Fine, so you can just approach with bair which > her jab, and if she cancels with zair, just do it again. While zair is a great move, Yoshi has enough aerial speed that the "slow down" thing doesn't really work against him. And you say later that Yoshi can't approach through zairs, I've never really found that to be the case since she can't follow it up with that much. The hitstun just isn't big enough for potential punishment.Not jabbing oos, up b OOS, which>yoshis dair.
Also, how exactly does her spam game beat yours? Eggs move faster and deal more damage than her missiles, not to mention their higher priority.
One more thing: why not just walk to ftilt as an approach? It cancels out all of her projectiles except a fully charged shot, and she can't really deal with it with her own attacks. I'm pretty sure jab cancels out missiles as well.
Should've clarified. By mid-range, I mean just out of zair's range. As Samus knows she'll be punished for most attacks (just duck and she can't zair you), she can't really do much. If she uses a missile, just cancel it with pretty much any attack, preferably an approaching aerial.Midrange is where samus is best, retreating homing missles and zairs ftl.
Dairs when she's below, eggs when she's above. Even bomb jumps don't keep her from having a recovery with a fairly straight path and not enough defensive options (besides missiles, which are basically useless in this scenario, dair outprioritizes them and they don't fluster Yoshi when he's egging).ts actually hard to edgeguard because its so unpredictable with bomb jumps, missles to protect her,grapple, and a good up b.
Perhaps our Samus experiences have differed, eh?
(Mathcups ftw)
Well, if the Lucarios really think it's 4:6, maybe I should change it. I'm also updating the PT matchups as 7:3 Squirtle, 5:5 Ivy, and 4:6 Charizard.
Things to keep in mind:
- DK as disadvantage?
- Marth as 3:7?
- IC's even/disadvantage?
And a couple other things to think about...
Zamus seems pretty disputed. I personally don't think I can analyze this particular matchup well enough to help, but so far we have a couple neutrals, a slight disadvantage, and an advantage.
Finally, we REALLY need to at least try to analyze Sheik. As Scala has recently put up some vids against an accomplished Sheik, perhaps we could use them as a starting point for debate?
Keep at it peeps, we're almost finished.