Is he suggesting that the losing player should pick character before the winning player then? Because otherwise I can't see how this benefits the winning player just because character affects the matchup more. All it does is forcing him to choose his character without any knowledge at all opposed to at least knowing the stage he's going to play on.
Or does he think the losing player should simply just have even more of an advantage over the winner?
Right now we do this:
1. Winner bans a stage. (has to guess what char the loser will use in order to ban a good stage)
2. Loser picks a stage. (can choose a char and stage combination based on what stage was banned; Ex. if they were going to go to YS to play as Marth and it gets banned, they can just go to DL and choose Jiggs)
3. Winner picks a character.
4. Loser picks a character.
I prefer this:
1. Winner picks character.
2. Loser picks character.
3. Winner bans a stage. (knowing the char matchup, a proper ban can be chosen)
4. Loser picks a stage.
Here's my stage list and rule set just for the record (we were discussing it in the
Back Room Application thread because I included it in my post).
[collapse=Stage List Question]8. Q. Do you feel that the current MBR recommended stage list is fair? Why?
A. No. Counterpicking is an inherently flawed system that promotes gimmicky game play. From an ideal standpoint, players should play on the 3 (or 5) most fair stages for that matchup. Players having to waste bans on counterpicks is preventing this from ever becoming possible.[/collapse]
[collapse=My Stage List]
- Battlefield
- Dream Land
- Final Destination
- Fountain of Dreams
- Yoshi's Story
- Pokemon Stadium (counter-pick)
- Battlefield
- Dream Land
- Final Destination
- Pokemon Stadium
- Yoshi's Story
- Kongo Jungle (counter-pick)[/collapse]
[collapse=Rule Set Question]9. Q. Do you feel that the current MBR recommended rule set is fair? Why?
A. No. The order of character and stage selections is completely illogical. The character you play has a much more vast effect on how you will play than compared to the effect different stages have (especially when they are neutrals). For the first match, players double blind and then strike for the ideal stage for that matchup; this makes sense because things are chosen in order of priority. For games following that, it becomes skewed. The winner must essentially guess whether or not the opponent will change characters, and then the loser must select a character leaving them open to get blindsided by a counterpick against their character. Overall just doesn't make much sense, and there are a lot of other tiny things I feel could be improved upon (best of 5 sets for as many sets as time permits, neutral port starting positions, etc.). I've spent a lot of time thinking about stage striking, banning, and character selection. I hope to eventually come up with a system that allows players to strike for a stage each match. The main issue is incorporating DSR so that there is stage variety without affecting the numbers of stages being struck from.[/collapse]
[collapse=My Rule Set]- 4 stocks
- ALL sets are a Best of 5
- No items
- 8 minute timer
- Time limit tie breakers are as follows: most stocks; least %; 1-stock, 4-min rematch; play out Sudden Death (lol Bob-ombs)
- Pause is disabled (if you forget to turn it off, I promise to pause-unpause right before your ledge tech)
- Stalling and game-freezing glitches are banned
- Wobbling is legal
- At either player's request, neutral ports (for starting positions) may be enforced.
- Stages are struck in 1221 fashion (lowest port chooses striking order; port conflicts decided by RPS).
- Each player gets 1 ban after a win. Bans are temporary, and do not last the entire set (Ex. You win Game 1 and ban FD. I counterpick DL and lose Game 2 as well. You can reban FD or switch your ban to DL (or any other stage).
- Modified DSR: Players cannot counterpick the stage they last won on.
- Characters are chosen PRIOR to stage bans and counterpicks (Ex. I win Game 1 on BF. I choose my character. You choose your character. I ban a stage. You choose a counterpick from the remaining stages.).[/collapse]