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World Wrestling Entertainment


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2006
^ well w/e then

RAW was okay last night I think, Cena got screwed v. Umaga so that was not really cool but he got them back nicely in the 4 on 1 match they had at the end of the night.

LOL K-Fed is really just sad, hes doing anything to stay in the spot light...

everything else was good to just dont feel like naming it all but u guys know if you watched xD


Smash Lord
Feb 2, 2006
I actually like the idea of kevin federline in the WWE. He'd make an awesome heel manager. He has a natural ability to cut promos. Something Shelton and Lashley would kill to have. He knows how to create heat and that's a good thing. It actually makes people want Cena to win sometimes. Even though I still don't. I'm happy he lost to K-fed, even if it was a screw job. It worked for me.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 27, 2006
I actually like the idea of kevin federline in the WWE. He'd make an awesome heel manager. He has a natural ability to cut promos. Something Shelton and Lashley would kill to have. He knows how to create heat and that's a good thing. It actually makes people want Cena to win sometimes. Even though I still don't. I'm happy he lost to K-fed, even if it was a screw job. It worked for me.
Indeed. I actually hate K-Fed music wise, but I wouldn't mind him as a heel in wrestling. He makes a great jerk. =P

I dont care WHAT yall say. Randy is the BEST.

Randy for president.
Okay. You could at least try to counter point. Like, prove to me he doesn't do what he does. Half his fans are chicks anyway. Boo hoo. I like his cage match with Flair and his matches against Foley. Not much more.

Cena got screwed v. Umaga so that was not really cool but he got them back nicely in the 4 on 1 match they had at the end of the night.
I think that because Cena was made to look like freaking Superman during the 4v1 match, Umaga deserves to win the title and Nitro should get the IC title Sunday. Seriously, they were made to look like chumps. In fact, K-Fed beating Cena with that interference and then Cena beating the actual interference makes K-Fed look good. K-Fed! =/


Smash Lord
Feb 2, 2006
Randy Orton is the master of the chin lock. But I'm still a fan of his. The cocky, arrogant heel works nicely for him. I just wish his matches were more exciting, because he does have an awesome finisher that can come out of nowhere. Much like a stunner.

Scorpionic 3:16

Smash Cadet
Jan 2, 2007
The Satellite of Love
And Orton has the greatest theme song in the WWE, in my opinion.

Back to K-Fed, He would be a great heel manager like Estrada or Daivari. He'd be the guy who you'd want to see get his *** kicked more than the wrestler he manages.


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2006
I actually like the idea of kevin federline in the WWE. He'd make an awesome heel manager. He has a natural ability to cut promos. Something Shelton and Lashley would kill to have. He knows how to create heat and that's a good thing. It actually makes people want Cena to win sometimes. Even though I still don't. I'm happy he lost to K-fed, even if it was a screw job. It worked for me.
Lol mabe that could work out good
I think that because Cena was made to look like freaking Superman during the 4v1 match, Umaga deserves to win the title and Nitro should get the IC title Sunday. Seriously, they were made to look like chumps. In fact, K-Fed beating Cena with that interference and then Cena beating the actual interference makes K-Fed look good. K-Fed! =/
hmm mabe Cena should lose but Jeff? nah no way hes a great champ I say.
And Orton has the greatest theme song in the WWE, in my opinion.
well its one of the best lol

Scorpionic 3:16

Smash Cadet
Jan 2, 2007
The Satellite of Love
I really don't want Jeff Hardy to lose the IC title to Nitro. Hardy's a great champion. I can't stand Nitro.

Kind of a subject change, but does anyone have any good Create-A-Wrestler formulas on WWE Day of Reckoning 2 on GCN?


Smash Journeyman
Oct 27, 2006
hmm mabe Cena should lose but Jeff? nah no way hes a great champ I say.
It's for compensation. You don't put two title contenders in a 4 on 1 handicap match and have them get their ***** taken like chumps. They both deserve the win at the PPV Sunday.

And Orton has the greatest theme song in the WWE, in my opinion.
I like his theme too. I like Edge's better, and the Rated RKO mix.

