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Y. Link Match Up Discussion. Ask Questions Here!


Smash Ace
May 4, 2007
Newport News, VA
So yeah, i dont understand why people on here really act like you CANT do certain things against some characters. Y.Link's metagame hasnt even shaped as much as most of the other characters, so how can you really know for sure?? I think most things here can only be opinion based, and only suggestions can be made until things are.... proven?

But honestly, in my opinion, y.link just ***** peach. peach cant approach if you know what youre doing, projectile camping, swatting away turnips..... that pretty much forces her to come to you. and she only had 3 approaches. Float, roll, and dash attack.

All can be countered EASILY because theyre all pretty slow.. so the roll gets ***** by downsmash (what doesn't?), the float is risky for peach cuz if u get one uair off,,,,, thats just some crazy juggling waiting to happen. The dashattack can lead to shield grab,,,,, something ylink rarely gets off, but its easier in this matchup since peach's dash attack is weak, slow, and has some bad recovery time.

so basically ylink should own. dsmash shouldnt be a problem if you dont let her roll in. if she does....... drop ur controller and john ur *** off.
but yeah other than that.... i'm just ranting. i don't know why peach would have an advantage. Tiers don't matters at alls.


Smash Hero
Jun 13, 2007
College Park, MD
So yeah, i dont understand why people on here really act like you CANT do certain things against some characters. Y.Link's metagame hasnt even shaped as much as most of the other characters, so how can you really know for sure?? I think most things here can only be opinion based, and only suggestions can be made until things are.... proven?

But honestly, in my opinion, y.link just ***** peach. peach cant approach if you know what youre doing, projectile camping, swatting away turnips..... that pretty much forces her to come to you. and she only had 3 approaches. Float, roll, and dash attack.

All can be countered EASILY because theyre all pretty slow.. so the roll gets ***** by downsmash (what doesn't?), the float is risky for peach cuz if u get one uair off,,,,, thats just some crazy juggling waiting to happen. The dashattack can lead to shield grab,,,,, something ylink rarely gets off, but its easier in this matchup since peach's dash attack is weak, slow, and has some bad recovery time.

so basically ylink should own. dsmash shouldnt be a problem if you dont let her roll in. if she does....... drop ur controller and john ur *** off.
but yeah other than that.... i'm just ranting. i don't know why peach would have an advantage. Tiers don't matters at alls.
Well, obviously, tiers don't have a direct bearing on specific character match-ups. We all know that Pikachu is a lower tier than Jiggs, and yet the match-up is noticeably in Pikachu's favor.

Yes, at times it's good to put aside our "this won't work"s and our "you can't"s. That's the only way we can really continue to develop the metagame and improve upon our knowledge of the character. But we still have to recognize weaknesses and accept them. Sure, there are a lot of high risk / high reward moves out there, like Y.Link's dair. The key is to figure out the best way to implement those moves, learning timing, spacing, applying mindgames, and so on.

Caleb Wolfbrand

Smash Master
Sep 6, 2005
Ionia (Charleston, SC)
lol, you guys can claim the metagame is back there somewhere all you want. I only post to try and help people, as far as I'm concerned, my Young Link is (was) pretty perfect and there isn't much "meta game advancement" to be made. I don't feel the YL metagame is not proven, or whatever. That's actually a little offensive.

First I need to address what you said Chival, Pikachu vs Jiggs isn't that bad for Jiggs. Pikachu has like, an upsmash, and that's about it. Pika is really easy to rest-combo, too. Anyway, it's not that bad for Jiggs. I don't believe in Jiggs having bad matchups though, just my opinion no need to go any further on discussing that one. But Pika is definitely not a counter or anything. Nobody is, save maybe a well played Fox.

Now, to fella saying "Ylink just ***** Peach" I have to assume you've never played a REALLY good Peach before. It's not as simple as "haha, I have these advantages!" because Peach is just ****ing good. and pro-Peach's are FAST, **** float cancel and DJC air moves on your shield, and you can't do -anything- about it because they always have an answer to your answer. There aren't many God-Peach's left in the community, but there are a few.

