

how many hours a day do you actually play melee(including techskill practice)?

Havent been able to lately. Because I dont have my melee *cries*, long story. But normally, If I have my melee I would take 1 hour to practice my tech skill. If there's a smashfest I play like 6-10 hours a day.

Who's your main and why? Do you have an alt you use in tournament? If so why?

Sheik. Because her auto-combos are fun. And I love her fair. I also love her needles. And she's just pretty gay in general. I dont have an alt currently unless you count my fox for sheik dittos an alt. I do use every character in melee in friendlies though...to familiarize myself with their weaknesses.

Lastly, what is your style of play considered by others?

Gay, super technical, campy and...GAY.


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2007
Menswear section
how many matches (averaging 3 min) do you watch a day roughly?
Maybe 1 or 2. I'll watch more if I'm in the mood or after a large tournament though.

how many hours a day are you on smashboards?
I keep my browser open all day and do whatever, and just refresh every hour to see if there's any subscribed threads to reply to. Does that count? Other than that, maybe an hour or two after I wake up and an hour or two before I go to bed.

how many smash friends do you play with on a weekly basis?
There's around 4 that I'm able to play with most regularily, but I barely play compared to a few years ago.

how many hours a day do you actually play melee(including techskill practice)?
I play about 5-10 hours of practice a week, but I might actually play the game about once every two weeks. It depends on the time of year, if people are active or not.

Who's your main and why? Do you have an alt you use in tournament? If so why?
Samus is my main, ever since I played competitively. I have no idea why. I first mained Mario and Mewtwo since the game first came out, but in 06-07 at my first tournament I played as Samus, and never went back.

Lastly, what is your style of play considered by others?
I'm an opportunist, as in people comment that I take advantage of any opportunity to be gay.
I like to think of myself as an aggressive and technical Samus though. Denial is cool.


Smash Hero
Jun 26, 2007
Mos Eisley
how many matches (averaging 3 min) do you watch a day roughly?
If a big tourny just happened with coast-coast play, or international, i watch all the vids in one go. If its a east coast tourny (jman, eggm, vanz etc), i'll watch pretty much everything including doubles over the course of a few days. If its a west coast tourny with mango/SS in attendence, i watch WF, LF, GF pretty much. If its a smaller WC tourny, i probably wont watch much. I generally prefer east coast cuz imo their average level of play in their vids is a bit higher.
didnt answer the question directly cuz i usually dont atch vids on a daily basis.

how many hours a day are you on smashboards?
Any time im at a computer, i have a smahboards tab open. so probably 5-6 hours a days.

how many smash friends do you play with on a weekly basis?
Not many, maybe 2-3.

how many hours a day do you actually play melee(including techskill practice)?
If im playing with people, could be hours on end. Otherwise, i dotn practice at all unless im super bored and even then i just do tech practice for 15 mins then stop

Who's your main and why? Do you have an alt you use in tournament? If so why?
I mained Link when i only knew how to L-cancel (carried over from SSB64)01-05. Switched to falco when i saw Bombsoilder vids in 05/06 vs ken and saw all the dope stuff he was doing. Around 08 i started playing fox only for doubles, and gradually switched to singles. So i co-main both spacies and use whoever feels better in a given match.

i also enjoy playing marth/sheik in non-serious matches cuz they are less demanding

Lastly, what is your style of play considered by others?
Im considered pretty campy/run away style of play. Im not very aggressive, i rely mostly on baiting and punishing.



Smash Rookie
Dec 19, 2009
how many matches (averaging 3 min) do you watch a day roughly?

A few... Lol, a lot. Depending on my mood and if there are new ones out, anywhere from 0-25.

how many hours a day are you on smashboards?

Maybe less than one a day... Every so often i'm on, I guess.

how many smash friends do you play with on a weekly basis?

5. There are at least 4 more that I really only get to play with every other week, or less frequently still.

how many hours a day do you actually play melee(including techskill practice)?

I'm relatively new at this game, been playing for only 6-ish months so I polish my bare basics tech skill for about an hour a day. Going to do this until I'm solid. With friends, I spend a lot of time playing. Luckily there are some really good people close to where i live, and I've traveled to distances to play good people too.

