Yo, I used to play other low-tiers before y.link, and I'm switching to y.link. I played a lot of link in the past - like way too much - so I'm pretty darn comfy with anything y.link should be doing, especially spacing with projectiles!!!!!!!1! Regarding that, I've found one thing of his to be useful that I haven't seen too much in recordings: The bow and arrows.
Particularly fadeaway shots: SH'ing in a direction and then quickly shooting an arrow in the other to cover his trail. It'd be useless if it wasn't for his other projectiles, but doing this certainly buys him time to pull out his other projectiles which I just can't get enough of right now. Of course before doing any more projectile shenanigans it's necessary to pay attention to whether they jump high above him or roll towards him as he shoots his arrow so he's free to punish that accordingly. But yeah, noochb fadeaway. He can cross up someone in their shield with this as well and it's safe so long as the player doesn't mess it up lol.
neutralB's particular list of downsides:
- The thought of using it while not moving ever.
- Kinda bad if they parry it.
- Bad against jiggs, unless they're airborne which means they're fat and then it's good against jiggs? IlluminatiThump
- Probably legit bad against spacies as they're somewhat short; bad against a dashdancing Marth unless said dashdancing Marth is a ways away and the arrow hits him right in his goofy blue hair.
Another use to consider, albeit of lesser value, is SHing towards a guy and shooting an arrow that follows you. You're essentially falling onto someone with the arrow right in front of and a little above you. Obviously dangerous but if they block or run into it yl can follow up with his faster moves or just run away and do more projectile shenanigans. It might be a decent techchase option if whoever's doing it is quick on the draw and has good aim and great timing and yeah that might be pretty hard to pull off. Haha
I find it particularly enjoyable to use the bow and boomerang when I have a bomb in hand whilst practicing, but that's just it: I'm only able to practice right now. I can't make it to a lot of the local tourneys this semester and I haven't been a part of a smash scene in like 3 years or so. Nevertheless, I'm changing that starting this month.
Can any courageous smashers make use of teh bow in the smash scene with me? :O If we could collectively make a case for its usefulness (or otherwise) that could be pretty swanky.
edit: also worth noting: y.link's arrows completely block fox and falco lasers, in case anyone didn't know