And as to why we "Can't do certain things against certain characters" well no ****, you can't. Have you tried landing a nair on Peach or Samus while they crouch? guess what happens, a lot of dsmash damage. You can't do that.
Try spamming Uair vs a Falcon cause you think he'll jump into it. Watch what happens, provided the CF is smart, he just dash dances, grabs, and 0-deaths you.
Try out-spamming Falco or Fox.
Try matching Marth's air priority.

There are just some things you don't do. This applies to all matchups in all games. Some things aren't just bad ideas, they're ways for the enemy to beat you. We just don't do them.

You went ahead and said that about some characters "not being able to do certain things" then you listed Peach as having limited approach options? Spam isn't exactly "win" against Peach, either. She can hit boomerangs/arrows, grab bombs, she can shield as she comes in, and she will corner you if you don't have enough room to run (hence why I go for Stadium rather than smaller stages)

And honestly, a good Peach isn't going to approach with a roll? I mean, really? A roll is good maybe once in a match as an approach, but no smart player would fall for that repeatedly.

And the remark about "crazy juggling waiting to happen" unfortunately, that is not the case. Peach isn't easy to combo at all, and uair especially usually gives her enough time to free herself from a follow up.

It's difficult to understand why Peach does so well, until you play a great one. and wonder "how the hell did she do that to me?"


Smash Hero
Jun 13, 2007
College Park, MD
lol, you guys can claim the metagame is back there somewhere all you want. I only post to try and help people, as far as I'm concerned, my Young Link is (was) pretty perfect and there isn't much "meta game advancement" to be made. I don't feel the YL metagame is not proven, or whatever. That's actually a little offensive.

First I need to address what you said Chival, Pikachu vs Jiggs isn't that bad for Jiggs. Pikachu has like, an upsmash, and that's about it. Pika is really easy to rest-combo, too. Anyway, it's not that bad for Jiggs. I don't believe in Jiggs having bad matchups though, just my opinion no need to go any further on discussing that one. But Pika is definitely not a counter or anything. Nobody is, save maybe a well played Fox.

Now, to fella saying "Ylink just ***** Peach" I have to assume you've never played a REALLY good Peach before. It's not as simple as "haha, I have these advantages!" because Peach is just ****ing good. and pro-Peach's are FAST, **** float cancel and DJC air moves on your shield, and you can't do -anything- about it because they always have an answer to your answer. There aren't many God-Peach's left in the community, but there are a few.

And as to why we "Can't do certain things against certain characters" well no ****, you can't. Have you tried landing a nair on Peach or Samus while they crouch? guess what happens, a lot of dsmash damage. You can't do that.
Try spamming Uair vs a Falcon cause you think he'll jump into it. Watch what happens, provided the CF is smart, he just dash dances, grabs, and 0-deaths you.
Try out-spamming Falco or Fox.
Try matching Marth's air priority.

There are just some things you don't do. This applies to all matchups in all games. Some things aren't just bad ideas, they're ways for the enemy to beat you. We just don't do them.

You went ahead and said that about some characters "not being able to do certain things" then you listed Peach as having limited approach options? Spam isn't exactly "win" against Peach, either. She can hit boomerangs/arrows, grab bombs, she can shield as she comes in, and she will corner you if you don't have enough room to run (hence why I go for Stadium rather than smaller stages)

And honestly, a good Peach isn't going to approach with a roll? I mean, really? A roll is good maybe once in a match as an approach, but no smart player would fall for that repeatedly.

And the remark about "crazy juggling waiting to happen" unfortunately, that is not the case. Peach isn't easy to combo at all, and uair especially usually gives her enough time to free herself from a follow up.

