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Wings and Brew II: Chicken Teriyaki RESULTS


Smash Apprentice
Jan 22, 2009
Springfield, ohio
Only ppl that want MK banned r ppl that can't beat him.
Yes he is rly rly good but if u don't like it than play him.
I don't main MK amd I still don't wanna ban him. WooHoo GO Metaknight!!!!!!!! The ban is for cry babies!! =)


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2007
Athens, OH
1: AlphaZealot-i had a blast great tournament keep it up^^youre too much fun xD
1: Quivo-TL beasts as always and always amazed by what you pull off lol
1: Infern-springfields bank!!lol
1: Capem-youre results lately have not gone down at all youre only getting better from here on=D and you have one amazing dollar >.>
5: Lou-great talking to you as always and nice diddy counter on my little ICs =D and a BIG thank you to you and nope for driving us to the impound lot!!!
5: ArgentStew-i was watching the match between you and sin and that lucario is SCARY sry to hear about you not feeling good =(
5: Overswarm-nice talking to you, grats on 1st and great job in picking the draft crew team altho next time try and keep quinn from being on the other team!!!!!
9: Mars-great friendlies very solid snake pun intended=p
9: Tyr-i was learning the lucas matchup as we played it and your lucas is sick! keep it up but bowser wont be so easygoing next time =)
9: Champ-LOL had blast just hanging out, ya gotta learn to buy drinks like a MAN
9: ParanormalSin-youre bad
13: Baro-fun friendlies, the finishing knee for the game made me smile =D
13: TheKeist-it was great talking to you and the match up data was verry interesting, such a clutch swallow on me you definitely deserved that seed after pulling that out of nowhere LOL
13: Zach-nice chatting with you we ll have to get some more in next time your mk is coming along great
13: The Jerk-first time we actually got to talk and have some friendlies altho next time we l have more than boozer dittos XD
17: Katon-great talking to as always, looking forward to this weekend=D and lol quinn is not to be underestimated!!
17: Wakka-LOL@GETTINGTOWEDANDBEINGBAD, dont suicide from fortress ever again and play on your CPs once in awhile you had no idea what was going on XD
21: Sil-was a crazy night eh(i know you wont read this LOL
21: Nest-good friendlies youre a really cool guy and that ZSS was eating bowser alive until you had that suicide=( learn that diddy matchup hes everyhere!!!!
21: Upa-UPADADOOPITY hope to see you at a future WaB!
21: Fromundaman-nice chatting as always=) and good friendlies that mario was quite the surprise like you said haha
25: Quinn-my true rival theres no telling how our match wouldve ended if you had another stock O.O
26.No Parking-WTF? the only sign was three stories up and so faded the only thing on it we could read was the NO and a phone number took us 10mins to even find it>.> no biggie tho had the money and a way to get you so it works out dont plan on seeing you ever againXD


Smash Apprentice
Apr 18, 2007
Buckeye Lake, OH
Riddler doesn't even know what character he's playing until 3-2-1-GO! :p I'd like to see you two play each other one day if both of ya are ever at the same venue...
Argent, I've been waiting for that day, it would be a battle of epic proportions! Hopefully we'll get to the same one someday!


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2008
Reston, VA
once that meta is banned.
I'm on the fence about MK... I hate facing him, but I know how to beat him (despite the fact that I haven't done a lot of it lately)... I think a lot of people are just tired of seeing him all the time... IMO, if I ever feel I need to switch to MK to be effective or even pick him up as my secondary (which I've changed like 10 times since draft crews at Nope's) then and only then will I jump on the ban-wagon... Unless something happens that makes me think otherwise of course...

For those of you who think anyone can be effective with MK, I never once lost to PK Fire... :p Sucks that he went back to Texas... :ohwell:


Smash Apprentice
May 27, 2008
Central Ohio
Only ppl that want MK banned r ppl that can't beat him.
Yes he is rly rly good but if u don't like it than play him.
I don't main MK amd I still don't wanna ban him. WooHoo GO Metaknight!!!!!!!! The ban is for cry babies!! =)

Oh, I know how to beat him.

