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You get no Sympathy in a "Fire Emblem Discussion"

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Curious Villager

Jun 24, 2012
I still want Anna more than any Fire Emblem character honestly.... Either her or Lyn would be great. :T Oh wells....

But that doesn't mean I'm against any others though, don't get the wrong idea. I'm cool with the likes of Chrom and Lucina making it in. It's just that Anna or Lyn would excite me more. :T


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
Because just because a character is recent, you can only like them because they're recent, right guys?
Truth hurts doesn't it? Down the line Chrom is going to be quickly forgotten by everyone out there, and people are going to dry hump the next newest thing.


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2013
Well, I can't say I agree that anything in the series is considered too classic yet, though you do bring up a good point about the weapon triangle. We have enough swords, yeah? I think your concept for Armads is solid.

I would love the Hammer as an item, if not for the fact we have the Hammer and fan, where as the former would be confusing and redundant and the latter has shield-breaking properties as it is. Aside from that, I will always stand by my idea for bringing in a staff. Rescue/Warp as a position-swapping item could make for some awesome and wacky gameplay. Even if you don't like it, you can always chuck it. :b
Rescue Staff would be a great item. I consider the beam swords classic since they have been there since the original and are some of the first items I think of. Along with mines, the hammer, the bat, tomatoes, and heart pieces.

It hurts me to see that there is almost no love for Chrom here (from what I've seen, or maybe I'm terribly mistaken), and his daughter gets more than him. Have all of them paired their Avatar with her? I wouldn't blame them for that but-

The thing with Robin is his/her gender. To avoid making it's gender 'canon' (if there is such a thing for Smash, but then again most of fans' response would be negative with either choice), the solution would be to keep Robin with his/her hood on, right? And I dunno, keep him/her as a silent character. Referencing to an option of the Japanese Version of Awakening -which is the 'no voice' option-. Don't get me wrong, I'd like to see Robin -Chrom's my main concern, but Robin would be fine-, but these are just a few nitpicks I have regarding him/her.
I want Chrom so we can get Lucina in the game (as a pair up). But the lack of Chrom love has led me to defend him on multiple occasions, so I must say I would not mind his inclusion. In fact, I would prefer it. I didn't really like pairing up with Lucina because her supports aren't too great. I usually pair up with Cherche or Cordelia.

I don't really think we will get a hooded character, but a gender specific Robin would not necessarily canonize the FE series. Smash always takes artistic liberties. And as far as I'm concerned, the ending to Awakening makes it pretty clear that Robin's history is mostly unrevealed. The villafer doesn't canonize anything about AC, so I don't see why Robin would canonize it as well.

Robin is definitely the best choice out of the Awakening main characters for gameplay diversity. I'm personally pulling for Lucina, but I would not mind any of the three as the third FE rep.


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
Truth hurts doesn't it? Down the line Chrom is going to be quickly forgotten by everyone out there, and people are going to dry hump the next newest thing.
Why does it have to be dry?

Ike and Marth are fine enough for FE. Takamaru, Issac, and Shulk are other fighters to consider that can offer a different take on a sword character while also offering a yet untapped series to have their champion enter the fray.


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
Lack of Chrom love? Personally love for him has been the reason I've been staying off this thread for the past few weeks.

Just never really got into the character, was somewhat generic to me and had a lack of character development. I will admit, of course, that FE13's poor story, pacing, and Robin (who I do hate) stealing the storyline spotlight didn't help. Can understand liking Lucina more though, as I would argue (besides boobs) she did have a better backstory and more character development than her father.

Doesn't really matter to me if Chrom becomes unique (which I do think could happen), I didn't like the character as a whole so he would be a bland addition to me.


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
Truth hurts doesn't it? Down the line Chrom is going to be quickly forgotten by everyone out there, and people are going to dry hump the next newest thing.
I wouldn't say that.

Keep in mind, English-speaking fans are only recently exposed to the series. Many people have gone out to grab the ROMs and translations of the old games, but they still represent a rather minute number. Outside of SSB, Hector, Lyn and Ike and even some support characters such as Soren, Lethe or Titania still have loyal fans. As an earlier adopter, I still have classic characters I hold dearly. Especially Celica and Alm. I don't see as much Awakening character fan content and praise a decade down the road, but I can say for international fans, Chrom will leave a greater mark than other leads like Eliwood, Micaiah or the twins, and as far as Awakening goes I think people will always be expecting future Tharjas and Robins, and awesome characters like Gaius who really stretched the boundaries.

