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You get no Sympathy in a "Fire Emblem Discussion"

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Mr. Johan

Smash Hero
Jul 9, 2009
Edmond, OK
That just makes me want Est to appear as an Assist Trophy in her artwork made by the Street Fighter artist.

Actually, that would be cool. An Assist Trophy summoning the Whitewing Sisters to perform their signature Triangle Attack. And rarely, the Whitewings can be replaced by Marcia, Elincia, and Tanith and they do the same thing.

Not gonna happen, but hey.

Tetra's Tracker

Smash Journeyman
Aug 26, 2005
I think with the resounding success of Awakening, Fire Emblem has cemented itself as one of Nintendo's premier series (it always has been in my opinion, but Awakening seems to be the first game in the West that has got the recognition it deserves across the gaming community). I'd say the only Nintendo series bigger than it are Mario, Pokemon, Zelda, Metroid and Donkey Kong. It's about on par with Kirby and ahead of the likes of StarFox and F-Zero. Nothing against the StarFox series, but StarFox is a series that despite being iconic has been on the wane for many years, whereas Fire Emblem keeps going from strength to strength. If StarFox is worthy of three representatives, then Fire Emblem certainly is.

My choices for the three FE reps would (unimaginatively) be Marth, Ike and Chrom. Marth is a no brainer since he's the series mascot and represents the classic era of FE. Ike is a fantastic lord and smasher who represents the Tellius games, so he can't be cut. For the third spot I was tempted to pick one of Lyn, Hector or Ephraim to represent the GBA era, but I feel Awakening deserves representation with it being such a success.

I'm not really clamoring for Roy to be reinstated. While I liked him in Melee, as a Fire Emblem fan I feel he's one of the worst lord choices there is. In my opinion his game is one of the weakest in the series and he's one of the poorest lords story, character and ability-wise in the series.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
I think with the resounding success of Awakening, Fire Emblem has cemented itself as one of Nintendo's premier series (it always has been in my opinion, but Awakening seems to be the first game in the West that has got the recognition it deserves across the gaming community). I'd say the only Nintendo series bigger than it are Mario, Pokemon, Zelda, Metroid and Donkey Kong. It's about on par with Kirby and ahead of the likes of StarFox and F-Zero. Nothing against the StarFox series, but StarFox is a series that despite being iconic has been on the wane for many years, whereas Fire Emblem keeps going from strength to strength. If StarFox is worthy of three representatives, then Fire Emblem certainly is.

My choices for the three FE reps would (unimaginatively) be Marth, Ike and Chrom. Marth is a no brainer since he's the series mascot and represents the classic era of FE. Ike is a fantastic lord and smasher who represents the Tellius games, so he can't be cut. For the third spot I was tempted to pick one of Lyn, Hector or Ephraim to represent the GBA era, but I feel Awakening deserves representation with it being such a success.

I'm not really clamoring for Roy to be reinstated. While I liked him in Melee, as a Fire Emblem fan I feel he's one of the worst lord choices there is. In my opinion his game is one of the weakest in the series and he's one of the poorest lords story, character and ability-wise in the series.
Fire Emblem is not on par with Kirby. Kirby is ahead of Metroid by far and Fire Emblem is slightly below Metroid.

Roy's a bad lord eh?

Chrono! Come here for a sec!


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
Bah, Ike could take Roy anytime. He already beat him getting in to Brawl. :troll:

That just makes me want Est to appear as an Assist Trophy in her artwork made by the Street Fighter artist.

Actually, that would be cool. An Assist Trophy summoning the Whitewing Sisters to perform their signature Triangle Attack. And rarely, the Whitewings can be replaced by Marcia, Elincia, and Tanith and they do the same thing.

Not gonna happen, but hey.
Oh cool, I'm not the only one who wants to see the Whitewing Sister's Triangle Attack as an AT. Kinda makes me wish the Pre-Brawl rumors about the Pegasus Knight AT was true.

Deleted member

...Speaking of Chrono, I haven't seen him in a while. Wonder what the guy is doing.
He's usually pretty busy. I suspect he's on one of his breaks from Smash World Forums. He should come back by E3 though. Maybe even earlier.

Tetra's Tracker

Smash Journeyman
Aug 26, 2005
Fire Emblem is not on par with Kirby. Kirby is ahead of Metroid be far and Fire Emblem is slightly below Metroid.

Roy's a bad lord eh?