Kind of a subject change, but does anyone have any good Create-A-Wrestler formulas on WWE Day of Reckoning 2 on GCN?
No, those are so hard to find. X_X


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Yet again WWE favors cena, Im absolutely sure Cena being almost superman with all the stuff WWE has put him trough will break his streak and will retain the championship... Like the other time where he used the master lock on chris masters... NO ONE has done that and, would u know it cena did... it pisses me off I dont even see WWE like I used to when Lesnar was still around...


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
sorry 4 double post, but cena ended umagas 8 month streak, im not surprised, knowing wwe, really theyre makin him practically invincible, only way to beat him is by putting him in a elimination chamber, do 2 spears after (1 spear can beat any1, but not cena!! [/SARCASM]) and u barely beat him, im so pissed i may actually make a complain to WWE... :p...


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2006
wow you just ruined my day I was gonna watch it tommrow morning...


Smash Lord
Feb 2, 2006
Cena beat him with a roll-up by the way.... Yes, a roll-up. I dunno what to make of this. You build up an undefeated streak for a good 8 months and you end it with a roll up. Good job WWE.

Triple H is injured once again. Possibly a quad injury similar to what he had a few years back. Looks like DX is done for.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 27, 2006
Thoughts on Cena:

I like Cena. I really do. He's a good worker. But as a main eventer and champion he doesn't need to be where he's at. I can see him as a challenger for the title, but as a title holder well, WWE basically screws up my whole view on him. I don't see the sense in having Umaga, who I believed debuted the day after Wrestlemania 22, go undefeated for so long, and then he gets beaten with a school boy pin. The monster, the samoan bulldozer, whatever else they call him, and a school boy does it? Anyone in the WWE can pull off a school boy pin. Anyone. Jim Ross on commentary can do one if he tried hard enough. The fact that they did this to Umaga kinda sucks, but then again Umaga and Cena is the worst main event title fued since...well shoot I can't even pull anything out of recent memory. It's worse than the Sting and Jeff Jarret stuff in TNA from a couple months ago.

Thoughts on Triple H:

It sucks that he got injured. And his quad again, he'll probably be out a few months. Even worse is that I was just liking DX, and I loved the fued with Rated RKO. I think for some hope, WWE should have Rated RKO "injure" HBK today, but to a staged extent, not like Trips. That way we can have HBK take some time off until Triple H can get in the ring again, and maybe end the fued.


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2006
Okay I have watched and I must say it was a decent pay per view to me lol I liked Hardys match ending the most, I feela Hardy Boyz/MNM feud coming to ahead real soon.

Cena had a good match w/ Umaga throughout the whole thing it was just the ending that was lame, othe rthen that good **** to him.

Kenny is a great wrestler I have realized, glad hes getting spot light but he needs to be more humble.

DX owned the **** out of Rated RKO lol but I'd say HHH wont be gone for a long time but rather take time from like big matches and just be on the DL for awhile.

Divas = Eye Candy


Smash Lord
Sep 16, 2006
I don't understand why you like that type of wrestling its a bunch of crap. I wreslte for my school known thats real wrestling
its real genius
its still wrestling no matter what type it is
u remind of my friend who thinks EVERYTHING about wrestling is fake
he says falling from a 8 foot ladder through a table wont hurt and he says the blood is fake
and he thinks the injuries are fake
stupid ******
i meet fools like that everyday


Smash Rookie
Apr 12, 2006
The world that never was!!!
I never said it was fake. Though not all of it is real. and falling from a ladder and on to a table would hurt. but it seems to me that ever time there is blood they put there hand to there nose before you see it. Though it is not all like that and don't call me fool


Smash Lord
Sep 16, 2006
I never said it was fake. Though not all of it is real. and falling from a ladder and on to a table would hurt. but it seems to me that ever time there is blood they put there hand to there nose before you see it. Though it is not all like that and don't call me fool
Of course it would.
They bleed by blading themselves.
Here is a exact definition:

In professional wrestling, blading, is the practice of cutting oneself to provoke bleeding ("juicing"). Similarly, a blade is an object used for blading, and a bladejob is a specific act of blading. The blood in pro wrestling is generally not, as often suspected, theatrical makeup, but actual blood, and the scars borne by longtime pro wrestlers are real ones. The act is usually done a good length into the match as the blood will mix with the flowing sweat to make the wound look like much more blood is flowing from it than there actually is.