The only way for me to not like Chrom as much as I do now is for whatever comes down the line to be better. The GBA games had no lead characters that I cared about at all (sorry Lyn fans), and Micaiah was... meh. :/ She was unique on a conceptual level, though her personality lacks definition.
Dec 29, 2012
My top wanted choices are Robin, Chrom, Lucina, and Micaiah.

Doesn't really matter who, as much as I say I would like to see certain characters (matter of preference, we all have it).

If the likes of Lyn or Roy show up, cool. Especially if Roy can shoot fire.


Hold Baroque Inside
Oct 19, 2012
What if Roy could breathe fire? Like some sort of flamethrower move like Bowser or Charizard! :D

Err, okay, sorry. I think I'm stretching it a little... :/


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
Keep in mind, English-speaking fans are only recently exposed to the series. Many people have gone out to grab the ROMs and translations of the old games, but they still represent a rather minute number. Outside of SSB, Hector, Lyn and Ike and even some support characters such as Soren, Lethe or Titania still have loyal fans. As an earlier adopter, I still have classic characters I hold dearly. Especially Celica and Alm. I don't see as much Awakening character fan content and praise a decade down the road, but I can say for international fans, Chrom will leave a greater mark than other leads like Eliwood, Micaiah or the twins, and as far as Awakening goes I think people will always be expecting future Tharjas and Robins, and awesome characters like Gaius who really stretched the boundaries.
As much as I still prefer other games in the series, even I have to admit that FE13 was huge for the series.

The last few games bombed in both the East and West, so this game was meant to be a final attempt at bringing the series back such as bringing old elements/characters/gameplay back (except online multiplayer for some reason >_>). Considering all the money the game made, as well as merchandise, FE13 is going to have a huge effect on the series. It's also almost been a decade since FE7 came to the states and 12 years since Marth/Roy were in Melee, so I do think we're also dealing with a slightly different audience now (which probably means we won't get a direct sequel to FE3/12 with Marth fighting Grima).

Also you have won my respect for giving Gaiden some needed love.


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
Welp, the series is going to end up as a train wreck then.
Except for maybe gameplay, I sadly have to agree with this. FE13's poor story, fan service, merging the FE universes, and My Unit being left unchecked do not give me much hope for the future of the series.


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2013
I don't think Chrom will be forgotten in the least down the road. Everyone remembers their first lord. For international FE fans, the first lord for most was Lyn, Hector, and Eliwood. Lyn is still very fondly remembered for being the first lord you meet (as well as that moment many fans found out that her journey was literally just the prologue). For this next wave of FE fans, Lucina and Chrom will be their first, which will extend the longevity of the characters. I think Lucina's design will resonate more for a few reasons. But Chrom will also resonate very well. For them, it's inconceivable for Chrom to be derived from either Ike or Marth, because they have never heard or really gotten to know those characters.

I do think Awakening will be remembered fondly in the future as well. It feels like a definite turning point in the series for the better. It depends on where they go next. But it's the franchise's most successful iteration, and it appears to have gotten the series the credit it so rightly deserves. The more Awakening is remembered, the more its lord's will be remembered. I think the best praise you can even any game is if it's a game you can give to anyone. If I wanted to introduce someone to the FE series, I would give them Awakening without a doubt.

Top 5 FE Characters (I think it's always changing):
1. Lucina
2. The Tactician
3. Chrom and Lucina
4. Lyn
5. Tiki

Anna often rotates in.

If Train Wreck means the series will have 500,000+ sales in Japan and about 500,000 sales just about everywhere else, I doubt Nintendo will care. That's not even including the money from DLC. Regardless of people's personally feelings, I think Awakening has been the most successful game in the franchise, and that is pretty difficult to dispute.


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
Because we want to keep the carpets clean. It's made with authentic tiger fur imported from Siberia, rather expensive stuff.
Tiger fur is good. They are the exemption to the "cats can't be in water" rule. Wet is OK. If Chrom had a tiger fur cape, would you want him in?


Harbinger of smut and drag queens
Aug 13, 2013
What's with all the Awakening hate? I loved it! The story was cliche, yeah, but it made up for that with its interesting characters. There are definitely things that could have been improved, but overall it's become one of my favorite games.


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
Hm, well if I were to pick it piece by piece.

Don't read this post if you have not finished the game.