It's difficult to understand why Peach does so well, until you play a great one. and wonder "how the hell did she do that to me?"
Well, Pika is Jiggs's hardest low tier match-up hands down. So what if Pika has only nair and usmash. Jiggs really can only bair, and occasionally go for the utilt (or falling uair) to rest. And if Jiggs misses a rest, it's a guaranteed stock right there, odds are. I don't know if either of them have any merit in grabs. Maybe their dthrows can combo. Not really sure. The match-up is all spacing anyway.

Oh and I agree that Y.Link's uair fails at comboing. Really only has combo potential against spacies and MAYBE Falcon.


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
Against Jiggs, all Pika can really do is chip damage with Uairs and try to follow them (usually with more Uairs lol). And Nair her when she's lagging from an aerial. But those won't kill her until like 200%. U-smash is a pretty bad answer because good Puffs just camp spaced Bair against Pika and will usually be out of U-smash range.

Puff's fine against Pikachu. She doesn't roll him over, but he's not that good against her either. And Pika U-smash vs Puff is like 2005 stuff lol.

Caleb Wolfbrand

Smash Master
Sep 6, 2005
Ionia (Charleston, SC)
Uair goes on Falcon too, just not much. "falling uair" of course being the way to go.

I've only had bad experiences vs Jiggs with all characters I've ever used. But one time I used Pikachu in a tourney and the Jiggs (S0ft) said "you know Pika is one of the easiest characters to rest combo, right?" and immediately after saying that I was rested. Kind of funny actually.


here is that disgraceful day, if anyone cares to see me get ***** that long ago lol

edit : god I sucked


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
Uair goes on Falcon too, just not much. "falling uair" of course being the way to go.
I'm not exactly sure what you mean here. If you mean Falcon's Uair vs Puff, yes, I agree. If you mean Pika's Uair vs Falcon, I also agree.

Pika's Uair is a gay move.


Smash Hero
Jun 13, 2007
College Park, MD
I'm not exactly sure what you mean here. If you mean Falcon's Uair vs Puff, yes, I agree. If you mean Pika's Uair vs Falcon, I also agree.

Pika's Uair is a gay move.
Yo, KK, these are the Y.Link boards. We're talking about the combo potential of Y.Link's uair. Shaeman was under the impression that uair can combo Peach really well or something. So we were addressing that.

Then I said something about Pika vs. Jiggs and it got confusing. :ohwell:


Smash Journeyman
Nov 9, 2006
i agree with what TRC stated, that guy haven't played a good peach :/
lol at "peach's dash attack suck"

i still think grab combined with DD is best aproach on ground :)

Caleb Wolfbrand

Smash Master
Sep 6, 2005
Ionia (Charleston, SC)
I'm not exactly sure what you mean here. If you mean Falcon's Uair vs Puff, yes, I agree. If you mean Pika's Uair vs Falcon, I also agree.

Pika's Uair is a gay move.
I was talking about Young Link's up air on Falcon.
yeah we should probably stop talking about Jiggs on our boards lol

Peach's dash attack is really fast and has great reach, only bad if shielded, but it's so fast sometimes you really underestimate it's reach. Or if the Peach is all mindgamey awesome like, float over your shield, dair you, fall to the side, you think you're safe, they dash attack. You're like "... what"

At least, from my experience :D


Smash Hero
Jun 13, 2007
College Park, MD
Peach's dash attack is one of those moves that's like medium risk / high reward. I've noticed that most Peach players tend to throw it out there at high percents because it combos into like any aerial (so it's like their high percent finisher set-up, like Sheik's dtilt, Falco's shine, and Falcon's dair/raptor boost).


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2007
SoVA 757
I wish I knew more about the Peach matchup so I could contribute. But reading all this is helping me get a picture of it.

S-Man: I think it's cool that there are other things to discuss. This way other threads don't pop up? Like this thread is just a repeat thread.... I could have serched for an older thread on how to fight Marth but I wanted some recent advice. So maybe this could be where people discuss matchups?


