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Worst. Move. Ever.

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Smash Apprentice
Sep 25, 2005
KyUuKyUu said:
It's hilarity and sheer retardedness make up for what it lacks in power. Kekeke.

lol yeah. It's so ******** that I find it somewhat degrading to get hit by that move.

And I take my last comment back. It IS the worst move in the game IMO, for it will ALWAYS go punished because of the lag. Correct me if I am wrong...

That move is worthless somebody prove me otherwise...


Smash Rookie
Feb 22, 2006
ItalianPlayerBoi said:
I think Shiek's Down B is horrible, I mean if you are the best character in the game, stay that way.
That is not true because Zelda has her share of good moves like her B move and up and b move.


Smash Grimer
Aug 16, 2005
Ann Arbor, MI
If you think Ganon's up-A can be used for edgeguarding then you have obviously never played in a tournament. Also, you should never use it for punishing missed rests, because the Warlock Punch does more damage. I think the worst move is DK's down-B. If you accidentally press it, you have to pound the ground for 2 seconds and vulnerable to all aerial and projectile attacks.


Smash Ace
Feb 14, 2006
Probably out eating some dirt or something.
Ragnarok91 said:
Nice not ignoring my point either.

You even said yourself that it has one use, against a Jiggly missing a rest. That's my point, it has a use. Some moves don't even have a use at all, or their use is less useful, like maybe M2's forward B.

This is a pointless argument so just stop, or else one of us will seem like trolls (or all of us). I'm just trying to show the good points of these moves, while you just counter with 'DOIH BUT IT IS USELESS!'. (you being you and h1roshi and other people who might argue)

If some moves don't have a use give an example after all this is a useless move thread.

I say no move has no use because even horrid, laggy moves can be useful if you play a n00b but if you play a veteran than they aren't very good. Move choice is decided on scenario of opponent, game situation and how bright you are.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 21, 2005
Tijuana, CA (yeah, i know i change my location, AG
h1roshi said:
whatever..ganons up tilt sucks, and i will never use it. end of discussion. btw, thanks for telling me how to post 2 quotes in 1 post. another bad move...now that your talking about luigis dash attack, is kirby's dash attack.

i agreed, but you know what it is the the worst is boozar down-b, it suck, is not useful in battle (now if you use it to get to the edge NOW thats it's ONLY use, just be sure to use it, if your oponent calculates it right he can edgehog you like if you where a ....... you know), and the lag sucks (it WOULD be useful if you can L-cancel it), so this could be the worsest attack second to ganon's utilt (my mains are BOOZAR and i use ganon sometimes, so you now im right. Also im saying that these attacks are almost the WORST for me, NOT tht they are USELESS, on the contraery if you now how to use them well what the heck, althoght ganon's utilt is has no use, is to laggy and well you know the rest ) :ohwell:


Smash Apprentice
Sep 25, 2005
Does anyone not having anything to say about luigi's running a? Id take luigi's taunt over his running a mainly because luigi's taunt is less punishable. When you use the running a, you will get punished where as with luigi's taunt, you may not necessarily due to its lesser lag.

I believe that luigi's running a is the worst in the game hands down.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 22, 2005
Vancouver, BC
Pustulio said:
If some moves don't have a use give an example after all this is a useless move thread.

I say no move has no use because even horrid, laggy moves can be useful if you play a n00b but if you play a veteran than they aren't very good. Move choice is decided on scenario of opponent, game situation and how bright you are.
I've given 3 examples in all my posts at least, and even in my post that you quoted it had an example.

Yea, of course every move can be used against a noob, but that's not the point. It's which move is the worst, not which has no uses at all. You may be able to use it against a noob, but it's not necessarily good.

h1roshi said:
whatever..ganons up tilt sucks, and i will never use it. end of discussion. btw, thanks for telling me how to post 2 quotes in 1 post. another bad move...now that your talking about luigis dash attack, is kirby's dash attack.

