Here are the FE related questions
In addition to the character Katarina from the DLC, were there any other legacy Fire Emblem characters that you would have liked to illustrate for Fire Emblem Awakening?
Ike from Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn
Good evening, Mr. Kozaki! In Fire Emblem Awakening, is there a particular character you feel closely connected with? All of their designs are unique by their personalities, so which character do you see yourself as?
Vaike. I feel close considering the personality, not the design..
Were you a fan of the Fire Emblem series before doing the designs for Awakening?
Actually no. I hadn't played the game before I started to do the design. I didn't know a lot about the game. But that also means I wasn't influenced by the previous designs, so I could work more freely.
Hello Mr. Kozaki! Thanks for this AMA.
As a big fan of Fire Emblem, I know that many fans initially questioned the character designs for Awakening -- common complaints include
eccentric dress and more sexualization and fanservice (
3) than the series is typically known for. What inspired you to take this design approach with the series?
To me they were not design with fanservice or sexualization mind. The characters personalities are what led to their design.
How do you personally feel about Tharja's massive popularity among Fire Emblem fans? Could you explain how you approached this character when designing her?
This character has a very dark aura, but she likes the main characters very much.. She could be considered a stalker in another view. This is the only Fire Emblem Character whose figure has been manufactured here in Japan.
Are there any characters that you designed for Fire Emblem that got scrapped during development? Or any characters that you wished would have been included but didn't?
There were a lot of characters to draw, so there was no big shock when characters who were dropped.
When you were designing Fire Emblem characters, did you get any specific instructions as to what each character should look like? Or did they just let your imagination roam free? Also, is there any chance of Knights of Iris being localized?
From the production company, I got the personality of each character. I designed the character from this concept. I did a few designs for each character, and the production company chose from these.
Just wondering, which character in FE:A was your favorite to design? Also, what was your primary inspiration for the design of armored characters (e.g Social Knights and especially Armor Knights)?
Lucina. For the armored charcters, the art director designed the armor, and I designed the characters in the armor.