In modern North American pro wrestling, blading is almost exclusively performed by and on male performers; blading of women is extremely rare due to the risk of adverse publicity and the increasing use of female performers as "eye candy."

Typically, a wrestler will blade his forehead, often with a razor or other blade hidden in the tape covering his fingers or part of his hand(s). However, the wrestler always runs the risk of cutting too deeply and slicing an artery in the forehead. This has happened several times; in one recent instance, Eddie Guerrero did this during the 2004 Judgment Day PPV, resulting in blood loss severe enough to affect him for the next two weeks of shows. Perhaps the most famous such incident was a bladejob performed by Japanese wrestler The Great Muta in a 1992 match with Hiroshi Hase; the amount of blood Muta lost was so great that many smarks to this day judge bladejobs on the Muta Scale, however the Muta Scale is now out of style. The Mercury Scale has come into vogue after Joey Mercury was hit with a ladder causing a tremendous amount of blood loss in mere seconds at Armageddon 2006.

And I never did call you a fool.

Scorpionic 3:16

Smash Cadet
Jan 2, 2007
The Satellite of Love
That ladder broke the crap out of Mercury's face.

I knew about blading, but I don't get sometimes how they can hide a blade in their wrist tape. In the New Year's Revolution DX vs. Team RKO match, I don't see how one blade to the forehead could make Orton bleed that much. Then again you said about the blood mixing with sweat to make the wound look more severe.

Another thing, I don't get how they could fake an Inferno Match. Kane set MVP on fire and got (I think) 3rd degree burns. Can't fake that.


Smash Lord
Feb 2, 2006
Another thing, I don't get how they could fake an Inferno Match. Kane set MVP on fire and got (I think) 3rd degree burns. Can't fake that.
Those burns are probably fake. MVP was the easier choice to set on fire because he wears that power ranger outfit which would catch the flames easier.

In other news. Last night's RAW was probably the worst I have seen in a long while. That Rosie and Donald crap was worthless. Khali?!?!?!? You've got to be kidding me. RKO better be pushed up to champion contender quick or I'm switching to TNA fully.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 27, 2006
MVP's burns were make up. He'll be competing this Friday, and during his Inferno match when he went under the ring you can see where you doused himself with lighter fluid.

I don't understand why you like that type of wrestling its a bunch of crap. I wreslte for my school known thats real wrestling
Please. Most fans of professional wrestling appreciate shoot/mat wrestling. In fact, I wrestled for my school as well. But insulting professional wrestling is a bit foolish don't you think? It takes both physical prowess and some mindpower to remember certain things to do in the ring. I'm sure you're judging based on what you've seen in the WWE, which would be terribly wrong in most cases that aren't pay-per-view. WWE/TNA and other ring wrestling is a form of both wrestling combined with entertainment. Don't disrespect it unless you've seen the most pure form of it, which would probably be some match in Japan, or anything with Chris Benoit or Kurt Angle against a solid opponent. By the way Kurt Angle is an olympic gold medalist and is a very accomplished wrestler on both fronts.

Divas = Eye Candy
That is both very shallow and very false.

Kenny is a great wrestler I have realized, glad hes getting spot light but he needs to be more humble.
Humble? The cocky thing is a gimmick...


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2006
MVP's burns were fake, note the suit he wheres lol

yo Khali is a WTF to me, but I'd liek to see him an Umaga go at it


Smash Journeyman
Oct 27, 2006
Raw Thoughts:

Jeff Hardy and what's her face beat Nitro and Melina. Meh. Hardy's decent when Nitro's carrying him all the time. Maria just flat out sucks though. She waves her hands around and basically gets popular with the crowd for being a good girl. I would've much rather seen Nitro and Melina win, being that they have wrestling ability far above their opponents here. But the swanton finish will do. At least they didn't try to have Maria finish the match.

Ric Flair beats Kenny. ...D^MN!

Mickie James beats Victoria. Another meh here. I'm a fan of both women here. I'd like to see Victoria win the title sometime but the fact that she's actually being used is good enough for me.