Who's your main and why? Do you have an alt you use in tournament? If so why?

Marth. Trying to become solid with Sheik and its going well so far. I main marth because I got in to melee by watching a video of mew2king. I just barely knew how to play melee and i knew his opponent was getting completely *****.

Lastly, what is your style of play considered by others?
Unmistakably new at the game, but surprisingly good for only having played a short time.


Smash Champion
Jul 24, 2007
vegas baby
So far it seems like a lot of people are the same as me when it comes to spending hours on end watching and reading, but then hardly any hours into actual play.

i also like how everyones style of play so far has been pretty unique. thanks so far guys :D


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2009
Vancouver, WA
how many matches (averaging 3 min) do you watch a day roughly?
probably around 10-20

how many hours a day are you on smashboards?
since i haven't had school or anything, probably around an hour or two of actively browsing it a day, but i always have a smashboards page up. I just check different threads every hour or two.

how many smash friends do you play with on a weekly basis?
one. there are other vancouver kids but it seems like they never want to play. he's good competition, but i need more matchup experience in other characters besides marth and falco. i spend a lot of time on this game and care a lot about it, but i'm not getting much out of this game for how much i put into it.

how many hours a day do you actually play melee(including techskill practice)?
i practice tech skill probably like 2-6 hours a day, depending on whether or not i'm hanging out with friends or going somewhere or something. some of is also AR frame by frame stuff. i don't really get bored practicing tech skill because i like improving and it's fun when you listen to music

Who's your main and why? Do you have an alt you use in tournament? If so why?
my main is peach, because she's a really unique character and no one in my area really plays her. i've been leaning more towards fox lately though, because i have really consistent tech skill and feel like i have more potential with him. it really does annoy me how limited peach can feel as a character, and with fox i don't feel limited at all. i use fox in tournament with some matchups because peach has really dumb matchups that i don't feel like overcoming. lately i've just been unmotivated to play peach at all because i'm just not passionate about playing her anymore. her style doesn't really appeal to me like it used to. i play falco, zelda and marth a lot as well, haven't used them in tournament yet.

Lastly, what is your style of play considered by others?
i don't know, my style changes a lot. i think about the game so much and try to apply things i've taken from videos/thought of into real matches as best i can

ryuu seika

Smash Master
Jul 21, 2010
Amidst the abounding light of heaven!
how many matches (averaging 3 min) do you watch a day roughly?

how many hours a day are you on smashboards?

how many smash friends do you play with on a weekly basis?
1 at most but that's lack of friends, not lack of desire to play smash.

how many hours a day do you actually play melee(including techskill practice)?
Varies. 2 or so on average.

Who's your main and why? Do you have an alt you use in tournament? If so why?

Main: Keeby the yellow Reason: When I first picked up the game I absolutely completely and utterly failed as everyone else so he's the one I learnt. Nowadays I'm better as other characters but still love swallowcide and the sextuple jump.
Secondary 1: Mr. Game and Watch Reason: Comedy factor, broken 9 hammer and massively high Up B.
Secondary 2: Master Hand Reason: Someone has to play as him. Plus he has to do far less to win, even if he is a bad character.

Lastly, what is your style of play considered by others?
Noobish but improving from a tournament player standpoint. Cheaty and abusive as far as those I know are concerned. One guy swears blind that Kirby is the most unfair character in the game even after owning me with "Thunder".

it's fun when you listen to music
The best music is in smash itself.


Smash Cadet
Feb 3, 2007
how many matches (averaging 3 min) do you watch a day roughly?
Everyday, probably like 5 or so.. Somedays a lot higher, typically not lower :p

how many hours a day are you on smashboards?
uhh probably like half an hour everyday, but i usually just lurk haha

how many smash friends do you play with on a weekly basis?
My brother, and sometimes some other friends.. I'd say 2 per week.

how many hours a day do you actually play melee(including techskill practice)?
I don't have a gamecube RIGHT NOW, but like a week ago, probably like 30 minutes a day.