Chrono! Come here for a sec!
I didn't say he was a bad lord, just not as good as most. I'd put Marth, Cecilia, Hector, Lyn, Ephraim, Ike and Micaiah ahead of him. I can't really compare Sigurd, Celice, Leaf and Chrom to him since I haven't played their games yet.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
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Chrono comes and goes as he pleases, as he has been doing for years, awaiting the day that Ridley becomes playable in Smash Bros., as well as some of his other favorites.

I guess you can say, he's...Bound to show up, eventually.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
It's going to be really satisfying for both Roy/Ike fans when the last Smash Brethren DLC map comes out where we see the two of them team up to take on Chrom (which is ironic in a way). I'd loose on purpose just to see Chrom's death quote at the hands of the two of them (kinda sucks though that enemies can't use the dual system, Flame Sword + Aether = Epic).

Tetra's Tracker

Smash Journeyman
Aug 26, 2005

So.... you were saying?

Yeah Roy isn't the best in the series but he is quite good as a lord.
'Weakest' or 'poorest' doesn't necessarily mean bad, just not as good as the things it's being compared to. I like Roy, I think he's an okay lord, just not as good as a lot of others in the series. It's the same as The Empire Strikes Back being an incredible movie in my opinion, yet I see it as the weakest of the original trilogy.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Why do people compare Ike and Chrom?
They're similar looking. The concept art for Chrom depict him even more similar to Ike than the final design, having an outfit more similar to Ike's, sporting red and blue as the main colors.

Also, the blue hair.


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
Why do people compare Ike and Chrom?
Because of dumb.

They're similar looking. The concept art for Chrom depict him even more similar to Ike than the final design, having an outfit more similar to Ike's, sporting red and blue as the main colors.

Also, the blue hair.
I'd say it has to do with them both being muscular than anything, and maybe being the most recent lords. As for the concept art, it's irreverent both due to Chrom's final design (which is really all that matters, kinda sad people didn't mention that the Red & Blue colors make him look like Roy but whatever) and Priam. There's really more differences between the two than there are similarities.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
Wow. He looks possessed.

Kinda creepy... but cool!


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
I am catching up on what has been said in this thread. Shortie actually brought up an interesting point about Chrom in relation to Roy in another topic. That Chrom's being the most recent lord as well as his "blandness" has made Roy's situation better in a way. Prior to Chrom, people were asking for all sorts of weird choices for a FE newcomer (look at Sheeda, she has basically no support nowadays, but back just two years ago, there was people actually saying she was giving Roy competition for a spot). Talk about letting your genitalia doing your thinking for you.

I think with Chrom although he is the second most wanted FE character, that there won't be much bitterness if he does not show up in Smash 4, and he will pretty much end up falling down the memory hole. He does not seem particularly popular among the Western FE fans that have played his game (most of them prefer the My Unit or Lucina). There is not really much about him that makes him stand out.


I don't it would be hard for Sakurai to de-clone Roy considering that even the fans have a lot of ideas on what do do with him. I think more fire flashiness is a major plus and will probably happen if he returns. I don't think Roy could even have to share specials with Marth. He could easily take Eruption from Ike (while Ike gets an axe special), has a special based off of the Sword of Seals having the ability to shoot fire, and a special based off the Sword of Seals's ability to heal. It also should not be too hard to come up with an unique recovery move and Final Smash (I have already seen a few unique ideas in the fan hacks for Brawl). I think Roy is often sold short in terms what kind of character he can be.

On a sidenote pertaining to FE, I just beat FE5 again. I was going for a an A-rank, and ended up getting a SS rank, and that was even when I made some major errors in a few of the chapters (could have cleared them a lot faster, but minor errors in previous chapters compounded into big ones later on). I really can't believe I got the SS rank considering that I actually had a lot easier time beating FE5 this time around than when I was simply playing to beat it (I did that twice with FE5).

I beat the game very quickly, although there were a few tough spots still here and there, overall I had a ton of fun with it. Its easily a masterpiece and superior than most games in the series. I really love how much strategy is involved (this becomes especially obvious when you are going for a high-ranking run). The final chapter took a lot of ingenuity (and a lot of luck!) to finish quickly (before the reinforcements come and start picking off your under-leveled units).

I also learned a newfound appreciation for the formation option. This feature was introduced in FE6, however, I can't tell you how much harder several chapters were (especially the final one and chapter 20) due to the fact you can't choose where your units are on the map.

FE5 is a masterpiece. Its easily the best of the Super Nintendo Fire Emblem games, and has a lot going for it. I really love the atmosphere and character designs (I just adore the artwork that is shown in the ending credits for this game). The only other FE I have had as much fun going through as I have had with FE5 is FE6. The character designs (especially the outfits) are actually practical and look really cool (takes some notes FE13, women don't go dressed up as whores when they go to war).

