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World Wrestling Entertainment


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2006
you can keep hating on DX but your wasting your time >_>

WGTT = Win, I knew Cryme Time was being built up for a big match and this is it

Victoria & Mickie James only intrest me if they do a playboy shoot

Cena, lol silly Cena wins are for Champs =P

Lol I love D.A.N.s interpretation.
haha same here that was good


Smash Journeyman
Oct 27, 2006
you can keep hating on DX but your wasting your time >_>
I'm at crossroads with DX myself. The idea of Triple H being funny is almost an oxymoron. But HBK always makes me laugh. To me he's had the funniest moments in DX (I just kicked Stan!) and he's really the humor of it. They're much better like they are now (being serious) but the first month or so DX's return was very annoying.

Victoria & Mickie James only intrest me if they do a playboy shoot
Not a fan of women's wrestling? =/


Smash Lord
Feb 2, 2006
HHH has just built up his hard "King of Kings" image to bring it down to a comedic gimmick. I'm still not used to it. It still fits HBK even though he's supposedly a born again christian. I hope it ends around next year so HHH can go back to single's competition.

Shame no one sees a potentially good female feud. Mickie and Victoria are probably the only female WRESTLERS left on the WWE.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 27, 2006
HHH has just built up his hard "King of Kings" image to bring it down to a comedic gimmick. I'm still not used to it. It still fits HBK even though he's supposedly a born again christian. I hope it ends around next year so HHH can go back to single's competition.

Shame no one sees a potentially good female feud. Mickie and Victoria are probably the only female WRESTLERS left on the WWE.
You make a valid point. But Trips himself said he wanted a memorable face character. So I can't see him going to heel yet. Then again there's talk that either himself or Orton will face Cena at Wrestlemania, and I think if it will be him, he'll be heel again. Though I can't see them jobbing him twice in a row to the same person. His King of Kings gimmick was nice but he has spent a bit too long of time as a heel.

Trinity, Ariel, and Jillian Hall are great women's wrestlers. But I'd put the psychotics above them any day. I hope Victoria gets the title in the fued. Hell, I hope the fued lasts long and the title changes a couple times kinda like Trish and Lita back in the day. Both of them can put on a good match and compared to WWE diva standards they're each a godsend.

ECW wasn't on tonight? Man I feel dumb for changing it to Sci-Fi at 9. I clearly missed what my friend said was a commercial on Raw about ECW being on Saturday. Saturday! I don't watch wrestling on Saturdays. >.>


Smash Lord
Feb 2, 2006
Oh yeah I forgot that HHH wanted to remain face for the rest of his career... Ugh, I can't really stand him as a face if this is how he's going to be. But yeah I'd much rather see Orton vs. Cena with Orton getting the win. Although I don't remember Orton winning at any Wrestlemania that he's been in yet.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Oh yeah I forgot that HHH wanted to remain face for the rest of his career... Ugh, I can't really stand him as a face if this is how he's going to be. But yeah I'd much rather see Orton vs. Cena with Orton getting the win. Although I don't remember Orton winning at any Wrestlemania that he's been in yet.
Orton won along with flair and batista (evolution) against the rock n' sock connection in WM20


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2006
I wish Evolution never broke up, that was a hot *** group but it ended up putting Orton and Bastista on the right track so meh.


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2006
Rock n' Sock was ******** but they were indeed funny, I miss Rock and Mic now =(


Smash Lord
Feb 2, 2006
I don't miss Mick Foley that much. He's been coming back in nice little short appearances every once in a while and that's fine with me. But I do miss the Rock though. He can come back and give charisma lessons to Lashley and Batista maybe.

Wrestlemania 23 POSSIBLE Matches:
John Cena vs. Randy Orton or HHH
Batista vs. Undertaker (Championship vs. Streak)
Lashley vs. CM Punk

I think it's Undertaker winning the Royal Rumble this year, it would give him an excuse to stay a face. Although I'd prefer him as a heel. Ministry Taker was the best.


