Sorry I’m late but I mine as well reply to
I’m not saying that weird picks should take up the full roster, but we should have had at least one in the base. Many people, including myself feel that Smash is a collection of Nintendo history and the thing that truly sets Smash apart is its ability to make anyone a fighter. Plus many fan favorites come from choices that, lets be honest, would never have been considered to any wide scale by the community. Mr. Game & Watch is an absolute fan favorite, but had he not been in Melee, I don’t think anyone would have said that we need a Game & Watch rep. R.O.B. is in the same boat, an important character as he did put NESs on store shelves, but I doubt the community would ever give him a chance. The only character that could’ve maybe made it was Duck Hunt, but I feel he became popular due to the ‘retro picks’ of Smash. But Ice Climbers, Mr. G& W, Wii Fit Trainer, R.O.B., Jigglypuff, Duck Hunt, heck maybe even Captain Falcon and Ness probably would have been left in the dust had Sakurai just chosen popular characters. I guess my point is that I don’t think the community always knows what they want,so these retro picks allow for more unknowns to make a name for themselves and offer something completely unique. Also Piranha Plant seems fine, I love the character as he’s exactly what I wanted in the base, and many were waiting for a crazy pick like the plant to happen.
Ehh... I guess different strokes for different folks on this one. I feel that weird characters do add more personality to the roster that you couldn’t get with a K Rool or Ridley, as who they are and they fight isn’t easily determined by the fan community. It adds some mystery to speculation and adds uniqueness to the roster. Also your being a little harsh on R.O.B., I mean he did put the NES on store shelves, and was part of the trio to make it huge; Mario, Duck Hunt, and R.O.B.. I think that should warrant some credit.
Charizard does seem like he carriers Pokémon Trainer. I remember back in the Smash 4 days when everyone was completely okay with just Charizard as he’s the big Pokémon. They usually said that very few liked Squirtle and Ivysaur has always been treated as a joke, a character no one should play as unless they’re weird. People were also disappointed by the reveal of Pokémon Trainer as he gives Charizard less to use in his tool kit, killing the Charizard mains of 4. While I personally like Squirtle the best, it seems most were just in it for Charizard and believe the Trainer holds him back. As for the Everyone is here thing, I don’t know if I agree. It seemed like people were willing to leave Pokémon Trainer in the past, most hated Pichu as he was purposely terrible and just added to Melee’s clones, and Young Link basically has a better replacement in Toon Link. The only characters the masses seemed to want come back were Snake and Wolf, along with Climbers, as they all had non-intrusive unique move sets along with being very iconic characters. I’m sure other characters had fans, but they didn’t seem to come out and even talking to people on this thread it seems like most just like the motto because that means Snake and Wolf come back and not much else.
It was a bit hyped though, before its announcement Sakurai was revealing things that lead to tons of speculation. I mean we had a Dracula boss fight that seemed to take place on a completely different stage from the one we see at the beginning of Simon’s trailer. There was also Rathalos and how he was a huge boss fight that takes place on a stage that doesn’t exist. Mix in the Everyone is dying in very Subspace like cutscenes and I think people had reason to believe we’d get a new adventure mode, I mean come on, bosses, entirely new terrain characters are wondering on, very story mode like cutscenes where characters are getting picked off by villains from the various franchises, and the mode having a huge presence on the menu, seem to hint at these sort of things. It doesn’t help that Spirits doesn’t even look that new. It seems like events mode, with PNG images. Even the things the spirits do are not new to the series and have been there since Brawl as stickers and equipment both buffed up and gave weird attributes to characters. I mean maybe it’ll be fun, but I can’t help but feel immense disappointment in how Spirits just seems to repackage old content and call it unique.
This is actually somewhat false, and something the YouTuber, TheBitBlock went over. Nintendo’s DLC for Aces was the primary target though. Aces’s DLC includes characters you can get a month early by playing online and it has specific online events, which events are take directly from previous enteries in the Tennis franchise. Why is this a problem, well Nintendo has now put a pay wall on online, and since most don’t want to pay for their online service due to it having nothing to offer, not even servers for their biggest online game, Splatoon 2, they are now locking content to online exclusives to force people to pay.
To talk about the other titles, both Kirby and ARMS are still incomplete to this day even with the free DLC. Kirby has half the amount of content of any regular entry still as Dream Friends only add 3 new characters each with 1 new stage, so you’d get 9 new stages which reallly isn’t a lot. Mix in the fact that all those stages are built to be recreations of previous levels which are poorly done as the DLC just reuses asserts of the same 4 worlds, and the DLC isn’t substantial in any way. ARMS has always felt unfinished due to the lack of any real modes, so them adding free characters isn’t really helping the game survive per say.