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
YLink's Uair doesn't really combo her, but it gives him a chance to rob her of her float or double jump, which isn't exactly bad.


Smash Hero
Jun 13, 2007
College Park, MD
When I fight Peach, I always have her approach me. She's slower, so I just try to frustrate her by camping. Sure, she has turnips to fire back with, but it takes her longer to ready her projectile. Plus, the angles at which she can launch her assortment of garden produce are limited.

And Y.Link has a deku shield! You don't even have to dodge or block the turnips, just let them bounce harmlessly off your breast.


Smash Champion
May 1, 2007
**** Triangle, NC
When I fight Peach, I always have her approach me. She's slower, so I just try to frustrate her by camping. Sure, she has turnips to fire back with, but it takes her longer to ready her projectile. Plus, the angles at which she can launch her assortment of garden produce are limited.

And Y.Link has a deku shield! You don't even have to dodge or block the turnips, just let them bounce harmlessly off your breast.
I dont think Y.Link has hit puberty yet, so he has not grown a breast yet :) J/k of course Rhan; this is mostly just me testing out my new COLOR!!!


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2007
SoVA 757
When I fight Peach, I always have her approach me. She's slower, so I just try to frustrate her by camping. Sure, she has turnips to fire back with, but it takes her longer to ready her projectile. Plus, the angles at which she can launch her assortment of garden produce are limited.

And Y.Link has a deku shield! You don't even have to dodge or block the turnips, just let them bounce harmlessly off your breast.
I fought a decent Peach in my area. I found letting them come to me is easier than going to them. Setting up a projectile wall is best to do. Also uopn her floating recovery, I found it easy to smack her with the rang and then go in with a Nair. KNocks out her recover and hits her further away.

Having the Deku shield is good..... But if we stand still YLink drops his gaurd at times.... SO youll have to ceep an inch just to keep it up. If the Turnip does bounce off the shield then it's an easy pick up and throw right back.

I dont think Y.Link has hit puberty yet, so he has not grown a breast yet :) J/k of course Rhan; this is mostly just me testing out my new COLOR!!!
AYE! I stoped joking on Marth..... Haha

Colors rawk.


Smash Ace
May 4, 2007
Newport News, VA
I wish I knew more about the Peach matchup so I could contribute. But reading all this is helping me get a picture of it.

S-Man: I think it's cool that there are other things to discuss. This way other threads don't pop up? Like this thread is just a repeat thread.... I could have serched for an older thread on how to fight Marth but I wanted some recent advice. So maybe this could be where people discuss matchups?
Change the title.

I dont think Y.Link has hit puberty yet, so he has not grown a breast yet :) J/k of course Rhan; this is mostly just me testing out my new COLOR!!!
He proved my point. Young link's breasts are just as relavant to "vs. marth" as peach's breasts are.

Though we all know marth's breasts take the cake

Caleb Wolfbrand

Smash Master
Sep 6, 2005
Ionia (Charleston, SC)
How do you guys feel about fighting Mario/Doc?

Cape sux. he's hard to combo cause he gets out of **** quickly. but you have a sword, so lol

just wondering what other's opinions are on this matchup. we need some discussion lest the forum die -_-


Smash Master
Oct 6, 2008
Puerto Rico
^ Yeah the YL boards are so dead :/. I hate Doc with a passion and his pills lolol. Mario/Doc is the reason I learned how to sweetspot the ledge properly XD. That cape is dumbbbb. Nair and bombs are what work best for me in the matchup. :younglinkmelee:


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2007
SoVA 757
How do you guys feel about fighting Mario/Doc?

Cape sux. he's hard to combo cause he gets out of **** quickly. but you have a sword, so lol

just wondering what other's opinions are on this matchup. we need some discussion lest the forum die -_-
I'm not too knowledgeable in thts matchup. But I find that Nair works against anything. Bombs are always good to have on you. Boomerang isn't much needed if they're quick enough to swing thier cape.

