Anyone else think Fire Emblem should stick to handhelds?
It's a very personal experience. Everyone has very personal values for each character... that is why you have so many to choose from. To you, it can be some random green haired anime girl. To me, it's Nephenee of the Crimean militia... a fierce warrior who has BEASTED the battlefield on several occasions. Sure the consoles have more processing power, but aside from that I think it's better for both the developer and the players if they design around a portable experience. It's much more affordable proposition for the developers, and honestly they will sell WAY more copies this way. Especially in Japan with how well the DS family has performed.
If anything, Advance Wars would be better for consoles. I know they tried the whole Battalion Wars thing, but that doesn't count. They absolutely butchered the presentation and did not at all attempt to replicate what made the series fun. If they used the cute art style and utilize the simple mechanics, they could produce a fun experience for a relatively small development cost. What's more is they could actually deliver decent multiplayer on consoles. Unlike with Fire Emblem, you don't control characters you are particularly attached to. The soldiers in Advance Wars are made to die. Two players can reasonably take turns controlling armies on one big screen.
A few things spurred these thoughts. The first would be
this comic. The other would be the recent release of Advance Wars on Wii U Virtual Console. It just feels better for some reason.