Yea, saying it sucks and that you'll never use it is correct, but saying it has no uses isn't, which is what I was defending. Kirby's dash attack isn't that bad I think... at least it has killing potential (but I heard it was weakened in PAL, or maybe I'm mixing it up with something).

Very situational/ineffective moves:
-M2's forward/down B
-Bowser's dair?
-MGAW's dsmash, down/forward B
-Kirby's nair
-Yoshi's forward B because of it's hideous priority
-Zelda's dair? and I'm not sure about her dtilt... maybe her forward B but it does have some projectile potential...
-Mario/Doc/Luigi dtilt?
-Luigi's dash attack
-IC's dair and uair are bad, cept I think you can use them for desynch grab combos
-Dorf utilt so you don't yell at me, but it's pretty much as useless as his and Falcon's neutral B in the sense that it has a lot of windup (yea they can be used from the air but that's not my point)
-Jiggs's up B you won't use much

Some other things which might've been included I deemed not as bad as these.

that 1 guy

Smash Ace
Oct 31, 2005
Greenbow ALABAMA!!
I am going to say that that ganons up tilt still sucks. It is hard to time it as a ledgegaurding move. Also luigis taunt isn't all that usefull (although I heard you can spike with it. Is that true?)


Smash Lord
Apr 12, 2005
Okurama said:
i agreed, but you know what it is the the worst is boozar down-b, it suck, is not useful in battle (now if you use it to get to the edge NOW thats it's ONLY use, just be sure to use it, if your oponent calculates it right he can edgehog you like if you where a ....... you know), and the lag sucks (it WOULD be useful if you can L-cancel it), so this could be the worsest attack second to ganon's utilt (my mains are BOOZAR and i use ganon sometimes, so you now im right. Also im saying that these attacks are almost the WORST for me, NOT tht they are USELESS, on the contraery if you now how to use them well what the heck, althoght ganon's utilt is has no use, is to laggy and well you know the rest ) :ohwell:
You can cancel the lag. Just Bomb over the ledge and make sure you aren't holding down.


Smash Ace
Jan 24, 2006
Annandale, VA
quak said:
You hafta be meaning his d-smash right?

Mine is Bowser's Down-B, too laggy, no splash, and is vulnerable.
no, I meant G&W's usmash. Horrible start-up lag, tiny hitbox. there's no situation in which this is better than utilt.

dsmash, while inferior to either fsmash or dtilt (depending on situation), is a little bit quicker than either of them.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 25, 2005
Somebody say something about me thinking luigi's running A as the worst move... I'm interested in seeing if anyone can find a use for the move. Or if anyone agrees it being the worst move in the game.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Mastr_Advocate said:
Somebody say something about me thinking luigi's running A as the worst move... I'm interested in seeing if anyone can find a use for the move. Or if anyone agrees it being the worst move in the game.
You could try and use it as a mindgame and lead it into Up+B. But meh it's a noob mindgame so forget about it. :p


Smash Bros Before Hos
Mar 15, 2004
confirmed, sending supplies.
Mewwto's confuse move, is by far and large, what I consider to be the most useless move, because it can be escaped instantly, has no ko or combo potential, and I believe doesn't add percentage damage. I can think if situations where Ganon's Up tilt is useful (when you break a shield) but confuse doesn't ever come in such use. Peach's forward B is very useful for recovering when you're too low, or stalling on the ledge when you're being edgehogged, sometimes I really LOVE that move, it saves my life pretty often.

I've never played a good mewwto player so If im missing one some sort of application of that move, by all means tell me, but I just can't see it.


Smash Ace
Aug 17, 2005
Hopefully far away from anybody who wants to know
Mewwto's confuse move, is by far and large, what I consider to be the most useless move, because it can be escaped instantly, has no ko or combo potential, and I believe doesn't add percentage damage.
It does do damage, and you can pull people through the floor with it. Though I like using it just so I can say "wheeee" as I spin them around :D


Jul 15, 2004
M2's down+b is not useless as such. It has surprising range and leads into a free shadowball or grab, and even though it's tricky to time, it is hardly useless.