Against the cape you'll just have to bait it. Try throwing in a mindgame. If you know thier going to cape you, D-smash in thier face. It hits both sides so if they don't cape you still got a good shot on hitting them.

Pills/fireballs get deplenished by Nair. Nair <3

My main strat against them would be to get them off the stage. They can't do mcuh then and they have predictable recoveries. Not to hard to gimp.

I'm having a smashfest at my house today. One of my friends play a good Mario. I'll try to get a few matches against that and update this post with what works and what doesn't.


Smash Hero
Jun 13, 2007
College Park, MD
I dont think Y.Link has hit puberty yet, so he has not grown a breast yet :) J/k of course Rhan; this is mostly just me testing out my new COLOR!!!

And @ Rhan. Yea cape is noticeably gay. It makes projectile camping impossible. It also screws up recoveries if you aren't very precise. Personally, I think Doc/Mario's nair and bair are the toughest to deal with. The range, priority and speed just shut down your air game.

Oh, and they have a faster gayer dsmash which can be set up soo well by CCing your nair.

I think the key to winning this match-up is to throw projectiles at ideal times when they don't have an opportunity to cape. Oh, and space fsmashes. It's an amazing move.

Caleb Wolfbrand

Smash Master
Sep 6, 2005
Ionia (Charleston, SC)
god **** it's been sooo dead in here >_< wish we had stuff to talk about

so um
did anyone go lol? I think Chip went, I didn't hear anything else though...

So how about that Armada? Peach ripping through every character and people have the nerve to tell us Young Link counters her? Armada would probably take me, Jash, Rhan in a 3-way match and spin us in that cyclone death dress till we rage quit.

sorry, I'm not right in the head, sleepy, etc. Just wanted to holla at mah YL boys.

I want to make another video sooo bad but I can't cause I only have computers to play and they suck, they don't fall for bomb tricks!!!

we should make a joint YL video of everyone's stuff, call it BOOMERANGER or some nonsense... wait... Mega Man X villain... what

okay wow I need to stop

don't die YL forums!!!


Smash Hero
Oct 10, 2004
Rylai the Crystal Maiden's Igloo
Sorry guys I kinda main Sheik now. lol.
But I still hold it down with my boy Young Link. I bring him out in tournaments on occasions as a counter pick against non high tiers. People will never learn this match up..ever.
;o thats what I love about that kid.


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2007
SoVA 757
TRC: LOL Armada would murder us. Unless FF is off. SPAM BOOMERANG!

I haven't been here lately. I've actually just got back from HERB2 in NC. The best ****ing tourney I've been to yet! I couldn't bring YL out. My pool was Falco's and Marth's. I did take out a Falcon once with YL but that's about it. Me and Shaeman111 did Link/Young Link teams against scrubs. xD

We played G-reg and Scar is some team friendlies. Sheik/Falco vs Double Falcon! Got that on tape. Also we got us doing a MM against LoZR and Dr.Neo on tape. We forgot to have our tourney team match against M2K and Chu recorded. First match we got ***** on FD. IC's and Sheik vs Samus and Fox (us). Then M2K switched to Fox and we took them to Rainbow Cruise and I got M2K down to his last stock while I had about 115%. It was such an adrenaline rush..... ****! I forgot to get my YL ditto with Chu.... AGAIN!

Laijin: I know how it is man. I haven't completly ignored YL. But I've been working more on higher tiered characters like IC's, Sheik and Samus. People just don't know how to take YL on in a match. I love it so much!

Caleb Wolfbrand

Smash Master
Sep 6, 2005
Ionia (Charleston, SC)
wish I could have gone, ****. this diet is a pain in the ***... not worth it. glad you had fun at da HERB I was rooting for you behind my computer (lol)

goddd **** I wish I had people to play. wish I could move to Cali or **** anywhere but South Carolina... and Charleston... the very... bottom... somehow farther from Georgia and North Carolina then where I was. quit life SC roads, quit life.

