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World Wrestling Entertainment


Smash Journeyman
Oct 27, 2006
What I like about the feud is they are continuing with the "Umaga is NOT a Samoa Joe ripoff, but we will copy almost everything he does storyline-wise."

Angle vs. Joe > Cena vs. Umaga.
Dude, Samoa Joe himself said the idea of Umaga being a ripoff of him is ********.

and whos Monty Brown...
Monty Brown is one of the better wrestlers with the "WWE look." He's very muscular, but has five times the talent of Cena, Lashley, or Batista. And better mic skill as well. He's a good addition to WWE and should be on the RAW roster soon.

I doubt Umaga beats cena unfortunally, cause u kno wwe, theyll make cena the hero, beat any odds and get his *** whooped 97%of the match,but then does the cena combo:
knuckle shuffle
You forgot Shoulder Block, Belly to Belly Suplex. Hip Toss, Cradle Suplex, and he has more. I hate Cena, but get the move thing right.

Grrr, how can someone ambushing someone with a steel chair pull off looking strong?
Because when the head meets chair, the chair wins.


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
Did you guys order ECW's December to Dismember? I did just to see who was goin to win the Elimination Chamber match (the other matches were boring except MNM vs. the Hardys). If ya don't know, the winner was Bobby Lashley.


Smash Lord
Feb 2, 2006
I know Samoa Joe said that, but still, come on, don't you think that it's a bit too similar?

Big samoan men, Undefeated streaks, Samoa vs. Angle and the security brawls between them. Now the WWE has Cena and Umaga in a brawl with security involved? Angle broke joe's streak. cena's going to break umagas I bet.

*EDIT* Hey shade did you get a refund for that horrible excuse of a PPV? The only entertaining match was the hardyz vs. MNM


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
Nah your right bro, it was a sorry excuse for a PPV! Every other match (except the main event & MNM vs. The Hardys) basically suckd. To answer your question, I didn't get a refund, but atleast I didn't have to watch any commercials ya know what I'm sayin.


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2006
Monty Brown is one of the better wrestlers with the "WWE look." He's very muscular, but has five times the talent of Cena, Lashley, or Batista. And better mic skill as well. He's a good addition to WWE and should be on the RAW roster soon.
we shall see...

Uhh Who won vs the Undertaker? I didn't get to see :(
Huh? Taker v. Kenndy? Kenndy won thanks to outside help but got his *** beat down after that match lol


Smash Journeyman
Oct 27, 2006
I know Samoa Joe said that, but still, come on, don't you think that it's a bit too similar?

Big samoan men, Undefeated streaks, Samoa vs. Angle and the security brawls between them. Now the WWE has Cena and Umaga in a brawl with security involved? Angle broke joe's streak. cena's going to break umagas I bet.

*EDIT* Hey shade did you get a refund for that horrible excuse of a PPV? The only entertaining match was the hardyz vs. MNM
Security brawls are done all the time in fueds.

So they're Samoan. Big deal. Joe is a tough guy gimmick and more of a brawler/submissionist. Umaga has a monster gimmick and just brawls. Cena will probably break Umaga's streak but Umaga sure as hell isn't the pride and joy of WWE the way Joe is. I doubt WWE had Samoa Joe in mind when they thought the Umaga gimmick.

Did you guys order ECW's December to Dismember? I did just to see who was goin to win the Elimination Chamber match (the other matches were boring except MNM vs. the Hardys). If ya don't know, the winner was Bobby Lashley.
Yes. I thought it blew majorly. Aside from the chamber the PPV was less than the quality of a normal ECW episode.

Uhh Who won vs the Undertaker? I didn't get to see
Kennedy. Thank goodness too. Taker should be putting the youth over at this point in his career.


Smash Lord
Feb 2, 2006
I'm just saying... it was fishy. I mean, they aren't EXACTLY alike. But it's being presented like it is. Maybe it's just bad timing. Hell some people think cryme tyme is WWE's answer for LAX, and Lashley was the WWE's answer for Monty Brown. Maybe it's just timing though.

Taker really should be putting youth over at this point. Although I DO NOT want him to put Batista over, but that's the plan for Wrestlemania 23 at the moment. He's supposedly going to lose and have his streak broken by Batista. *sigh* It should have been Orton to break that streak.


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2006
Orton beating Taker would not set well with me...

