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World Wrestling Entertainment


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Man which Mistico would go to WWE, he would be Total PWNage, theres a good wrstler than can preform an entire book of mexican moves, not like cena than cant even fill half a page of the moves he does...


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2006
haha which one of you **** neg repped me over the mexican comment, I'll say it again ********!!! =)

Smackdown is on now and its pretty good, Bastista got jumped by King Booker and Finley o_0


Smash Lord
Feb 2, 2006
Man which Mistico would go to WWE, he would be Total PWNage, theres a good wrstler than can preform an entire book of mexican moves, not like cena than cant even fill half a page of the moves he does...
He needs to go to TNA where they will ALLOW him to use those moves. Everyone knows the WWE won't let him use about 85% of the moves he has.


Smash Master
Jun 6, 2006
well they are his moves. maybe theyre scared he might pwn everyone
he has moves like rey misterio, but rey got it from him.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Mistico does way more high fliying risky moves, probably more than any other wrestler I know, and the crowd favors him 100%, hes simply awesome...


Smash Journeyman
Nov 29, 2006
Tampa, Fl
Pfft Rey Mysterio.. good matches? Haven't seen one. :/ He's always gets beat up like nobodys business and rarely makes a comeback to win.


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2006
Rey Mysterio is the under dog in his matches but he always makes a come back to pick up the win most of the time, its part of his image and hes the best high flyer after Jeff Hardey.


Smash Lord
Aug 27, 2006
Ending your game.
Rey has high rep among fans, so he can lose a string of matches and it wouldn't affect him. It's the process of bringing up heels.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 27, 2006
Rey Mysterio is the under dog in his matches but he always makes a come back to pick up the win most of the time, its part of his image and hes the best high flyer after Jeff Hardey.
Jeff Hardy isn't a high flyer. He just screws up his moves half the time.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 27, 2006
Explain how he screws up his moves half of the time.
Watch his matches. He's a sloppy wrestler. He barely pulled off his whisper in the wind move last week and about a month or two before that he screwed up the poetry in motion spot off Carlito's back. He only gets fans for doing high flying stuff but the guy is the most overrated thing WWE has. His match with Randy Orton was like watching two guys wait for the other to screw up and his first match back he screwed up the finish against Edge. The guy's a former drug addict and used to no show events all the time. The only person he's superior to is The Great Khali for obvious reasons. He's a thread below John Cena and Batista.


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2006
Eh I've seen all wrestlers mess up now an dthen but they keep calm and pull it off, Jeff Hardey has made a very impressive return and is one of the best stars they have right now, this is my opinion so meh w/e lol.


Smash Lord
Sep 16, 2006
Watch his matches. He's a sloppy wrestler. He barely pulled off his whisper in the wind move last week and about a month or two before that he screwed up the poetry in motion spot off Carlito's back. He only gets fans for doing high flying stuff but the guy is the most overrated thing WWE has. His match with Randy Orton was like watching two guys wait for the other to screw up and his first match back he screwed up the finish against Edge. The guy's a former drug addict and used to no show events all the time. The only person he's superior to is The Great Khali for obvious reasons. He's a thread below John Cena and Batista.
Dude, not everybody is perfect.
And besides the guy hasn't wreslted in years so you really can't blame him.


Smash Lord
Feb 2, 2006
He's been wrestling in TNA before he came to WWE actually... I agree with D.A.N. though.. he is far from his prime. He's looking slower and sluggish compared to the hardy boyz times.


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2006
3 hour Raw next week, I am sure they are gonna fight WGTT, lol and yeah them **** are crazy


Smash Journeyman
Oct 27, 2006
Raw was better than usual last night. Almost as good as a normal episode of Smackdown.

Cena opening the show gives me a reason to leave the room and go grab some potato chips. While I came back I realized it's about time for Estrada to take what could only be translated as a good ol' fashion butt kicking. So that happens, and Nitro comes to kick him in the face? First it didn't click but then I realized WWE is actually gonna build this K-Fed match up. Wow, this should at least be interesting.

As random as Viscera & Masters vs. Carlito & Lawler was it could've been much worse. Match wise it wasn't too good, but for building up the fued between Carlito and Masters it worked decently. Passable anyway.