I am also really enjoying that Sound Test I just unlocked (I only needed an A-rank to unlock it, and that was all I was shooting for, but ended up doing far better), especially considering how much I enjoy the soundtrack to this game.

Also, I am glad that someone posted a link to my FE6 Roy post when yet another post brought up "Roy should not be back cuz he sux". I appreciate it.

Its amazing how much mileage this topic has despite there not being any new information about these FE characters since basically a year ago.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Have yet to play FE5, but you're always prasing the game Chrono, it makes me interessted. Did recently beat FE4 however, though I was extremely dissapointed that the ending wasn't translated in my version. Also, my Julia was just like, level 15 or so and she could beat Julius while my level 30 units could barely even touch him. :rolleyes: not e en Lakche and Celice could do decent damage.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
Have yet to play FE5, but you're always prasing the game Chrono, it makes me interessted. Did recently beat FE4 however, though I was extremely dissapointed that the ending wasn't translated in my version. Also, my Julia was just like, level 15 or so and she could beat Julius while my level 30 units could barely even touch him. :rolleyes: not e en Lakche and Celice could do decent damage.
FE13 cheapened FE4 a bit. I personally think FE4 is overrated but still good. I think if FE3 was not so dated in terms of its system, I may have liked FE3 more than FE4 even. The extremely large maps were an interesting concept, but got old after the first three chapters, and became a chore by the end of the game. It did introduce the skill system though, and I liked the lore and backdrop to the world, as well as the soundtrack.

Of course Julia with Narga is going to stomp everything, the Narga tome gives ridiculous stat boosts.

I liked FE5 and FE6 more as far the Japan-only FE's go, and FE7 and FE9 more as far as the internationally released games go.

Looking back after having just beaten FE5 again, I really don't like the direction that was taken with FE13. Keep that animu-waifu crap out my FE. A lot of the supports and characters also reminded me of bad anime tropes.The spa and beach stuff has no place in FE, DLC or not.

As I said earlier, I really liked the character design for FE5, and they actually looked like soldiers and noblemen. Something is wrong when the dancer in FE5 is dressing more modestly than a quite a few of the soldiers in FE13.

I just wish FE5 had at least decent antagonists. Leidrick and Veld have to be the two worst villains in the entire series, the latter of which only appears in like three chapters and has basically no personality and the only thing notable about him is his stone spell (the only thing he has going for him is the awesome battle theme when fighting him). Its really perplexing considering how FE4 had the most compelling antagonists in the entire series (Alvis alone probably has the most character depth of any Nintendo antagonist), yet FE5 has guys that make the NES antagonists look deep. The only villainous character in FE5 that was even a bit notable was Kempf, and his arche-type basically got expanded upon in FE6 with Narshen (though Narshen is far more pronounced with his cowardice, ego, and bravado than Kempf ever was).

Otherwise I liked the story for FE5 quite a bit since it was more grounded than other games. In each chapter you are basically fighting individual divisions/units of the Freeji army, as opposed to just generic "xxx army".

I really liked the ending CGs for FE5, its too bad no one has ripped them onto the internet, else I would use one as a new avatar.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Alvis was awesome yeah. Lots of character debt, yet still some of his motives remain mysterious.

FE13 to me looks the most anime-influenced of all Fire Emblem games thus far. Also, 'fanservice' kind of got out of the hand. And wish they put more effort in the DLC and Spotpass characters honestly.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
Alvis was awesome yeah. Lots of character debt, yet still some of his motives remain mysterious.

FE13 to me looks the most anime-influenced of all Fire Emblem games thus far. Also, 'fanservice' kind of got out of the hand. And wish they put more effort in the DLC and Spotpass characters honestly.
Major FE4 spoilers:

Alvis was a tragic antagonist. He did absolutely evil things to achieve his goals, but when he actually did get into power he did some really good things with the empire he made (such as abolishing slavery, jailing corrupt and abusive nobles and businessmen, giving the people rights), he was actually really popular with the people. The reason why his empire turned out oppressive is that the Lopt Sect became too powerful, and by the time Celice's army reaches him, Julius and Manfroy pretty much acknowledge Alvis is just the emperor in name only.