]Who's your main and why? Do you have an alt you use in tournament? If so why?
Falcon.. I could never combo at all a few years ago.. and i wanted to be able to haha

Lastly, what is your style of play considered by others?
Gaaaaaaaaayy... campy, and combo-y haha


Smash Ace
Aug 30, 2010
how many matches (averaging 3 min) do you watch a day roughly?
usually a lot

how many hours a day are you on smashboards?
quite a bit on days I have off, but hardly on school days

how many smash friends do you play with on a weekly basis?

many more when I get the chance to go to meets

how many hours a day do you actually play melee(including techskill practice)?

3-5 hours of tech skill

Who's your main and why? Do you have an alt you use in tournament? If so why?
falco because I saw dair and saw that it was good.

Lastly, what is your style of play considered by others?

defensive and random getting off


Smash Cadet
Apr 18, 2009
how many matches (averaging 3 min) do you watch a day roughly?

I depends. Sometimes I watch 5-10 new videos and then some old classics to get hyped.

how many hours a day are you on smashboards?
Half hour a day usually. I just check Melee Discussion, Mario and Doc boards and sometimes the Brawl boards.

how many smash friends do you play with on a weekly basis?

Just one usually. Not much people around here to play against.

how many hours a day do you actually play melee(including techskill practice)?

On schooldays maybe half our or nothing. On weekends I might play all night but at least 3-5 hours.

Who's your main and why? Do you have an alt you use in tournament? If so why?

Doctor Mario. I've been maining him since the day I unlocked him. I've been switching between Mario and Doc but now I've realized that Doc is much better for me. As alternative I use CapFal if I ever feel like I want to win.

Lastly, what is your style of play considered by others?

This one's hard. I only play with one guy and I have been only in one tournament. But I think everyone agrees that my Doc is super sexy.


Master of Caribou
Aug 24, 2007
Claremont, CA
how many matches (averaging 3 min) do you watch a day roughly?
The average is probably something like 2, but that's because I watch quite a few after tourneys and none on most other days.

how many hours a day are you on smashboards?

how many smash friends do you play with on a weekly basis?
For a long time, there was one guy whom I would play once every week or two. I just moved to a new location and I don't know how many people I'll be playing with and how often I'll playing with them.

how many hours a day do you actually play melee(including techskill practice)?
I haven't had a Melee disc in over a year, so 0 on most days. I only really practice when I play other people.

Who's your main and why? Do you have an alt you use in tournament? If so why?
I main ICs for many reasons of varying degrees of stupidity. The short answer for why I've stuck with them over the years is that I'm very comfortable with the niche they occupy in this game; I like how they punish hard, how they move, how and when they approach, etc. My secondaries are terrible, but I'll use them occasionally. I'll occasionally use Sheik against Peach since I'm horrible at the match-up with ICs. Sometimes I'll go Fox on Dreamland against slow characters in a blatant effort to run the timer out. Peach is my second best character in most regards, but I don't really have any reason to use her in tournament.

Lastly, what is your style of play considered by others?
Last time I checked, I had a reputation for being really annoying to play against because I would often play really conservatively and fish for a lot of low-risk, high-reward scenarios. I can be aggressive when the situation calls for it, but if I'm not nervous or playing like an idiot for whatever reason, I tend to be very defensive and let the opponent dictate the pace of the match.


Smash Champion
Jul 24, 2007
vegas baby
hahah i know right? scrolling through it now everyones campy, gay, defensive, annoying, and alot of other negative things. i'm glad i'm not the only one to watch like 10 matches a day though.

also did you wanna makeout icg?


Smash Hero
Writing Team
Apr 26, 2007
Brooklyn, NY
Ill use this when I was fully into melee around maybe a year and a half ago or something similar.

how many matches (averaging 3 min) do you watch a day roughly?
Between 8 and 14. On tournament days or if I found something I liked by profile, it was more 20-30. I used to rewatch crews as well, such as the FC3 EC vs WC or WC vs MW videos.

how many hours a day are you on smashboards?
Back then, at most an hour. I didn't use smashboards too often since the Luigi boards weren't that active.

how many smash friends do you play with on a weekly basis?
A few years ago, it was a group of 3 people including me. As of right now, it is a group ranging from 8 to 20 people at college (specifically melee, depending on the day). If you included smash 64 as I was playing that just as often, increase the group amount to 20 or 25.

how many hours a day do you actually play melee(including techskill practice)?
I never practiced outside of a few days before tourney.