Batista beating Taker at WM would be kinda weird dont know how they will set that up, and how the hell do u even knwo about that o_0


Smash Lord
Feb 2, 2006
EEvisu, just wait, you will see that I'm right. Unless their plan changes. But seeing as how Batista is Vince's sexual partner and all. I don't see the plan changing.

But dang I forgot to mention. WORLDS GREATEST TAG TEAM reunion. Crap I might just have to have faith in the tag team division again. Hardyz, MNM, and now WGTT? What's goin on here?


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
Do you guys think that da Phenom will ever be crowned World Heavyweight Champion ever again? I'm tired of him having disputes with pricks like Mr. Kennedy & Randy Orton!


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2006
EEvisu, just wait, you will see that I'm right. Unless their plan changes. But seeing as how Batista is Vince's sexual partner and all. I don't see the plan changing.

But dang I forgot to mention. WORLDS GREATEST TAG TEAM reunion. Crap I might just have to have faith in the tag team division again. Hardyz, MNM, and now WGTT? What's goin on here?
Okay then

and whats WGTT o_0
Do you guys think that da Phenom will ever be crowned World Heavyweight Champion ever again? I'm tired of him having disputes with pricks like Mr. Kennedy & Randy Orton!
I wondered that myself, it be cool if he did get the title atleast one last time before he retires...


Smash Lord
Feb 2, 2006
They gotta give it to taker one last time. He's one of the biggest superstars that the WWE has. I think maybe Batista might lose the title to him and then Taker will lose at Wrestlemania and give Batista the title. I don't know. It would be better if Taker had a long run though.

They are named the "World's Greatest Tag Team." It's Charlie Hass and Shelton Benjamin(sp?). You remember Team Angle? Yeah, that's them.

*EDIT* Here is an e-mail response from WWE regarding the terrible December to Dismember PPV:

Thank you for your recent email to WWE regarding ECW's December to Dismember. We are sorry to hear that you didn't enjoy the pay-per-view. WWE strives to deliver the most exciting action and storylines 52 weeks a year.

Your feedback has been forwarded to the creative team. Please continue to provide WWE feedback, as it is important to us. It's obvious from reading your email that you have a passion for WWE and ECW, and for that, we sincerely thank you.


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2006
Yeah I remember them, they were a good team eh

Lol @ email, standard reply to all of you haters haha they dont give a sh'it


Smash Lord
Feb 2, 2006
Cena does lose the title... and it stays off of him... for like a month.

I am not a hater. I'm just tired of super Cena. It seems like it was just last year when Edge was 1 month away from gaining the WWE title... and then dropping it a month later.


Smash Lord
Aug 27, 2006
Ending your game.
And thus we have our average viewer, who only looks at the wrestler's personality and not their actual skill in the ring. If everyone just walked out, wrestled, and left with no mic time, everyone would hate Cena and obviously prefer Edge over the two.


Smash Lord
Feb 2, 2006
He doesn't seem like a champ to you guys only because his credibility as a champion was damaged by two separate one month title runs. You gotta love a belt hogger. Cena's looking to be as annoying with the belt as HHH used to be.

Edge can perform great matches: TLC, Money in the bank, Ladder, Cage (I remember he did a top rope spear on either Jericho or Angle in this match, I forgot.)

Cena can perform.... matches... woooo hooooooo. Sure he was in a TLC, but who do you think carried the match and made Cena look good?.. exactly, it was edge. I'd definitely rather have Edge as champ then Cena or Batista..


Smash Journeyman
Oct 27, 2006
Cena is a great worker but he can't sell moves, his moveset is limited (no, not just five, but it's still limited), and his mic skills are very unnatural. Edge on the other hand has a variety of moves, and unique ones he's known for, that and being a great worker as well and having the ability to garner great heel heat with the fans. Edge is champ material, Cena isn't above IC/US status at best. However I don't like seeing any wrestler get the title so many times without paying their dues. Holding it for a long time is fine if they have, but consecutively isn't. At this rate Cena will have held the title more than The Undertaker before he ever turns 30, and he's only been wrestling about 4 years.

And thus we have our average viewer, who only looks at the wrestler's personality and not their actual skill in the ring. If everyone just walked out, wrestled, and left with no mic time, everyone would hate Cena and obviously prefer Edge over the two.
Indeed, but it would also be stale. I can't blame the marked out fans who choose the good guys. We were all like that once. But there comes a time to realize that the stuff is scripted and talent isn't based on wins or title runs.

Edge, doesn't seem to be champ material to me. Maybe, it's just me. I just think he's a joke as a champion.
Ouch. And your thoughts on Cena, Batista, and Lashley are...?