Smash Lord
Feb 2, 2006
I know I'm the only one who saw those awesome conchairtoes on HHH last night. As you guys can tell, I am overjoyed to see at least one night of DX being owned.


Smash Lord
Feb 2, 2006
Well, there was NOOOOOOOO suspense in that fued for a LONG time then.


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2006
Bastista and Cena made a nice team at Armagedon..

I also liked the Undertaker and Kane matches turned out very good, the latter m,atch was pretty messed up when Joey got his nose broken and his eye almost popped out.

Anyone catch the 3 hour RAW that was good to, Cryme Time made me lmao and that Battle Royal was good but edge should have been forced in the ring it was gay what he did to win. Cena was standard in the match with Edge and DX saved the title for him after Orton came in so that was cool. The Carlito thing clearly when right expext for him busting his head open and I dont think that was part of the show lol.3 v. 3 match at the end of the show ended cool with Cena and Umaga fighting away and the DX getting pwn'd so that set up some good drama I think.

To lazy to write more so discuss and add now =/


Smash Lord
Feb 2, 2006
I actually disagree with almost everything you said there.

Bastista and Cena made a nice team at Armagedon..
Not at all.. That was probably the second worst match of the night. Only beating out The Miz vs. The Boogeyman. Batista?! Come on, why the hell was he in "let's steal moves from TNA" mode that night? That was stupid. He didn't even execute them correctly. The Muscle Buster was sloppy and he needed a second try at the black hole slam. Sorry Batista, but you don't have talent like them. Cena is just... Cena. I would have preferred the heels to win because that would have been better storyline-wise.. but it's the WWE, who cares about good storylines right?

I also liked the Undertaker and Kane matches turned out very good, the latter m,atch was pretty messed up when Joey got his nose broken and his eye almost popped out.
I agree, the Undertake and Kane matches were pretty good. Not as great as I was expecting, but still good. I still think Kennedy should have gone over Undertaker again for the 3 match sweep. He's a rising star and he's a god on the mic. They need to push him. MVP has been improving in my eyes.. I thought his gimmick was HORRIBLE at first, but now he's actually not that bad with wins over Kane. I just hope the fire burnt away his power ranger outfit.

And Joey Mercury. In possible one of the top matches of the year, broke his nose and that was gruesome to watch. Non-stop blood gushing from him. I hope he gets better. That was a real injury.

The four-way ladder match though. One word: Awesome.

Cryme Time made me lmao
I don't know how that skit made you laugh dude. Really, it offended me. Cryme tyme usually makes me laugh, but that George Bush skit was a bit too much. Wasn't even funny anymore. And I like his like almost N-bomb slips....not really.

The battle royal was laughable... I still like the fact that DX was beaten in it.. but I didn't like seeing Edge and Cena for the 283098109820382947927498274798214972 time. We all knew he would lose. No fun in that. And Cena actually did a fameasser off the top rope... ROFL.

And stop teasing with the Cena/DX thing, it sucks.

And teasing a Rated RKO split? I like it and I don't like it... Why can't the WWE keep a tag team together for more than a year?

But yeah, DX got pwned and Umaga has an awesome toss up Samoan Drop. Ok I think I'm done.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 29, 2006
Tampa, Fl
Rated RKO breaking up already? Well, only the best tag teams seem to last a while. Although some good ones have died way too early.

Get that Rat

Smash Lord
Jun 27, 2006
Then theres that dude who left to start a boxing career, Ken Shamrock. A true legend. Unfortunately I have given up watching WWE many years ago due to its monotonous over acting.


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2006
Ken was the original master of submissions right, I like'd him lol

I actually disagree with almost everything you said there.