World's Greatest Tag Team reunion was great. The crowd really popped when Shelton said they'd reunite. Which says alot considering the trouble Shelton has cutting promos and the crowd (being mostly marks) actually cared. Decent match with the Highlanders. Shelton sells those chin kicks really well if that wasn't stiff. I couldn't tell because Robbie's beard was in the way. I'm hoping Cryme Tyme jobs to WGTT because it would be downright sinful for them to reunite to put them over.

Triple H vs. Edge. This was something I wasn't expecting. Since Nitro's match with Cena was added I thought this would be the main event, and I still think it should've been later in the show. Good way to make DX actually look serious, and Flair's return was one of the biggest suprises in wrestling all year next to Edge's title win and Angle's departure to TNA. The tag match between DX/Flair and Rated RKO/Kenny was alright. I knew Edge's team would be losing with Kenny getting pinned because they're gonna blame him next week for it.

Victoria beating Torrie. Okay, fine. Not a good match because well, Torrie's only there for her looks anyway. Plus this didn't really build anything up with Vicky and Mickie since psycho James didn't even appear on Raw last night. However it was good to book Victoria strongly once again and I still look forward to their match and I hope she gets another title win. Post match was also good again for building Carlito and Masters fued. I guess WWE really felt earlier this year they screwed the fued up because this time it's getting unusual attention.

Umaga beating Jeff Hardy. Finally they give Umaga somebody the fans will identify as a big name (since Flair got it months ago) and Umaga does a good job of tearing him apart. I expected Nitro to interfere and Umaga gets the dirty win but winning by knockout (and three Samoa butt rams to the head) was pure genius. If Umaga was doing this 2 months ago I would've given him more of a chance. Still don't think he deserves the title though.

Cena beating Nitro. Predictable to say the least? Cena's got over a hundred wins and only 14 losses because WWE loves him so much. I wish he'd take a loss eventually and even better I wish they'd have Umaga butt ram him into a TKO.


Smash Lord
Feb 2, 2006
Predictable to say the least? Cena's got over a hundred wins and only 14 losses because WWE loves him so much.
I lol'd at this quote.

Degeneration X
Before Raw started I looked at the HHH vs Edge match and said... "I bet I can predict the ending of this match almost perfectly." HHH in contol, Orton/Kenny makes the run in causing a DQ, beat down on HHH McMahon until HBK comes in and saves. HHH brings out the sledgehammer and fights them off and DX looks superior for the 100th time. We all know the deal. And ok, Flair was indeed a surprise, but I was pretty darn close though.

Please end soon.

I am so glad they reunited. They were going NO WHERE as single competitors. But knowing the WWE, they will bury them with Cryme Tyme and then Haas and Benjamin will be sent back down to jobber status.. I'm just hoping it doesn't happen this way.

Cena won. Yippeee.

Victoria & Mickie James
I wanna see both of their psycho personalities go head to head. It's still weird seeing Mickie James normal. Please don't suck.

Yeah, most of this was covered in D.A.N.'s review anyways. So I will present to you, a blameful Vince McMahon.

As previously reported on ECW.com, Paul Heyman was sent packing by Vince McMahon on Monday afternoon, the day after ECW’s generally poorly received December To Dismember hit the airwaves.

The long-time creative force and face of ECW was technically the head writer of ECW, but like all of his peers he answered to and was edited by Vince McMahon. McMahon was always either somewhat or heavily editing Heyman’s scripts for ECW TV. The PPV on Sunday was said to be a collaborative effort, however it was heavily edited by McMahon even more than usual.

Several wrestlers were aware of Heyman’s original plans for the Elimination Chamber match, but by match time, they were given different plans from McMahon. McMahon made several changes late in the game, including Sabu being removed from the match, as well as CM Punk and RVD being eliminated so early. The reasoning behind this was so that people would be forced to cheer for Lashley.

While McMahon appeared to be satisfied with the results of the event at the end of the night, by the next day he was said to have realized how bad it was and that’s when the blame game begun. After a backstage meeting lead by Vince and Stephanie Mcmahon, Heyman left the arena without saying goodbye or announcing what happened to anyone. He immediately went to the airport and flew home.
He thought the show was good?! Hahaha.

*walks away* Oh hello TNA... Great PPV last night.

Samoa Joe vs Angle 1-1 for those wondering.
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