And yes, I know what I'm talking about, because I have seen a VERY good Mewtwo. Just ask Taj, and if you don't know who he is, ask PC Chris or Caveman.

His forward+b also yanks people under the stage in Pokemon Stadium and Battlefield, generally KO'ing them.

DK's down+b has less lag than his forward+b if you don't keep holding b... just tap it, you'll slap the ground once and then be free to move. His forward+b is very easily meteor cancelled. I do not like it at all.

Luigi's dash attack is pretty bad... even if you hit with it most opponents are easily able to counter it.

Ganon's u-tilt definitely will KO an opponent sooner than his warlock punch will. If Jigglypuff misses a rest or an opponent's shield breaks, you will be happy to have this move.

IC's d-air and u-air... bad?... What? U-air has reach and priority and will go through many moves and is handy for quick juggles. D-air = chain grabs, and when fast falled and l-cancelled can give you a grab if you time it well.

Kirby's n-air is not very good. I don't know when I would prefer to use this over b-air, f-air, or u-air. Then again, I'm not a Kirby pro. I guess you could use it for a silly psuedo-spike on a fast faller, like Falco or Fox, right as their up+b starts. It will send them out and down and give them a mean recovery time to do another one. And since it doesn't pop them up any, there's no real risk you will help them to the stage inadvertantly. That's all speculation though.

Yoshi's forward+b can, in rather rare circumstances, provide a quick escape to the other end of a level if you're above an opponent and don't have your second jump. Not much for actual damage use, but... oh well.

Umm... that's all I got for now.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 17, 2005
Norman, OK
yea i am pretty sure i agree with mastr advocate. All of these "bad" moves are very situational and are usually not even the best choice, but luigi's dash attack is horrid. With his dash attack you add barely any percentage and it sets you up perfectly to be grabbed or any attack they want. So pretty much any time you go into luigi's dash attack you are saying "HERE I AM KILL ME!" :). ...............it does look funny though :O
I might say jiggy's up b but i am not for sure about if it will actually give you time to rest them or something.
Everyone is saying ganon's uptilt but i am pretty sure it is definately not the worst. After jiggy's rest is the perfect example........even if warlock punch is better......both send jiggy reallly far.


Sun Pokemon
Apr 9, 2005
Dream World
Well, I use Luigi's dash attack to press an opponent to a ledge while racking damage: he falls off the ledge so he can't counterattack. It's true, it's a pretty awful move, but it has its uses (even if I myself use it quite rarely).


Smash Lord
Apr 12, 2005
MegaKirby9 said:
It sounds like a lot of the slow moves are bad, from what people are saying. These moves are actually useful for ledgeguarding (esp. Ness' PK Flash). Now Jigglypuff's sing... that's a pointless move.
Ledgecanceled sing to rest and possibly a stock is not what I call useless.
Yoshi's SideB is really sad. Slow moving so it's easily grabbed out of, Can't really sweetspot the egde(unlike rollout) so it's not useful for recovery, sad damage and knockback. Good for annoying some noobs who can't shield though.


Smash Master
Feb 20, 2006
Coquitlam (Vancouver), BC
I don't think there are any "worst move(s) in the game". There are just bad and worse. Luigi's dash is pretty useless, and Mewtwo's confuse is pretty terrible, but overall it all depends on the situation you're in. I, for one, despise Game & Watch's sausages and judgement hammer. They're overall not very good because of lag time and other factors, but they've saved me more than once, so they're not the worst. No move is the worst.

But hey, that's my opinion. I don't want to get into arguments over something like this.


Smash Rookie
Jan 9, 2006
New York
marths counter... i used to over use it lol kinda out of habbit(its not good... too much lag lol and its predictable) Not saying it doesnt have its uses. and marths bthrow is pretty bad unless you are trying to throw them off the board...
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