Who's your main and why? Do you have an alt you use in tournament? If so why?
Luigi, fun to combo with and I enjoy being overly aggressive. Luigi does really well in low tiers as well. Ganondorf for secondary due to that I can't stand the Luigi marth matchup/ I like Ganon dittos or Ganon vs Falcon.

In low's when luigi was banned, I used Yoshi and GaW.

Lastly, what is your style of play considered by others?
Over aggressive. Extremely, overly, aggressive.
For Ganondorf, Get F-aired.

Tee ay eye

Smash Hero
Jun 1, 2008
how many matches (averaging 3 min) do you watch a day roughly?
usually like, 2 sets... it really varies on my mood and if there's something in particular i want to learn. i'm usually not in the mindset to pay close attention to a match, so when i see something worth watching, i add it to a playlist to be watched later :dizzy:

how many hours a day are you on smashboards?
smashboards is usually open, but i usually just check it in-between other stuff on my computer + life, so i can't give a true estimate

how many smash friends do you play with on a weekly basis?
umm, 3ish (axe, duff0, frosty, taj, but i don't play with ALL of them weekly except axe)

how many hours a day week do you actually play melee(including techskill practice)?
15-25, depending on if there's a tourney that day. about 90% of this is actually PLAYING with someone else, since axe drives to my house like, 3-4 times a week.

Who's your main and why? Do you have an alt you use in tournament? If so why?
i main marth because i don't like fox, sheik, and puff, and i just somehow went to marth instead of falco. i may use fox or falco if i'm taken to a counterpick terrible stage

Lastly, what is your style of play considered by others?
"you try to scare your opponents away so you can chase them down but you are not very scary"


Smash Master
Oct 14, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
how many matches (averaging 3 min) do you watch a day roughly?

Depends on the day, but usually I don't watch all that much. when hmw uploads a new tournament, or a national just went down, the number is very high. if not, it's usually 0-5 matches a day.

how many hours a day are you on smashboards?

I'd say maybe 1 hour a day total... depends on the day though.

how many smash friends do you play with on a weekly basis?

weekly basis? none. I have ONE melee friend that lives super close, and we play as often as possible... usually bi-weekly ; _ ;

how many hours a day do you actually play melee(including techskill practice)?

I'm confident in saying that I think I've played at least an hour of Melee almost EVERY day for at least the last year. brushing up on techskill (that falco $hit don't come easy!) never gets old for me.

Who's your main and why? Do you have an alt you use in tournament? If so why?

I like offensive based characters, and super sexy combos, so Falco was the way to go for me. watching guys like PC, PP and Shiz just take a crap on their opponents is like nothing else... really inspired me to play the character.

my alt is Marth... used to be my main, but I just felt limited by him for some reason. watching Ken was what got me into competitive smash, so of course Marth was my first main.

Lastly, what is your style of play considered by others?

I don't know what others think of me considering I can barely make it out to tournaments thanks to work/school...but I like to think I'm a technical, agressive Falco =P


Smash Hero
Apr 27, 2007
Don't be bashful Tee ay eye, you are truly dedicated to put in 25/24 hours in 24 hours of techsckill a day lol


Smash Champion
Jul 24, 2007
vegas baby
everyone is so limited :(

i want someone to post that has like a **** smash life where he plays with tons of people weekly, watches vids, smashboards, the works!


Smash Ace
Aug 30, 2010
everyone is so limited :(

i want someone to post that has like a **** smash life where he plays with tons of people weekly, watches vids, smashboards, the works!
haha I wish
that would be great
like mini tournaments every weekend, and 5 smashers living within 15 minutes of your house


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2007
Menswear section
everyone is so limited :(

i want someone to post that has like a **** smash life where he plays with tons of people weekly, watches vids, smashboards, the works!
During summers I'm usually really active, I played with about 25ish people every bi-weekly and about 4-5 weekly. I had my brother and two step brothers to play daily, and I watched almost every recorded match in major tournaments like Apex.

I'm always on smashboards though ;o

That's only for a few months though, I wish everyone was that active year round...
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