Smash Lord
Feb 2, 2006
It's hard to believe that Edge used to be so bland as a singles wrestler until the Lita thing came along. I just wish Christian was pushed as hard as Edge was pushed. Christian definitely had the charisma to shine.

D.A.N. I'm curious, what's your thoughts on TNA?

And I just watched some AJ Styles videos on youtube. And holy crap that man has talent.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Lol was interested in AJ styles right now when dibs mention him, indeed he has talent, now that guy would rock as wwe champion, and not some no talent wrestler than only does 6 moves...

Hey guys wanna talk to u about a wrestler right here in mexico, his name is Mistico, at 1st he doesnt look like much, just ur average luchador, but u guys gotta check him out, this guy has some talent, hes IMO a way better luchador than rey, no offense rey is awesome, still this guy is the pwnage in mexico: http://youtube.com/watch?v=5uzNYHOAvRk
Go check it out, wont take very long XD...


Smash Lord
Feb 2, 2006
Holy crap that video was awesome. Thanks for the link guy. I love watching high flying luchador type stuff. It's way more entertaining than most of what the wwe puts out. Mainly due to their restriction on high flying moves. That's why I love the x-division. TNA needs to really push the X-Division. It will get them more attention now that their on primetime too.


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2006
that vid was cool

Cena can perform.... matches... woooo hooooooo. Sure he was in a TLC, but who do you think carried the match and made Cena look good?.. exactly, it was edge. I'd definitely rather have Edge as champ then Cena or Batista..
there is much truth to that...


Smash Journeyman
Oct 27, 2006
Lol was interested in AJ styles right now when dibs mention him, indeed he has talent, now that guy would rock as wwe champion, and not some no talent wrestler than only does 6 moves...
Styles is good, but I don't know about main eventing. He doesn't exactly have the mic skill and charisma. But if based solely on ability, AJ is the man.

Hey guys wanna talk to u about a wrestler right here in mexico, his name is Mistico, at 1st he doesnt look like much, just ur average luchador, but u guys gotta check him out, this guy has some talent, hes IMO a way better luchador than rey, no offense rey is awesome, still this guy is the pwnage in mexico: http://youtube.com/watch?v=5uzNYHOAvRk
Go check it out, wont take very long XD...
Rey is good but let's face it, injuries have hurt his career. That guy is a great luchador. Props for the vid.

It's hard to believe that Edge used to be so bland as a singles wrestler until the Lita thing came along. I just wish Christian was pushed as hard as Edge was pushed. Christian definitely had the charisma to shine.
Agreed. Christian was main event material. I bet if he was 40 more lbs of muscle he would've had a title reign and a strong push.

D.A.N. I'm curious, what's your thoughts on TNA?
I like TNA. They pack a good amount of exciting, fast paced wrestling into a one hour show and the only thing that ever annoyed me was the waste of time bashing WWE. Sure, it's good to try and get them recognition, but at this point it's a bit much. VKM is really the one thing I could live without in TNA right now. I really like the way Joe/Angle is going (even if it's really only one more match) and I haven't heard any spoilers for the title match at Turning Point, but I think it would be great for Abyss to retain or even giving it to Christian.


Smash Lord
Feb 2, 2006
I actually think the Joe/Angle match was given to us too soon. I think the fans could have beared waiting for a slower buildup to the inevitable "match of the century" between them. Still an awesome match and feud though.

Styles is good, but I don't know about main eventing. He doesn't exactly have the mic skill and charisma. But if based solely on ability, AJ is the man.
Yeah, AJ has practically the same fault as Shelton. AMAZING in the ring, but can't cut a decent promo if his life depended on it.


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2006
Yeah, AJ has practically the same fault as Shelton. AMAZING in the ring, but can't cut a decent promo if his life depended on it.
Shelton was on fire till that whole mamas boy thing, I thought that was just lame >_>


Smash Journeyman
Oct 27, 2006
I actually think the Joe/Angle match was given to us too soon. I think the fans could have beared waiting for a slower buildup to the inevitable "match of the century" between them. Still an awesome match and feud though.
I do as well. TNA rushed Angle because he's such a big pickup for them. It kinda sucks that right before Angle beat TNA's undefeated guy he made Abyss, who would go on to win the title, tap out like a wimp. The whole Angle thing was rushed very much but it's still not really all bad.

Shelton was on fire till that whole mamas boy thing, I thought that was just lame >_>
Very true. But at least he had TV time then...
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