I think the whole premise of what this thread is, is pretty immature. It's all about trying to take a shot at a pro Samus user's ego. Which, I think is pretty disrespectful. Showing a video where you 2 or 3 stock someone is enough as it is, but you're taking shots at Xyro's personality or something, and posting it on the Samus board? Why? So that other Samus users won't like Xyro or something?
He's been a really nice guy to me, I haven't ever seen him being cocky or being a jerk or anything to anyone, though I'm not a frequent poster on SWF, I tell you the truth to the extent of what I have seen of him. I think this Tudor guy, if anything, from what I've heard and seen, yeah, he's a good Samus user, but he has no merit.
So PokemonMasterIRL, just don't make threads like this anymore because I find it pretty shallow to be doing something like this. Stop for your own sake, man.