if you're going to take that attitude then i'm fine with that. i was under the impression that you were not 'one of those' progression players.
i think you seem to forget that i was also in a hardcore progression guild and i still think the people that ignore the rest of the game and only focus on 'we did it first' are what's wrong with mmos. unfortunately as long as mmos are there, there will be those kind of players.
games SHOULD be challenging and they should be engaging, but the players i'm talking about are like one of robert's friends: he was 50 in 2 days. he didn't even sleep. a lot of those people (and i mean a LOT) are complaining left and right because they did everything as fast as humanly possible and now they're pissed because there's not 7 years worth of content waiting for them.
as i've said before, i think leveling in swtor is a bit too easy (I haven't leveled an alt in WoW in about four years so WoW may be too easy by my standards too), but burning through the whole game while ignoring the actual story is kind of stupid. especially with a brand new game.
makes me wonder if they do the same with console games.
i don't understand the point of ignoring content ingame to be the first one to do everything.
i technically paid 15/mo to beta test wow too, i guess.
actually most of this problem could be solved by making the endgame significantly harder but then even more people would complain.
i'm not even saying that the game is amazing or anything. it's entertaining to me, but has glaring flaws. i'm just saying there's too many people giving it a bad rap because of stupid reasons rather than legit reasons. (you hear the people i was speaking about above complaining 'no endgame content' but not about people hacking and ruining pvp...i don't understand. at least the majority of complaints i've heard are like that)
legit reasons:
mirror classes not being mirrored
too easy (imo)
game feels incomplete
lots of bugs affecting gameplay, 90% of them being annoying and 10% of them affecting the way quests work/bugged npcs/etc. one flashpoint is apparently unplayable for me and robert together unless i do a bunch of unnecessary things to keep it from locking up the game.
no character transfer yet
companion stuff has issues
going through orbital stations is pretty annoying
no ui customization at all
mail system is buggy
graphic textures are kind of ... bad ... for it being 2012
edit: no combat log/etc
stupid reasons:
my *** looks big in this robe (no, really)
'not enough endgame content'
faction exclusive races (are you serious)
i rolled on a server that had no population and can't find people for groups
i rolled on a pvp server and get killed a lot
i don't want to do endgame content or pvp why can't i get welfare epics
no cross server lfg-lfr tool (i personally think when they implemented this in wow that they removed accountability for people being terrible/****heads, so you get terrible groups often. at least server wide you get a reputation for being terrible or a ****head with no cross-server crap)
i made choices i didn't like and didn't reset the quest or hit escape
i made evil choices and am upset that my character is evil
how dare you take the game down every week for patches
i bought a security key and have to enter it every time i want to access my account (yes. really. what the ****ing ****.)
"this isn't like swg"
people are jerks
no dps meters
___ npc is not exactly like i want him/her to be how dare you
i don't get a mount until -what- level?
i grouped with stupid people and they rolled need for companion gear
i grouped with stupid people and they ninja'd stuff that they can't use
i can't really address the issue with crafting because crafting has been awesome for me. both for making myself stuff and for selling stuff. so i dunno.