(and maybe Roy)


Smash Hero
Jun 13, 2007
College Park, MD
I've been playing Roy a lot more than Y.Link now. I just like being able to grab and throw people with ease.

I tend to just get fed up with playing a certain low tier for an amount of time. Then I get back in the groove, stronger than ever, and start taking names.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 9, 2006
i've been trying against spacies approaching with Fair
Nair is too CCable, their Nair ****s you (when both chars go with Nair), has more knockback and maybe do more damage
Fair has better priority (since you attack with the sword duh) and in mid % it isn't CCable as Nair.
Also its hard to tech
i find a nice way to camp to jump backwards and Fair when they shuffle you.

before i was like refused to use Fair, find it a very bad move, since it was so nerfed from ssb64, but since young link don't have many options against **** spacies.... i just had to try it out and was very nice, sometimes they ate like 3 Fairs in a row, but don't abuse D:

im finding that spamming boomerang against fox is a very bad idea, you will get Usmashed if you aren't on the other side of the stage D:


Smash Hero
Jun 13, 2007
College Park, MD
Yea fair just because it's disjointed and has less lag than say uair and dair when l-cancelled. At low percents, if you're really worried about getting CC'ed, falling uair is safe. It's harder to hit with though.


Smash Hero
Oct 10, 2004
Rylai the Crystal Maiden's Igloo
Why even both approaching with a physical attack when you have one of the best projectiles in the game at your disposal, YL's bomb. If your approaching, pull out a bomb and approach with that.
1. He will either shield, which you can regrab the bomb and throw it back repeatedly for shield pressure.
2. Reflector. Which if you know hes going to do that, just jump over your bomb and punish him.
3. Jump over your bomb. You can punish him in the air for that.
4. Get hit by it. FINISH THE COMBO!

Your best approach is u-air followed by your shield. I prefer n-air over f-air personally, just make sure when you do it you DI all the way through their shield if they shield and land behind them ;o


Smash Hero
Jun 13, 2007
College Park, MD
Why even both approaching with a physical attack when you have one of the best projectiles in the game at your disposal, YL's bomb. If your approaching, pull out a bomb and approach with that.
1. He will either shield, which you can regrab the bomb and throw it back repeatedly for shield pressure.
2. Reflector. Which if you know hes going to do that, just jump over your bomb and punish him.
3. Jump over your bomb. You can punish him in the air for that.
4. Get hit by it. FINISH THE COMBO!

Your best approach is u-air followed by your shield. I prefer n-air over f-air personally, just make sure when you do it you DI all the way through their shield if they shield and land behind them ;o
The cool thing is that if you nair through someone's shield and land behind them, sometimes you can just utilt and the back swing will hit them as they jump.

What sucks about spacies is that you can't really CC > dsmash their approaches. Nair shine with Fox and Dair shine with Falco both will connect before you can get the dsmash off. So what you have to do is have really good spacing. Just pray they don't start overshooting their approaches because the last thing you want is a nair shuffled where the Fox thinks you're going to be. Running up a little and shielding, then wavedashing backwards out of shield is a nice way to bait approaches (because all Foxes love to shield pressure, right?). Then you have the option of dsmashing, ftilting, or grabbing (if you're a grabby kind of person).


Some guy
Aug 17, 2005
Toronto, Ontario
I'm a pretty experienced player but, can anyone give me some advice / tricks and general status on YL vs Jiggs? I think he has potential to do really well against her, so I want to CP him against her. I just picked him up seriously recently. I can do most ATs in the game, but I am not sure how to go about the matchup properly.

Any advice and possible breakdown of the matchup would be appreciated.


Smash Hero
Oct 10, 2004
Rylai the Crystal Maiden's Igloo
I used to think that match up was a counter pick. But its still really hard if the jiggs is good.