Just gotta pick MK.


Henshin a go-go Baby!
Sep 26, 2008
Miamisburg, OH
Shoutout time:

1: AlphaZealot: Great job running the tourny and GGs! Thanks for being one of the few to play on PTAD. Your Diddy is insane. Any chance you can show me some Diddy tricks next time (didn't get time to ask this time.)
1: Quivo: GJ getting 3rd. I would have lost a dollar to you, but I only learned you were there after I left...
1: Infern: GGs. Turns out that one time I did okay on Pirate Ship was a fluke after all :laugh: I look forward to losing another dollar to you again next time!
1: Capem: GJ on 4th. It's incredible how much you've improved since I first met you! GGs and I look forward to playing you again, hopefully without the moral-crushing SD this time.
5: Mr.E: Oh how I hate that robot... Great ROB, PT, and every other charater you destroyed me with.
5: Lou: Glad to have finally gotten to play you. Arg, why did you have to second Diddy though? GGs, and I hope to play against you again.
5: ArgentStew: Thanks for the ride. Hopefully you'll be more energized next time. We both know you can do better!
5: Overswarm: GJ on first. Did you really have to pick up Marth though, of all characters...? GGs regardless, and stop SDing on the first match of all our sets!
9: Mars: I think we only did friendlies. I want to play you again though. I need to get my revenge.
9: Tyr: Sure, Mario vs Lucas MM again at the next tourny?
9: Champ: Good Falco. I need to learn that matchup. Hopefully I'll be able to get more than just a single game against you next time though.
9: ParanormalSin: Grah! I hate Oli. As for Kirby vs Oli... I dunno... It's said to be fairly close to even, but when I played Hilt, I just couldn't get through the pivot grabs. Also, lol @ our match on JJ.
13: Baro: GGs, it was fun playing against you. I definitely need IC practice. Oh, and remember to fear the Ganon!
13: TheKeist: Another Kirby main? I need to get some games in with you sometime.
13: Zach: Didn't get to play you sadly.
13: The Jerk: All random is awesome. All random MM next time? (Also, I need to get some friendlies in vs Zelda, because I obviously don't know the matchup.
17: Katon: Did I play you?
17: Wakka: Fun games. Yeah, nobody seems to know Mario at all. Bowser dittos next time too? I need to learn to use him better.
17: Schwa: Ugh... Marth... I need to take my revenge against him too.... when I find a decent counter...
17: Hence: I'm really disappointed to have lost to a ZSS. No offense, but Paradigm's ZSS isn't as bad as you seem to think, and after the amount of experience I've had against him, I really didn't think I would lose to you. Also, PS1 has a lot more for Kirby than what you saw. I choked pretty hard... I had another free stock opportunity in that game I didn't react fast enough to take advantage of. Still... Great ZSS, and I look forward to playying you again. MM at the next one?
21: Sil: Fun games, and thanks for the advice. Also, you had some pretty epic Falcon kills.
21: Nest: Did I play you this time around?
21: Upa: Don't think I played you.
21: Fromundaman/BUFU: Wow... You suck... Stop being so inconsistent and play well for an entire match/set!
25: Quinn: lol @ the giant heavy slow metal matches.
25: Dlaw: You played really well for someone who hasn't played in months.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 22, 2009
Springfield, ohio
Ur right u beat my falco argent goodjob. Fact of the matter is who put u out??? Me? Yeah I am one to talk MK isn't unbeatable ask Tyr he stompped my MK.


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2008
Reston, VA
I'm only messing with ya, Champ... I like how people dragged it out though... (Thanks, all! LOL! :chuckle:)


I'm on the fence about MK... I hate facing him, but I know how to beat him (despite the fact that I haven't done a lot of it lately)...
I'll be ready next time...


Smash Champion
Mar 4, 2008
Metaknight can either be played legitimately or really annoyingly gay. I have no problem with the former. The latter is just poor sportsmanship which is the individual's choice. Just don't expect people to like you very much if you play like a ******.


