I cannot believe that NOBODY mentioned this game. I guess it is for the bettering of the gaming commmunity. For those of you that have seen footage of this game, or have played it *cringes* I feel your pain. Here it is, the WORST game of all time (in my opinion):
Sonic Shuffle
At first you think, "Hey, a Sonic game with cards. Could be cool." That is your first mistake. Then you find out it is a party game like Mario Party. Yet again you think, "It can't possibly be that bad, it might even turn out to be fun." Mistake number two. Then you pop the disc into the machine that the PS2 killed (the Dreamcast) and get to the title screen. Flashy, yet cartoony; it actually kinda fits. That is all that "fits" in this game. When you play, you know you aren't going to find three other people to play with, so you use the computer controlled opponents. Also, since you have never played this game before, you set all of the computers on "Easy". Then you can begin.
You play on a board like surface, just like in Mario Party. And in order to move around the board, you are given numbered cards. Everyone is given cards, and when you run out of cards you can choose one of your opponents cards. You cannot see the numbers on the faces of your opponent's cards. BUT IT SEEMS LIKE THEY CAN SEE YOURS! THEY SOMETIMES CHOOSE YOUR CARDS AND THEY ALWAYS CHOOSE THE GOOD CARDS. THEY NEVER PICK THE "1"s OR THE "2"s, THEY CHOOSE THE ONES THAT CAN SEND YOU HALFWAY ACROSS THE BOARD. THEN, WHEN YOU ARE OUT OF CARDS AND HAVE TO CHOOS THE COMPUTERS CARDS, YOU NEVER PICK THE GOOD ONES. Then there are the different spaces you land on the board. There are ones that give you rings, and ones that take away your rings. THOSE are the good tiles. You would definately rather land on the negative ring tiles than these next ones. Other than the ring tiles there are Mini-game and Monster Battle tiles. Some of the mini-games are not that bad, like in Mario Party. Those few Mini-game tiles are the least painful trait this game carries. The Monster Battle tiles are the worst thing the Sonic Team has ever created. In order to batle the monsters (which are given a number), you have to draw one of your cards to match or better that number. ONE OF THE CRAPPY CARDS THAT THE COMPUTERS LEFT YOU WITH. THEN, AFTER YOU CHOSE THE LEFTOVER CARD. THE CARD STARTS SPINNING. IT ROTATES AND SHOWS YOU VALUES RANGING FROM 1 TO THE VALUE OF THE CARD. YOU HAVE TO PRESS THE "A" BUTTON AT JUST THE RIGHT TIME TO GET THE NUMBER YOU NEED. BUT WHEN YOU THINK YOU PRESSED "A" AT THE RIGHT TIME, THE GAME MESSES WITH YOU AND GIVES YOU THE NUMBER BEFORE OR AFTER THE ONE YOU WANTED. THUS MAKING YOU LOSE THE "BATTLE" AND YOU LOSE RINGS AND ONE OF THE POWER-UP ITEMS YOU CAN GAIN THROUGH MINI-GAMES, BATTLES, OR PURCHASE.
In order to "win" you have to collect a number of gemstones placed randomly on the board. TO GET THERE, YOU HAVE TO USE YOUR CRAPPY CARDS, TO LAND ON LAME BATTLE TILES ONLY TO USE MORE OF YOUR USELESS CARDS TO LOSE THE BATTLE. THEN, IF YOU GET TO THE GEMSTONE, YOU HAVE TO LAND ON THE SAME TILE IT IS ON. WHEN YOU FINALLY DO LAND ON IT, YOU HAVE TO WIN A FREAKIN' BATTLE TO GAIN IT. So you use your obsolete cards to try to fight (or you might even attempt to use one of your opponents bad cards and still lose), ONLY TO LOSE THE BATTLE. THEN ONE OT THE SO CALLED "EASY" COMPUTERS "ATTEMPTS" TO FIGHT AND WINS WITH FLYING COLORS. Then they place the next gemstone near one of the other computers so they can nab it. The list of frusterations keeps going. I don't even want to go through complaining about the secret characters. Yes, they put secret characters in a party game. *sugh* I'm done, I don't have any more energy in my "Rant-O-Meter".