The strongest point of Awakening, for me, is presentation. The series has never looked or sounded this good. Voice work is an amazing addition, and the battle transitions for the music was a great decision. The GBA animations are still the best, so I hope they bring back some of those ideas in the future. Also I just want to touch on the character cut-ins. They are great at first, but become redundant end-game when your character has 30% crit chance and like several skills at 60% activation rate. Maybe keep it for criticals (and speed it up) and go back to RD-esque skill activation? Seriously. Vengeance has a 100% activation rate. ._.

The plot no doubt looked great on a story board. Everything about the beginning, middle and end, back story and future, are alright. Where it sucks is the delivery. Sometimes it felt like Chrom visiting other kingdoms felt like a bunch of kids visiting a friend's house after school. And it's like, the EXACT MOMENT I saw that counsellor guy appear on screen in ch7, I knew exactly what was going to happen. Like, could you have included him earlier in the story instead of having him appear three lines before he betrays his kingdom? The story has so many sore spots. I am sure something like the Yen'fay thing could have had more emotional impact if he had more chance to build his character.

On the other hand, I cut them some slack. Regna Ferox could never exist in a realistic plot, even if you compare it to earlier historic gladiatorial or war-like societies. That said it was really weird how it's like WE CAN ONLY GIVE YOU AN ARMY IF I AM RULER AND I AM ONLY RULER IF YOU WIN THIS TOURNAMENT WHICH IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW FIGHT FOR ME. I think that is where most players stopped caring.

I like that the characters are more flavourful than ever. The only gripe I have is sometimes it is overplayed. Okay Kellam, we get it. People don't notice you. You don't have to mention it in every single ****ing piece of dialogue. Some characters either needed more secondary characteristics, or more fleshing out of their history as seen in supports. Not to say I don't like how characters have another side of them you only see through supports, mind you. In many ways, Virion is the deepest and most well-written character in the game, for this very reason.

The chapter design is a real sore. Where are all the CASTLES? Fire Emblem needs chapters where you just have a few narrow passages where you can fit 1-3 units and a few paths you can take, possibly with an outside route as well. It needs more indoor maps with confined spaces, with thieves to chase and mages/archers on the high-ground pissing you off. Radiant Dawn had a lot of this bad chapter design, too, so I am thinking they changed their design approach overall and I don't like it. Don't throw me within range of the enemy army within the first turn on every ****ing map. Overall Lunatic was a pathetic excuse for difficulty. Within Ch4 you are just powering the game with a single strong pairing or two with little strategy involved. I think FE9 Maniac has done difficulty the best: More enemies, just a bit stronger, but less XP reward. More emphasis on attrition and careful unit placement.

Also reinforcements attacking on the same turn they appear will never be okay EVER. Just have them not act on the same turn, but give no XP or something so they are not just free training.

The pairing system is the most significant of the new mechanics. I like it as a replacement for Rescue, but I think it is too volatile. First off, the stat bonuses trivialize the speed system heavily. Speed is a very delicate stat and getting like 10 is the difference between being doubled and doubling yourself. Also while extra attacks and blocked attacks are cool, they are too significant when there are already criticals and skills... just another way to one-shot the enemy. I really like how the units work together, but I can't help but feel the game has way too much damage going around as it is. It is a system they can keep, but it needs to be tweaked.

As far as the rest of the mechanics go, I still have some nit-picks. Definitely need to go back to an older skill system. Go back to a capacity system, where skill costs are measured by strength. There is no way Gale Force is comparable to +2 Res. It completely changes a character more than anything. I would still use it even if it took up 4/5 skill slots. As far as other game systems goes, The game has SO MANY TOMES and so little contrast. I think a system where they are sort of staggered is a better approach instead of having every element at every tier. For example:
E: Wind Fire
D: Thunder, Elwind
C: Elfire, Elthunder
B: Arc-tiers
A: Divine tomes

And that does not even address dark and light, the latter which was absent. Light should return and focus on utility, like Thani.

Lastly, classes. The classes have received some nice tweaks, but there is room for improvement. Like what the **** is a Griffon Knight. How can you have three flying classes, but none of them use swords? Where are the playable Soldiers? Other than that, I like the direction they took. Mercenaries feel more generalist than ever, which they should be. Skill is kind of a strange stat for them to have so much of when their core weapon is the sword (in that it does not do much good for them). Maybe in the future just a little more def and a little less skl? The new Dark Mage is really cool. There was an imbalance in regards to Nosferatu drain-tanking, though I am sure they are aware of it. Keep their sturdiness! I like it. All I have left to touch on is consider re-adding inherent skills, like Canto for mounted classes, passive +Crit for Swordmaster and Snipers.

