The big controller was a god send for me during my melee days. I'm fairly flexible when changing controllers, but the way I worn down the analog stick grip made it better than any other controller (no slip lol). When I started playing brawl, I had moved to the Classic Controller, but realized that the Wiimote would drop its connection randomly, causing me to miss opportunities or get hit when I'm shielding (extremely frustrating). I decided to go back to the official controller and tough it out. Thankfully, with Brawl's custom design, I could make a setup that didn't force me outside of my comfort in holding the controller or pushing buttons.
Heck, I've been through so many controllers of different sizes thanks to Halo. I went from the official (S version) original xbox controller, then to a gamestop version (the small versions), then to the original xbox version
That's not including my trip through GC controllers.
Heck, I've been through so many controllers of different sizes thanks to Halo. I went from the official (S version) original xbox controller, then to a gamestop version (the small versions), then to the original xbox version
That's not including my trip through GC controllers.