Yeah, I pointed out the camera, mic. How come you think the controller looks bad? Up close it looks great while from far away it does look a little weird, the prongs of the controller seem to angle downward... but that makes sense, GameCube's do, too. The controller S for the Xbox is a very well set up controller, in my opinion it's the best controller this gen, all this does is move the Start and Back buttons to the sides of the logo and the Black and White buttons are now shoulder buttons. Other than that it's kinda just more curvy than the S, which is actually kinda boxy. Looks really comfortable to me, though.
The DVD remote this time has a Power Button and Open Tray Button, so in the morning you'll be able to wake up, feel on your floor for the controller, hit the power button on the remote and play some Perfect Dark Zero without getting up. Yay for laziness. There's also a green button on the remote with the Windows logo on it.
And yeah mic, Rare has been working. On three games. Conker, which is due out June 21st on Xbox, and Kameo and Perfect Dark Zero which are due out for Xbox 360. PDZ is suppose to be one of the big launch titles and who knows when Kameo will come out, it was on the boxes when we bought our GameCubes November 18th 2001. There is a web radio and they had a few people from the MTV event on there that got to play PDZ, from Clan PMS... Two chicks, who calls themselves casual gamers throughout the interview say PDZ plays a lot like Counter-Strike and has Counter-Strike type graphics, putting the celshaded rumors to rest. They said there were 22 guns, and this was a demo. Perfect Dark for N64 had 44 guns (well, people on GameFAQs said that anyways) so hopefully by launch they'll get them all back in plus some new guns. The chicks confirmed of a gun that "latched onto walls and shot at enemies when they walked by" aka the Laptop Gun. Here's to hoping for the Fly-by-Wire Rocket Launcher.
Everyone at the event got to see PDZ, but only a few got to actually play it. The chicks go onto say Ghost Recon 3 and Unreal: Gears of War both look amazing, while they forget all the other games they saw.
MTV also accidentally leaked that the console will launch in November. They released a statement saying "... and you'll see all the launch titles coming out in November."
Edit: BA, this is suppose to be the final thing. From what I understand, the console itself is done, Microsoft and friends are just working hard to get all the launch titles ready by November.
Edit 2: In the latest issue of OXM (June #45), they have printed a list of semi-official Xbox 360 games, due out this year or early next:
Halo 2.5/3
Fable 2
Call of Duty 2
The Darkness
Burnout Revenge
Dark Sector
Quake IV
Unnamed Project from Silicon Knights
Condemned: Criminal Origins
Battlefield 2: Modern Combat
Citizen Zero
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
The Godfather
Kameo: Elements of Power
Madden NFL
Need for Speed: Most Wanted
Perfect Dark Zero
Tomb Raider: Legend
Tony Hawk's Underground 3
Ultimate Spider-Man
Unnamed Project by Bioware (most likely an RPG)
Unreal Gears of War
Vanguard: Saga of Heroes
Even if those were the only games that were coming out, there's plenty I'll look into buying on that list. There will obviously be more games though, games like Project Gotham Racing 3 and Ghost Recon 3 are absent from the list while they've already been confirmed. These just look like a lot of the "bigger" games though, you don't see any of those games that 80% of the world passes over in the list.