Ron Simmons Masterlock Challenge. This was weird. I thought the Super Crazy and Masters fued died like...back when the dinosaurs did. The other weird thing is JR's crazy self kept saying something about Ron Simmons breaking the Masterlock. Didn't he hear Masters explain the whole interference thing 2 minutes before? I don't know. It's nice Super Crazy will be used, but this whole segment was awkward.

Vince McMahon introduces another horrible segment. Okay. Not horrible. In fact it was pretty decent. Having Torrie come out alone would've been poor, but Carlito comes to the rescue. Unfortunately this week's crowd was dead, unlike the hot crowd of last week. So when Carlito was talking, they just gave some forced cheer, except when Carlito says nobody wants to hear McMahon talk. I guess that's something we can all agree on. Then McMahon makes me laugh with the way he says "OH YA WANNA FIGHT?! EH? WANNA FIGHT?! FIGHT THIS GUY!" and sends out The Great Khali. I'm assuming Khali will just kick anyone into the ground who isn't over 6'6 and is real heavy. Oh well. I think he told one of the fans "F you" after he slammed Carlito. He sure pointed at one.

JTG defeats Shelton Benjamin. JTG's alright. He's the wrestling half of Cryme Tyme, if there is one. Still don't like either members of the WGTT losing though, they just have so much talent. I liked the match though, and the finish was entertaining. Plus Haas yelling was different for him.

Rated RKO vs. HBK. I don't know what happened with this one. I think that's a good thing. I thought this would be predictable. Either HBK takes the shaft or X-Pac suprises us all and returns (>.>), but instead Shawn goes ballistic and everything. Somehow this ended in a no contest, even though HBK clearly low blowed Edge first. Solid match, don't know where the fued is going though. But I do know one thing. I won't mind seeing Shawn superkick random people in the back for at least another month.


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2006
Lol Dan I agree w/ you on everything

Also I'd have liked to see like X Pac come back but oh wel Shawn did fine

Yo I think Great Khali is gonna have a little rampage then at some point hes gonna be like "no one can beat me blah blah blah" then Big Show is gonna come out and they are gonna have a feud.

Oh and I dunno how Cenas gonna win the Last Man Standing match lol


Smash Lord
Feb 2, 2006
Come on... Cena is super man... Unless he loses it (finally) and wins it back the very next raw (unfortunately)

Big show is pretty much done with wrestling, that's why they brought khali in there. He's planned to have a match with hogan at wrestlemania.. ugh.

And how many times are they going to show ric flair vs kenny... it's about the 17 time already.


Smash Lord
Aug 2, 2006
Queens, dont ask for meetups yet
I think I'm moving to TNA. I miss my high flying corkscrew pheonix 360s, shooting star presses, 450s, and corkscrew moonsaults.
...those are all cruiserweight moves that were banned from the WWE.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
The flair/kenny feud is pretty lame, why not bring back falir/foley rivalry, that was at least entrtaining, kenny should face athletic wrestlers, like benjamin, super crazy, or somehting...

seriously if Cena wins the last man standing, im THREW with raw permanently, ill stick only with smackdown, cena can only with with the cena combo, he cant lift umage, so that takes the fu/protoplex, he can submit him, so that takes the stfu, and the knuckle shuffle aint really powerful, so cena has only 2 moves left: shoulder block, and clothesline, since they can hardly take down umaga, that leaves him with punches... and I hope FINALYL cena loses the title... ut im sure he'll knock umaga out witha chair shot... only way he can win...


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
seriuosly if cena wins, im threw with raw, and Ill watch TNA... sure ill watch smackdown, but ill lost respect to WWE if they let some guy that uses 7 moves to win every match...


Smash Journeyman
Oct 27, 2006
Maybe I should just make a TNA thread while I'm at it...
Not a bad idea.

Yo I think Great Khali is gonna have a little rampage then at some point hes gonna be like "no one can beat me blah blah blah" then Big Show is gonna come out and they are gonna have a feud.
I think Show may come back if Khali gets more established for a couple years. But he is sick of wrestling because of the body breaking physicality that it is. Hogan will probably do Mania against Khali. It will probably be boring.

Oh and I dunno how Cenas gonna win the Last Man Standing match lol
*waves hand in front of face*

JR: OH NO! It's the Five Knuckle Shuffle!

It'll go something like that.