Alvis was also pretty much behind-the-scenes in regards to the downfall of the Lopt Sect and Julius. He was able to successfully hide the Narga tome (which the Lopt Sect was furiously looking for because they knew that is the only thing that can for sure stop the human vessel for Loputosu), ordered a bishop to bring Tyrfing to Celice (knowing full well that blade was going to be used to kill him). In a way, it was an assisted-suicide. Even Sigurd's ghost acknowledges to Celice that his victory in killing Alvis was not by his hand alone (alluding to Alvis indirectly giving Celice the Tyrfing), and that he had to "understand sorrow" or else the war "will have been for naught". He also set up secret units to rescue the children that were going to be sacrificed to Loputosu.

Celice ends up realizing this at the end of FE4 where he pretty much says that Alvis was "a tragic man swept away by fate", and that he no longer deserves his hatred.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
See, I missed that last bit of info cause my patch wasn't fully translated... Thanks for clarifying though.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
See, I missed that last bit of info cause my patch wasn't fully translated... Thanks for clarifying though.
Yeah, although I never used patchs for when I played the Japanese Fire Emblem games (since I played them all as cartridges), I looked at online text files to read the story. There is a lot more about Alvis (his backstory and motivations particularly) that I did not mention in that post that are not stated in-game but are talked about by the writer/director for that game that serve to humanize him some more. FE4 had a lot of "grey" antagonist (Ishtar is certainly one, she is basically a good person on the wrong side of the war, and Trabant is to an extent as well). I would say even Julius is tragic because he lost his humanity/heart due to Loputosu possessing him.

However, the success of FE13, and how much people are lapping up the animu, waifu, and fanservice bits particularly, have me really worried about the future to FE. That crap really got on my nerves in the game. I think its actually going to hurt the FE series in the long run and the series is going to end up having the "weeaboo" vibe.


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
One of these days I'll finally dig into my copies of FE4/5, but the big maps and FE5's difficulty put me off a bit like Gaiden originally did. I'd also have to use translations more than usual in order to understand the story and new gameplay features.

FE13 I thought hit the gameplay aspects of FE really well, the amount of depth is ridiculous. Only thing they got wrong was having no online modes. The Dual System does make things a tad too easy at times, I wouldn't be surprised if it gets nerfed next game.

That said I thought the story was really weak and full of plot holes, was definitely weighed down by My Unit, the character models and animations look out of place and lacked color, even the dialogue animations lacked life in comparison to other games in the series (what happened to the character portraits who blinked/mouths moved as they spoke?). Fan service didn't really bother me except for Tharja, and DLC Micaiah & Celica.

I still stand by saying that FE13 as a whole would have benefited more if it was a straighter continuation of FE2/3. I'd take Medeus over Grima any day.

I really liked the ending CGs for FE5, its too bad no one has ripped them onto the internet, else I would use one as a new avatar.
Could try looking up a Youtube video of the ending and using screen capture.

Robert of Normandy

Jun 24, 2012
Crossbell City
Switch FC
So...you all probably knew about this, but there's a popularity poll going on for FE13 characters on Facebook right now. Edit: "Marth" is leading, followed by Walhart and Henry.
The poll doesn't include any of the children(besides Lucina) or Yen'fay or Priam.


Hold Baroque Inside
Oct 19, 2012
So...you all probably knew about this, but there's a popularity poll going on for FE13 characters on Facebook right now. Edit: "Marth" is leading, followed by Walhart and Henry.
The poll doesn't include any of the children(besides Lucina) or Yen'fay or Priam.
Yo, I voted for Stahl. He's such a babe. But it's interesting that Walhart is doing so well. Is he popular anywhere else?


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
I voted for Olivia. Sue me. :p
Then I came back later and voted for Henry. :awesome:

Was also unaware Walhart had popularity. Though it probably won't effect anything in Smash other than a trophy.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
I voted for Olivia. Sue me. :p
Then I came back later and voted for Henry. :awesome:

Was also unaware Walhart had popularity. Though it probably won't effect anything in Smash other than a trophy.
I am pretty sure a lot of Walhart's votes are actually :troll: votes. From what I have seen, yes Lucina and Henry are popular.

Would someone mind posting the results to the poll?


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008

"Marth" is leading, then with Walhart, Henry, Tharja, and Anna following, in that order. Chrom is at 4%, which is tied with some of the others.

And yeah, some characters are there twice. Dunno why.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
Those results look about right with the exception of Walhart being high up. I am surprised that Anna is as high as she is considering she is just a paralogue character, has no contributions to the main story, and has less supports than most other characters.

I think Tharja being as popular as she is is a bad sign for the future of the FE series. Personally, I did not like her.
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