Not at all.. That was probably the second worst match of the night. Only beating out The Miz vs. The Boogeyman. Batista?! Come on, why the hell was he in "let's steal moves from TNA" mode that night? That was stupid. He didn't even execute them correctly. The Muscle Buster was sloppy and he needed a second try at the black hole slam. Sorry Batista, but you don't have talent like them. Cena is just... Cena. I would have preferred the heels to win because that would have been better storyline-wise.. but it's the WWE, who cares about good storylines right?

I agree, the Undertake and Kane matches were pretty good. Not as great as I was expecting, but still good. I still think Kennedy should have gone over Undertaker again for the 3 match sweep. He's a rising star and he's a god on the mic. They need to push him. MVP has been improving in my eyes.. I thought his gimmick was HORRIBLE at first, but now he's actually not that bad with wins over Kane. I just hope the fire burnt away his power ranger outfit.

And Joey Mercury. In possible one of the top matches of the year, broke his nose and that was gruesome to watch. Non-stop blood gushing from him. I hope he gets better. That was a real injury.

The four-way ladder match though. One word: Awesome.

I don't know how that skit made you laugh dude. Really, it offended me. Cryme tyme usually makes me laugh, but that George Bush skit was a bit too much. Wasn't even funny anymore. And I like his like almost N-bomb slips....not really.

The battle royal was laughable... I still like the fact that DX was beaten in it.. but I didn't like seeing Edge and Cena for the 283098109820382947927498274798214972 time. We all knew he would lose. No fun in that. And Cena actually did a fameasser off the top rope... ROFL.

And stop teasing with the Cena/DX thing, it sucks.

And teasing a Rated RKO split? I like it and I don't like it... Why can't the WWE keep a tag team together for more than a year?

But yeah, DX got pwned and Umaga has an awesome toss up Samoan Drop. Ok I think I'm done.
Dibs you are mean =[


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2006
Smackdown was lame last night the only good thing was the Divas match and the Brothers of Destrution v. Finley and Booker, other then that I was bored lol.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Yeah gotta agree with EEvisu, wtf with batista and santa sylvan? that seemed completely pointless... loved the diva match even tough Jillian lost (one of my fav divas now that trish left), and yeah BoD was pwnage...


Smash Lord
Aug 27, 2006
Ending your game.
Tribute to the Troops was cool to watch. Most amazing thing I saw was the Masterlock finally getting broken by one of my fellow Mexican soldiers, with the help of santa JBL. Nice to see him in the ring again, even for a moment. He even got to wrap the show up with a "Clothesline from Baghdad".


Smash Lord
Aug 2, 2006
Queens, dont ask for meetups yet
I think Randy Orton is the best wrestler alive. Anyone else Fails. espiecially John Cena.


Do you see how beautifully he executes an RKO? Truley lovely.
His backbreaker thing he does from behind? Awesome.
Randy ORton? To good for this company.


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2006
Yeah gotta agree with EEvisu, wtf with batista and santa sylvan? that seemed completely pointless... loved the diva match even tough Jillian lost (one of my fav divas now that trish left), and yeah BoD was pwnage...
I think Bastista took the night off really and that was just a crappy promom lol
Tribute to the Troops was cool to watch. Most amazing thing I saw was the Masterlock finally getting broken by one of my fellow Mexican soldiers, with the help of santa JBL. Nice to see him in the ring again, even for a moment. He even got to wrap the show up with a "Clothesline from Baghdad".
Tribute to the Troops does not hae much excitement to me but I still watch, I laughed when that little mexican guy broke the MasterLock thanks to JBL lol
****ing Chuck Liddel.
okay? >_>
I think Randy Orton is the best wrestler alive. Anyone else Fails. espiecially John Cena.


Do you see how beautifully he executes an RKO? Truley lovely.
Randy is good and hes a smooth wrestler but hes far from the best


Smash Journeyman
Oct 27, 2006
Orton? He's put on good matches but 90% of his Raw matches are dominated by those chinlocks and dropkicks. He's so boring on Monday for me.
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