Smash Lord
Aug 27, 2006
Ending your game.
The TNA thread is up (since no one else was going to do it anyways). Think a mod would end up closing it since they are both about wrestling at first glace?


Smash Journeyman
Oct 27, 2006
Think a mod would end up closing it since they are both about wrestling at first glace?
They might, but that would suck. It's like locking a college basketball thread and telling people to talk about it in the NBA thread. Worst case scenario - it gets locked and we can just call this thread the Pro Wrestling Thread. =P

Man, I liked Smackdown tonight. I like how they're teasing the Taker/Batista match, and Batista's possible (try highly likely) heel turn to go against Taker. Kennedy's entertaining as always. But what really made the night was Duece, Domino, and Cherry. If you didn't see Smackdown and read this hearing that they literally have 50s Grease gimmicks, it'll probably be a turn off. But much like the King Booker gimmick, it sounds bad on paper, but when you watch it's just too hilarious to ignore. They're not bad in the ring (for a squash match) or on the mic. What really got me was the characters. I like how Duece is all aggressive and telling both members of the crowd and his opponents not to look at Cherry, and the way Domino just combs his hair while Duece beats people down is genius. Truly an example of how entertainment can be mixed with wrestling in a positive manner. I definitely see these guys winning the tag titles in the coming months.

One other thing I really liked is how Nitro was brought in to help Mercury take out Matt Hardy. Good booking there. You can expect Matt to probably show up on Raw for some semblance of revenge. On top of that we'll probably see another MNM vs. Hardyz match which can't possibly be a bad thing.


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2006
wow those 50's guys were so stupid lol but the girl was mad hot so its okay

I would have liked to see Taker win and it be a 3 way for the title but of well guess we will have to wait till wrestle mania for Taker v. Batista lol.


Smash Lord
Feb 2, 2006
About time Batista went heel. Him and Cena are way better as heels. Plus it reflects Batista's real life personality.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
I doubt batista went heel, he just attacked kennedy after kenedy attacked him an thus costing taker the match, and pretty sure T. long will let taker a rematch againt kennedy, same rules, taker wins= triple threath at RR... but who knows, cause if taker is in the royal rumble, I just cant c him losing... being unstopable and all, so im hopin triple threath at RR, batista retains, goes vs kennedy and/or taker at no way out, and then c what happens...

Grease has invaded smackdown... wtf with that anyway? the worst gimmick so far, sure it would have worked in the 70's/80's... but cmon were in freakin 2007...

anyway who u guys think will win at the rumble?...


Smash Lord
Feb 2, 2006
Hmm.. Wrestlemania plans are:

Monty Brown vs. Lashley (ECW Title)
Undertaker vs. Batista (World Title)
Randy Orton vs. Cena (WWE Title)

I'd guess Randy Orton. Monty Brown just got in, and he's from TNA so WWE will NOT let him win at all. Although it would be cool if Taker was in the Rumble and the triple threat title match, so he loses the match but still wins the Rumble.


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2006
Taker will prolly win the Royal Rumble IMO since that be the set up for his wrestle mania match lol


Smash Journeyman
Oct 27, 2006
I doubt batista went heel, he just attacked kennedy after kenedy attacked him an thus costing taker the match, and pretty sure T. long will let taker a rematch againt kennedy, same rules, taker wins= triple threath at RR... but who knows, cause if taker is in the royal rumble, I just cant c him losing... being unstopable and all, so im hopin triple threath at RR, batista retains, goes vs kennedy and/or taker at no way out, and then c what happens...
No, that was a hint of heel turn. Batista may not be turn at the Rumble, but come Mania, he will be.

Grease has invaded smackdown... wtf with that anyway? the worst gimmick so far, sure it would have worked in the 70's/80's... but cmon were in freakin 2007...
Sure beats Undertaker's "40 year old scary deadman" gimmick...

anyway who u guys think will win at the rumble?...
After Edge eliminates someone bringing it down to Rated RKO and HBK as the last three men, HBK will get pounded for roughly 2 minutes. Then he'll make a desperate attempt and pull a rope down while Edge is running toward him to eliminate Edge, but soon after Randy Orton will toss him over.

I don't really think that's what is gonna happen. But if it does, I should be positively repped into the heavens for that prediction. XD
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