On my personal scale I rate Awakening 6/10. That is a VERY GOOD SCORE from me. To compare it to other entries I liked, PoR is at an 8 for having an awesome cast and story, and the best chapters, though lacking in soundtrack. Gaiden would be a 5 for being a great game overall and nothing that really stood out that bothered me, for its technical limitations of course. i am sure it would have been more smooth if it were possible.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
You know, despite not having played Awakening, I probably support Chrom the most out of all characters from that game. Him and Lucina probably.

Robin - Rather not have him / her. I see no potential in this character that say, Isaac couldn't do. And I also do not view this character as a character that will leave a lasting impression / importance on the series, like Marth and Ike did. Also, no set gender or appearance just doesn't work for me. Sure, it works for characters as Villager, and they picked the female Wii Fit Trainer out of the 2, but Robin (who's not even SUPPOSED to be called Robin in the first place) isn't a blank state like that. He / she is an actual personality, and your Avatar in just one specific game. Would reconsider if they will make more My Unit characters like Robin, but no, a definate no.

Anna - Is compared to Impa a lot due to both characters being old time veterans in both of their respective series with recent 'promotions' in their roles. However, unlike Impa, Anna lacks real story importance. She's just a unit comparable to every regular solider. And in terms of abilities, well she'd be pretty much like Robin. But perhaps with Staffs implemented as Specials? I'd be able to reconsider if Anna would get deeper, more meaningful roles as a playable character. She's pretty much a joke character from what I've seen in Awakening, with there still being merchant Anna's and all for example.

Lucina - Has her own share of problems being so alike Marth. Could see her as a Luigified clone however. She has the star-like popularity that Robin and Anna lack however. But would still prefer Roy to be a Marth semi-clone if only for the abilities the Sword of Seals would bring. Lances are also an option of Lucina, but I doubt they would go that route with Lucina. Something tells me they'd rather use Chrom for that.

I see Chrom as a very simple unit on paper, but that doesn't mean he couldn't bring his own uniqueness to the table. Could see him being unique as Lucas or Wolf. And three blue haired swordsmen isn't half as bad as people would think. Seeing we had Fox, Falco and Wolf in Brawl, and Falco and Wolf being semi-clones of Fox. Chrom would likely be a semi-clone of Ike. And maybe with a different neutral B. Ike could throw Tomahawks, Chrom Javelins / Spears? Compare them to PK Flash and PK Freeze, Ness / Lucas. Chrom could be a little weaker, lighter and faster than Ike, but they'd be more or less the same in stats.

Now that I say it, if Chrom would be a Ike semi-clone, I see no problem adding Lucina as well.

I'll just say that I'd rather have NO character from Fire Emblem Awakening, and hope the game gets represented in different ways. Like stages, music, throphies / Assist Trophies, you name it. Am also not opposed to the idea I think Chrono suggested earlier, having Marth and Ike with designs based off from Awakening.

Awakening IS Fire Emblem's All Star game after all. And in it it's effident that Intelligent Systems still have their likening for Marth and Ike. Heck, the two main characters are basically designed TO BE Marth and Ike. To be honest, I'd rather have them add a character with an already strong, solid fanbase, as Lyn or Roy. Seeing the succes of the GBA Fire Emblem games, it's highly unlikely we won't get remakes of them one day. Also, the characters Lyn and Roy have been in Awakening, and will most likely have an important role in the FE x SMT crossover game.

So yeah, I want them to keep Marth and Ike, and add either Roy or Lyn, and no Awakening character. However, I wouldn't be TOO upset if they added Chrom. Only if he ended up replacing Ike.


Smash Champion
Jul 15, 2013
I see no potential in this character that say, Isaac couldn't do.
And in terms of abilities, well she'd be pretty much like Robin.
Has her own share of problems being so alike Marth.
Chrom would likely be a semi-clone of Ike.
Chrom could be a little weaker, lighter and faster than Ike, but they'd be more or less the same in stats.
I was actually referring to all of these things.

Robert of Normandy

Jun 24, 2012
Crossbell City
Switch FC
Hm, well if I were to pick it piece by piece.

Don't read this post if you have not finished the game.

The strongest point of Awakening, for me, is presentation. The series has never looked or sounded this good. Voice work is an amazing addition, and the battle transitions for the music was a great decision. The GBA animations are still the best, so I hope they bring back some of those ideas in the future. Also I just want to touch on the character cut-ins. They are great at first, but become redundant end-game when your character has 30% crit chance and like several skills at 60% activation rate. Maybe keep it for criticals (and speed it up) and go back to RD-esque skill activation? Seriously. Vengeance has a 100% activation rate. ._.