Some tips:
1. Don't have your back against the edge while close by.
2. Do throw projectiles while they are in the air. They can't block in the air or dodge them really
3. Don't grab them by all means unless you shield their f-smash. Its way too risky. You will get rested.
4. Do spam n-air while their in the air. Its your best move in this match up.
5. Don't come in close if their not in the air. Always approach with projectiles(mainly a bomb)
6. If their rushing in, throw out n-airs like a mad man. If their on the ground try and get some spacing via platforms.

Caleb Wolfbrand

Smash Master
Sep 6, 2005
Ionia (Charleston, SC)
Jiggs air power is what makes her great. she can do any nair, fair, bair, and hit your boomer, arrows, or even grab bombs if they are capable. Your sword is reach but frankly, Jiggs is so fast (in a way) that she can weave in and out of most/all attacks.

Rest hurts YL bad. YL can't do too much to hit a sleeping Jiggs except charge dsmash or dair. So on a stage like DL64, Jiggs' rest opportunities are better. But at smaller stages, she corners you. I hate Jiggs.

Jiggs is one of the best chars in the game IMO. A jiggs like Mango or Hungrybox will probably not ever lose to YL, though I don't like saying that.

I reccomend just learning the matchup with Fox. that's what I did. I got really sick of Jiggs, though honestly I haven't played many with YL... though I'm pretty sure it sucks, and is not a great matchup, kinda how some people think of YL vs Peach... Just cause Dair can kill them doesn't mean it will hit, etc etc


Some guy
Aug 17, 2005
Toronto, Ontario
I used to think that match up was a counter pick. But its still really hard if the jiggs is good.

Some tips:
1. Don't have your back against the edge while close by.
2. Do throw projectiles while they are in the air. They can't block in the air or dodge them really
3. Don't grab them by all means unless you shield their f-smash. Its way too risky. You will get rested.
4. Do spam n-air while their in the air. Its your best move in this match up.
5. Don't come in close if their not in the air. Always approach with projectiles(mainly a bomb)
6. If their rushing in, throw out n-airs like a mad man. If their on the ground try and get some spacing via platforms.
Thanks. I appreciate it.

Jiggs air power is what makes her great. she can do any nair, fair, bair, and hit your boomer, arrows, or even grab bombs if they are capable. Your sword is reach but frankly, Jiggs is so fast (in a way) that she can weave in and out of most/all attacks.

Rest hurts YL bad. YL can't do too much to hit a sleeping Jiggs except charge dsmash or dair. So on a stage like DL64, Jiggs' rest opportunities are better. But at smaller stages, she corners you. I hate Jiggs.

Jiggs is one of the best chars in the game IMO. A jiggs like Mango or Hungrybox will probably not ever lose to YL, though I don't like saying that.

I reccomend just learning the matchup with Fox. that's what I did. I got really sick of Jiggs, though honestly I haven't played many with YL... though I'm pretty sure it sucks, and is not a great matchup, kinda how some people think of YL vs Peach... Just cause Dair can kill them doesn't mean it will hit, etc etc
I agree with the last paragraph somewhat. I main fox, but YL seems to have good tools vs puff as well. Not really a winning matchup, but I'm tired or puff camping for a mistake, then gimping while I'm fox. It's incredibly boring.


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2007
SoVA 757
I found out after playing HBox a little bit that if you can hit Jiggs (while she in the air) with the boomerang (angled up from the ground), almost instantly you can follow up with a rising dair. This practially works on any floater. I forget what percent it works at but I think I recall doing it around 30-40ish.


Smash Hero
Oct 10, 2004
Rylai the Crystal Maiden's Igloo
Against Rest, if their at low percents.
A super close boomerang -> whatever will do over 30% dmg.

To be honest, just learn the Jigglypuff match up vs Jiggs.
In Jigglypuff dittos, its not about who is a better jiggs player since literally none of her tatics used against other characters apply here. Its all about how good the player is. So if you think you can out think your opponent but their just winning cause you don't know the match up, ditto them.
Keep that in mind.
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