Smash Ace
Dec 7, 2008
Metaknight can either be played legitimately or really annoyingly gay. I have no problem with the former. The latter is just poor sportsmanship which is the individual's choice. Just don't expect people to like you very much if you play like a ******.
Don't use the "N Word" that way, Tyr. :(


Smash Champion
Mar 10, 2008
Worthington, Ohio
Doubles are going up tonight.

Pools tomorrow. Hopefully Singles too.

Everything should be up by Sunday.
Shoutouts after I get off of work tomorrow morning.


Smash Champion
Mar 10, 2008
Worthington, Ohio

Pools are being uploaded now.
You can subcribe to our channel or the Wings and Brew 2 Playlist:

Finally... Shout outs...

1: AlphaZealot - Nice TOurnament as always. We'll have to play more during the week now that you really know where I live.

1: Quivo - I'm almsot starting to get the hang of your TL... maybe... prolly not...

1: Infern - Finally got to play you. Good stuff

1: Capem - RUH ROH!!! NO MORE MK!!! LOLZ!!! Fun night too.

5: Mr.E - Beep, whistle, Beep.

5: Lou - 3 times in one day... too much G&W for me.

5: ArgentStew - I don't think I've played you yet. Needs to happen.

5: Overswarm - Just had to come to our local tourne and steal our money...

9: Mars - I'm going to have to play your snake more. It's very different from POPS'

9: Tyr - Excellent Lucas! I did get one of our matches online. I think I have a money match too.

9: Champ - That bird needs a cage. So did you that night!

9: ParanormalSin - Olie' er uh Olimar got better. Think its time for a rematch

13: Baro - IC Icee.

13: TheKeist -
You’re the best!
Nothing’s gonna ever keep you down
You’re the Best!
Nothing’s gonna ever keep you down
You’re the Best!
Nothing’s gonna ever keep you dow-ow-ow-ow-own

13: Zach - You have improved way too fast. Well done.

13: The Jerk - Liked my idea of Mirroring being your Alt?

17: Katon - The rivalry continues...

17: Wakka - Sorry about Bowser and your car... I hope the car thing didn't ruin your time

17: Schwa - I gots me some data. Next Friendly at Katon's!

17: Hence - Sorry about Doubles. We should have played one beforehand.

21: Sil - Didn't get to see you play much. This will have to change.

21: Nest - Keep on going with that Zero Suit. She can definetly give Kirby problems.

21: Upa - Sorry we didn't ge to play our friendlies due to me helping AZ out.

21: Fromundaman - Kirby dittos eh... Ask Katon what happens after a Kirby ditto...

25: Quinn - You will soon be famous. Videos coming soon!

25: Dlaw - I didn't get a chance to play you. Hope to see you at the next event!

Also as for those sheets....

Those sheets are something Schwaa came up with to collect real data on match ups. We want to see if the Midwest/Ohio matches up with the theoretical match ups.

The sheets work like pools. Go down to the character's name that won, then go to the right until you find the character that lost.
PM me if you want to help out!

Sorry I won't be at the next wings and brew... Peace out!


Smash Ace
Dec 7, 2008
13: TheKeist -
You’re the best!
Nothing’s gonna ever keep you down
You’re the Best!
Nothing’s gonna ever keep you down
You’re the Best!
Nothing’s gonna ever keep you dow-ow-ow-ow-own
Non-Jigglypuff mainers can't listen to the Jigglypuff Anthem, sorry. :(


Henshin a go-go Baby!
Sep 26, 2008
Miamisburg, OH
Thanks for the vids Keist! Any chance MMs will get uploaded later too?

Also, OS, I forgot about that FS kill you got on me in that second match. That was awesome!

Arg... watching those, it's getting apparent I'm picking up my old bad habits again...


Smash Champion
Mar 10, 2008
Worthington, Ohio
He does.

But he's doing it by showing how cheap he is by winning tournaments without having to practice playing as Meta Knight.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Metaknight can either be played legitimately or really annoyingly gay. I have no problem with the former. The latter is just poor sportsmanship which is the individual's choice. Just don't expect people to like you very much if you play like a ******.
stop telling people my playstyle >:[
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