The plot no doubt looked great on a story board. Everything about the beginning, middle and end, back story and future, are alright. Where it sucks is the delivery. Sometimes it felt like Chrom visiting other kingdoms felt like a bunch of kids visiting a friend's house after school. And it's like, the EXACT MOMENT I saw that counsellor guy appear on screen in ch7, I knew exactly what was going to happen. Like, could you have included him earlier in the story instead of having him appear three lines before he betrays his kingdom? The story has so many sore spots. I am sure something like the Yen'fay thing could have had more emotional impact if he had more chance to build his character.

On the other hand, I cut them some slack. Regna Ferox could never exist in a realistic plot, even if you compare it to earlier historic gladiatorial or war-like societies. That said it was really weird how it's like WE CAN ONLY GIVE YOU AN ARMY IF I AM RULER AND I AM ONLY RULER IF YOU WIN THIS TOURNAMENT WHICH IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW FIGHT FOR ME. I think that is where most players stopped caring.

I like that the characters are more flavourful than ever. The only gripe I have is sometimes it is overplayed. Okay Kellam, we get it. People don't notice you. You don't have to mention it in every single ****ing piece of dialogue. Some characters either needed more secondary characteristics, or more fleshing out of their history as seen in supports. Not to say I don't like how characters have another side of them you only see through supports, mind you. In many ways, Virion is the deepest and most well-written character in the game, for this very reason.

The chapter design is a real sore. Where are all the CASTLES? Fire Emblem needs chapters where you just have a few narrow passages where you can fit 1-3 units and a few paths you can take, possibly with an outside route as well. It needs more indoor maps with confined spaces, with thieves to chase and mages/archers on the high-ground pissing you off. Radiant Dawn had a lot of this bad chapter design, too, so I am thinking they changed their design approach overall and I don't like it. Don't throw me within range of the enemy army within the first turn on every ****ing map. Overall Lunatic was a pathetic excuse for difficulty. Within Ch4 you are just powering the game with a single strong pairing or two with little strategy involved. I think FE9 Maniac has done difficulty the best: More enemies, just a bit stronger, but less XP reward. More emphasis on attrition and careful unit placement.

Also reinforcements attacking on the same turn they appear will never be okay EVER. Just have them not act on the same turn, but give no XP or something so they are not just free training.

The pairing system is the most significant of the new mechanics. I like it as a replacement for Rescue, but I think it is too volatile. First off, the stat bonuses trivialize the speed system heavily. Speed is a very delicate stat and getting like 10 is the difference between being doubled and doubling yourself. Also while extra attacks and blocked attacks are cool, they are too significant when there are already criticals and skills... just another way to one-shot the enemy. I really like how the units work together, but I can't help but feel the game has way too much damage going around as it is. It is a system they can keep, but it needs to be tweaked.

As far as the rest of the mechanics go, I still have some nit-picks. Definitely need to go back to an older skill system. Go back to a capacity system, where skill costs are measured by strength. There is no way Gale Force is comparable to +2 Res. It completely changes a character more than anything. I would still use it even if it took up 4/5 skill slots. As far as other game systems goes, The game has SO MANY TOMES and so little contrast. I think a system where they are sort of staggered is a better approach instead of having every element at every tier. For example:
E: Wind Fire
D: Thunder, Elwind
C: Elfire, Elthunder
B: Arc-tiers
A: Divine tomes

And that does not even address dark and light, the latter which was absent. Light should return and focus on utility, like Thani.

Lastly, classes. The classes have received some nice tweaks, but there is room for improvement. Like what the **** is a Griffon Knight. How can you have three flying classes, but none of them use swords? Where are the playable Soldiers? Other than that, I like the direction they took. Mercenaries feel more generalist than ever, which they should be. Skill is kind of a strange stat for them to have so much of when their core weapon is the sword (in that it does not do much good for them). Maybe in the future just a little more def and a little less skl? The new Dark Mage is really cool. There was an imbalance in regards to Nosferatu drain-tanking, though I am sure they are aware of it. Keep their sturdiness! I like it. All I have left to touch on is consider re-adding inherent skills, like Canto for mounted classes, passive +Crit for Swordmaster and Snipers.

On my personal scale I rate Awakening 6/10. That is a VERY GOOD SCORE from me. To compare it to other entries I liked, PoR is at an 8 for having an awesome cast and story, and the best chapters, though lacking in soundtrack. Gaiden would be a 5 for being a great game overall and nothing that really stood out that bothered me, for its technical limitations of course. i am sure it would have been more smooth if it were possible.
Took the words right out of my mouth. Completely agree with you on the magic thing, if you aren't going to include the Anima triangle/trinity then there's no reason to have a Wind/Fire/Thunder tome for every single weapon level. The FE series in general doesn't quite seem to have figured out what to do with magic though.

Some of my personal thoughts:
-Validar was just WAAAY too cartoony of a villain. I really wish we could start having some FE villains that are less moustache-twirly.
-Gangrel I actually enjoyed as a villain(don't personally get why people keep comparing him to Ashnard, the two are nothing alike).
-I would have liked it if the generations were split like in FE4. That way we wouldn't have that stupid time travel thing, plus the child characters wouldn't have completely overshadowed the parents like they usually end up doing.
-Would have also liked for some older gameplay elements, such as Light magic, Canto and Shove, Stealing, and Rescuing to come back, as well as some skills from FE4/5/9/10(Nihil, Adept, Shade, Provoke, and Guard/Cancel in particular).
-Halberdiers need to come back. Seriously.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
That, and I watched a lot of playthroughs of Awakening. As well as reading most of the common complaints, as well as... This board basically being half about Smash, half about Fire Emblem. :rolleyes: Am also quite knowledgable about the series. Having played all games (most multiple times) except for 1,2,5,12 and now Awakening.

Robert of Normandy

Jun 24, 2012
Crossbell City
Switch FC
Just thought of something: you know what would've made that Anna boss fight in that one DLC map REALLY hard? Giving her Nihil.


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Oct 27, 2007
Ooromine IV, the second planet from the sun FS-176
Switch FC
I've done more research, fanart and fan fiction for it than on games I've played to death.

Was also aware of its existence before Melee. Wish I didn't, in retrospect.

Deleted member

I've had to teach myself quite a bit about the series, since these boards practically became Fire Emblem Central.


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2013
I think what get's me about Awakening is the replayability of the game. After playing through it the first time, I most press start on the storyline elements, aside from a few pairing exclusive scenes and other fun scenes. But the game is the most replayable game in the series. There are many different ways to go about beating the game. Right now I'm doing a magic user run only, with the exception of Chrom. I did a spotpass character run where I beat the game with just the characters from the previous games. If playing the game just to get different pairings, multiple runthroughs would be required.

Awakening isn't the best game in the series, but it's definitely my favorite.

On playing the game Vs watching movies
I would say playing the game is a different experience that is incomparable to watching videos about the game. Attachment to characters is derived from going through trenches and experiencing a game with a character. If you watch a video, sure you know what Chrom's 4 main attacks look like, but it's very different if you know how to play as him, in terms of tactics and strategy. It's hard to get attached to characters in a game without playing as them. I personally never advocate for a character whose game I've never played.


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
I'm currently trying to get every pairing right now, by saving and quitting in a specific way, it might take too long for me though. Then after that, it's off to pairing everyone as the female avatar. :p
Then I'll try to beat Lunatic Mode to prove even though I'm a newbie on Fire Emblem.


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2013
I'm currently trying to get every pairing right now, by saving and quitting in a specific way, it might take too long for me though. Then after that, it's off to pairing everyone as the female avatar. :p
Then I'll try to beat Lunatic Mode to prove even though I'm a newbie on Fire Emblem.
yeah, I remember when I was trying to do all the supports before I found out the bookmarking trick. I got through all of Chrom's before realizing how that could work.


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
yeah, I remember when I was trying to do all the support before I found out the bookmarking tricks. I got through all of Chrom's before realizing how that could work.
There's also the children conversations with the father, which makes getting all the support conversations an even longer one, I had to go to casual mode.


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2013
There's also the children conversations with the father, which makes getting all the support conversations an even longer one, I had to go to casual mode.
I didn't go for the children and father supports. I just did one for each of the parents.


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
If you watch a video, sure you know what Chrom's 4 main attacks look like, but it's very different if you know how to play as him, in terms of tactics and strategy.
Too bad that actually doesn't mean a lot, in fact in some cases it can be a factor that would cause discouragement if you're so hard pressed on the source material.


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2013
To represent how Awakening plays, we need to have a Sorcerer MU with Nosferatu as all of their attacks. :troll:


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2013
I don't see how anyone can be convinced that Chrom should or would be an Ike semi-clone or clone on the basis of four attacks. The same with Lucina and Marth, except it's four different attack patterns in their individual appearances (Lucina in Awakening and Marth in any four of his games).
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